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Ride To The Edge (Lucifer's Saints MC) (Rough Riders MC Series Book 4)

Page 18

by Selene Chardou

  That’s where the White Knights made their money but Jake lived on the outskirts of Lake Tahoe in a decent home, a nice neighborhood and a place where he could blend in as just a family man. It was working class but people looked out for one another and he knew all his neighbors. They knew his children, and they’d even gotten to know me.

  However it was that little shit, Brooklyn, who could never quite trust me. Carly Landers seemed too good to be true, and perhaps she was. I’d made her more of a caricature of myself when I should have been doing some of the best acting of my life. I should have been harder, tougher, stronger, and had a Plan B in place just in case everything else failed but I didn’t.

  Hence the predicament I found myself in now.

  I couldn’t stand the stench of the mattress any longer and moved myself back into a sitting position on my numb ass while I rested my head up against the wall behind me. I was coming down off the Oxycontin they’d doped me up with and the withdrawal was a son of a bitch. The mattress was filthy now but wait until I started to detox. It was already slithering through my veins as my body broke out into a cold sweat that had me burning up yet freezing at the same time. I banged my head against the wall in frustration and cried out.

  The door to the bedroom opened and I glanced over to see Brooklyn sidle in while Jake walked several steps behind him. His gorgeous blue eyes failed to meet mine while he kept his stare at his brother’s back.

  Brooklyn was a fucking sadist but I suppose Jake still had some feelings for me because there were things even he couldn’t make himself do. He had hurt me—don’t get me wrong—but his was methodical, psychological, and emotional.

  “Looks like someone needs a little medicine, doesn’t she?” Brooklyn grinned, his blond locks grown out and pulled into a ponytail while he wore only a five o’clock shadow.

  All the members had gotten rid of beards. If they kept facial hair, it was either a goatee or a five o’clock shadow. They’d changed their appearances and now looked like grunge rockers from some reject nineties band.

  However one thing neither Brooklyn nor Jake could change were those arctic, ice-blue eyes. I didn’t understand how Jake had ended up with them at all with Brad being his biological father but one glance at Stella and I knew because she had them too. Unlike her late old man’s ice-blue eyes, hers had striations of silver gray and Jake had inherited them. Brooklyn had the Decker ice-blue eyes though and they were enough to make my blood run cold.

  He backhanded me across the face. “I asked you a question, bitch. Are you ready for your medicine or not?”

  I looked down at body on display and realized though I should have been ashamed of being nude in front of them, I was more worried about the life growing inside of me. What was I doing to him or her? However, if I started going through detox, it probably wouldn’t matter anyway because I’d probably have a miscarriage.

  I nodded my head wordlessly as Brooklyn grabbed me and sat me forward on the dirty mattress. My feet touched the ground and the cramps seizing through my battered body eased up the moment he stuck the needle in a blue vein he found easily on my arm, pulled back to make sure blood flowed into the needle before he injected the drug inside me.

  I sighed and closed my eyes, my chapped lips parted as my tongue slid over them.

  Brooklyn grabbed me by the nape of the neck and whispered in my ear. “How do you wanna pay, little Miss FBI agent? You want my cock in your mouth or your pussy?”

  I allowed my eyes to slide open and glanced over at Jake who met my gaze coldly. I arched one of my eyebrows as I twisted my mouth into a smile.

  “I want you to fuck me. Jake shouldn’t be the only one to enjoy this fresh piece of pussy, should he?”

  “Fuck yeah.” Brooklyn began to undo his pants as he chanced a look over his shoulder. “You sure you wanna stay for the show, bro?”

  “Sure,” I interrupted. “Let him stay, let him watch you fuck me. I want him to see what he’s reduced me to—the woman he used to love above all others.”

  The coldness in Jake’s eyes disappeared for a moment before it appeared again. He couldn’t look away from me nor could I look away from him, not even while his brother untied my ankles, spread my legs open and began to fondle me.

  “Fuck, bro, her pussy is tight. You mean you let this get away again ‘cause you found out she was an agent? We coulda used her to get back some of the brothers.”

  “That would have never happened, Brooklyn, and you know it. Besides, it wouldn’t have brought back Sheryl. She meant the world to me before this duplicitous bitch came along and made me fall for her charms. She made me believe we had something worth fighting for . . . something that was real.”

  “It was real, you son of a bitch!” I shouted. “You’re just to chicken shit to admit it in front of your bro. So, what? You wanna whore me out? You wanna watch while your brother fucks me? Make a drug-addicted, cum bucket out of me? Go ahead because you aren’t really hurting me—you’re hurting yourself.”

  “What does that mean?” His voice was almost too soft to heard.

  I ignored him as Brooklyn slid on a condom, pushed me down on the mattress, spread my legs and entered me roughly. “Fuckin’ A—that’s prime pussy right there. I can feel her walls clench around my cock.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Jake yelled this time.

  I dealt with the low moans from his brother as he fucked me like he was starring in his own personal porno.

  “Because I’m pregnant.” My eyes never left his as I continued, “and the baby is yours.”

  Coming September, 2016

  Freaky, kinky, unconventional.

  Fascinated with the unique and underexplored, psychologically obsessed with the human psyche, and stories that can be both romantic but push the buttons past a reader’s comfort zone. “I want readers to think, and if any part of my story is left with them after they finish one of my novels, or novellas then I have done my job.”

  The worst rating SE Chardou can think of a reader giving her is “Meh.” Love her novels or hate them but at least she has had the satisfaction of knowing she made a reader feel something—anything other than numb—while they were reading her books.

  SE Chardou enjoys living right next door to Hell, also known as the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area, which is pretty toasty especially in the late spring, all of summer and early autumn. She has two daughters who are six and a half years apart so beside author, she also works as referee, counselor, part-time maid and taxi driver.

  An avid reader herself, she enjoys big five published authors, hybrid authors like herself, and indie authors. She daydreams a lot about what her next book will be about, and brushes up on her very rusty French at least a few times a week.


  Instagram: @sechardou

  Facebook Author Page

  Twitter: @ellechardou




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