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Sheltering Reagan

Page 4

by Avery Gale

  Tally followed her Master to the bar and felt a rush of heat when she realized who they were meeting. She’d been introduced to Kodi’s brother at her wedding, but they’d never gotten past polite greetings. Scrambling to pull information from her memory, Tally recalled Koi Meadows had been a Navy SEAL before switching to the CIA. When she’d asked Kodi how she felt about the change, her friend had sighed as tears filled her dark eyes. “While he was a SEAL, I never knew where he was or when he’d be back. But at least I took some comfort in the fact he was fighting as part of a group of soldiers. Once he switched to the Agency, I reasoned his enemies might fewer, but they’d be sneakier. Never let it be said I can’t rationalize with the best of them.”

  While Tally saw numerous holes in Kodi’s reasoning, she hadn’t pointed them out. It was clearly a coping mechanism for her sweet friend, and who was Tally to burst her bubble? By the time they stopped in front of Koi, he was already standing. His dark gaze focused so fiercely on her she could have sworn she felt the heat, and he hadn’t even touched her.

  “What was going through your mind between here and the door, ma poupée?” My little doll? Well, there were certainly worse things he could call her. But what the hell happened to hello? “Tally? Even though this is a casual meeting, we’re still in a BDSM club. Answer my question.” The command in his voice wasn’t sharp, nor had it been accompanied by anything other than a steely determination to get the answer.

  “I was thinking about a conversation I had with your sister. I’d asked her if she worried more when you were a SEAL or after you went to work for the Agency. Her explanation surprised me.” She could tell by his startled expression that she’d surprised him. Good. You want to forego social niceties, like a greeting, you deserve to be surprised by blatant honesty.

  The seconds ticked by as he studied her, and she returned his stare. Meet and greet, my ass. This is going to turn into a power struggle of the first order if I don’t contain it. When she finally dropped her gaze, Tally heard Karl’s soft chuckle. “Pet, I believe your worries might have been premature. It seems Master Koi and Master Landon may be more alike than I assumed.” The man standing in front of her might not hear the relief in her husband’s voice, but it was there.

  Tally kept her eyes downcast until Koi used his fingers to lift her chin. “Look at me, ma poupée.” His dark eyes were softer now than they’d been seconds ago. And Tally could see the same tenderness in them she often saw in Kodi’s when she watched Nate and Taz. “When you left the other side of the room, your expression was filled with anticipation. But it was obvious the instant you realized who you were meeting because your eyes clouded and you looked like you’d fallen into a sad memory. That’s not an emotion I want to see in your eyes, Tally. If things work out as I hope they will, my role will be to enrich your life, not weigh it down.”

  She felt herself relax and was grateful he’d taken time to explain his concern. Pulling in a deep breath, Tally took a few seconds to put her thoughts in order before giving him a tentative smile. Exhaling, she shifted her focus to Karl. “I hope we can begin again. I feel like I’ve ruined the evening you’d planned.”

  “How did you ruin it, pet? By searching that brilliant mind of yours for information about the man you’d been told you were going to meet?” His cajoling tone made her smile.

  “Hey, big brother. Tally looked a little shell-shocked a minute ago. What did you do?” Kodi stepped up next to her brother and pulled him down to press a kiss against his tan cheek.

  “Ayasha, don’t stir up trouble.” Nate’s deep voice sounded over Tally’s shoulder, making her jump. “Sorry, sweetness, but my lovely wife will take full advantage of the fact we’re hosting a vanilla party if I don’t watch her. And poking her brother is one of her favorite pastimes. We’ll never convince him to join our team if she doesn’t lighten up.”

  Glancing back at the woman many considered her coconspirator, Tally giggled at the faux look of innocence on her face. Koi watched his sister, affection shining bright in his dark eyes. “Kodi, that look hasn’t worked on me since you used it to get out of the first day of kindergarten. Damn, Mom and Dad were mad I took you to school with me instead of leaving you off at the grade school.”

  “They shouldn’t have grounded you. You were being a sweet big brother.”

  “I was being a gullible big brother. Being stuck at home for two weeks gave me plenty of time to watch you work your magic on Mom and Dad, mon coeur.”

  Kodi melted against her brother and whispered, “You’re my heart, too, brother mine. You’ll always be the first man I loved.” Tally watched the interaction with a mixture of awe and envy. What she wouldn’t have given to have a brother who adored her like Koi did Kodi.

  “Whatever. As long as my brother and I are the last men you love, it’s all good.” Nate pulled Kodi back to his side and shook Koi’s hand. “Welcome back, Koi. Enjoy the party. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  After the Ledeks walked away, Koi returned his attention to her. “I like this expression much better, ma poupée. Let’s get something to drink and find a quiet place to talk.” Tally felt Karl’s hand press against her lower back, the tips of his fingers grazing the crack of her ass and reminding her how little she was wearing. The dress was conservative as far as club wear was concerned, but it would be scandalous at the D.C. parties that were such an integral part of her husband’s world. Tally was fully aware the time was rapidly approaching when she was going to be asked to move back to the east coast, but she intended to stall as long as possible.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she picked up her margarita and let Karl and Koi lead her to one of the more secluded seating arrangements. She suddenly realized how much she was looking forward to seeing where this evening led.

  Chapter Five

  Reagan felt his piercing gaze before she saw him across the room. Rafe Newell’s focus on her was even more intense inside the club than during dinner. Kodi Ledek nudged her and whispered, “Damn, girl. Master Rafe lasered in on you the minute we stepped through the door. Holy hell fire, that’s one hot man.”

  Savannah laughed from Reagan’s other side. “I hear a book bubbling to the surface. Don’t tell her anything you don’t want distributed to the masses, Reagan.”

  “Hey! I’m not that bad…usually.”

  “Always.” Reagan found herself laughing at the two friends as they squabbled good naturedly between themselves. She hadn’t had any close friends since graduating from college and was surprised how much she’d missed the easy camaraderie that came from shared experiences.

  “We had dinner together, and he’s letting me sleep in his…” Reagan stopped abruptly when she realized the other two women were no longer walking beside her. Turning, she found them staring at her as if she’d just sprouted another head. “What?”

  Savannah leaned close to Kodi, but didn’t bother to lower her voice. “Is she really that clueless?”

  “I’m wondering if she isn’t a plant. Maybe an actress studying for a role and my husbands didn’t tell me.”

  “Maybe, but why didn’t she start here right away instead of wasting all that time at the airport?”

  “Good point. No clue.”

  Savannah sighed. “She seems bright, but I’ve been fooled before.”

  Reagan had finally heard enough and burst out laughing at the two wannabe comedians standing in front of her. “What? He just didn’t want me to stay in my apartment because the furnace isn’t working.”

  Kodi rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Like we don’t have any spare bedrooms.”

  Savannah giggled before adding, “A couple of them might even be upstairs in your suite.”

  “Wench. You aren’t supposed be thinking about anything but your Master.”

  “You are exactly right, Kodi.” One of Landon Nixon’s arms encircled his new bride as his other hand turned her chin so he could kiss her. When he finally released her, Savannah’s entire body almost shimmered…as if electrified. Reaga
n couldn’t turn away from the intimacy. That. That’s exactly what I want. Someone who looks at me the way he does her.

  Reagan felt Rafe’s warmth before he spoke. How had she known it was him? Her mind hadn’t worked it through before his voice floated over her shoulder. “Are you all right, Peach? You seemed a million miles away just now.” Without thinking, she turned toward him and sucked in a breath when his lips brushed her own. Leaping leprechauns, how did he get so close without me realizing he was here?

  She’d have been embarrassed if she hadn’t seen the flare of desire darken his eyes. Pulling in a calming breath, she nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’m fine. I was just watching the newlyweds…” She didn’t finish the thought. Anything she could have said would have sounded sappy.

  “Finish it, Peach. No hiding.” When she dropped her gaze, a low rumble that sounded a lot like a growl reverberated from his chest. Using his fingers under her chin, Rafe brought her face back up until she was forced to meet his gaze. “Talk to me, Reagan. Be brave. Take a chance.”

  How long had it been since she’d trusted someone enough to be completely transparent? At one time, she’d been an open book, but her experience in Texas had changed her in too many ways to count. The attack had been a huge factor, but the fallout afterward had been more devastating than any of the physical injuries. He didn’t ask again, but he didn’t let her turn away, either.

  “I was thinking how wonderful it must be to share such a close connection.” She closed her eyes when his hands framed her face, his thumbs brushing over her cheeks. The soothing touch helped steady her, and despite the fact they were surrounded by other people, everyone else had faded to the background.

  “Thank you, Peach. Your honesty is gift, and I know that was hard for you to admit. But let me assure you, I envy their connection as well. The depth and intensity of D/s relationships is one of my favorite aspects of the lifestyle.” He gave her a few minutes to just breathe, but when she gave him a small smile, he nodded as if he understood she was ready to move on.

  “Come on. I want to enjoy the party before you start working.” She was relieved to step back from the heat of the moment. It wasn’t wise to fall for a man she’d basically just met. Not to mention the fact he hadn’t seen her scars yet. She’d only gone to lunch with one man since she’d moved to Montana, and it turned out he’d wanted to sell her life insurance. Oh yes, indeed, that was a big boost for a girl’s ego.

  Walking among the club’s members as a guest was a strange feeling. Reagan lost herself for a moment while Rafe spoke to a small group of Dungeon Monitors. They were discussing club business, but she’d zoned out when they closed ranks and started speaking quietly among themselves. When she absently reached for a couple of empty glasses set on a small table, Rafe’s hand closed over her wrist. “No, Reagan. You aren’t working, baby. I’m sorry I left you alone so long. Obviously, my social skills are a bit rusty. Come.”

  Rafe couldn’t believe he’d gotten so lost in conversation with the Dungeon Monitors he’d abandoned Reagan. When he’d seen her unconsciously reach for the glasses, he’d moved to intercept. Damn, he felt like a first-class prick. It had taken him weeks to get up the courage to ask her to dinner, and then he left her to her own devices until she resorted to clean-up duty. He could only imagine what his mother or sister would say—and none of the words running through his head were anything pleasant.

  Leading her to the side of the room, Rafe kept her wrist shackled in his hand and was encouraged by the small tremor he felt move through her. After talking with Nate, he’d wondered if she’d ever consent to any form of bondage, but her reaction gave him hope. Rafe wasn’t a rope master, but he couldn’t imagine having a submissive who rejected all forms of bondage. Securing a sub to a St. Andrew’s cross or spanking bench was not only part of his kink, it was also for their safety. Too much movement could cause the Dominant to misjudge the distance, landing a blow much harder than he or she had intended.

  When he reached one of the few shadowed alcoves around the room that would afford them a small semblance of privacy, he pulled her in front of him. With her back to the room, she’d be forced to focus on him. “I’m sorry.” She blinked at him in surprise before her eyes went glassy with unshed tears.

  “Don’t be. I should have stayed closer and not been daydreaming. But when you all closed ranks in that little circle, I felt like I was eavesdropping.” She took a shuddering breath before continuing. “I haven’t been to many social functions since…well, for a long time. And the only time I’ve been to the club, aside from working, was when I was first interviewed for the job.”

  “And then I insisted we come early so we can spend some time together, extending our date, and promptly leave you alone. Great first date impression I’m making.” His last words were barely audible, but the softening of the lines around her mouth told him she’d heard his self-disparaging remark. “I have a thousand questions I’d like to ask you, but I’m going to pick and choose in the interest of time.”

  For a second, he thought she was going to back away from him. There’d been a flash of hesitance bordering on fear in her eyes that nearly made him revise his plan. But the old adage advising “begin as you intend to go” moved through his mind, and Rafe decided to stay the course.

  “First, I want you to tell me one thing about what happened in Texas.” When she gasped, he wrapped his hand around the base of her skull. “I’m not asking for the full story now. I just want you to share one thing that comes to mind. In my line of work, I often deal with survivors of trauma, and I’ve learned each piece of information they share makes it easier to let go of the next bit. And I want to start that process with you. You are worth it, baby.”

  Her eyes were glassy again, but her whispered thanks spoke volumes. “I figured Master Nate would tell you. I suppose he had to. I read about triggers in an erotic romance novel. Not much I can do about that, I guess. Damn, I was hoping to avoid this…at least for a while. Suck it up and spit it out, Reagan.”

  Rafe smiled at her revealing self-talk. “Just one thing, Peach.”

  “The worst part was the betrayal by the staff who was supposed to protect me.”

  Rafe struggled to hide his surprise. He’d expected any number of responses—fear for her life, pain, or nightmares, just to name a few. But the fact she’d first thought of the betrayal by those charged with her safety was as shocking as it was enlightening.

  Pulling her close, Rafe wrapped his arms around her in a reassuring hug. “You amaze me, Peach. Your answer makes perfect sense, but I must admit it wasn’t what I expected. I’m honored that you trusted me enough to answer so honestly.” Honored was a monumental understatement. “Your response tells me a lot about you, and I’m damned impressed with what I heard.”

  He released her and put just enough space between them so he could look into her eyes. “Last question, then we’ll dance. Tell me there isn’t another man in your life I’m going to have to push aside.”

  Reagan smiled and shook her head. “No. I wouldn’t have agreed to go to dinner with you if I was seeing someone else. I’m sure you can tell from my answer to your first question…loyalty is a huge issue for me.”

  He leaned his head forward until their foreheads were touching. “Perfect. I’m happy to know I don’t have to start looking for places to hide a body. Messy.”

  “Very. And difficult to explain to your friends when you call them in the middle of the night asking for plastic bags, duct tape, and shovels.”

  Rafe laughed out loud and turned to walk the short distance to the dance floor. He rarely danced at the club, because the music they usually played didn’t lend itself well to the type of dancing he preferred. His grandmother’s voice drifted through his mind. “It’s not dancing if you aren’t holding a woman in your arms, Rafe. Kids now days don’t know anything about romance.” Vowing to honor her memory, Rafe pulled Reagan into his arms and led her around the large dance floor in a slow waltz. He sent up silent tha
nks for his grandmother’s insistence he learn ballroom dancing. It hadn’t felt like a gift at the time, but he was reaping the benefits now.

  “Are you interested in learning more about Dominance and submission, Reagan?” He’d leaned close so his words brushed over the shell of her ear. Her shudder was an answer, but he waited patiently for her to verbally respond—and didn’t have to wait long.

  “Yes, Sir.” Her answer made his cock tighten in need, and he was sure she felt it jerk against her stomach.

  “I’d like to introduce you to the lifestyle, Peach. We’ll discuss it further after you get off work. For now, I want to hold you close. I’ve wanted you in my arms for a long time.” Her quick inhalation let him know he’d surprised her. Good. People surprise me all the damned time.

  Chapter Six

  Reagan leaned against the wall in the storage room and sighed. She’d worked all day at the cargo company, eaten dinner with Rafe, discovered her apartment was only fit for a friggin’ penguin, and danced for almost two hours. Then she’d switched gears and started working the second shift of the Nixons’ party. Things were winding down, but she’d needed a minute to catch her breath before the next wave of toasts was completed. The more this crew drank, the more relaxed they were becoming with protocol, which had already been toned down because it was a celebration rather than a play party.


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