HIS VIRGIN VESSEL: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (War Cry MC)

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HIS VIRGIN VESSEL: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (War Cry MC) Page 5

by Nicole Fox

  Asa stood back up. "Thank you for reminding me. We were in the middle of something, weren't we?"

  He dropped my top to the floor and used his foot to spread it out, giving me something to kneel on. By now I was so powerfully aroused that I didn't hesitate. Perhaps I had never done this before, but I could learn on the job. So to speak ...

  Dropping to my knees, I found myself face to face with the enormous bulge that had dominated my thoughts ever since I first felt it. I was sure I saw it moving before my eyes, pulsing with desire. With trembling fingers, I undid Asa's belt. Every sensation seemed heightened. I was oddly aware of the texture of the leather belt between my fingers, the sound of the zip descending, the fiercely masculine scent that seemed to hit me as I opened his pants.

  I reached in through the opening and yet again found myself stifling a gasp. I might have been inexperienced, but I was not ignorant. I knew what size a man was supposed to be. But Asa ... I couldn't even get my hand around it. My eyes bulged as I drew Asa out into the light afforded by the single bulb hanging above us in the storage closet. Truth be told, it had me a bit worried. This was no longer like learning to drive in a racing car; this was like learning to drive in a Saturn Five rocket. But I had stuck to my confident, bad girl persona up till now, and I wasn't giving up on it. I looked up at Asa with what I hoped was a cocky grin.

  "Well, that ought to do the job."

  Asa shrugged. "I'm glad you approve. Now, why don't you two get better acquainted?"

  And, to my surprise, I couldn't wait. Ever since I had touched it, all my concerns and inhibitions had evaporated. Holding it in my hand it felt comforting and friendly, like a new pet. Nothing that felt that good could hurt me. I didn't want to be afraid if it. I wanted to play with it, to kiss it, to love it. I wasn't worried about my lack of experience. I could get by on instinct, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do. Without a qualm, I planted a big kiss on the head, making Asa chuckle.

  "You're one hell of a girl."

  "You ain't felt nothing yet."

  "I'm counting on it."

  For the next five minutes, I made good on that brag. Given what he had already done for me, I felt a certain responsibility to make him feel good, and judging by the gasps and grunts coming from above as I licked, lapped, nibbled, kissed, sucked, stroked and pumped on his healthy organ, I succeeded. And it wasn't just Asa who was enjoying himself. I had always thought that this was something men got a kick out of and women just tolerated. I had never dreamed it could be so satisfying, I had never imagined that it could taste so good, or that just the taste of that hot flesh in my mouth would give me such a ripple of pleasure.

  I could have kept going all evening, so much was I enjoying my new-found skill for oral manipulation, but then I felt Asa's hands on me, guiding me back to my feet and forcing me to reluctantly let him slip from my eager mouth.

  "Easy, girl, or this isn't going to end the way either of us want it to."

  He kissed me, and I secretly thrilled in the fact that he was so willing to do so, just as I had been earlier.

  "You really are a bit special."

  I beamed in pure happiness. My hands found their way back to his strong length, and it pulsed eagerly in my grip, desperate to continue. But Asa seemed in no immediate hurry. His hands skimmed across my body, reveling in my skin, exploring my curves as if he needed to know every inch of me intimately before he could really set about pleasuring me. Wherever his fingers traced, I felt tremors of pleasure following like the wake of a ship, as if his touch was hardwired to the pleasure centers of my brain. How much more could this man do to me? So far, he had done everything and all that remained was my virginity, now his for the taking.

  I squeezed hard at his excited organ. "Please, don't make me wait."

  He kissed me once more, his tongue slipping into my mouth and answering me in a way that words never could.

  Gently he nudged me backwards, till I was perched on a small table that sat against the wall. Instinctively, I raised a leg and placed my foot against one of the shelves opposite. My breath was now coming in short gasps as Asa maneuvered into position. Would he sense my inexperience now? Or the slight anxiety that had suddenly crept back in as I felt him pressing against my most intimate area?

  "Give it to me, baby," I urged, as much to give myself confidence as to fool Asa. I had made up my mind. This was what I wanted, this was who I wanted, and this was how it was going to happen.

  "OH!" This time my hands were too busy clamping, white-knuckled onto the table edge to shut off my sharp cry.

  He was in me. Not all of him, not nearly all, in fact. But he was in me. I was a virgin no longer. And again, my mind exploded.

  "Did you go off already?" asked Asa, a little proud, I thought.

  Our eyes met. Whether he sensed some reticence in me, or was just responding to my tightness, I couldn't say, but Asa forced nothing. He gently pressed in, then withdrew, then a little more, then out again, forging a little further with each thrust, stretching me as he went, preparing me for what was to come.

  I had been wrong. I had thought that a man like Asa, a man to whom God had been so over-generous in the pants department, would be entirely the wrong one to lose my virginity to. But, although there might have been men who were easier for me to take, there were none who could have done it better. He was gentle but firm, not treating me like I was made of glass, but treating me like a woman.

  I moaned as his hips nestled up close to mine. I had him all. There were girls who went their whole life without knowing what it was like to be this full, and I had gotten lucky the first time. I moaned once more as Asa began to pull out, then back in again, stroking slowly in and out of me. I had closed my eyes, but now opened them, and our gazes locked as tightly as our loins. The intensity of his stare burned through me, and I clung to him, one hand on the back of his head, keeping his gaze focused on me, the other on his stroking hips. I could feel the delicious muscles moving beneath his skin as he pushed into me, drawing whimpers from me at every stroke.

  Although I had no sphere of comparison, I was still sure that I had gotten extremely lucky with Asa. He was an incredible lover. At first, he went slow, mastering his own need with extraordinary self-control, then, as I became more accustomed to his girth and his path became slicker and easier, he began to speed up. As I crested yet another orgasm, he stopped, holding me teetering on the edge before ramming home harder than before and pushing me into my hottest climax of the night so far.

  And he was far from done. I lost track of time as Asa coaxed me again and again to orgasm, putting his own desire aside to pleasure me, keeping himself in check. Sometimes he was slow and tender, others quick and light, and sometimes he pinned me to the table and thrust into me so roughly that I was forced once again to cover my mouth. I loved it all, every second, every heartbeat. I had dreamed of this moment so often, but I had never dreamed that it might be like this.

  Gradually, Asa became more urgent in his movements. He had tremendous control over his fabulous body, but no man could go forever, and I found myself urging him on.

  "Do it! Do it! Now!"

  He had given me such impossible pleasure tonight, that I wanted to give him the same, and I wanted to ride that rollercoaster one more time myself.

  Asa gasped and clutched my ass cheeks, pulling me tightly against him as he buried himself in me one more time. I felt his virile member swell and pulse in my tight sheath. He was coming inside me, and just the thought of it was enough to send me over the top one more glorious time. My head lolled backwards, my mouth hung open in a soundless shriek, and I clasped my strong lover to me. He had not taken my virginity, he had obliterated it in the most perfect way imaginable.

  A wash of sensation flowed over and through me, and I found myself suddenly quite emotional in the turbulence of the moment. I had waited a long time for this, and it had been worth the wait. But it felt like a door had been opened, through which I had passed, and life would never be q
uite the same again.

  Chapter Six


  As I recovered from one of the most intense orgasms of my life, I pulled back from Corinne and saw the tears glistening in her eyes. At first I wondered if I had hurt her, but we had been going for a long while, and there had been no sign of that before. Then, all of a sudden, a whole lot of things seemed to fall into place in my mind. I had been so attracted to Corinne, so eager for this to happen, even while acknowledging that it probably shouldn't, that I hadn't really been thinking clearly. The things she had been saying and the way she had been behaving, throwing herself at me in such an obvious way, weren't the acts of an experienced girl. They were the acts of a girl who wanted to seem experienced. How tentative she had been at first. How tight she had been when I entered her. And now the tears. A horrible realization came over me.


  She looked up at me, wiping tears from her face. "I cry after sex sometimes. Don't know why."

  "Was this your first time?"

  She looked down for a moment. It was hard to say if she was embarrassed, upset, or what. But when she looked up again, it was with a big grin on her face. "Yeah. Sorry if I misled you a bit, but," the grin widened, "that was incredible! I can't imagine a better way to ..."

  "You silly little girl." I pulled out of her and began to get dressed again.

  "What?" The look on her face suddenly seemed insecure. "Wasn't it good for you? I mean for me it was ... I just assumed."

  "It was fine." I shrugged. It had been a great deal better than fine. It had been sex of an intensity and intimacy that I had never shared with another person, but I wasn't about to tell her that. "It was sex."

  "Then ..."

  "A girl like you. .." I fought for words. "This isn't how it should happen. You get that moment once in your life, and it shouldn't be with a guy like me in the storage closet of a dive bar!"

  "Why not?" Corinne asked, hotly flushed. "I wanted it to be with you, and I don't care where it happened."

  "You wanted it to be with me?" I scoffed sarcastically.

  "I like you. You're cool. You don't care what people think."

  I picked her clothes up off the floor and threw them at her. "You see what you want to see. You see a bad boy. Which is just the fantasy of a little brat who doesn't know shit about the real world."

  "I know more than you ..."

  "Do you know what I was doing at your father's?"

  Corinne said nothing, clutching her clothes to her chest like a shield.

  "I was going to break in."


  She knew it was true, but didn't want to admit it. That was the trouble with girls like that. They wanted a 'bad boy,' but only to a limited value of 'bad.’ "Yes. He raided a tattoo parlor where I hang out and got hold of a book with my client list in it."

  "Client list?"

  "People I sell hooch to. People who pay my gang for protection. You know what happens to them if they don't pay?" Corinne wouldn't meet my gaze. "That's right. They regret it. That's who you just gave your virginity to."

  Corinne looked pouty and defiant. "I still don't regret it."

  "That's because you're a dumb kid."

  "No, that's because it was amazing."

  "Everyone thinks their first time is amazing." That was a lie you could only get away with telling someone as inexperienced as Corinne. No one thought their first time was amazing. It was usually a horrifying, clumsy mess that neither party much enjoyed. For all that it had been a mistake, I was actually a little proud that I had made Corinne's first time a bit special. The truth was, she was right. It had been amazing. A virgin had no right to be that good or that natural. But I guess the two of us just fit.

  "You don't have to be this, you know," said Corinne quietly.


  "I mean, there are jobs you could get. Then maybe you and I could ..."

  I laughed out loud. "You think there are employers lining up for ex-gang members? Besides, who says I want to change?"

  "But you ..."

  "I like what I do."

  Corinne wasn't giving up yet. "Well, I suppose we could still find a way to ..."

  "Even if I didn't like what I do," I interrupted her, "I wouldn't be changing it for you."

  Corinne looked hurt. Which was good. She needed to hear this.

  "I'm sure this was deep and meaningful for you, because it always is the first time. But it's not my first time, and for me, it was just sex. I'm not saying it wasn't fun, but no more than that. I'm sorry, and if I'd known it was your first, I wouldn't have let you go through with it, but that's the way it is. You're a pretty girl, with a kick-ass body, and, yeah, I might have let myself get a bit carried away because I was hot for you. Put it down to lust. Nothing wrong with lust—as I think we can both testify—but it doesn't last. It burns out. Get your clothes on."

  Corinne listened to all this blank-faced and then, without a word, began to get dressed, pulling her top back over her head and wiggling her little ass back into her panties.

  I watched a lot more closely than I should have. The girl really was incredibly sexy. It was not just that she was pretty, hot, or young. There was something else about her—an indefinable quality of sexuality that made me want to throw her to the ground and start again.

  But then, even when we were having sex, there had been something more. I had no idea how many women I'd been with. The great thing about casual sex was that you could have a different partner every night of the week and no one worried. It was like how city-types played squash. But, in all those women, I’de never felt anything remotely comparable to what I felt with Corinne. I didn't think the sex itself was any better than with most girls, but there was something else between us, something that went beyond the physical. I didn't even think that sex could go beyond the physical, but it turned out it could, and when it did, it made the sex like nothing you'd ever known. It was like there was a whole other layer of sex above what I'd been having all these years that I'd never even known about. But you needed the right person to unlock it.

  What might it be like to be in a relationship with someone like Corinne? For all that I liked to keep it casual, I'd had a few serious partners (call them girlfriends) over the years, but all of them came from my world. Corinne had no place there. And yet, while she didn't fit into my world, she strangely did fit me. It wasn't just her physical attributes that attracted me so strongly, I found myself actually rather liking her. She was sharp, and she was funny. God knew she had courage. She stood up to me and to her father. She saw what she wanted, she went after it, and she got it. She might be a kid, but she was a strong one. What might it be like?

  Brief. That was what it would be like. She was still Corinne Dugas, and even if she left her family behind, I would still be dragging this decent girl down into my world. It would destroy her. Given the start I'd had in life, I was always going to end up here. But Corinne had a chance at a real life, if she could just get past her silly little rebel phase. I wasn't going to rob her of that. Even if a part of me wanted her more than I had ever wanted anything.

  Corinne pushed her skirt down from around her hips where I had pulled it up earlier and smoothed it down into something almost presentable.

  "It wasn't just lust, you know."

  "Maybe not for you, but ..."

  "Not for you either." She looked at me defiantly. "You say what you like, but I know ..."

  "It was your first time. You don't know shit."

  Corinne met my gaze. "I may not be sexually experienced, but I am a very experienced liar. You can't fool me, Mr. Covert. Shall we go?"

  Chapter Seven


  I thought I landed a pretty telling final blow there. There was nothing Asa could say that would convince me that this had been nothing but lust-fueled sex.

  Actually, that was a lie. I was terrified that it had been nothing but lust-fueled sex, for him at least. For me it had been special. It had been life-changi
ng. It had been ... well there was another word beginning with 'L' that was making its presence felt in my mind. Was I feeling all this just because I was the silly little virgin (now ex-virgin), ready to fall in love with the first man to penetrate her? I didn't want to believe it, and I hoped I sounded more confident than I felt.

  Asa said nothing in reply, but shouldered his way past me to the door. The storeroom was in the back of the bar, hopefully insulated against any who might be listening in. As Asa stepped back out into the main bar, I heard someone shout.

  "That's him! Don't let him get away."

  Asa tensed to run, but, with me behind him, he had no real options. A pair of men I recognized grabbed Asa by the arms.

  "Asa Covert, I am arresting you on charges of ... Corinne ...?"


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