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Mountain Billionaire

Page 75

by Eva Luxe

  She smiled a knowing smile. It made me wonder if she knew more than she was letting on. Maybe she did. But, of course, she wasn’t going to tell me, and I certainly wasn’t going to ask.

  “I love you, mom,” was all that I said, smiling back at her. No matter what was going on in my life, she had always had this magical way of saying just the right words at the right time and making me feel better.

  I went back to my room, feeling a little bit better about things.

  When I looked at my phone and saw that I’d missed a call from Kurt’s assistant, my heart sank all over again. I guess Kurt felt the same way that I did, that there was no sense in prolonging the inevitable.

  I saw that there was a voicemail, so I dialed and listened.

  “Hello, Dana. This is Alyssa, Mr. Robert’s personal assistant. If you could give me a call right away, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.”

  I still didn’t know what direction the call was going to go in, but I decided to call her back to find out.

  She picked up the phone after the second ring.

  “Hello, Alyssa speaking.”

  “Hi, Alyssa. This is Dana. I’m returning your call.” My voice was shaky, and I hoped that she didn’t notice. I prepared myself for the worst.

  “Oh, hi! I’m so glad that you called me back right away. I know that a lot has happened, and we want to extend our sincerest apologies for the way that your job started here with us. I know that you just got home but Mr. Roberts was wondering: how soon will you be able to get on a plane?

  My heart skipped a beat. My mother had been right. I wasn’t being fired, after all.

  “As soon as possible,” I said.

  “Great. Also, Mr. Roberts wanted to make sure that you had his personal cell phone number and asked me to have you call him right away.”

  “OK,” I said, eager to take down his number and even more eager to hear his voice. When she gave me his number, we quickly said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.

  My legs felt rubbery underneath me, like they would give out at any moment. I sat down to give myself a moment to soak in what had just happened. So, at the very least, I wasn’t being fired. That was a good thing. But, the question that still remained: what did that mean about Kurt and I’s relationship? knew that there was only one way to find out.

  I dialed his number and each ring felt like it went on forever. I felt like my throat was going to close as I tried to swallow. I didn’t know what he was going to say and, even more, I didn’t know what I was going to say to him, either.


  “Hey, Kurt. It’s Dana.”

  There was an uncomfortable silence. I’m not sure how long it really lasted, but it felt like forever.

  “Oh, hey, Dana,” he said, finally, sounding genuinely happy to hear from me. “I’m so glad that you called. I was wondering if you could meet me at the airport tomorrow morning at 6 a.m.

  I hadn’t expected that he would be wanting to get back in the air so soon, especially with me and after the week that we’d had.

  “Tomorrow?” I asked him. “That’s Christmas day.”

  “I know. By the way, can you bring Scott along with you?” Another unexpected request.

  “Um, actually, it might be easier to let him stay here with my parents. But, I would be happy to meet you at the airport tomorrow myself.”

  His voice got very low and serious.

  “Dana, just trust me. Please be there with Scott in the morning.”

  I didn’t understand what Kurt was up to, but I was willing to go along with it if it meant me keeping my job. Not to mention, hopefully, our relationship.

  Now, to try explaining things to my parents, especially after the conversation that I’d just had with my mother. I walked slowly to the kitchen, where my mother was finishing up breakfast and putting it on the table.

  “Um, I’ve got some news.”

  “Good news, I hope?”

  “Well, I guess so. I just talked to my boss and he wants me to work tomorrow morning.”

  “Wow, Dana! See? I told you that he would understand, and everything would work out. That is definitely good news.

  “And there’s something else.” My mother stopped dead in her tracks and stared at me, waiting for me to speak.

  “He wants me to bring Scott with me.” I could see my mother’s whole body stiffen.


  I shook my head and shrugged.

  “I’m not too sure, actually. But, he insisted that I bring him. And since it’s Christmas day, I’m not about to be separated from him, anyway.”

  My mother was still hesitant, so I said, “I’m sure that it will be fine,” in a feeble attempt to calm her fears.

  “If you think that that’s what’s best, I’m not going to stop you. But, for the record, I would just like to say that I don’t think that it’s such a good idea.”

  “I understand, mom. But, like you said, everything will be OK.” I spoke with more confidence than I really felt inside. I had so many questions myself and even outside of the professional aspect of our relationship that still needed to be worked out, there was our personal relationship that was in shambles and needed to be hammered out.

  My mother slammed the rest of the food onto the table and ran off to get Scott’s suitcase ready. She was visibly upset, but she was trying to hold it in.

  Before bed, she knocked softly on my door and told me that she was leaving his suitcase by the door. She also wished for me to have a safe trip and told me that she wasn’t going to be seeing us off in the morning. She wanted us to have a good Christmas.

  The entire time that she talked, I could tell that she was holding back tears. I felt terrible, like I was responsible for how she was feeling. I wished that there was something that I could say to her that would make her feel better.

  The next morning, I sprung out of bed at the first sound of my alarm. I was anxious to get to the airport. I loaded a sleepy Scott into the car along with both of our suitcases.

  “Merry Christmas!” I told him. “I promise we’ll open all your gifts from Santa soon.”

  He was too out of it to even really ask any questions and fell right back to sleep once we had been driving for a few minutes. At least I didn’t feel too bad about ruining his Christmas morning, considering it hadn’t even started yet.

  When we got to the airport, I was met by Alyssa, who was on the phone. She was actually on two phones and she was barking orders back and forth between both of them. When she saw me, she hung up both phones and rushed toward me.

  “Oh, good! You’re here. Mr. Roberts is already on the plane. You can leave your luggage with me and I’ll take care of it.” She spun on her heels and answered the phones as they began chiming.

  I turned to face a now awakened Scott who just stood there like a deer in headlights, looking to me for some sort of explanation. I offered none and beckoned for him to follow me as I walked toward the plane.

  Once on board, I was greeted by a sight that I hadn’t expected to see.

  Kurt was sitting with a little girl by his side.

  Standing and moving in my direction, he said, “Dana, it’s so good to see you. I would like for you to meet my daughter, Olivia.”

  My mouth opened and closed as I struggled to find my voice.

  “Hello,” said Olivia, getting up and extending her hand in my direction. I couldn’t help but smile. She was truly her father’s daughter. He stood next to her, beaming proudly.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Olivia,” I said, shaking her extended hand. “And this is Scott.”

  Scott stared awkwardly at the floor, not bothering to greet either one of them.

  “Hello, Scott,” said Kurt. “I’ve heard a lot about you. All good things, of course.” He winked playfully at Scott. Scott smiled. I could tell that he liked Kurt, despite his shyness.

  “So, where are we going?” I asked, eager to start getting some answers to my questions.

p; Smiling like the cat who ate the canary, Kurt said, “I wanted to go back to where it all started for us, to the place where I found the woman that I have spent a lifetime looking for.” I didn’t dare breathe. I couldn’t believe what he was saying to me.

  Coming closer and clasping his hands around mine, he asked, “I would love to have you in my world, to have you be the center of my world. That is, if you want to be a part of it.” My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. Was I dreaming? Was this really happening?

  “Well? What do you say?” He shifted back and forth, nervously, waiting for my answer.

  “Kurt, honestly, I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.”

  He sighed and pretended to wipe sweat from his brow.

  “You had me worried there for a minute.” He let out an uncomfortable laugh.

  “I am so happy that you called,” I continued. “Kurt, I am so in love with you.”

  We shared a passionate kiss, holding onto each other for dear life.

  “We are now preparing for takeoff. All passengers should find their seats.”

  We buckled ourselves into our seats and held hands for the entire flight.

  The flight seemed so short. Before I knew it, we were back at the cabin. Our happy hostess squealed with delight when she saw us.

  Welcome back! I didn’t think I’d be seeing you so soon, but I’m glad that you’re back. And you brought guests!”

  We walked into the cabin and no sooner than the front door closed, Kurt started pulling me in the direction of the room that we shared. Once we got to the room, Kurt closed the door, scooped me up in his arms, and growled.

  “We have some unfinished business to attend to and I’m not going to wait another minute.”

  “Kurt,” I said, in protest. “We can’t just leave the kids out there with complete strangers.”

  Undressing himself, he said, “Oh, Maggie isn’t a stranger. They will be fine. I cannot wait another minute to feel you.”

  The way that he said it made me feel hot all over. I wanted him, too.

  He came over to the bed and pressed his body against mine.

  “I love you, Dana.” Words that I had been dying to hear for so long. “Merry Christmas.”

  “I love you, too,” I said, tears filing my eyes. “Merry Christmas.”

  He took out a condom and put it on, and all the while I waited with anticipation. He entered me with such ease, slowly pushing his hardened dick head into my pussy, inch by inch. I let out a soft moan, welcoming his familiar thickness into me. He was trembling, trying to control himself. He began to pant.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. The words penetrated my fog and touched a part of me that I hadn’t realized was there. Something broke inside of me and I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. Stroking me gently, he kept repeating, “I’m sorry,” landing kisses all over my cheeks, giving no heed to the tears that continued to fall.

  When I came, it was powerful, yet seemed to build very slowly. The waves of my orgasm washed over me, making my whole body seize like I had been struck with electricity.

  “Now that we’re here and we’ve made up, we need to get to that unfinished business,” he said. “I told you I was going to take your asshole as mine. And I meant it.”

  He put me on my hands and knees. Then he slipped a finger into my asshole and wiggled it around. It pulsated as I squeezed it against his finger.

  “I’ve actually never done that,” I told him.

  “Well, there’s a first time for everything,” he said. “And you’re going to do what I ask and give me your anal virginity, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” I told him, nodding, loving to play the submissive role that he and I had begun and continued up until now.

  He took off the condom and pushed his naked cock inside me, gently, but it still hurt, and I arched my back closer to him. He kept pushing, until he had slid all the way inside me, and I relaxed some. It didn’t hurt as badly, now. In fact, it felt rather good.

  “Do you like when my cock fills up your asshole?” he asked me.

  “Yes,” I told him, moaning gently.

  His raw cock slid in and out of me, filling up my asshole, claiming every part of me as his own. I loved the way it filled me up to the brim. He reached around and played with my clit as he continued thrusting his cock in and out of me. We had a good rhythm together now and I relaxed and enjoyed it.

  “I’m gonna cum in your asshole,” he said. “I’ll fill up your hole with my cum and then I’ll watch you squeeze it out of you like a creampie.”

  “Yes, sir,” I told him, willing to do anything he wanted, and loving the idea. His fingers circling my clit were going to make me cum right along with him.

  I felt him throb and pulsate inside me and then he said, “Dana, I’m coming. I’m shooting my load into your asshole now.”

  “Mmmm,” I moaned, as I came too, while he came inside me for the first time ever.

  I put my head down on my hands and he spread my ass wide so he could see his own wad of cum inside me.

  “Now be my good girl and push out my cum with your tight little asshole,” he said, spanking my ass, once, twice, leaving welts that I didn’t even care about, except to like them because they marked me as his.

  “Yes, sir,” I told him, letting his cum dribble out, squeezing it so that he could get a good view of my asshole spread wide for him and his sweet stickiness sliding out of it.

  “Hell yeah,” he said, reaching down and picking up some of his cum with his fingers. Then he inserted two of them back into my asshole and said, “I’ve claimed all of you and you’re mine, forever. Not just when we’re here in this cabin but always. Because you’re going to be my wife, and this is the best Christmas present ever.”

  “It sure is,” I told him.

  “Truth or dare?” he asked me, smiling.

  “Truth. I think I’ll change things up again.”

  “Do you want to be my plaything forever?” he asked me. “Not just while we are stranded together, but as long as we both choose to?”

  “Yes,” I told him. “Of course.”

  Then I collapsed onto the bed and he joined me, only briefly, because we had to get up and get the kids and celebrate Christmas with them. Our new little family.

  “I love you, Dana,” Kurt said, over and over.

  We both laid there, feeling the love radiate.

  It was then that I knew that we were going to get our chance at a true happily ever after.

  Epilogue – Dana

  “Oh my goodness! You look so beautiful!” My mother stood in the doorway of the room where I stood, staring at my reflection in the big mirror in front of me. The white dress with embroidered lace seemed to shimmer as the sunlight hit it just right, making it look like I was draped in diamonds from head to toe.

  “Thank you, mother,” I said, smiling. “Is everything OK?”

  “Everything is perfect, sweetheart. The only thing left for you to do now is to walk down that aisle and into the arms of the man that you love.” Her voice trembled, and she beamed proudly. She walked over to where I stood, put her hands on my shoulders, and turned me around to face her. Her eyes searched mine.

  “I am so proud and happy for you. I see the way that you and Kurt are together, and it makes my heart glad. I wasn’t so sure the first time that you got married that it was the right thing, but I know that everything happens for a reason.”

  “Mom! You can’t be doing this to me! If I cry, my makeup will be ruined!” I started fanning my eyes furiously, willing the tears that were beginning to well up not to fall.

  “I’m sorry!” My mother and I shared a hearty laugh.

  “You ready?” A head peeked around the corner. It was Todd, our master of ceremonies.

  Giving myself one final look in the mirror, I smiled and answered, “I am.”

  I walked toward the sanctuary of the church, the heavy train of my dress dragging behind me. When I appeared in the doo
rway, I could feel everyone in the room gasp collectively. Classical music began to play. All eyes were on me.

  But my eyes were fixed directly on Kurt, my soon-to-be husband who was standing at the altar, his face overcome by emotion. He didn’t even try to hide his admiration for me.

  The ceremony began. Olivia stood next to me, my maid of honor, and Scott stood next to Kurt, his best man. We all held hands as we listened to the minister speak and remind us of how we should always love, honor, and respect each other.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Kurt didn’t hesitate to lean in and kiss me, dipping me backward until my head almost touched the floor. He swept me up off the ground and carried me out of the church like he had won a prize.

  Our reception was beautiful, and we had so much fun. We danced the night away.

  When it was time to leave, my mother took Olivia and Scott home. Kurt and I headed to the airport. We were going to Hawaii for two weeks.

  “We did it, Mrs. Roberts,” said Kurt, opening a bottle of champagne that had been chilled on the plane awaiting our arrival.

  “Yes, we did,” I said, looking proudly at my husband.

  After the plane took off and we were flying smoothly, Kurt began to unbuckle his seatbelt and started groping me.

  “Kurt, what are you doing?” I laughed.

  “About to make love to my wife,” he said.


  “Why not?”

  I couldn’t think of a good reason not to. He helped me out of my dress, laid it in the aisle of the airplane, and gently laid me on top of it.

  Licking his fingers, he carefully inserted them into my pussy, slowly at first and then faster. I pumped to match the movement of his hand until I covered his fingers in my hot, sticky cum. Unbuckling his pants, he fished out his dick and slid it into my creamy, still throbbing pussy.

  He didn’t bother to put on a condom. He never did, these days, since we’d decided our children needed a sibling. I was so glad Olivia was doing better in school, and Scott had adjusted to having a new father, even though, of course, Kurt could never replace his real father.


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