The Pursuit of Mrs. Pennyworth
Page 20
Yes. She’d felt the tingles and jolts whenever they touched. She was experienced enough to recognize the desire that sizzled between them, but innocent enough to question the suddenness of their attraction.
Elliot viewed her with chagrin. “I would love more than anything to scoop you into my arms and carry you upstairs in a most gallant manner, but alas, I only have one good arm.”
“It matters not. The servants would be scandalized if you did so.” She wrestled back into her dress, with Elliot assisting as best he could with his limited abilities. She turned to leave the room, and he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back. He kissed her first with his eyes, then very slowly, his head descended and his mouth covered hers, gently, and thoughtfully.
He ran his finger down her cheek. “You go first, have Bridget prepare you for bed. I will join you when she comes down.”
Could she be so bold as to make herself ready for a lover? Yes. She was a woman grown, not a maiden, and had enjoyed her husband’s attentions, even though she’d always thought there should have been more.
She smiled. “I will see you upstairs.” With her head held high, she waltzed from the room, her heart thudding with every step she took up the stairs.
Once Bridget had helped her out of her clothes and into the prettiest nightgown and dressing gown she owned—with a smirk on her face, which told Charlotte her maid knew what she was up to—she brushed her hair until it shone, then left her.
After the door closed, she began to have doubts. She was looking forward to following the natural course of events that came from the desire she’d been feeling for weeks. On the other hand, she was taking a risk. Certainly, with her body, for she could become pregnant. But also with her heart. She was not the type of woman who could lie with a man and not have strong feelings.
She paced her room, waiting for Elliot to join her, vacillating between sending him away, or pulling him through the door by his necktie. Standing by the window, viewing the mist and darkness, her attention was drawn by a scratch at her bedchamber door. This was the moment. Either she would act on her desires like an adult, or cower like a young maiden and tell him she’d changed her mind.
She crossed the room, still not sure what to do. Elliot turned the latch and entered the room. He stopped and just stared at her. “I will never forget how you look at this moment.” He came toward her, the smile on his face making her blush. No one had ever looked at her that way.
Elliot brushed the hair back from her forehead. “You have not changed your mind, I hope.”
Had he seen the hesitation in her eyes? As if to be sure, he dipped his head to look into her downcast eyes. “Sweetheart? If you are unsure, just say so, and I will leave.”
“No, don’t leave.” She licked her dry lips and reached out and grabbed his arm. “It’s just that I’m a bit…”
He grinned and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Nervous? Truthfully, so am I.”
Her eyes grew wide. “Indeed? I thought men were never nervous about such things.”
“They are when it is the first time with a woman who is special.” His lips rested against her temple as he spoke.
“Am I special?”
“Oh, yes. Very special.”
He thought her special? Or was that something he said to every woman he bedded?
Elliot leaned back and smiled at her. “Stop thinking.”
“Whatever it is you’re thinking, just stop.” He kissed her, gently at first, and then with more hunger, leaving her mouth burning, aching for more, as he sprinkled kisses over her neck, jaw, and the sensitive skin under her ear. “Climb into bed, and I will join you.”
Charlotte shrugged out of her dressing grown, then crawled onto the bed and tucked her feet under her bottom as she watched him. He continued to stare at her as he untied the sling holding his injured arm.
“Should you do that?”
“Yes. The injury is still a bit sore, but I don’t need the sling all the time. And, for what I have planned for you, my sweet, I will need both hands.”
A blush rose to her cheeks, making her feel foolish. After all, she’d been married before. But, perhaps whatever it was Elliot had planned for her would be something different. She shivered in anticipation.
He then proceeded to remove his necktie, vest, and shirt. Whether he took his time because of the pain, or to provide her with a show, she didn’t know, or care. Her heart sped, her senses caught up in the view of his body as he uncovered his chest. She’d seen his upper body before, when she’d tended to him, but he’d been lying down, and fighting pain. Now he was all golden-skinned male, muscular, and not looking at all like the patient she’d nursed.
Unconsciously, she licked her lips, until Elliot growled, “Sweetheart, don’t do that.”
Elliot removed his boots and stockings, and then climbed onto the bed, leaving on his pants. The bed dipped with his weight, causing Charlotte to slide over, bumping into his hip. Gently, he used both hands this time to cup her face and kiss her lips. The slight pain in his arm at the movement was well worth the feel of her warm, plush lips under his.
Although he did not consider himself any sort of a rake, he’d had his share of women over the years, but never had he felt this intense compulsion to have a particular woman underneath him, to hear her cries as he entered her body, feel the warmth and moistness surround his cock, and milk it dry. To own her, mark her as his, and his alone. He ran his fingers through her silky hair, loving the feel of it, and the flowery scent that drifted from the golden locks.
Unable to wait any longer, he unbuttoned the front of her nightgown, spreading the flaps, revealing her deep cherry nipples, already tightened and begging for his mouth. He pushed the gown off her shoulders, allowing the material to puddle into her lap. Gently, his hand outlined the circle of her breast, his fingers trembling as he skimmed his thumb over the taut nipple, eliciting a gasp from Charlotte. “Do you like that?” His voice was a hoarse whisper,
She nodded, again biting her lip. Almost shy, even though she’d been married. Her initial reluctance faded as he leaned in, and covered her lips with his. His gentle kiss turned into something hard and searching, frantic and possessive, as his arm encircled her body, and he tugged her to his chest. Flesh-to-flesh. His lips continued to explore her delicate ivory skin as he seared a path down her neck to her shoulders.
Hesitantly, she placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned back, granting him access to her breasts, which he took advantage of, pulling the pouting nipple into his mouth, biting lightly, then suckling, until he felt her shift to lie down on the bed.
He stopped her. “Let’s get rid of the rest of these clothes.” Inch by inch, to avoid as much pain as he could, he pulled the nightgown off her slim body. To his surprise and delight, she unbuttoned his pants, and slid them down, taking his knickers with them.
He took his time to study her in the light from the oil lamp as he ran his palm over her curves. “You are so beautiful you take my breath away.” Sliding down, he gathered her into his arms and kissed her with the reverence and care this first joining between them deserved. She tasted of sweetness and woman. He could spend hours just kissing her, but he’d waited too long for this to not continue onto its desperately needed conclusion.
Moving his hand from her waist, he kneaded her breast, while his thumb brushed back and forth over her nipple. Her light moans, and the tightening of her fingers on his shoulders stirred him further. He moved his head down, and drew her breast into his mouth, suckling, smiling against her silky skin as she pushed herself closer.
Elliot took her hand and placed it on his cock. “I ache to feel your hands on me.”
“I want to touch you, too. Your thing feels so soft and hard at the same time.”
He choked, holding back a laugh. “My thing?”
She dipped her head. “Well, I don’t know what to call it.”
Lord, she sou
nded like an untried miss, and everything protective and male in him rose to the surface, overwhelming him with tenderness. Raising her chin with his knuckle, he peered into her eyes. “Cock.”
“Cock.” She said it softly, as if she wasn’t sure it was a word she wanted to add to her vocabulary.
Hearing the word never before uttered from her lips tightened every muscle he possessed, his cock growing dangerously close to spilling into her hand.
“Cock.” She squeezed it and said it again, a gentle smile on her lips.
Her grip was gentle at first, then she grew bolder, squeezing, sliding her hand up and down, her thumb teasing the tip where a drop of liquid had escaped. Not wanting to discourage her newfound boldness, he gritted his teeth until he thought his jaw would snap. Finally, his forehead beaded with sweat, he took her hand to place it on his shoulder. “That is about all I can take, sweetheart.”
He shifted his mouth to give attention to her other breast, and slid his hand from her hip to the warm folds between her legs. He grunted with male satisfaction to find her swollen and moist.
At his whispered command, she parted her legs. His fingers circled her flesh, the sound of his strokes, and the scent of her arousal, driving him further. At this rate, he would burst long before he slid inside her. Not one to take his pleasure before his lover, he increased his attentions to her center. “Sweetheart, does that feel good? What do you like? Tell me how I can help you reach a climax.”
He stopped. “Yes, your woman’s pleasure?”
She shook her head.
“An orgasm?”
When she continued to study him, her brow furrowed, he realized she had no idea what he was talking about. Both disgusted with her deceased husband for neglecting her needs, but at the same time, elated to be the one to show her the true pleasure of lovemaking, he said, “Trust me, my sweet.”
He returned his mouth to her breast and grazed her nipple with his teeth, then suckled again, hard. She moaned and wrapped he hands around his neck, her fingernails digging into his flesh. Slowly, he left her breast and kissed his way down her body, using his fingers to continue plucking her nipples. Easing down, he lingered in spots to nip and soothe her skin. His tongue dipped into her belly button, licking, sucking at her skin.
He glanced up, catching her staring down at him, her eyes wide as he moved even lower until his chin brushed the top of the golden curls nestled above her feminine sweetness. “Trust me, sweeting, let me worship you here.”
He spread her legs and dipped his head between her thighs and ran his tongue over her moist, swollen petals. She stiffened and gripped the sheets. “Oh, I don’t think that’s allowed.”
He grinned against her heat. “When we are alone together in bed, everything we both agree to is allowed. Now just lie back and enjoy the ride. I will be here to catch you when you fly.”
His lips suckled, licked, teased, nipped until her hands fisted his hair and a low keening sound started from deep inside her and she stiffened her legs. Her hips rose, pressing the center of her pleasure against his mouth. “Oh, yes, yes,” she gasped.
The sight of Charlotte in the throes of passion was almost enough to bring a swift conclusion to his own need. He continued his attentions with his lips and tongue until her body slowly relaxed, her eyes opened, and she gazed at him. Her cheeks were flushed, and the endearing smile she cast on him went straight to his heart.
A fine sheen of sweat covered her body, and her breasts rose and fell. “Oh my.”
Grinning, he moved forward, nestling between her legs. He brushed back the damp curls from her forehead and kissed her moist skin. “Let me love you, sweetheart.”
He held her face gently with his hands, gazing into her eyes as he slowly entered her, aware of how long it had been since she’d been with a man, and not wanting to hurt her. “If I hurt you, let me know. We can take this as slow as you need to.”
“It’s fine.” She played with the hair that had fallen on his forehead, then leaned forward so she could kiss his jaw.
The pain in his arm grew from bracing himself above her, so he shifted his weight onto one elbow, and closed his eyes as her warmth surrounded him. He rested his chin on her shoulder. Since he’d anticipated this joining for some time, he knew he wouldn’t last long. “I’m sorry for the rush, but I’ve wanted you for what seems like forever.”
She moved her head and ran her tongue around the outside of his ear, a low giggle escaping her lips. Shifting his head, he took her mouth, teasing her lips with his tongue until she opened, and he entered, tangling with her tongue as he continued to thrust, growing closer and closer to his climax. Even attempting to distract himself with conjugating Latin verbs didn’t help to distract him as with one final shove, he gritted his teeth and pulled out of her, spending himself on her stomach.
Charlotte was surprised when Elliot pulled out of her, then grateful that he thought enough of her to do so. Gabriel, naturally, had never done that, but then they had been married, and had wished for children.
Elliot rolled off her and turned on the pillow to smile at her. “Just give me a minute, and I will fetch what I need to clean you up.”
For some reason, even though they’d just been intimate, the idea of him cleaning her embarrassed her. “No need. I will see to it.” Before he could respond, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood. And fell right back onto the mattress, her legs unable to hold her up.
When Elliot chuckled, she tried again, this time prepared for the weakness, and was able to walk to the bowl and pitcher of water on her dresser. She glanced over her shoulder to see him grinning at her naked backside. “Stop.”
“Yes. I will. Soon.” His grin grew wider, as he shifted so his head was propped on his hand.
At least it was dark, and the light from the oil lamp only covered a certain distance, so she was in the semi-darkness as she dipped a cloth into the water and cleaned herself. Feeling chilled in the night air, she hurried back to bed, picked up her nightgown where it had landed on the floor, and slipped it over her head.
Elliot raised the blanket. “Here, let’s snuggle, and you will be warmer in no time.”
His body was warm as heated bricks as she climbed in next to him. He pulled her close, so her back was against his chest. She wiggled a bit to settle herself, then sighed. This was nice, and not something she was used to—a slap on her arse, a mumbled “thanks,” and a quick roll onto his side to fall asleep had been common with Gabriel after their conjugal relations.
Elliot kissed the top of her head and tugged her even closer, fitting them together like two spoons. “That was incredible,” he said, his warm breath bathing her hair.
She smiled. “I bet you say that to all the women you bed.”
He gripped her chin and turned her head so he could see into her eyes. The anger there surprised her. “First of all, there haven’t been so very many in my life. I do have some control over my urges. Second, I have never said that to anyone else. Ever.”
She huffed. “I don’t believe that.” Although her experience with men was somewhat limited, given Elliot was only the second man she’d ever been intimate with, she’d heard enough gossip from various female friends that men always thought sex was incredible. “Someone once told me, one woman could be substituted for another and, if it was dark, the man could not tell the difference.”
Elliot actually looked aghast. “Whoever told you that?”
She flushed, not having expected that sort of a response. She drew circles on the coverlet with her index finger. “Someone.”
Practically climbing over her, so he could see her face clearly, he said, “Each woman has her own scent, her own feel, her own way of moving. Believe me, no one could ever take your place without me knowing it.”
Something fluttered in her stomach at his words. What had he meant by that? Could he really tell women apart in the dark, or was she someone special to him?
/> “All right. I will concede the point.” She flipped onto her back so she could look him in the eye. “It was incredible for me, also.”
His head descended, and he kissed her, gently, almost reverently. “I am both glad and unhappy that you never experienced an orgasm before now.”
“Orgasm.” She seemed to try the word on her lips. “I’m learning so many new words.”
His lips rested on her ear. “Oh, my dear Mrs. Pennyworth, there are many more words, describing even more pleasure, that I cannot wait to teach you.”
Her lovely face flamed a bright red.
He kissed the tip of her nose. “Now I believe we need to sleep.”
“Let me help you with your sling.”
“Yes, that is a good idea. I’m afraid all this activity has strained by arm.”
Charlotte sat up in the bed and grabbed the crumpled sling from the floor by the bed. She looped it over his head, and arranged it for him to place his arm.
“Thank you.” He brushed his lips lightly over her mouth.
They both settled into the bed, with Elliot pulling her back against his chest.
“Are you sure you want to do this? You need to rest your arm.”
“My arm is well rested. Just go to sleep.” He slid his good arm under her neck, where she rested her head. He kissed her on the back of her head. “Good night.”
Despite being exhausted, and relaxed after their lovemaking, Charlotte was wide awake long after Elliot began to snore softly beside her. Their relationship had certainly taken a turn in a direction she wasn’t sure was a good thing. Her feelings for Elliot had grown over the weeks they’d spent together, culminating in tonight’s dalliance.
The overwhelming wave of pleasure that had washed over her when Elliot had done incredibly naughty things to her still had the ability to take her breath away. She now knew what she’d been missing when she and Gabriel had made love. She also understood the mysterious looks passed between husbands and wives that she had often wondered about.