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Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation

Page 64

by Yossi Klein Halevi


  402 “PLO!” some shouted: Shlomit Hareven, Yamim Rabim—Autobiographia (Many Days—An Autobiography; Tel Aviv: Bavel, 2002), 127–32.

  403 “Mourn and weep!!”: Yoel Bin-Nun, “Velo Yishafekh Dam Naki Bekerev Artzekha” (And Innocent Blood Shall Not Be Shed in Your Land), Nekudah, February 27, 1983.

  404 Yisrael published Yoel’s accusatory lament: The murderer turned out to be a ne’er-do-well named Yonah Avrushmi, who had lived temporarily in Ofra. A settler, taking pity on Avrushmi, had offered him employment in his workshop. The media and the public didn’t consider Avrushmi a settler, and the Ofra community wasn’t held responsible for him.

  408 A profile of Meir: Aviv Havron, “Zamar, Kmo Parpar” (A Singer, Like a Butterfly), Koteret Rashit, April 21, 1983, 32–33, 51.

  412 A photographer from the magazine: Ksafim, July 4–10, 1983.

  414 “What do you think about removing the Dome”: Author’s interviews with Bin-Nun and Yehudah Etzion (a different version appears in Segal, Ahim Yekarim, 112–13).

  415 “my dark, dogmatic era”: Udi Adiv to Leah Leshem, December 15, 1984.

  415 “In order to raise the Jews”: Adiv to Leshem, October 7, 1984.

  416 “the luck of your life”: Adiv to Leshem, February 27, 1983.


  417 When Shabbat ended, Yisrael phoned: Harel, interview. A slightly different version of this conversation appears in Segal, Ahim Yekarim, 171.

  418 An angry Yisrael: Yisrael confided to journalist Tom Segev his suspicion that the plot to blow up the buses may have been a Shin Bet provocation. Segev published Yisrael’s speculation as part of a larger interview with him, in the weekly Koteret Rashit, on February 5, 1984. In a letter to the editor that appeared in the following week’s edition of Koteret Rashit, Yisrael noted that he hadn’t intended to accuse the Shin Bet and had been merely speculating with a colleague, and complained that Segev had in effect betrayed his trust.

  418 “We have to face the enormity”: Segal, Ahim Yekarim, 175.

  420 The phone rang: Segal, Ahim Yekarim, 180–81.

  420 “You have brought idolatrous fire”: Ibid., 225–26.

  421 Srulik, a beloved cartoon figure: Dosh, Ma’ariv, May 6, 1984.

  422 “We always have to think about being moral!”: Robert Rosenberg, “Levinger Remanded for Two More Days,” Jerusalem Post, May 23, 1984, 1.

  423 “Failure to temper the verdict”: “Haninah, Bimkom Ma’amar Rashi” (Pardon, Instead of an Editorial), Nekudah, July 26, 1985.

  425 “Waiting for Mashiah”: Shalom Hanoch, “Mehakim Lamashiah,”


  427 “What are your plans?”: Yitzhak Rubin, director and producer, Udi Adiv—Daoud Turki, 2001.

  428 “an act which can’t be explained”: Amiram Cohen, “Hakeleh Hakaful Shel Udi Adiv” (The Double Prison of Udi Adiv), Al Hamishmar, May 24, 1985.

  434 They set out during the harvest holiday: Ido Sela, director, Masa Habhirot Shel Meir Ariel (Meir Ariel’s Election Campaign) (Ariel Hotzaot, 1987).

  436 “I dare to say we have no real reason”: Niv Mishmarot, November 29, 1987.

  437 David Grossman, the Israeli novelist: David Grossman, The Yellow Wind, trans. Haim Watzman (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1988).


  441 “We are prevented”: Ofra archives.

  445 “Some young people”: Gorenberg, The Accidental Empire, 333.

  447 “[We must] redeem the Mount from its shame”: Yossi Klein Halevi, “Coming Home—An Underground Leader Returns,” Long Island Jewish World, March 31–April 6, 1989.

  449 Writing in Nekudah: Yoel Bin-Nun, “Rak Haskamah Leumit Ta’atzor et Ha’hidarderut Lemilhamah Kolelet” (Only National Consensus Will Stop the Slide Toward Total War), Nekudah, February 26, 1988.


  463 July 13, 1992: The letters written by Yoel Bin-Nun to Yitzhak Rabin that appear in chapters 27 and 28 are from Yoel’s archives.

  464 Gideon Ofrat, preeminent curator: Gideon Ofrat, “Yomanei Geva,” in Gideon Ofrat, ed., Avital Geva: Hamamah (Avital Geva: Greenhouse) (1993): 15–29).

  470 The metal outlines of a greenhouse: Itamar Shweika, director, Nechemia Sal, producer, Melafefonim BeVenetziah II (Cucumbers in Venice II) (Ulpanei Kibbutz Barkai, 1993).

  472 “Leave me alone”: Live broadcast from the opening of the Biennale, Israel TV, Channel 2, June 9,1993.

  474 Do you light a fire on Shabbat?: Liora Hacohen, “Az Nathil Kol Yom Lehitpalel” (So We’ll Start to Pray Every Day), Ma’ariv, March 18, 1994.


  481 a drawing of a dove: Yediot Aharonot (Mamon section), September 15, 1993.

  483 “the government of evil”: “Bimkom Ma’amar Rashi, Hamahaneh Hu Tahor” (Instead of an Editorial, The Camp Is Pure), Nekudah, July 1994, 14.

  489 “repulsive act”: “Bimkom Ma’amar Rashi, Vehayah Mahanenu Tahor” (Instead of an Editorial, And Our Camp Shall Be Pure), Nekudah, March 1994, 14.

  492 “Everything! . . . This approach”: Yoel Bin-Nun, “Kol Hanotesh Beyamim Eleh Hu Arik” (Everyone Who Defects in This Time Is a Deserter), Nekudah, May 1994, 32–35.

  493 For a man violating: Joseph Alpher, And the Wolf Shall Dwell with the Wolf (unpublished translation of the Hebrew work, Vegar Ze’ev Im Ze’ev: Hamitnahalim Vehafalestinim; Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 2001), no page cited.

  496 In an old country house: Alpher, And the Wolf Shall Dwell with the Wolf, no page cited.

  506 Sensing a threat: Haggai Huberman, Hanan Porat—Sippur Hayav (Hanan Porat—The Story of His Life; Tel Aviv: Yediot Aharonot, 2013), 260–62; Nadav Shragai, Al Em Haderekh: Sippuro shel Kever Rahel (At the Crossroads: The Story of Rachel’s Tomb; Jerusalem: She’arim Leheker Yerushalayim, 2008), 198–99.

  506 While waiting to enter: Huberman, Hanan Porat, 262–63; Shragai, Al Em Haderekh, 207.


  512 The emergency meeting : “Mismakh: Kenes Heshbon Hanefesh” (Document: The Assembly of Self-Reckoning), Nekudah, December 1995, 58–65.

  521 In May 1997: Eitan Oren, director, Mabat Sheni, June 6, 1997.

  523 He kept a detailed journal: Meir Ariel’s unpublished journal, courtesy of Menachem Regev.

  523 “I need hashish to exist”: Zvi Gilat, “Meir Ariel: Homer Meshubah” (Meir Ariel: Excellent Stuff), Ma’ariv, April 4, 1997.

  524 “Meir Ariel Goes Wild”: Tzachi Cohen, “Meir Ariel Mishtolel” (Meir Ariel Goes Wild), Yediot Aharonot (Zmanim Moderniyim), August 12, 1998.

  524 “for hurting you, dear homosexuals”: Meir’s letter to Hazman Havarod quoted in Yuval Karni, “Hazamar Meir Ariel Mevakesh Slicha Mehahomosexualim” (The Singer Meir Ariel Asks Forgiveness from the Homosexuals), Yediot Aharonot, October 7, 1998.

  526 “Meir lived, suffered, and sang his loves”: David Atid, “Dvarim Al Kivro Shel Meir Ariel BeMishmarot” (Words Spoken at the Grave of Meir Ariel in Mishmarot), Koreh Bamoshavah, July 23, 1999.

  530 an ad in the newspaper Ha’aretz: Ha’aretz, July 28, 2000.



  Alpher, Joseph. “And the Wolf Shall Dwell with the Wolf” (unpublished translation of the Hebrew work, Vegar Ze’ev Im Ze’ev: Hamitnahalim Vehafalestinim). Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 2001.

  Arbel, Naftali, and M. Mizrahi, eds. The Six-Day War. Tel Aviv: M. Mizrahi, 1967.

  Gorenberg, Gershom. The Accidental Empire. New York: Henry Holt, 2006.

  Grossman, David. The Yellow Wind. Trans. by Haim Watzman. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1988.

  Katznelson Shazar, Rachel, ed. The Plough Woman: Memoirs of the Pioneer Women of Palestine. Trans. Maurice Samuel. New York: Herzl Press, 1975.

  Kook, Abraham Isaac. The Lights of Penitence, Lights of Holiness, the Moral Principles, Es
says, Letters and Poems. Trans. by Ben Zion Bokser. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1977.

  Moskin, J. Robert. Among Lions. New York: Ballantine, 1983.

  Oren, Michael, Six Days of War. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.

  Rabinovich, Abraham. The Yom Kippur War: The Epic Encounter That Transformed the Middle East. New York: Schocken, 2004.

  Schiff, Ze’ev, and Ehud Ya’ari. Israel’s Lebanon War. Trans. by Ina Friedman. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984.

  Segal, Haggai. Dear Brothers: The West Bank Jewish Underground. Woodmere, NY: Beit-Shammai, 1988.


  Alpher, Yossi. Vegar Ze’ev Im Ze’ev: Hamitnahalim Vehafalestinim. Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 2001.

  Alterman, Natan. Arbaim Shirim. Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 1970.

  Amital, Yehudah. Hama’alot Mima’amakim. Jerusalem; Alon Shvut: Agudat Yeshivat Har Etzion, 1974.

  Anashim veShorashim—Sipuro Shel Kibbutz. Tel Aviv: Photo Opest Omanim Meuchadim, n.d.

  Ariel, Meir. Brakhot Vehespedim. Pardes Hanna-Karkur: Ariel Hafakot, 2005.

  Ashkenazi, Motti, Nurit Ashkenazi, and Baruch Nevo. Ha’erev Beshesh Tifrotz Milhamah. Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 2003.

  Avidor HaCohen, Shmuel. Ha’ish Neged Hazerem. Tel Aviv: Yediot Aharonot, 2002.

  Aviner, Shlomo. Rabenu. Edited by Ze’ev Neuman. Jerusalem: Sifriyat Beit El , 2004.

  Ben-Yaakov, Yochanan. Gush Etzion: 50 Shnot Ma’avak Viyetzira. Kfar Etzion: Beit Sefer Sadeh Kfar Etzion, 1978.

  Carmiel, Batya. Batei Café Shel Tel Aviv, 1920–1980. Tel Aviv: Eretz Yisrael Museum and Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, 2007.

  Eilam, Uzi. Keshet Eilam. Tel Aviv: Yediot Aharonot, 2009.

  Haber, Eitan, and Yossi Melman. Hameraglim. Tel Aviv: Yediot Aharonot, 2002.

  Harel, Yisrael, ed. Sha’ar Ha’arayot. Tel Aviv: Ma’arakhot, 1972.

  ———, ed. Abirei Lev. N.p.: Keren Hatzanhanim, n.d.

  Hareven, Shlomit. Yamim Rabim—Autobiographia. Tel Aviv: Bavel, 2002.

  Huberman, Haggai. Kneged Kol Hasikuyim. N.p.: Sifriyat Netzarim, 2008.

  ———. Hanan Porat: Sippur Hayav. Tel Aviv: Yediot Aharonot, 2013.

  Gur, Motta. Har Habayit Beyadenu. Tel Aviv: Ma’arakhot, 1973.

  Klingberg, Marcus, and Michael Sfard. Hameragel Ha’aharon. Tel Aviv: Sifriyat Ma’ariv, 2007.

  Kutner, Yoav, ed. Meir Ariel—Atzma’i Bashetah. N.p.: Kinneret, 2010.

  Lieblich, Amia. Yaldei Kfar Etzion. Jerusalem: Keter, 2006.

  Natan, Moshe. Hamilhamah Al Yerushalayim. Tel Aviv: Otpaz, 1968.

  Ofrat, Gideon. Avital Geva: Hamama. N.p., 1993.

  Porat, Hanan, Et Ahai Anokhi Mevakesh. Beit-El: Sifriyat Beit-El, 1992.

  Raz, Simcha, Hila Velberstein, and Shalom Y. Klein. Mashmia’ Yeshuah. Mercaz Shapira: Or Etzion, 2010.

  Reichner, Elyashiv. Be’emunato: Sipuro Shel Harav Yehudah Amital. Tel Aviv: Yediot Aharonot, 2008.

  Segal, Haggai. Ahim Yekarim. Jerusalem: Keter, 1987.

  ———. Yamit, Sof. Jerusalem: Sifriyat Beit El, 1999.

  Shafat, Gershon. Gush Emunim. Jerusalem: Sifriyat Beit-El, 1995.

  Shapira, Avraham, ed. Siah Lohamim: Pirkei Hakshavah Vehitbonenut. Tel Aviv: Kvutzat Haverim Tzeirim Mehatenuah Hakibbutzit, 1967.

  Weisman, Aliza. Hapinui. Jerusalem: Sifriyat Beit El, 1990.

  Zahor, Ze’ev. Hazan—Tnuat Hayim: Hashomer Hatzair, Hakibbutz Ha’artsi, Mapam. Jerusalem: Yad Ben Zvi, 1997.


  Kaveh, Yehudah, director. Tkuma (16)—Sedek Babayit, 1995. Editor and producer of the entire series: Gideon Drori.

  Rubin, Yitzhak, director and producer. Udi Adiv–Daoud Turki, 2001.

  Sela, Ido, director. Masa Habhirot Shel Meir Ariel, 1987. Producer: Ariel Hotzaot.

  Shweika, Itamar, director. Melafefonim BeVenetziah II, 1993. Producer: Nechemia Sal; edited in Ulpanei Kibbutz Barkai.

  Suissa, Meir, director. Kol Anshei Casit, 2010. Producer: Doron Eran.


  Al HaMishmar

  Alon Ein Shemer

  Alon Gan Shmuel

  Alon Ofra




  Hashavua Bakibutz Ha’artzi



  Jerusalem Post

  Koreh Bamoshava

  Koteret Rashit




  Niv Mishmarot


  Yoman Hakibbutz—Givat Brenner

  Yediot Aharonot

  Zot Ha’aretz


  Meir Ariel, “Agadat Deshe” (Legend of the Lawn). Music: Shalom Hanoch.

  Meir Ariel, “Yerushalayim Shel Barzel” (Jerusalem of Iron). Music: Naomi Shemer.

  Meir Ariel, “Laylah Shaket Avar Al Kohoteinu BeSuetz” (Our Forces Passed a Quiet Night in Suez). Music: Meir Ariel.

  Meir Ariel, “Midrash Yonati” (My Dove’s Midrash). Music: Meir Ariel.

  Meir Ariel, “Neshel Hanahash” (The Snake’s Shed Skin). Music: Meir Ariel.

  Meir Ariel, “Haben Adam Eino Ela” (The Human Being Is Nothing But). Music: Meir Ariel

  Meir Ariel, “Modeh Ani” (I Give Thanks). Music: Meir Ariel

  Haim Gouri, “Hareut” (The Camaradie of Fighters). Music: Sasha Argov.

  Shalom Hanoch, “Mehakim Lamashiah” (Waiting for Mashiah). Music: Shalom Hanoch.

  Haim Hefer, “Natzer Mehake LeRabin” (Nasser Is Waiting for Rabin). Music: Traditional.

  Uzi Hitman, “Noladti Lashalom” (I Was Born for Peace). Music: Uzi Hitman.

  Yechiel Mohar, “Anahnu Na’avor” (We Will Pass). Music: Moshe Vilansky.

  Naomi Shemer, “Yerushalayim Shel Zahav” (Jerusalem of Gold). Music: Naomi Shemer.

  Talma Aligon-Roz, “Ein Lakh Ma Lidog” (You Have Nothing to Worry About). Music: Kobi Oshrat.

  Yoram Taharlev, “Heyeh Li Haver, Heyeh Li Ah” (Be My Friend, Be My Brother). Music: Yair Rosenblum.


  Kol Israel Channel 1 Channel 2


  Bin-Nun, Yoel Adiv, Udi Ariel, Meir


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.

  Page numbers in italics refer to map citations of locations.

  Abu Zaida, Sufian, 497–98

  Achmon, Arik. See also the Foundation for the Families of the Fallen of the 55th Brigade

  childhood and early life on Kibbutz Givat Brenner, 36–39, 67

  education, 52, 171

  friendships, 127, 105–107, 108, 129, 165–66, 191, 266, 316–17, 368, 469, 503, 504, 522

  and Kibbutz Netzer Sereni, 43–46, 51

  military service xvii, 35–36, 40–42, 42–43, 46–50, 52–53, 58–59, 63–65, 67–69, 71, 72, 78–93, 101–102, 166–68, 227–28, 230–31, 236–36, 238, 239–245, 249, 253, 259–60, 383–87

  and Motta Gur, 46–47, 52–53, 58–59, 64, 68, 71–72, 76–78, 87–88, 96, 103, 104, 109, 139–40

  marriages and family life, 44, 49, 50, 54, 110, 127–28, 140–41, 171–72, 225–26, 262, 455–56 (see also Achmon, Yehudit)

  political life, 38–40, 172, 269, 271, 272, 276–78, 319, 325, 359–60, 431–32, 477–78, 528–29, 530, 532–33

  professional life, 173–75, 196–97, 346–51, 362–63, 392–395, 399–400, 411–13, 453–54, 457–58, 467–68, 470, 527

  visits to the West Bank, 152–53, 359–60

  Achmon, Yehudit

  relationship with Arik Achmon, xiv, 53–54, 110, 128, 140–41, 455, 527

  family, 171–73, 225–26, 262, 350–51, 412–13

  and Gulf War, 456

  move to Tel Aviv, 197

  Adiv, Asaf, 217, 295, 414–15, 451–52

  Adiv, Udi

  arrest and trial, 213–14, 216–18

  family, 137, 215, 216, 451–53, 520

  and Kibbutz Gan Shmuel, 129–31, 197–98, 215–16, 427

  and Leah Leshem, 210, 286, 342–43, 414–16, 427, 429–30, 452–53, 520

  military service, 60–61, 73–74, 75, 79, 97, 104, 160–61

  political life, 129, 159, 163, 197–98, 208–14

  in prison, 285–87, 295, 414–16

  release from prison, 427–30

  and Sylvia Klingberg, 286, 295, 341–42

  Agnon, Shai, 121, 186

  Agranat Commission, 277

  Airports Authority, Arik Achmon’s involvement in, 467–68

  Al-Fatah. See Fatah

  Al-Hamishmar (newspaper), 5

  Alon Shvut, xiv, 170, 305, 318, 405, 519, 551n275

  Altalena, 301, 303

  Alpher, Yossi, 493–94, 496, 498, 541

  Alterman, Natan, 187–90, 192, 328, 338, 526, 549n187

  Amichai, Avinoam, xv, 148, 228–29, 247, 312

  Amital, Rabbi Yehudah

  eulogy for terrorism victim, 303

  relationship with Hanan Porat, 396–97

  opposition to invasion of Beirut, 392, 395–97

  speech following Rabin assassination, 512

  and Yom Kippur War, 228, 274–75

  Ammunition Hill, 66, 71–72, 86, 94, 136, 140, 377–78, 533

  anti-Zionism, 27, 80, 163, 290, 451, 507, 521. See also Matzpen

  Arab League, the, 142

  Arafat, Yasser. See also Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

  denial of Israel’s right to exist, 287–88

  and Fatah, 29, 485

  and Hamas, 515

  and Lebanon War, 388–90

  and peace process, 449, 476–79, 483, 491–92, 508, 528–29, 531–32 (see also Oslo Accords)

  Argov, Shlomo, 383

  Aridor, Yoram, 362

  Ariel, Meir

  becoming religious, 292, 306, 344–45, 432–33, 436, 443–44, 473–75

  death, 526

  in Detroit, 157, 163–65

  family life and Tirza Ariel, 155–56, 255, 278–79, 291–92, 305–6, 474, 525

  insult to gay community, 524–25

  “Jerusalem of Iron” (song), 85, 103, 105, 107–8, 131, 132–33, 135, 155, 230, 434, 522

  and Kibbutz Mishmarot, 198–99, 200, 201, 291–92, 408, 410, 432, 436–37

  military service, 84–85, 98–99, 100, 254–55, 259, 263, 397–98, 521–22


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