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Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation

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by Yossi Klein Halevi


  and Hanan Porat, 373, 490

  and Kahanist movement, 486

  members at kibbutz Ein Shemer, 6

  and Oslo Accords, 507

  reactions to terrorism, 356, 489

  and religious Zionist community, 463–64

  and Sadat, 324, 552n324

  and settlements, 335, 480

  Kollek, Teddy, 220

  Kook, Rabbi Abraham Isaac, xv, 21–26, 144

  theology, 30, 32, 63, 108, 149, 302, 339, 395, 446, 488

  Kook, Rabbi Zvi Yehudah, xv, 25–26, 281, 370, 443

  kosher requirements

  and Meir Ariel, 292, 345

  of religious soldiers, 49–50, 81, 469

  at retreat for the families of the fallen, 206

  Koteret Rashit (magazine), 408, 438, 554n408, 555n418

  kova tembel, 6, 407

  Kristallnacht, 297

  Kutner, Yoav, 327–28, 434–36, 501

  Labor Party. See also Rabin, Yitzhak; Peres, Shimon

  Begin’s criticism of, 363

  during Six-Day War, 82

  disillusionment with, 252, 319–20

  and the hunger strike, 268

  politicians, 293, 308

  after Rabin assassination, 516

  Rabin government, 279–280, 458–59, 478

  and Sephardim, 361–62, 393, 553n363

  and settlements, 267, 281, 324–25, 359, 371, 419, 532

  Landau, Moshe, 398

  Lanzmann, Claude, 431–32

  Lapid, Arnon, 264

  Lapid, Yair, 499–500

  Lau, Rabbi Israel Meir, 496

  Lavi, Yitzhak, 303–4, 313

  Lenin, 194, 286

  Leshem, Leah, xiv, 210, 342, 554n415–416

  Lev, Brigadier General Giora, 387

  Levinger, Rabbi Moshe, xvi, 152–53, 299, 300–303, 374, 419, 422, 555n422. See also Gush Emunim and Sebastia

  Likud Party. See also Begin, Menachem; Sharon, Ariel

  and Arab reconciliation, 323

  and Ariel Sharon, 276

  commitment to free market, 346, 362

  return to power (1996), 516

  rise to power (1977), 319–20

  and settlements, 320, 322, 332, 334, 351–52

  Livneh, Eliezer, 186

  Lod Airport, 56–57, 68, 219, 220, 429

  Ma’ariv (newspaper), 190–91, 311, 314, 421, 474

  Ma’agan Michael, kibbutz, 283–84

  Ma’ayan Baruch, kibbutz, 385

  marijuana, 200, 256, 474

  Mapai, 39, 43, 178–79, 180, 184–85, 269, 289, 320

  Marj Ayun, 385

  Marxism, 5, 16, 208, 286–87, 342, 430

  Masarwa, Mahmoud, 218, 429

  Matt, Danny, 226, 230, 234, 242, 252, 259, 270

  Matzpen, 161–63, 197–98, 208, 209, 521

  May Day

  at Ein Shemer, 16–17, 128, 193–94, 407

  and Udi Adiv, 162, 197

  Meir, Golda, 220, 257–58, 268, 277, 324–25

  Meiser, 194

  Meitzar, kibbutz, 194

  Memorial Day, 115–16, 225, 445

  Meretz, 463

  Meron, Hannah, 391

  Meuhad (kibbutz federation), 545n38. See also Givat Brenner, kibbutz

  mezuzahs, 170, 189

  Mintz, Adi, 303–4

  Misgav Am, kibbutz, 384

  Mishmar Ha’Emek, kibbutz, 141, 171–72, 175, 225–26, 278. See also Achmon, Yehudit

  Mishmarot, kibbutz, 2

  and Arik Achmon, 106–7

  and Meir Ariel, 131–35, 155–56, 199–201, 291, 328, 409–10, 436–37, 526, 557n526

  Mitla Pass, 47, 238

  Mizrahi, Chaim, 485

  Mizrahi, Naomi, 129

  Mount Etzion yeshiva

  accidental death of student, 303–4

  curriculum at, 203, 369–70

  expansion of, 170

  founding of, 123, 153–54

  students’ and teachers’ reaction to Yom Kippur War, 228, 274

  and Yehudah Amital, 228, 274, 303, 392, 395–96, 512

  Mount Hermon, 206, 277

  Mount Herzl, 116, 119, 143

  Mount Gerizim, 406

  Mount Scopus, 63–64, 66, 69, 71–72, 86, 92, 105, 131–32, 140

  Movement for the Complete Land of Israel, the, 187

  expansion of, 187

  and Haim Gouri, 301

  members of, 187

  and Yisrael Harel, 187–91, 314, 359, 493

  Mughrabi Gate, 340

  Mughrabi Quarter, 104

  Munich, 1972 massacre of Israeli Olympic sportsmen, 210

  Nablus Road, 77, 98, 120, 535

  Nahal Brigade, 29, 30–31, 40, 49, 159, 180–81, 182, 213

  Nahariya, 383

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, xvii, xix, 4, 17, 34, 56, 59–61, 63, 114

  National Religious Party (NRP), 82, 184, 463

  Nekudah (magazine), 335–36, 356, 368, 389, 397, 403–4, 422–23, 482–83, 489, 492–93, 449

  Netanya, 495

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 507, 516

  Netzer Sereni, 2, 43, 48, 101, 106, 128, 141, 173, 346, 431, 453

  Nur, Zviki, 250, 261

  Ofer, Avraham, 319

  Ofra, 318, 405

  attacks on residents of, 440, 441–45

  Bin-Nun family move to, 314, 518–19

  bypass road for residents of, 484, 505

  David Grossman visit to, 437–39

  declaration as legal, 322

  Ethiopian immigrants in, 426

  founding of, 292–94, 296

  growth of, 336, 351–52

  Harel family move to, 311, 314, 334–35

  reaction to Oslo Accords, 476

  running of, 310

  Ofra Ulpana, 444–45, 448

  Ofrat, Gideon, 464–67, 471, 556n464

  oil boycott, Arab, 246, 253, 296, 458

  Operation Big Pines, 383

  Operation Brave-Hearted Men, 236, 237, 237, 550n237

  Operation Self-Sacrifice, 351–54

  Orr, General Ori, 407

  Oslo Accords

  Arik Achmon reaction to, 478

  general public reaction to, 481, 516

  settler reaction to, 476, 482, 493, 506, 514

  terrorism following, 483, 491, 530

  Yoel Bin-Nun reaction to, 480, 507

  Oz, Amos, 124, 187, 188

  Pa’il, Meir, 335

  Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). See also Arafat, Yasser

  attacks by, 158, 287, 383–84

  infrastructure in Lebanon, 383, 384, 387, 388, 390

  Marxist faction of, 208, 451

  politics of and negotiations with, 209, 352, 449, 476–77, 493–94, 516

  terrorists, 250, 287

  and Udi Adiv, 210–211

  Pardes Hannah, 106, 524

  Park Hotel, 151–52, 189

  partition plan, 33, 289, 321


  at Ein Shemer, 194

  and Meir Ariel, 292

  at Mishmar Ha’Emek, 175

  at Park Hotel, 151–52

  and Yamit evacuation, 375

  Peace Now, 391, 401, 406–7, 424, 446, 449, 481, 516, 533

  Peres, Shimon

  as defense minister, 282, 293, 300–302, 302

  as foreign minister, 507

  and Ofra, 310–11, 336

  as prime minister, 425, 515

  and Sebastia, 300–302

  as transportation minister, 174–75

  Phalangists, 387, 390, 401, 554n390

  Porat, Hanan , xiv

  childhood and family, 114–117

  and Gush Emunim, 265, 267–68, 272–75, 282, 288–90, 322–24, 326, 392

  and Hebron massacre, 489–90

  injury during Yom Kippur War, 248, 254, 263–64

  Kfar Etzion, 123, 143–45, 148–50, 153, 228–29, 265, 267, 272

  and Kfar Etzion massacre, 114–17

  as Knesset member, 373–74, 463, 487–88, 506
br />   and Levi Eshkol, 142–43

  and Menachem Begin, 322–24, 326

  and Mercaz Harav, 120–22

  and Ofra, 294, 311

  military service, 94–96, 246–48, 254

  and Rachel Porat, 169–70

  and religious Zionism, 264, 396–97

  and Shimon Peres, 293, 301–3

  and Yamit, 379

  Porush, Rabbi Menachem, 506–7


  and Asaf Adiv, 452

  and Marcus Klingberg, 452

  and Meir Ariel, 305

  and settlers responsible for Islamic College bombing, 423

  and Udi Adiv, 219, 285–86, 295, 342–43, 415–16, 427, 451, 551n295

  Yehudah Etzion release from, 447

  Purim, 31, 370, 442, 457, 486–490

  Qibye, 46

  Raab, Esther, 30, 123, 153

  Rabin, Yitzchak

  assassination of, 510–13, 531

  dismantling of settlements, 352, 441, 449, 458–59, 505–8

  first term as prime minister, 279–80, 296

  and Motta Gur, 300, 504

  negotiations with settlers, 281, 289–90, 300, 302, 450–51, 463–64, 491, 508–9

  Oslo Accords, 476–85, 506

  resignation, 319

  responses to attacks, 495–96, 489

  second term as prime minister, 458–59, 463–64

  during Six-Day War, 59

  Rachel’s Tomb, 118, 124, 144, 506–7, 510, 534, 556n506

  Ramallah, 112, 291, 318, 405, 484, 531

  Ramat Magshimim, 297

  Ramle prison, 285–86, 295, 343, 551n295

  Reagan, Ronald, 392

  Regev, Menachem, 501, 541

  Revisionists, 321

  Refidim, 231–32, 238, 248

  Revivim, kibbutz, 401

  Rosh Hashanah, 143, 322, 364, 365–66, 369, 391, 392

  Rotblit, Yankeleh, 531

  Russia. See Soviet Union

  Sabra and Shatila, massacres at, 390–91, 397, 401

  Sadat, Anwar

  assassination of, 366, 369

  peace process, 257, 323–325, 334–35, 552n323–24

  visit to Israel

  Sadot, 335

  Sapir, Pinchas, 197, 237

  Sayigh, Yezid, 493–94, 497

  Sde Boker, kibbutz, 289, 435

  Sde Dov airfield, 348

  Sea of Galilee, 2, 51, 103, 112, 405, 453–54

  Sebastia, 296–97, 298–302, 308, 318, 481, 506. See also Gush Emunim

  security fence, 533

  Sephardim, 219–20, 362, 393

  71st Battalion

  members of, xviii, 78, 237–39, 545–56n52, 549n229

  role in capturing Jerusalem, 72–76, 78, 86

  Sereni, Enzo, xvi, 36–37, 116, 150, 195

  Shamir, Moshe, 152, 186, 188, 417, 425, 548n152

  Sharm el-Sheikh, 367, 535

  Sharon, Ariel

  criticism of the left, 492

  as defense minister, 365, 385

  dismissal, 402–3

  during Lebanon War, 387, 390–91

  as Likud leader, 276

  and Sabra and Shatilla massacres, 401

  and Sadat, 323

  and settlement movement, 281, 335–36, 354, 365, 392

  during Sinai War, 48

  during Six-Day War, 47

  Sharon, Ariel (cont.)

  during Yom Kippur War, 233–35, 245

  walk on Temple Mount, 530

  Shavuot, 29, 109, 113, 170, 471

  Shdemot (magazine), 124, 144–45

  Sheikh Jarrah, 66, 535

  Shemer, Naomi

  “Jerusalem of Gold,” 59–60, 85, 132–33, 298

  and Meir Ariel, 98, 103, 132–33

  and Yamit evacuation, 374

  Shilo, 327, 405

  Shin Bet, 163, 213–14, 285, 356, 417–18, 452, 485, 521, 555n418

  shmitta, 30, 444

  Shoah (film), 431–32

  Shtiglitz, Yisrael (Ariel), xv, 95–96, 373

  Silwan, 448

  Simchat Torah, 246–48, 254, 550n246

  Sinai, 2, 112. See also Yamit

  biblical references to, xx, 20, 109, 390

  IDF operations during Six-Day War, 35, 53, 67–68, 80, 145

  IDF operations during Yom Kippur War, 227, 231–34, 239, 244, 252

  1956 campaign, 57, 59

  withdrawal from, 142, 220–21, 324, 334–35, 255, 357, 364–67, 371–79, 446

  66th Battalion, 72, 86–87, 118, 549n229

  Soviet Union

  alignment with Arab nations during wars, 128, 130, 219, 227, 244, 296, 458

  emigration from, 220, 457, 482

  role played for kibbutzniks, 5–6, 17, 38–39, 127, 130, 136–38, 147, 545n38

  Stalinism, 5–6, 38–39, 137–38, 527

  Stempel-Peles, Moshe, xv, 58, 67, 91, 109, 129, 165, 176

  Stern Group, the, 289, 339

  Suez Canal, 112, 237

  and Kanaf, 173–74, 197

  simulation of crossing, 139, 165–66

  after the Six-Day War, 158

  during Yom Kippur War, 227, 230, 236, 241, 248, 253, 270, 325, 550n237

  suicide bombings, xxii, 425, 491, 495, 515, 516, 531, 532

  Sukkoth, 26, 194–95, 231–32, 246, 434–35, 519–20, 522–23

  Sultan Yakub, 386

  Sussman, Sandy, xv, 148–50, 228

  Talmei Yosef, 375

  Tamouz, 306–8, 433

  Tehiya (political party), 373

  Tekoa, 505

  Tel Aviv University, 35, 52, 325, 430, 453

  Tel Mond Prison, 447

  Temple Mount, iv, 66

  ban on Jewish prayer at, 337

  capture of, during Six-Day War, 86–90, 92, 95–96, 108

  following Six-Day War, 113, 118, 120

  plot to bomb, 340, 356, 421

  symbolism of, 204–5, 449, 504, 537

  This Is the Land (newspaper), 189

  tikkun olam, 31, 396

  Tomb of the Patriarchs, 151–52, 486–87. See also Hebron

  Topaz, Dudu, 363

  Tu b’Shvat, 310

  Turki, Daoud, xvi, 208, 210–11, 213–14, 215, 216, 219, 549n208, 555n427, 560

  28th Battalion

  absorption into 55th, 52, 545n52, 549n229

  actions, 72–75, 80, 89, 92, 158, 250

  leadership, xvii, 46–48, 92, 250, 261

  training, 49, 284

  Ullman, Micha, 195

  Umm al-Fahm, 391

  United Nations, 458, 481

  Arafat address at General Assembly, 287–88

  partition plan, 33, 289, 321

  peacekeeping troops, 4

  resolution of Zionism as racism, 296–97, 302, 458, 481

  role during Six-Day War, 64

  role during Yom Kippur War, 251, 253

  United Nations peacekeeping forces, 5, 251

  University of Haifa, 198, 208, 497

  Venice Biennale, xiii, 465–67, 470–72, 556n472

  Vered, Dan, 210, 214, 216, 218, 219

  Volcani Institute for Agricultural Research, 330

  Wadi Kelt, 288

  Wadi Nisnass, 208

  Weisfish family, 183–85

  Weiss, Daniella, 260

  Western Wall, iv, xix, 66, 69–71, 94–96, 98–101, 104–5, 118, 187, 320, 443, 537, 547n113

  women’s education. See Ofra Ulpana

  Yamit, 335, 364, 370–79, 422, 490

  Yavin, Haim, 319–20

  Yediot Aharonot, 35, 333–34, 481, 524

  Yesha Council

  dialogue with the PLO, 493–94, 496, 516–17

  formation of, 358–59

  defense fund, 420

  in Nekudah, 404

  opposition to peace plan, 446

  recognition in government, 480, 505

  and Yisrael Harel, 372, 376, 426, 494, 496, 516–17

  and Yoel Bin-Nun, 423–24, 484–85, 513

  Yoske Balagan, xv, 48–50, 70–71, 98, 1
00–101, 159, 349, 545n30

  Zilber, Ariel, 307

  Ziv, Dan, 237–38

  Zamosh, Yoram, 71

  Zohar, Rabbi Uri, 435–36

  About the Author

  YOSSI KLEIN HALEVI is a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem and a contributing editor of the New Republic. An internationally respected commentator on Israeli and Middle Eastern affairs, he writes often for leading American publications, such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Foreign Affairs. He is author of At the Entrance to the Garden of Eden: A Jew’s Search for God with Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land, and Memoirs of a Jewish Extremist. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife, Sarah, a landscape designer; they have three children.

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  Also by Yossi Klein Halevi

  At the Entrance to the Garden of Eden:

  A Jew’s Search for God with Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land

  Memoirs of a Jewish Extremist: An American Story


  Cover design by Jonathan Fong and Lynn Pelkey

  Cover photograph © David Rubinger/epa/Corbis


  LIKE DREAMERS. Copyright © 2013 by Yossi Klein Halevi. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.


  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Klein Halevi, Yossi.

  Like dreamers : the story of the Israeli paratroopers who reunited Jerusalem and divided a nation / Yossi Klein Halevi.—First edition.

  p. cm

  Includes bibliographical references.

  ISBN 978-0-06-054576-5

  1. Israel. Tseva haganah le-Yisra’el. Hel-ha-tsanhanim—History—20th century. 2. Israel. Tseva haganah le-Yisra’el—Parachute troops—History—20th century. 3. Israel—Parachute troops—Biography. 4. Arab-Israeli conflict—1967–1973. 5. Arab-Israeli conflict—1973–1993. I. Title.

  UD485.I8K54 2013

  356'.16609569409045—dc23 2013018850

  Epub Edition OCTOBER 2013 ISBN 9780062274823

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