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Her Russian Knight (Brie's Submission, #13)

Page 5

by Red Phoenix

  Thane sounded mildly irritated. “Need I remind you that we just got back from the honeymoon?”

  “Radost moya would have been pregnant the day of the wedding if it had been me,” Rytsar declared.

  He heard Brie giggle in the background and he felt light enter his heart. “How are you feeling, radost moya? Are you nauseous? Do you need to come to Russia so I can tend to you?”

  She laughed, assuring him that she was feeling perfectly fine.

  “Is it a boy or a girl?”

  Brie answered by calling the babe a “zygote” and insisting it was simply a bunch of cells at this point.

  “You and your scientific words,” he scoffed. The wee one she now carried had brought hope back into his life—a ray of sunshine in the dead of night—and he told her, “You’re pregnant with moye solntse.”

  “What’s moye solntse?”

  “It’s her name, radost moya,” he explained tenderly.

  He heard Brie whisper something to Thane who answered with “my sunshine”—the meaning of the name in English.

  When she spoke again, her voice trembled with emotion. “I love that name, Rytsar.”

  “You do realize we may have a boy, old friend,” Thane asserted.

  Rytsar only laughed. It was fine that his comrade was being an idiot, because Rytsar knew Brie was carrying a girl. He would stake his life on it.

  Unfortunately, Thane’s response caused Brie concern and she asked Rytsar, “You will still love our baby if it’s a boy…won’t you?”

  Rytsar was hurt by her question and replied firmly, “I will love your child.”

  He could hear the relief in her voice when she said, “Good, because you’re going to make a wonderful uncle.”

  “Dyadya,” he corrected, knowing he would love and spoil little solntse.

  “Dyadya forever and always,” Brie affirmed.

  A tear came to his eye at the thought of holding the wee babe in his arms. He could see her, he could even feel the weight of her cradled in his embrace. It was fated that he would live to hold that child, and it gave him a renewed sense of purpose.

  Out of curiosity, and a need to confirm where he stood, Rytsar asked, “Who else has been told, comrade?”

  Thane was quick to answer. “Just Brie’s parents and my Unc,” but then there was a paused before he added, “Oh, and Nosaka.”

  Rytsar couldn’t believe it. Why on earth would Thane tell Nosaka before him? Had the world gone completely mad?

  “What?!” he roared into the phone.

  Thane’s amused chuckle let Rytsar know he’d been played.

  Now I’m the fucking idiot.

  “Oh, so you jest, comrade?”

  When Brie laughed too, he felt doubly chagrinned.

  “Sorry, Rytsar, but that was funny.”

  Trying to save the last shred of his dignity, Rytsar replied, “Fine, you two can have your laugh at my expense, as long as I am named the godfather.”

  “We’re not striking deals here,” Thane countered.

  Rytsar was aghast and insisted, “It is only right as your brother.”

  Thane seemed to understand he’d pushed too far with his kidding, and said, “We will discuss those things at a later date. Right now you need to go back to sleep and we have other calls to make.”

  Did his comrade really think he was going to sleep after this wonderful news?

  “Radost moya, take care of yourself and the babe,” Rytsar said compassionately, wishing he was with her now to celebrate.

  “I will, Rytsar.”

  To his brother, he said with all sincerity, “Moy droog. You have made me a happy man.”

  After hanging up, he placed the cell phone on the arm of his chair and poured himself a shot. He held the glass up and stated to Fate, “I will hold that child in my arms, and nothing you do can stop me.”

  Swallowing down the welcomed fire, Rytsar smiled to himself. How truly miraculous life could be. One moment he was on the verge of conceding defeat and the next moye solntse arrived to save and inspire him.

  It was possible life wasn’t as dark as he’d assumed.

  With renewed conviction, Rytsar called Titov. The man was quick to answer the phone, but it was obvious by his slow speech that Rytsar had woken him from a deep sleep.

  “I need you to come. I just received news that changes everything.”

  Rytsar planned go into hiding until the babe was due. No one would be able to find him—not even God Himself. He looked down at the ancestral ring on his finger, ashamed now that he’d been so close to forfeiting his life.

  He was a Durov. He came from a long lineage of warriors. Whatever it took, whatever sacrifices he was forced to make, he would live to see moye solntse take her first breath in this world.

  Rytsar hadn’t appreciated what a big sacrifice total isolation would be until he had to live it day in and day out.

  Being secluded from the world for an extended amount of time was like being a lion stuck in a small cage. Extreme boredom with no means of escape.

  He began to feel fidgety after only a few days, pacing through the rooms with nervous energy and no hope of relief. Breaking his forced silence to preserve what little sanity he had left, Rytsar attempted to contact Thane but was only greeted with his damn voicemail.

  Likely, it was his comrade’s lame idea of a joke, knowing how excited he was about the babe, and sure…he might deserve it for the many inspired pranks he’d played on Thane throughout the years.

  Still, the timing of it couldn’t have been worse for him and only made Rytsar that much more unsettled.

  Not wanting to endanger his friends, Rytsar had purposely kept Thane in the dark about how serious things had become. He fully expected to receive shit for it when the truth came out and Thane learned of his deception, but Rytsar stood behind the decision.

  It was necessary—nyet—essential, that neither Thane nor Brie were involved. While he did not regret ending the life of the maggot, it bothered him that Brie had been there to witness it.

  He hoped, someday, Thane would come to understand that his silence was only out of a need to protect them from the consequences of his actions that night. Up to this point, Rytsar and Thane had been painfully open with each other. Their blood bond demanded full disclosure. He was deeply concerned at Thane’s reaction when his lies of omission were revealed, but it was his solemn duty and joy to protect Brie—and now little moye solntse.

  Rytsar grinned just thinking about the babe.

  In nine months’ time, he would be holding the tiny girl in his arms. It made anything he had to endure bearable. To imagine Brie with the blush of motherhood did his heart good. She was meant to be a mother, and Rytsar was grateful Thane had finally agreed to giving her that opportunity.

  Until Brie, he’d never have guessed his comrade would willingly become a father. Thane had been adamant that the kindest thing he could do for a child was never to have one.

  However, Rytsar had always maintained that Thane would make a good father, just as he made an excellent trainer. His insight and wisdom would help guide his parenting when emotions failed him, and with radost moya by his side, the child would never want for love.

  It was good that Fate was challenging Thane in this way. He would become a better man for it. And it was fortunate for Rytsar that he would reap the benefits of being a part of the miracle without having to add any complication to his own life.

  Rytsar turned on his sound system and turned the dial up high. Closing his eyes, he forced himself to concentrate on the music. With vodka and classical music as his allies, he would survive this unwanted exile.

  Suddenly, he felt a presence in the room and opened his eyes to see his attacker approaching. With the reflexes of an assassin, he pounced on the man and pulled back his arm to deliver the killing blow.

  “Rytsar! Rytsar, it’s me!” Titov screamed.

  Rytsar paused with his fist in midair, but it took several seconds before his body registe
red what his mind had already processed. He slowly lowered his arm and rolled off Titov. “You nearly killed yourself coming in unannounced,” Rytsar growled.

  “I called out before entering, but you couldn’t hear me.”

  Rytsar stood up, eyeing the man reproachfully as he went to turn down the music. It scared him how close he had come to ending Titov’s life. “Why are you here? You know that this could compromise my cover.”

  Titov held out an envelope, his expression grave. “This was sent to your main residence.”

  Rytsar snatched it out of Titov’s hand, demanding, “What, is this a formal threat from the Kozlovs? Why the hell would I care?”

  Titov met his anger with a look of sympathy. “No, comrade.”

  His reaction set Rytsar on edge. Pulling out the telegram, he read:

  Rytsar Durov,

  Please forgive the lateness of this message. Thane Davis was involved in a plane crash and remains in critical condition. Due to an unfortunate error, you were not contacted until now. Mercifully, he continues to shows signs of improvement.

  Sincerely, Ren Nosaka

  Rytsar stared at the note, frozen as the news slowly filtered its way to his brain and a cold chill coursed through his body.


  He’d lost too many—he wouldn’t survive the loss of Thane.

  Rytsar closed his eyes as images of Tatianna’s and his mother’s lifeless eyes flashed before him.

  Shaking his head violently, Rytsar tried to force those demons of his past at bay. He hadn’t been able to save Tatianna—or his mother—and a feeling of inevitability crept through his veins. Thane was destined to die.

  Rytsar was a cursed man. Everyone he’d ever loved met with an untimely death.

  Struggling to keep his composure as he stared at the note, a new feeling overpowered his sense of doom as rage took over.

  He stared at the name Ren Nosaka. How ironic that the Kinbaku Master was the one to inform him of the accident, and how convenient it was long after the fact. Had the Asian Dom been “caring” for Brie the whole time Thane lay dying in the hospital?

  How long had that bastard purposely kept Rytsar in the dark?

  Had it been days—or weeks even?

  Rytsar thought back on how long he’d been unable to reach Thane and suddenly felt ill. It hadn’t been some kind of pathetic joke on Thane’s part. No, his comrade had been fighting for his life all this time.

  There could be no other explanation for Nosaka keeping Rytsar away other than to claim Brie as his own the minute Thane passed.

  Knowing the Asian Dom had deep feelings for Brie, had even expected to collar her the night of her graduation, made him a threat. Thankfully, radost moya had realized who her true Master was—although Thane had tried to deny it when she’d offered him her collar.

  The more Rytsar thought about it, the more enraged he became.

  How dare Ren Nosaka try to fuck with their lives like that! The bastard was worse than a vulture, standing on the sideline waiting for Thane to take his final breath so he could swoop down to claim Brie and little moye solntse.

  Rytsar began to see red.

  If the worst happened, and his comrade passed from this world, he would never let Ren Nosaka collar Brie—never.

  But the thought of Thane dying instantly brought a physical pain so great Rytsar clutched his chest.

  I cannot lose you, brother…

  Rytsar barked out his orders to Titov. “Secure the plane in route and gather my men. We’re leaving this instant.”

  He didn’t bother packing, grabbing only his wallet and his cell phone before heading out the door.

  “I’m coming, moy droog,” he muttered. “Don’t you dare leave me.”

  To survive the unbearable length of the flight from Moscow to Los Angeles, and bury away the dark memories of his past, Rytsar slipped on a pair of headphones and closed his eyes. He listened to the song “O Fortuna” repeatedly for the next twelve hours.

  It was the only way to keep his mind from wandering to places he dare not go.

  The moment the plane rolled to a stop at the LAX terminal, he pushed the pilot to open the door so he could exit. There was a vehicle waiting for them. His driver understood the urgency of their mission and sped to the hospital at the risk of getting caught breaking the law.

  Rytsar knew, even if the police attempted to pull them over, his man would not stop until they reached their destination. His men were loyal to him, no matter the consequences to themselves.

  Before the vehicle came to a full stop, Rytsar jumped out and pushed through the hospital doors with his entourage following behind him. He immediately approached the front desk and demanded to know where Thane was.

  The flustered woman stumbled over her words, looking at all the intimidating men. “Mr. Davis? Umm…let me see. It looks like he’s in the ICU.”

  “Where is that?” Rytsar demanded.

  “It’s on the fourth floor. But only close family members are allowed in…”

  “Thank you.” Rytsar started toward the elevators but decided to take the stairs instead, running up the steps two at a time. Not about to be stopped, he barreled his way into the ICU, ignoring the nurses who tried to stop him.

  Rytsar was not surprised to find Nosaka in the room with Brie, but became incensed when he found her in the arms of the Kinbaku Master with the man gently stroking her hair.

  With nostrils flaring, Rytsar rushed in and headed straight for the man. “Get your hands off her! I am the brother. I should be caring for radost moya—not you!”

  Rytsar grabbed his shirt collar for leverage, and fist connected with jaw. He held back the power of his swing only out of respect for Brie.

  Nosaka fell to the ground with Brie crying out behind him in desperation, “Don’t hurt him, Rytsar!”

  Falling to her knees beside the traitor, Brie moved in to shield him from Rytsar’s wrath—which only incensed him even more. Pointing to Nosaka, he roared, “No one touches radost moya—least of all you!”

  Nosaka was unsteady on his feet as he stood back up and claimed, “You’ve got this all wrong.”

  Like hell I do! Rytsar thought. He turned his attention on Brie and demanded angrily, “Why didn’t you contact me the minute the plane went down?”

  She looked genuinely devastated when she answered. “I’m so sorry, Rytsar… I didn’t know you weren’t contacted until a few days ago.”

  “I left messages on Thane’s phone that went unanswered,” he told her. Suddenly the dam of emotions he’d been trying to hold back began to crack—and his voice caught. “I thought he was playing some kind of joke.”

  Rytsar walked over to Thane. His friend’s eyes were open but he was staring ahead with no spark to be found in those windows to his soul. It seemed Rytsar’s worst dreams were coming true.

  “Moy droog…”

  He’d seen that lifeless stare with his mother just before she took her last breath.

  The dangerous tempest of the past swirled around this new source of pain. With herculean strength he held it back, but he could not stop the tears from welling in his eyes.

  Brie came up beside him, explaining gently, “He still remains in a coma.”

  “But his eyes…”

  “They’re open but the doctor says he’s still unconscious.”

  He let the tears fall when he put his hand on Thane’s shoulder. Rytsar should have been here the very day it happened. His brother should not have had to fight this battle alone. “How long you’ve been suffering, comrade…” he choked out.

  Brie attempted to assure him. “I’ve done everything I can think of to keep Sir stimulated and comfortable.”

  Rytsar could barely force out the words when he asked again, “Why didn’t you call?”

  Her bottom lip trembled when she answered. “I had no idea you hadn’t been reached. I’m so sorry.”

  “I would have come as soon as I heard. Surely, you knew that.”

s confession pulled at his heart. “I’ve tried so hard to be strong on my own.”

  However, Rytsar felt his deep-seated rage resurface again. “And yet you let this man stand in for me?”

  She bravely met his anger head-on, correcting him. “I didn’t ask Tono to come. Master Anderson did.”

  His fury suddenly shifted to Brad. “Where is that traitor?”

  Rytsar felt Brie’s gentle touch on his arm, and for a brief moment he relaxed enough to hear what she was saying.

  “Master Anderson kept me safe before the car accident.”

  What the hell? Has the entire world turned upside down?

  “What car accident?” Rytsar demanded.

  “Master Anderson’s truck was totaled, but thankfully he only suffered a broken leg in the crash.”

  Good, the traitor is still alive and will be made to pay.

  Slamming his fist into his palm, Rytsar declared, “I will add a few more broken bones.”

  “No!” Brie cried. “Master Anderson’s been nothing but kind to me. Both men have.”

  Rytsar looked at Nosaka, feeling nothing but anger and distrust. “You have no business caring for radost moya.”

  God only knew what the man had done with no one there to stop his advances on the girl.

  “Get out!”

  When Nosaka made no move to comply, Rytsar had to fight back the urge to punch him a second time. He warned ominously, “Get out of here, Tono Nosaka.”

  The Kinbaku Master finally responded to the threat in his voice and exited the room, despite Brie’s protests for Nosaka not to leave.

  Rytsar watched with interest as the man blocked the security guards from coming into the room to haul Rytsar away. Instead, Nosaka convinced them to return to their posts. It surprised Rytsar, but did not sway him.

  Once the Asian Dom was gone, Rytsar wrapped Brie in his protective embrace. All the furious tension dissipated the moment Brie began to sob in his arms.

  “Oh Rytsar…”

  He lifted her up off the floor and held her against him. The intense sorrow flowing between them melded into a black ball of grief. In that melding, they were able to draw strength from each other. When he regained the power of speech again, he asked her, “How long has it been?”


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