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Sweet Mercy

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by Lynn Hagen


  Fever's Edge 2

  Sweet Mercy

  [Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection: Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Alternative, Western, Paranormal, Shape-shifters, Romantic Suspense, MM, HEA]

  After surviving an abusive relationship, Mercy takes refuge at his stepbrother’s ranch. He has been living there for three years, trying to put his life back together. In walks Ford Bowers, a stunning man who makes Mercy’s heart race. But he doesn’t trust men, not even when Ford comes to his rescue for a flat tire. Not even when Ford fronts Mercy the money to start his own business. Some things are just too hard to get past, especially when Mercy’s ex-boyfriend shows back up in town.

  Ford knows Mercy is his mate from the moment he steps from his truck. The problem is, Ford is working undercover to catch a maniac vampire. He’s been hired at the ranch, only because Ford doesn’t want to draw any suspicion to himself. He isn’t even sure he wants to stick around. He’s lived his life as an Ultionem mercenary and setting down roots isn’t in the cards for him. Only, the longer he’s around Mercy, Ford isn’t so sure he can simply walk away.

  Length: 31,000 words


  Fever's Edge 2

  Lynn Hagen


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Sweet Mercy

  Copyright © 2020 by Lynn Hagen

  ISBN: 978-1-64637-255-3

  First Publication: September 2020

  Cover design by Emma Nicole

  All art and logo copyright © 2020 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

  You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

  For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Fever's Edge 2


  Copyright © 2020

  Chapter One

  “I’m off to run my errands,” Mercy said from the hallway outside his stepbrother’s office. “Was there anything you needed while I’m out?”

  Mercy rolled his eyes when he saw that Lincoln had Red pinned against his desk, the two making out like horny teenagers. They’d been that way since Red had finally given Lincoln a chance, and the two had been hard to separate since.

  Lincoln had also made Red his new tech guy, which Mercy had talked his stepbrother into doing. Red’s talents had been wasted as a ranch worker.

  Now the books were digitally caught up, and Lincoln was a happy man instead of threatening to throw his computer out the window.

  “Do you mind?” Lincoln asked when he came up for air.

  “If you wanted privacy, you should’ve closed your door,” Mercy huffed. “I’ll be back later. Try not to suffocate each other while I’m gone.”

  Of course Mercy was a bit jealous that he didn’t have someone pawing him like that, but after his last boyfriend, he wasn’t ready to jump back onto the dating wagon. He wasn’t sure if he ever would be.

  It had been three long years since he’d come to Wheeler Ranch to recover from what Lloyd had done to him, and Mercy was still struggling with the physical, emotional, and mental abuse he’d suffered through.

  Lloyd Carrington had been the epitome of cruelty, and even to this day Mercy still had nightmares about his past with his ex. He had a hard time trusting men when it came to his heart, and sadly, Mercy didn’t think that would ever change.

  He stepped outside to the bright afternoon and waved at Brett, a guy who had been a simple ranch worker but was now the new foreman. The last one turned out to be a psycho twat who had tried to kill Red.

  Thank goodness Red had survived. Mercy couldn’t say the same for Adam.

  Mercy paused when he noticed strangers next to Brett. He knew Lincoln had told Brett to hire new ranch workers, but Mercy had yet to meet them.

  His gaze zeroed in on the one to Brett’s left. The guy was what wet dreams were made of. He was thick with muscles, and from where Mercy stood, he saw the stranger had a head full of blond hair. Mercy was dying to see him up close but quickly turned away and headed for his dark green Jeep, which held a few rust spots here and there.

  It was still in great condition, so the body didn’t really bother him. Mercy wasn’t one of those people who had to have the latest, the greatest, and expensive things.

  As he walked across the yard, his gaze drifted back to the new hires.

  He wasn’t going to lust after a hired hand. Mercy wasn’t going to lust after anyone. He was perfectly happy cooking and cleaning, safe in his little bubble.

  He bit his lip and forced himself into his Jeep, ignoring the hot stud standing not twenty feet away. Nope. Mercy wasn’t going to ogle the handsome man. He was going to keep as much distance between them as possible.

  He pulled out from where he’d parked the night before and drove down the long driveway, refusing to look in his rearview mirror. Jesus. Of course Mercy missed sex. Three years dry was enough to make any man turn into a scowling, bitter person, but thankfully he hadn’t.

  Still, Mercy wasn’t the type to have one-night stands. He was a forever kind of guy, and since Lloyd had left a nasty taste in his mouth, Mr. Sexy could tempt someone else.

  Mercy yelped and gripped the wheel tighter when he heard a loud pop and the Jeep veered toward the woods. He managed to get himself to the side of the road, though at the moment, there wasn’t another vehicle in sight.

  “What the hell?” He got out and walked around his Jeep, groaning when he saw the flat tire. He’d known for some time that the tire needed replacing. A bubble had begun to form on the wall. But Mercy had put off getting it replaced, telling himself he would do it tomorrow.

  That had been a month ago.

  That was what he got for procrastinating, a flat tire on a country road with no traffic and no passersby who could help him.

  Dang it.

  Mercy took out his phone and called Lincoln. He wasn’t even sure Lincoln would answer his phone. His face was stuffed against Red’s, and he might not hear the phone.

  “Forget something?” Lincoln asked when he answered.

  Mercy nearly crumpled with relief. “I got a flat tire. Can you drive down Route 10 and change it for me?”

  What did Mercy
know about cars? Not a dang thing. He didn’t even know how to change a tire. How pathetic was that? Toss him in a kitchen and he would shine. Hand him a tire iron and he was lost.

  “How many times did I tell you to have that tire replaced?” Lincoln sighed. “Okay, help is on the way. Are you out of traffic?”

  Mercy looked up and down the road. Not a single vehicle was in sight, though he saw some buzzards circling overhead some distance away. “It’s getting congested out here, but I think I can manage not to get run over.”

  Just as long as those buzzards stayed where they were. If they started circling over his head, Mercy was making a run for it.

  “Okay, just sit tight. Let me make a call.” Lincoln hung up.

  Why did he have to make a call? Wasn’t he coming himself? He would probably send Brett.

  Mercy tucked his phone into his pocket and leaned against the back of his Jeep. He would’ve walked back to the ranch, but he’d already driven a mile, and in this heat, he would turn into a pile of goo before he even got home.

  Ten minutes passed before he spotted a truck heading toward him. Mercy didn’t recognize it, so he went back to staring at the buzzards. If Brett didn’t get there soon, they would be circling over him. God, it was hot.

  Sweat was already trickling down his face and back. Fanning himself was a joke, and now he was thirsty.

  The maroon truck pulled over to the side of the road. Mercy’s head shot up as he squinted, and then his eyes rounded.

  Lincoln had sent the new guy. Mr. Sexy. Mercy was going to kill his stepbrother in his sleep for this!

  The hunk got out of his truck and sauntered Mercy’s way. As soon as he was close enough, he stuck out his hand. “You must be Mercy. I’m Ford.”

  Ford. The same name as the truck he was driving. He was all muscles and cuteness, and Mercy wanted to swoon over him. And Ford had green eyes. Now Mercy knew the color of them. “Yep. I’m Mercy. Thanks for coming to my rescue.”

  “Not a problem. I’ll just put your spare on, and you’ll be as good as—”

  Ford’s hand tightened around Mercy’s as he cocked his head to the side and stared at him as if he’d never seen another human being.

  “As what?”

  Ford cleared his throat and shook his head. “Let’s get that tire changed.”

  Mercy couldn’t help but notice how strangely Ford kept looking at him as he went for the spare mounted on the back of the Jeep. He opened the casing over the spare and frowned.

  “Where’s the tire?”

  “I don’t know.” Mercy moved closer and looked into the empty casing.

  Ford walked around the Jeep, inspecting the tires. He stopped at the flat one and put his hands on his hips. “You’re already using it.”

  “Oh that’s right.” Mercy gave a tight laugh. How had he forgotten that he’d had it changed a week ago in town? He’d had a flat then, and Fire Chief Dalton Knowles had changed it for him. The original tire was still in the backseat, waiting to get repaired or replaced.

  “Let me call Brett and see what he wants me to do.” Ford slid his phone from his back pocket and walked toward his truck while Mercy stood there feeling like a complete idiot.

  He was also staring at Ford’s butt. And what a nice, rounded butt he had. Mercy had an insane urge to run over to the guy and squeeze his rounded globes.

  Mercy quickly looked away when Ford turned and faced him, placing his phone back into his pocket. The guy was returning to him.

  “Looks like I’m helping you for a while.” Ford smiled, and Mercy melted under its beauty. Or it could’ve been the heat frying his brain.

  Ford opened the door and pulled out the tire from the backseat and then tossed it into the bed of his truck. Next he jacked up the Jeep and removed the busted spare. He also tossed that in the back.

  “Lincoln said to use the business credit card to pay for the repairs.” Ford swept a hand toward the passenger side. “Hop in.”

  Mercy wasn’t looking forward to the close confines of the truck, but he had no other choice, unless he wanted to walk and have the buzzards following him, waiting to swoop in and feast on his dead carcass.

  He was also grateful that Lincoln was paying to have them fixed. Mercy balled on a budget, and that was one reason he hadn’t gotten the tires replaced. Tires were downright expensive.

  Lincoln paid him a decent wage to cook and clean, but it wasn’t as if his stepbrother was loaded. He ran a tight ship, and the ranch did just fine, but it wasn’t as though it made money hand over fist.

  Mercy didn’t think Lincoln was rich. He wouldn’t know since he’d never seen Lincoln’s finances. His stepbrother had been an adult by the time Mercy had been adopted as a teenager, and Lincoln had already purchased the ranch.

  Mercy shoved those thoughts aside. He didn’t want to think of how his mom had passed away from cancer, how she’d withered away to nothing, and how she’d left him alone in the cold, dark world. If she hadn’t been best friends with Lincoln’s mom, Mercy wasn’t sure where he would’ve ended up.

  When Mercy opened the passenger door, he groaned at the blast of cold air. He jumped in, sticking his face close to one of the vents.

  “It’s hot as hell out,” Ford said when he slipped into the driver’s seat. “Give it a second and you’ll be cooled off.”

  There was no chance of that happening. Not when Ford was so close. Mercy was heating up and not from the humidity outside.

  “Buckle your seat belt.” Ford hadn’t moved, hadn’t driven onto the road and headed toward town. He sat there staring at Mercy.

  Once Mercy’s seat belt was in place, Ford took off, driving with one hand on the wheel, the other resting on the armrest between them.

  “I appreciate you doing this for me. I’m sorry it took you away from your work.” Mercy looked up at the sky, but the buzzards were gone. They must’ve swooped in on whatever had attracted their attention.

  “I don’t mind,” Ford said. “It got me out of the heat, and I can’t resist helping a guy in distress on the side of the road.”

  Did that mean Ford was gay? Why are you even thinking about that? It doesn’t matter. “Well, anyway, thanks. I would’ve gotten the thingamajig out the back and changed it myself, but I have no clue how to change a tire.”

  “And you didn’t have a spare,” Ford reminded him.

  “Well, there’s that.”

  “I’ll need you to point me to the mechanic.”

  “There are two mechanic shops in town,” Mercy said. He wasn’t sure which one to go to since he’d never been to either, so he decided to go to the closest one.

  When they entered the downtown area, Mercy smiled. He loved Fever’s Edge. It wasn’t so small that you’d miss it if you closed your eyes, but it was big enough that it had a lot of restaurants, bars, and a whole assortment of businesses, like the pet store. Mercy had been dying to buy a puppy, but Lincoln had refused to let him get one.

  If he didn’t feel so obligated to his stepbrother for taking him in when he needed a place to stay, he’d move into the heart of town. The streets were lined with plenty of trees, and there was a large lake, which they’d just passed, with a dock that Mercy had dreamed of diving from many, many times.

  They drove down the street lined with restaurants, a barbershop, the fire station, and a few other businesses. He always got a heart-pounding feeling in his chest when he drove into town. Like this was a magical place he wanted to be a part of instead of living on a ranch miles from it.

  Mercy had lived in town many years ago, but that had been with Lloyd, his ex. Even those horrible memories weren’t enough to kill the passion he felt for the town he’d grown up in, a town that meant the world to him.

  “Take a left here,” Mercy said. “Now a right. Do you see the sign?”

  “Yep.” Ford pulled into the small lot of the auto repair shop and then hopped out and went inside. Mercy slid from the truck and looked around as he tried not to think of spending time
with Ford.

  Speaking of… Ford returned and grabbed both tires from the back and took them inside. He’d lifted them out of the truck bed as if they’d weighed nothing. Ugh, those muscles. Mercy was definitely going to swoon.

  When Ford returned, he was wiping his hands on a few paper towels. “I was also told to drive you around so you can get your errands done. The mechanic said it would be about an hour before he could get to you.”

  An hour with Ford. He could do this. He just had to resist flirting with the guy. Ford was a new hire, and Mercy wasn’t ready to dip his toes back into the dating pool.

  But damn if Ford didn’t make him want to.

  “I’ll save the grocery store for last,” Mercy said. “Dang it!” He’d forgotten the mail he was supposed to take to the post office on the front seat of his Jeep.

  “What?” Ford looked around before his gaze landed on Mercy. “What’s wrong?”

  That was all he had to do. Go grocery shopping and stop at the post office. He told Ford as much.

  “Well, you can come back when the tires are on your Jeep. Until then, I say we get something to eat. My treat. How does that sound?”

  “Any place with cool air.” Mercy fanned himself, mostly from the heat but also from being near the stud. “I’m already starting to melt again.”

  They ended up at Bent Spoon, a mom-and-pop diner that served breakfast all day and had prices that didn’t break your wallet. They were told to sit anywhere when they entered the place, and Mercy chose a booth by the big windows.

  “So where are you from?” Mercy knew the menu by heart. He came here every time he had to run errands. But he needed to do something with his hands, so he skimmed the items on the plastic-coated menu with his finger.

  “Somewhere you probably never heard of.” Ford picked up his menu, and from the look on his face, the subject was closed. Interesting.


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