Book Read Free


Page 25

by Lexi Blake

  “The car you’re walking in front of is my brother’s.” She pointed to the picture. “It’s an hour before the brakes failed and my brother died.”

  His blood seemed to go cold. “Shelby, I never met your brother. Never once in my life.”

  She held up a hand. “I know that. Like I said, my first thought after she explained to me that you’d had my brother murdered was, how do I tell you she’s been following you all this time? What else does she have on you? She’s been waiting to use this. I didn’t even think for a second that you could have done anything like this. So you should look through that. At least now you know she might hit you this way.”

  He’d been close to Shelby’s brother before he died? He turned the page. There was a picture of Patricia and his mother on either side of a smiling, attractive young man who looked a lot like his sister. Johnny Gates. Shelby’s brother, the last of her family.

  “I don’t know why I’m walking in front of his car, but I assure you—”

  She cut him off. “I know you didn’t kill my brother. Worry about your mom, not me. I’m going to transfer all my files to you and I’ll leave all my notes behind.”

  “Behind? What are you talking about?”

  “I’m going home. You’ve made it plain that I will get nothing out of this. I won’t get my book. I won’t get a loving boyfriend. I’m done.” She frowned. “But there is something I have to tell you first.”

  He didn’t need to hear anything else. “You don’t have a home. You don’t have anywhere to go. You’ll stay here.”

  “I am going to leave, Drew. You can’t stop me. I’m not some possession you can keep or dispense with at will.”

  “You’re in danger. She knows exactly who you are.” Panic started to threaten. If she walked out on him, he might never get her back.

  “The minute I leave this house, I’m no longer of any interest to her.”

  “That’s not true. She knows you’re my weakness.”

  “Oh, Drew, you don’t have any weaknesses,” Shelby said with a sigh.

  “I’m not going to let you leave.” He knew he sounded like a stubborn child, but he couldn’t help himself. He’d fucked up and he wasn’t sure how to fix it.

  “I understand that you’re used to getting what you want, and maybe you’ve decided you want me again since you figured out I didn’t betray you, but I’m done. You can’t force me to stay here with you. So the best thing you can do right now is calm down and listen to me. I would rather do this with some kindness because I know it’s going to be hard on you, but you need to read the information I found at the investigator’s.”

  How could she be so calm? “I don’t give a damn about the investigator. I know I fucked up, but that doesn’t mean you get to walk away. You promised me you wouldn’t do that. You told me if you had a problem, you would stay and fight it out with me. Well, here we are and you’re already running away.”

  Her skin flushed, obvious anger surging. “I made that deal with you when I believed you were honest with me. You had me sign a contract you knew you would never honor.”

  He had to keep her talking, had to stop her from walking out his door. “The contract plainly states that I would purchase the manuscript from you for an agreed-upon price. I never once stated that I would allow you to publish it. I’ll still honor that. How much do want for it? A million? Two? I don’t know why we’re arguing about this when you said yourself you’d already decided not to publish it anyway.”

  Her eyes widened as she stared at him. “Are you serious?”

  “Damn straight, I’m serious. I get that you’re pissed I wanted to watch you. I can’t help it. More people have betrayed me than ever gave a damn about me.”

  “Yes, you’re damaged. It’s not my responsibility to fix you. Call a therapist and when you’ve fixed yourself and you’re not such a massive ass, maybe you can give me a call.” There was fire in her eyes again and she stalked her way to him, getting into his space. “We were supposed to be partners, but you used me. I was nothing but a shield for the people you really do care about.”

  He had to be honest with her. “Maybe in the beginning, but that changed. You have no idea how much I’ve worried about you. Shelby, baby, we don’t have to fight. I was wrong. I should have trusted you. I’m not good at that, but you’ve taught me so much. You can teach me this, too.”

  “I don’t think anyone can teach you this, and after I tell you what I’ve done, you might not want me here at all. Drew, I’ve been investigating Hatch. I asked Case to help me.”

  Anger flared through his system again. “I told you not to do that. Why are you wasting time on this?”

  “Hatch was the fourth. It was his money,” she said, her voice flat. “It’s all in the report. He handed over fifty thousand dollars to Williams. He was the last payment. Volchenko carried out the job the next week.”

  Drew stopped, his stomach bottoming out. She was mistaken. It was obvious someone wanted her to believe Hatch was the fourth and she’d listened. He needed to calm everything down. “Can we have a drink and start this over?”

  “Drew, did you hear what I said?”

  He slumped down on the sofa, unable to stand up a second longer. “I’m processing it. I told you I’m not good at stuff like this, but I know I don’t want you to go.”

  “Drew, this isn’t about you and me. This is about Hatch now.”

  He shook his head. “Why would Hatch do it? I don’t want to argue with you. I don’t want to talk about this. I want to talk about us. I don’t want you to leave.”

  Her voice went soft. “I know, but I need to.”

  “You can stay here. I’ll leave the bedroom. I’ll sleep on the couch if it makes you feel better.”

  “Poor Drew, always looking for the next transaction.” She dropped to her knees in front of him, putting one hand on his cheek. “You can’t write me a check or bargain your way out of this. And you have to read that file. I’m so sorry to be the one to do this to you.”

  He had to make her see reason. “It’s a lie. It’s something she’s fabricated. She wants to break us all apart because we’re more vulnerable that way. Baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for how I reacted. You’re right. I was waiting for you to betray me, too. I swear I won’t do it again. I was wrong and I’ll make it up to you. I don’t want to lose you.”

  She stood, but not before he caught the hint of tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I knew you weren’t ready. You might never be ready, but I can’t be in a relationship where you spend your time manipulating me so you feel safe. It’s never safe. Anything can happen.”

  He felt numb, all the previous emotion draining out of him because she was leaving and there was nothing he could offer her to make her stay. He had nothing she wanted. All he had was money and power, and they were both useless now.

  He stared down at the folder she’d placed on the table. He didn’t have to open it to know it was a lie. Hatch had been the only person he could count on for so long. Hatch had been devastated by his dad’s death. Hatch had been so devastated he’d thrown himself into the bottom of a bottle for years and years.

  Grief or guilt?

  “Please read it, Drew. I need you to see the truth.” She started up the stairs.

  “You’re wrong.” He understood Hatch suddenly. Anytime the world got to be a bit much, Hatch started drinking. Drew wanted to himself. He could walk away from that fucking folder and from Shelby, with her accusatory eyes, and not give a shit about anyone or anything but his next drink.

  “I’m not wrong about Hatch,” she said, her voice so filled with sorrow.

  “I meant about never losing a woman. I lost her. The her I thought she was. I thought she loved me because I was her son. It’s stupid but it hurts to know I never had that. Never.”

  He picked up the folder and retreated to his office, closin
g the door and shutting the rest of the world out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Shelby watched as Drew closed the door, and her whole heart clenched.

  He shouldn’t be alone. He shouldn’t have to look through that particular truth by himself, and yet what was she supposed to do?

  “Hey, are you all right?”

  She realized she’d been standing on the stairs for way longer than she should. Mia stepped down, followed by Carly and Ellie.

  “I’m fine,” she managed. “I was going to get a drink.”

  There was some wine in the fridge. She could use a glass.

  She was going to miss him so much.

  “Good, I could use one, too.” Carly was right beside her. “Now that the men are gone, we can try to figure out what the hell we’re going to do.”

  “Yes, thank God. No one can think around all that testosterone.” Mia strode ahead. “And wine makes everything better. Not that I can have it, but I can watch you guys while we figure out how to fix things.”

  “I can’t believe she’s alive,” Ellie said. “Mia, you have the most brilliant and devious mind I’ve ever encountered. The way you manipulated those men to get them out of the house was pure genius.”

  “You have to know what they’re afraid of,” Mia replied, walking into the kitchen. “Someone else’s relationship imploding is Case’s worst nightmare. He hates talking about his own relationship, much less someone else’s.”

  “I thought they would show more solidarity with Drew.” Ellie opened the fridge door and grabbed a bottle of white wine.

  “Nope, they’re not foolish.” Carly strode to the cabinet that held the wineglasses. “They know how this ends. Now what the hell are we going to do about Psycho Mom? Sorry, Mia.”

  Mia waved her off. “You will get no arguments from me. That’s my bio mom. She’s definitely psycho. My real moms are totally awesome, despite the crunchy granolaness they raised me in.”

  How had they gone from angry mob to happy housewives? She couldn’t do it. She needed to be alone. “I think I’m going to go.”

  Carly handed the glasses to Ellie, who started to pour. “Oh, no. You’re the reason we sent the men off on their own. Shelby, please sit down. I know you’re hurting, and that’s why you need to be surrounded by people who understand what you’re going through. Ellie and I both went through a bunch of crap with our guys, and Mia . . . well, Mia’s actually one of them.”

  “Hey.” Mia sat up and frowned. “I married a Taggart. I’ve got all you covered. Even Shelby, who I have to say has the worst of my brothers. But that doesn’t mean you get to walk because the going got tough.”

  Was she fucking kidding? “Got tough? He brought me here on false pretenses and used me.”

  Mia nodded. “I know. It’s absolutely the most trouble he’s ever gone to over a woman. It’s like he’s already declared his love for you.”

  Shelby huffed. “Yeah, I’m feeling the love. Look, you guys are the ones who told me I was crazy to even start up with Drew. Awesome. You were right. Congratulations. I was an idiot.”

  Carly threw her arms around her. “There’s nothing happy here. I’m so sorry. I know I said all of those things, but Mia set me straight. I was wrong about Drew.”

  “No, you weren’t. You were absolutely right.” Shelby stepped back, completely unsure of what was really going on. “He used me. I thought I could change him. I was stupid. Now, if you want to know what happened with your mother, it’s in the report I gave to Drew.”

  Mia took a glass of water from Ellie. “I want to know what happened this afternoon, and you are absolutely necessary to the talk we’re going to have about what to do with my psychotic mother, but first I have to make Drew’s case for him because he’s not going to be capable of making it for himself. How mean was he?”

  “He wasn’t truly mean. He was just Drew. He was pissed off and sure that I’d done something I shouldn’t have.”

  “He got emotional. That’s not something he does easily,” Mia explained. “How often have you guys seen Drew lose control of his emotions?”

  Ellie shook her head. “Not once. Even when we were in the middle of all that crap with StratCast, he never got truly angry.”

  “I’ve never seen him mad. Intimidating, yes, but the man doesn’t get mad,” Carly agreed. “Drew’s cold, not hot.”

  He’d been hotter than hell several times during their relationship. Hot in bed. So hot she’d been sure that he would singe her. He’d been hot today, too. His anger had been palpable. “Well, I finally might have pushed the right button.”

  “Yes, it’s the Shelby button, and he’s never, ever had that button pushed before,” Mia said. “He’s always been able to be alone. He’s not like Riley, who had a long train of girlfriends.”

  “Why did I get the manwhore?” Ellie set a glass in front of Shelby.

  “Hey, Bran had a long line of strippers,” Carly pointed out. “So I think I got the short end of that stick. I think what Mia’s trying to say is that Drew might have had women in his life, but he’s never, ever introduced one to his family.”

  “Never,” Mia affirmed.

  “I explained why he did that.” It didn’t matter that it had felt real to her. “He didn’t want you to ask too many questions. He wanted our relationship to be a cover for what I was really doing.”

  “Drew would never introduce you to us if he didn’t plan to keep you, to make you part of the family,” Mia explained. “I’ve thought this through. I know I was worried in the beginning, but I think he’s really fallen for you.”

  Ellie set her glass down. “Drew’s actually kind of old-fashioned when it comes to stuff like that. It’s why we were all shocked when he said you’d moved in.”

  Carly huffed a little. “Well, Bran told me he wasn’t shocked. Apparently I don’t see as much as I think I do. Bran says Drew fell hard when he met you. Said he’s never seen Drew as into a woman as he was into you. He also wasn’t surprised he screwed it all up.”

  “None of us was surprised by that,” Ellie agreed. “Drew is brilliant and I adore him, but he’s awkward as hell when it comes to interpersonal relationships. I think it’s because he spends all his time around people who worship him like a tech god.”

  “No, I think it happened far earlier than that.” Mia moved her chair closer to the table. “Drew was always weird. He learned not to care what people think of him. He definitely learned how to guard himself. He doesn’t have friends outside his family. He doesn’t care about people outside this house, but when he does, it’s forever. He’s loyal to the core. I think that’s why you threw him for a loop. He realized he wanted more from you than his normal work-friends-with-benefits. He’s been so much happier the last few weeks than I’ve ever seen him.”

  “All he had to do was ask me out. I would have said yes.” She’d been fascinated by him from the moment he’d walked into the room.

  Mia leaned over. “I don’t think he trusts himself to date like a regular person. Drew plots and plans. He views the world as a war he has to win. I think he believed that his family might lure you into his web. It’s the kind of thing Drew would do. He would move you into a position where you would sink into the role, where he could ease you into the relationship he wanted. He would move you into his bedroom, into his office, introduce you to his employees.”

  All things he’d done.

  “But Mia, the first time he thought I’d done something wrong, he was ready to destroy me.” He’d said it himself. She’d seen the look in his eyes. He’d been so angry with her.

  Mia put a hand over hers. “I know, and I’m sure that hurt like hell. I know exactly what you’re going through because it happened to me. Case was in a bad place at the beginning of our relationship. He’d lost his brother and then, when we found Theo again, I was the reason he got away.”

“Case blamed you?”

  “Yes, and rightly so. I did it to save Case, but he didn’t see things my way. He was so mad at me that he said some things I couldn’t handle. I walked away. I was willing to let the love of my life go because he’d said some nasty things to me. I left and didn’t see or talk to him for six months. I can’t imagine it now because we don’t fight that way anymore. We’re only together because Case wouldn’t let it go. I would have. I would have let my pride and my fear keep us apart forever. Someone has to bend. It sucks and maybe that’s the hardest thing to realize in a relationship. It’s easier now because we found our way through the first hard time. Now we sit and talk, and sometimes his Taggart temper flares and I threaten to murder him, and then I take his hand and we get through it. I don’t think Drew knows how to get through this.”

  She didn’t know how to get through it, either. And the worst was yet to come. “I think after he reads the report I gave him, he’ll have more things to worry about than me.”

  “You found something bad on Hatch.” Tears pierced Ellie’s eyes. “Oh, God, I’ve always worried about it.”

  “Shit.” Carly reached for the wine bottle and poured herself a glass. “I don’t know if I want to know.”

  “Is he gone? Did he go with the guys?” She hadn’t been thinking at all. She’d been so wrapped up in how she and Drew were ending that she hadn’t thought about the fact that Hatch was here. He wasn’t hiding anymore. She didn’t trust him the way everyone else did. She hadn’t spent time with him. All she knew was he was the fourth conspirator.

  How far would he go to cover that up?

  Ellie was sniffling. “I don’t think so. I saw him heading outside toward the back.”

  “He was going to talk to Noah.” Mia was pulling out her phone. “I’ll let the guys know not to stay out too late. Shelby, I need you to tell us everything.”

  She stood up. “He’s with Noah?”

  Mia stood with her. “I’m sure it’s fine. He wanted to apologize.”


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