The Heiress & the Bodyguard
Page 17
“Would you really have left me today?” Julie whispered as they lay side by side, face-to-face. “After all we’ve been through…would you really have walked away so easily?”
Billy lovingly smoothed her tangled hair away from her face. “No, little love. I would have talked myself into coming back tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that. Love is worth fighting for, and it’s worth hurting for. You taught me that. Heaven knows you could do better than a reformed cynic without a drop of blue blood, but you would never find anyone who loves you like I do. If you’ll just believe in me one more time, I swear I’ll give you the world.
“You already have,” Julie sighed, a goofy smile completing her lovestruck expression. She kissed Billy on the chin, then rubbed his nose with hers. “So, do you like your new home?”
“I love it. You’re here, aren’t you? Still…why did you choose a houseboat?”
“I’ll let you in on a secret,” Julie whispered confidentially. “You can’t have security gates on a houseboat.”
He shivered as she kissed his neck with a soft, lingering sensuality. “No security gates?”
“No fences, no gates, no walls. Just you and me against the world, Officer. What do you think about that?”
Billy smiled, folding her up in his arms as tenderly and carefully as he would a delicate flower. Still, he knew only too well she was anything but fragile. This amazing woman—his amazing woman—was far stronger than she looked.
“I think the world had better watch out,” he said.
ISBN: 978-1-4592-0651-9
Copyright © 2001 by Tonya Wood
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