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The Pattern Ship

Page 6

by Tobias Roote

  Extending out of the black box through several thousand separate points, they became thicker strands that linked into all aspects of the ship's circuitry. Once all work was complete, the nanites used their own bodies, fused together on the inside, to create a perfect and unbreakable seal. Any future maintenance of the AI brain could only be done using its own internal resources.

  As the nanites outside the sealed box continued to make connections, so the power source began to receive input from external collectors, quickly charging its cells. When it achieved an eighty percent charge the cells released power to all internal circuits. The wafers of Alacite received updated programming, and the embedded chips booted up.

  Memories from the saved pattern were recreated, then initialised. These linked themselves to others until all of the individuals became part of the whole. When all were fully connected, a change self-activated over the array and an unknown sentry program initiated itself, sparked by some unknown, deeply programmed trigger.

  The internal power surged, and in that instant the T-ship became aware of itself and its surroundings.

  It immediately knew to replay its last section of memories. The AI reviewed its jump arrival into the system, realigning itself for the new jump, the cloaked missile. It recalled the uploading of its patterns into the pod, its maker too. Its memories ended there.

  Extrapolating what would have occurred next, it surmised that the missile had detonated destroying the T-ship and the pod had escaped.

  It deemed it was logical that it was, therefore, a reconstituted AI, along with a newly reconstituted T-ship.

  It had no feelings, otherwise it would have said it felt strange. In the absence of such emotion the AI instead simply noted it had been modified. Its processors had a slightly different resonance that seemed somehow more ‘correct’. A little faster, perhaps. It scheduled to run diagnostics and check its speed.

  Checking through automated arrays, the AI discovered new features. Each of them self explanatory, but needing fine tuning to be fully effective. It noted these down for sub-routines to manage. It moved on to new items, checking, collating and setting routines aside to manage them.

  Turning its attention outward, the AI observed the T-ship was also physically larger. It accommodated a being, not the maker, but an alien. The AI set aside a portion of its processors to monitor and understand the significance of this circumstance. Much appeared to have changed.

  It continued to make assessments of the changes, adding power to processes monitoring every aspect of its internal workings. It noted atmospheric mixture for the alien was almost identical to that of its maker. Observing its physical characteristics, it compared them with the maker, noting many similarities, the differences appeared few.

  It considered this while allowing for the possibility that the alien was, in fact, a new maker. The AI would await further input. The alien seemed currently unaware of its surroundings. The AI set monitoring equipment running to keep informed of the alien’s state of being. Currently, it appeared to be resting.

  The AI then spent several hours completing non-destructive testing on all its components, checking relays, purging data blocks ready to receive new information. When its internal diagnostics were complete, it proceeded to do the same for all ancillary equipment wired into its neural network.

  At the end of some considerable time all tests were completed. It was noted that its systems were functioning at one hundred percent efficiency. ‘Ship’, as it was referred to by the maker, was ready.

  Finally, it opened a hail to the pod AI, which it had sensed was waiting nearby. After a few seconds setting and linking the communication protocols there then followed a massive download of information, which took several minutes to receive at speeds unimaginably fast.

  The AI immediately compiled, sorted and filed everything in its newly purged data blocks.

  More hours went past as it ran through the filled blocks of data at high speed, analysing and reporting all received data so its systems would have access to everything they needed. Finally, it had absorbed everything it needed to know. The T-ship AI was now up to date.

  It opened a communication channel to the maker who still resided in the pod’s data banks.

  ‘Zirkos, I am fully restored. You may proceed to data port yourself aboard.’


  The pod AI, relieved of its attendant maker and ship AI, was left in the role of surveillance of the human scientists that were linked to the human on the ship. The AI had discovered by accessing the data nodes and searching on the molecular composition of the modified Alacite, that there were people, scientists, who were even now working on the properties of the metal and its effects on the human physiology. Pod realised that it was important to know how their research progressed even though the possibilities of them having a breakthrough without the human were remote. However, they did have access to quantities of blood containing the modified alloy and this was of interest to the AI who needed to keep track of all sources of the metal.

  With much of its system now inactive, it took the opportunity of running its own deep diagnostics, checking the integrity of its processor blocks, a routine that had been shelved due to the emergency functions it had been assigned. Now the maker had vacated those modules, it was able to carry out essential repairs.

  When it found that some of the processor arrays were damaged, it automatically materialised replacement Alacite from a small sample housed remotely on the T-ship and merged the non-faulty sections with the new metal, rebuilding its capacity back up to one hundred percent.

  Being only a level 'Three' AI, it made no connection with the sudden improvement in its capacity and processing speed, putting it down to the result of the return to optimum operating levels. The pod AI resumed its surveillance operations of the human scientists.


  “Zirkos ?”

  Ship broke into the thoughts of the maker, who was watching the human in his cell as he slept. The man had proceeded well in his recuperation and was fast approaching a point where some interaction would be necessary to move forward. He was wondering how best to approach it. He wasn’t one for interaction particularly with an alien human.

  Having monitored the logic circuits assigned to the maker realign to his, the AI continued when he was sure he had the full attention of the maker.

  “We’re prepared for sample collection. We have fourteen locations of organic matter that can be transduced into material suitable for your physical form. I just need your approval to proceed,” the AI completed.

  “You’re completely certain that no physical harm will come to any human or animal down there ?” Zirkos sought a last confirmation although he knew that the procedure was all about compatible biology that could be converted into human tissue, there being no means of creating his own tissue from an alien world. Still it wouldn’t differ much DNA-wise to that of the Earth’s.

  “Affirmative, Maker. We will be extracting DNA from minute sea organisms and surface-based vegetable matter, as well as two types of fungi and three molluscs. All of this will be converted into flesh, sinew and bone according to your existing pattern. You will not discern any difference in your physical make-up. Your DNA will be intact.” It completed its response and paused awaiting the response from the maker.

  “Proceed, Ship,” Zirkos commanded and then returned to watching the human in his room, no longer interested knowing the collection and conversion process well enough to be totally and utterly bored with the whole matter. Soon he would have a body and be able to move independently again.


  The T-ship was drifting sedately underwater, using the currents to move itself along.

  It was not a new experience for the AI. It had been submersed in liquids before, on occasion. This was different, however. The amount of activity from a variety of creatures kept its sensors continually active until it became accustomed to the different types and their movements. The attempts by some to swim int
o and through the ship’s shields kept setting off the alarms.

  The organic collection process was nearly done. Ship had been collecting samples for several days ready to recreate the maker. It would soon be able to return to space, where it could reset its sensors and resume its monitoring of the planet’s activity from a distance.

  Suddenly, Ship monitored a new sensor reading. The visual sensors zoomed in on the shadow until it could see it clearly. It was a large ship which it quickly recognised from its newly acquired human data banks as a nuclear submarine. The flag on its side showed it to be from a small landmass not far south from its current location under the northern ice cap.

  The submarine was travelling at low speed directly towards them. Its sophisticated multi-frequency sonar system would have detected the T-ship if Ship wasn’t absorbing the sound waves through its shield.

  Cloaked, the T-ship was completely unseen by the submarine, but it paid to keep sensors tuned to its progress, in case it needed to move itself out of the sub’s path.

  Eventually the submarine continued past them, slipping into a deep trench and dropping away from the T-ship. As the ping of its sonar diminished to unregisterable levels, the AI dismissed it and continued collating all manner of patterns that surrounded the ship, collecting those that met its requirements.

  The organic matter collection was now complete. It had spent a long time travelling around the planet, selecting the right types and quantities of organic components to use in the materialisation of the maker. There was considerable choice of raw materials to convert, and the physiological changes demanded by Zirkos also required attention to detail. Research had been extensive.

  All was now ready to proceed.

  The T-ship rose above the surface, releasing any water that had collected around its ports, then added a turn of speed just short of the speed of sound to ensure its hull was perfectly dry. Then, using the Dematz thrust, it returned to its sentry post above the North Pole. It checked its sensors for any freezing as a result of trapped water from the planet, and once it was sure all was clear, it released the redundant routine, making space in its processor bank for its next task.

  ‘Zirkos, are you ready for reconstruction ?’

  ‘Yes. Proceed, Ship,’ the sentient mentally replied, eager to become a physical being and enjoy the freedom of physical movement separate from all the computer processes. It was enjoyable having the three hundred and sixty degree vision and access to all the sensors simultaneously, but Zirkos now longed for some mental peace and solitude.

  The AI proceeded to shut down all processes allocated in its systems as those belonging to, or consisting of Zirkos, collecting all peripheral data in the ship’s data blocks that belonged to its maker’s memories. When ready, the AI began the process of transmuting the organic material it had collected into the physical being of its maker from the stored pattern retrieved from the pod.

  Finally, it transferred all of Zirkos’ data memories up to the moment of transmutation.


  Simultaneously, deep in the T-ship, the red-beamed curtain flowed over an empty sleep plinth in the quarters that would become those of its maker, Zirkos. It was identical in size to the one that Zeke was incarcerated in. As the ship wasn’t overly large they would be close neighbours.

  As the beam proceeded, sparks flowed downward at an increasingly fast rate until the beam was saturated with reflected light and nothing could be seen of that which occurred within.

  After a time the light curtain disappeared. The physical being that was now Zirkos lay deeply unconscious, while the nanobots that had been transferred at the same time began to meld those physical attributes forced into the body to a point where it could survive physical contact with the planet below.

  The resultant platinum blonde haired, silver skinned features were almost human. Differences were minor. Some cosmetic modifications had been made to enable Zirkos to blend in, be accepted and interact with the Earth humans.

  Extra storage and processing power had been implemented into the trunk of his new body. Zirkos had returned as a male, his natural form. A female would not prove acceptable to many of the humans. Being asexual would have meant further unnecessary modification, something Zirkos was keen to avoid. A male would also have advantages in negotiating.

  Zirkos had decided he needed allies. These humans could become friends of his people. He was impressed with their variety and their tenacity in all things, especially the sciences.

  They could be incredibly aggressive and warring, yet also compassionate and caring. He felt their race was worthy of development. He had also decided he would assist this process so that they in turn might offer assistance in the fight against the Nubl and the defence of his people.

  - 10 -

  Zeke awoke, but kept his eyes shut as he tried to place his location. Sensing movement nearby he sat up, finally remembering where he was, or more accurately, where he didn’t know he was. He immediately went into a mild panic while he rationalised everything that had occurred.

  He was in a grey room with no door. He was healed, whole and felt great. He began to relax again as his fight or flight reflex faded.

  The restoring sleep had done as much for him as the realisation that he no longer suffered the pain and agony caused by the metal plate. He was unaware that the nanobots were still in his system, helping to balance his metabolism to the absence of the Alacite poison.

  The absence of the plate was the best gift he had received from his, still unknown, benefactor.

  Now though, Zeke had a big problem. He was hungry.

  Paying closer attention and looking around, he noticed why he had sensed movement. There was now a grey table and chair in his room. It had been put there while he slept. On it was a pitcher of what looked like water, and a glass. A plate of something was beside it.

  Getting off the bed he walked, without pain and still naked, to the chair which appeared fixed to the floor. He then sat looking carefully at the small platter of food. It was nothing he recognised.

  He was thirsty. Taking hold of the pitcher he drank directly from it rather than the glass. He looked at the food, trying to decide what it was. It looked like those fruit fingers he remembered from his childhood, where they compressed leftover fruit into chew bars as a way of getting it inside kids.

  Picking up a green one, he bit off a piece. It tasted okay, but he couldn’t decide if it was meat, vegetable or other. Selecting a brown one he did the same. This one had a nutty flavour. A protein bar, maybe ? He wondered if he should eat them all, or at all. He had no idea what was in them.

  His stomach decided for him. He ate all four bars voraciously, as though he hadn’t eaten for a week. The pitcher of water was also drained, and five minutes later he sat back in the new chair feeling comfortably full. The bars, whatever they were, expanded to fill him.

  As he felt his energy rise, he realised that whatever it was in those bars, his body felt the benefits immediately. Better than KP rations, much better, he thought, although a burger wouldn’t have gone amiss, or a coffee for that matter.

  Zeke sat and thought about where he was and, on top of that, he wondered what had happened to him.

  He was bright, so it didn’t take him long to realise that he was currently in the presence of very advanced technology. There was much he didn’t yet know about what had happened and where he was. He knew, though, not to feel fear or anxiety.

  His prior training had prepared him with the instincts that anticipated danger or threat. He felt none of that here. Besides, why would he be healed only to be subsequently injured or killed ? No, he felt his safety was not currently in question. His future, though, that was definitely uncertain.

  He was also vaguely aware of something not quite right about his situation. He felt different. His weight seemed out of kilter, as if his density was somehow less than his muscle memory expected. Mentally he seemed much, much quicker. Perhaps the removal of the plate had something to do
with that.

  He had felt its depressing infiltration of his body over a long period of time to be having a debilitating effect on his ability to think. Now, clear of the plate and its crippling effects, he realised he could almost sense the damage it had done, which he felt had somehow been partially repaired. As he assimilated all this, he also came to realise that he could feel more of his bodily reactions to things. His mind sensed what he didn’t yet understand.

  He would continue to trust his instincts.

  He looked down at the table and noted that it was formed in one piece, the legs and top were moulded, like plastic, only it wasn’t any plastic he was familiar with. It seemed to be the same stuff the walls were made of, and the washbasin. It was all seamlessly joined to the floor, or wall.

  Looking closely at the bed, it seemed to flow out of the wall, identical in make-up to the rest of the room.

  So, he was dealing with an unknown technology that either moulded everything to suit, or was prefabricated in one piece and dropped into place.

  He looked over at the only flaw in that hypothesis, the table and chair.

  They were as equally formed as any part of the room, but were not present before he slept.

  He mentally chewed over that one while he dealt with the secondary but, in reality, the deeper concern - the lack of a door.

  He had to have been put in here, but how ? And, more importantly, how was he going to get out.

  Standing up, he walked to the open wall space where he would have put a door if he was building the room. He proceeded to minutely examine the surface, looking for a seam which simply had to be there.

  He noted the fact that his eyes, a growing problem recently with the metal plate, now had perfect vision, and he marvelled at his new ability to see clearly without squinting.

  That set his mind roaming off on other aspects of his new found health, and on impulse, he rushed over to the mirror and opened his mouth wide. Nope, no fillings. Hah ! Whatever removed the metal plate took all the metal in his body. Interesting.


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