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Trusting an Angel

Page 2

by Missy Jane

  She had worked for him for almost two years, and he still knew so little about her. He remembered hiring her as a quiet, part-time college student. Smart as a whip, she’d shocked him with her aura of pure goodness, and he’d known immediately she would be trustworthy.

  Unfortunately, she’d been crowding his thoughts lately, and his new involvement with Bill’s fundraising activities caused Dora to be in his company more often. She always looked at him with an innocent hunger, a longing he fought to ignore. But it was getting worse. Her pulse sped up every time he neared, and the sweet scent of her arousal grew too strong to easily disregard. She remained the worst kind of temptation: an innocent who looked at him with stars in her eyes. Everything he’d never allowed himself to taste. He silently cursed himself for arriving tonight without a date.

  “I’m surprised to find you out here all alone,” he said.

  “I needed some fresh air. It was getting…stuffy in there.”

  He nodded, though he really didn’t know what she was talking about. “I spoke to your godfather. His charity work is commendable.”

  “Thank you so much for coming tonight. I told you it would be time well spent.”

  He arched a brow, and she laughed. The sound caressed him like silk and he had to look away. “I believe the words ‘or else’ were used. I really don’t like burnt coffee.”

  She gasped in mock outrage. “I have never burned the coffee.”

  “Hmm.” He stepped closer and brushed loose strands of hair behind her ear.

  She smiled up at him, and his breath caught at her beauty.

  “I really am glad you came tonight. It’s a shame you make all your donations anonymously. Everyone should know how generous you are.”

  With his hand still on her hair it would be so easy to pull her into a kiss. He fought the urge and struggled to focus on their conversation. “I don’t need the recognition, Dora. I don’t give a damn what others think of me.”

  “But, Mr. Maxwell—”

  He tapped her lips lightly with the tip of one finger. “Hey, I told you to call me Zerach.”

  A pretty blush filled her face, and she graced him with her smile again.

  “Yes, I remember. Zerach. It couldn’t hurt your reputation for others to know of your generosity.”

  He just shrugged and ran the backs of his fingers down one side of her face. “You look so beautiful tonight.” She shivered and stumbled back a step. She might have fallen if he hadn’t grabbed her elbow. “Are you all right?”


  Isadora nearly laughed at the question. Was she all right? How could she be when the only man she wanted, the one man her godparents would never approve of, the one who stalked her dreams and fantasies, stood so close and actually touched her? Somehow she found her voice. “I’m fine…Thank you.”

  “It’s got to be those shoes. Do you always wear heels? I’ve never noticed before.”

  His deep rumble made her shiver, and she rubbed her hands up and down her bare arms.

  “Are you cold?” He shed his tuxedo jacket and draped it around her shoulders in one smooth motion. The strength of his fingers as he lightly gripped her nearly made her swoon. What would it be like to have all that masculine power touching other parts of her anatomy? She had to push the thought away to find her tongue.

  “Th-Thank you.”

  She hadn’t been cold in truth, and she definitely wasn’t now, with Zerach standing close enough for the heat of his hard body to seep into hers. She inhaled his masculine scent from the large jacket and hoped he wouldn’t ask for it back anytime soon.

  “You’re welcome. Do you want to go back in now?”

  “Not really.”

  He opened his mouth then promptly closed it, a foreign uncertainty covering his face. She took the opportunity to study him more closely. His jet black hair needed a cut and light stubble graced his broad chin. She could see golden specks in his hazel eyes as he looked down at her from his six-foot-plus height. Though a bit pale, his complexion held a golden hue unlike any she’d ever seen.

  “Alice and Bill will worry if they can’t find you,” he finally said. “If you prefer, I can walk you to your car—”

  “No, thank you. I just needed some fresh air. I’m not ready to call it a night.”

  He gave Isadora a look she couldn’t decipher before raising his head to gaze in the direction of the ballroom. She stood motionless, almost afraid to breathe in anticipation of his next words. Would he invite her to leave with him as she so dearly wished? More importantly, would she accept the invitation knowing the repercussions could be devastating? If the whispers of Alice’s friends were to be believed, Zerach was a man who knew his way around a woman’s body. He had a well-known reputation as an attentive and tireless lover.

  But what would one night of pleasure with this man cost her? He’d never kept a lover for more than a night, although he made his intentions crystal clear before making the slightest move toward intimacy.

  She inwardly cringed. In all reality, she wasn’t ready to be anyone’s lover just yet. There was still one very big issue that would keep her fully dressed in front of anyone.

  He looked down at her, standing so close, and opened his mouth to speak.

  “Isadora? Isadora!”

  Both of them turned to face the feminine voice headed their way. Isadora grimaced, recognizing Alice’s voice as it edged toward panic.

  “Over here, Alice. I’m here in the maze.”

  Isadora took a step toward the opening, Zerach’s jacket slipping from her shoulders. She reached up to grab it but her fingers grasped only air as Alice came into view.

  “There you are, Isadora. I looked everywhere for you. Jake has a full glass of champagne with your name on it. What are you doing out here?”

  Isadora turned to give Zerach a reassuring smile, only to frown at the empty space behind her.

  “Zerach?” she whispered.

  “What was that? Did you say, Zerach? No, no, Jake Deagan is looking for you not Zerach Maxwell. Good gracious, girl. Don’t even joke about getting that man’s attention. It’s bad enough you have to see him during the day.” Alice fanned herself, her face flushing as she walked the final steps to Isadora’s side. “Are you all right? Why on earth are you out here all alone?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Alice. I just got a bit heated after dancing and needed some fresh air.”

  “Ah, yes. That handsome Jake could fluster any woman.”

  Isadora stared as an uncharacteristic giggle escaped her godmother’s mouth.

  “Well, he’s waiting for you just inside with a glass of champagne. Shall we?” Alice asked.

  Isadora allowed Alice to link arms with her and turn her in the direction of the ballroom. Seeing Jake again was the last thing she wanted, but Isadora usually did anything her godparents asked. They were good, kind people who’d taken her in when her parents had died unexpectedly.

  “I can’t believe Jake arrived without a woman already on his arm,” she said.

  Alice sighed and gave a small nod. “With as much attention as he is showing you tonight, I’d guess it was planned. He’s always been very fond of you, you know.”

  It was Isadora’s turn to sigh. “I know but I really can’t see him as anything more than a friend.”

  “Oh? Why not?”

  Isadora stopped walking to stare at Alice. “Are you kidding? He wouldn’t be faithful to me past the honeymoon.”

  True surprise lit Alice’s face as she waved that comment away with one bejeweled hand. “Nonsense. He is a young man getting the wildness out while he can. However, his father raised him to be loyal. Once the vows are spoken I trust he can be expected to stick to them.”

  They started walking again and soon reached the open ballroom doors. Isadora peered inside to see Jake talking with her godfather, the two of them sharing a laugh. “Perhaps, but that’s not exactly something I’m willing to take for granted. Besides he doesn’t cause a spark in me. My heart doe
sn’t flutter. My palms don’t get sweaty. When I see him it’s just…meh.”

  Alice squeezed her arm. “So long as he treats you well and provides a good home then you’ll be in good hands. Besides, at least we know he comes from a good family. And the two of you were so close when you were younger. I’m sure that bond can be reformed if you just give it time.”

  Isadora wanted to argue, but Alice pulled her through the doorway and Jake’s attention immediately turned her way. He approached with a glass of champagne. “There you are. I was beginning to think you’d run off.”

  Alice laughed. “Of course not. She isn’t through dancing with you, Jake.”

  He grinned at Alice as she walked away, then turned the full force of his charm back onto Isadora. “Seriously. Everything all right?”

  Though tempted to say no and hand him back the drink, she took a fortifying sip and glanced around the room. “Yeah. Have you seen Zerach Maxwell?”

  Jake’s entire demeanor changed as he stepped in front of her, blocking her view of the room. “What does it matter if he’s here? Don’t you see him enough at the office?”

  The animosity in his voice surprised her. “I’m just curious. He wasn’t going to come even though he made a large contribution. I kind of told him he better show up.”

  “Why do you care if he comes to these things or not? Want to see what his date’s barely wearing?”

  The reminder of Zerach’s numerous female companions caused a pain in her chest. Of course she was being an idiot. What did it matter if she saw Zerach again tonight? Just because he’d been alone in the garden didn’t mean he had come alone to the event.

  “No. Of course not.”

  “Come on, Izzy. Let’s go dance again.”

  He took the glass from her hand and set it on the nearest table, then dragged her back onto the dance floor. She went grudgingly, with Alice and Bill watching. Both had smiles to rival any she’d seen from them before. Though she allowed Jake to swing her around the ballroom, her thoughts were on a different tall, handsome man in a tailored tuxedo.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Jake asked.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. That color looks great on you. So sweet and…innocent. Just the type of woman I should have on my arm at these things. I have a confession to make.”

  She lifted a brow at the hint of guilt on his face.

  “My PR firm thinks I should get married as soon as possible. They think I need to straighten out my bad boy image.” He chuckled. “I don’t know. I don’t think it’s really anyone’s business who I’m with on a nightly basis, but if it’s good for business…”

  Not a single response came to mind though Isadora tried to think of something neutral to say. Fortunately the music stopped, and she excused herself to the ladies’ room. Jake walked her almost to the door in a show of possessiveness he had no right to. He was acting so odd after their long separation.

  Finding Alice waiting by the sink as she emerged from the stall was also unexpected.

  “I’m happy to see you and Jake having such a good time,” she said.

  Isadora glanced at her godmother in the mirror. “I think he’s having more fun than I am.” As she washed and dried her hands, Alice wrung hers in an uncharacteristic show of nervousness, and Isadora noticed light smudges beneath her eyes. Alice always seemed so well put together. “What’s wrong?”

  “My dear, I’m afraid we’ve done something that isn’t easily fixed. Bill and I need your help. I just hope you don’t think it’s too much to ask.”

  “No. Of course not.”

  They’d never asked for anything. Now it was time to show them her appreciation.

  They left the bathroom together and Jake stood waiting nearby with Bill. Luckily, Alice announced she was ready to leave, and Isadora inwardly rejoiced that she’d make her escape with them.

  Jake didn’t try to hide his disappointment. “I really don’t mind taking you home, Izzy.”

  She pasted on a smile she didn’t feel. “That’s all right. The night’s young and I’m sure there are other ladies here waiting to dance with you.”

  “None that matter.”

  She laughed nervously and had turned to follow her godparents when Jake grasped her elbow. “Hey. What about a goodnight kiss?”

  She frowned. “I don’t—”

  He pulled her closer and held her arms securely so she couldn’t pull away without causing a scene. “Come on, Izzy. Just one kiss.”

  Anger flared in her gut, and she had the urge to knee him in the crotch. How dare he grab her? But they were at an important fundraiser and acting out might reflect badly on her godparents. Giving in was easier, but she only gave him a peck on the cheek for his efforts.

  “Goodnight, Jake.”

  He frowned and huffed out a breath, obviously unhappy with her kiss, but released her anyway. “Goodnight. I’ll call you later.”

  Isadora left the ballroom as quickly as she could without appearing to run away. Bill and Alice were waiting at the front of the hotel.

  They took her home, and she invited them into her apartment for coffee. Alice preferred tea, so Isadora busied herself preparing a pot of both drinks as her godparents sat at her kitchen table.

  “Isadora, you know we’d do anything for you, don’t you?” Alice asked. She needlessly straightened the salt and pepper shakers in the center of the table.

  Isadora glanced over her shoulder. “Yes, of course. And I’ll do anything I can for you.”

  They both nodded.

  “Never thought I’d ask this one,” Bill said as he fidgeted with the tablecloth.

  “It’s all right, dear. You’ll see. This is all going to work out just fine.” Alice patted his hands where he had them crossed on the table.

  Isadora grabbed three mugs before setting sugar, creamer, and a selection of tea bags on the table. Coffee began dripping into the pot, and she inhaled the fragrant aroma before turning to face her godparents. She leaned back against the counter and crossed her arms. “Okay, what is it? You both have me fearing the worst.”

  Alice smiled brightly, but it looked forced. Bill didn’t even try.

  “Honey, what do you think of Jake? He’s changed a lot over the past couple of years, hmm?” Alice asked.

  Isadora barely suppressed a frown as she carefully considered her words. “Well, yeah. Um, he’s been very popular in the gossip rags.”

  Bill grunted. “We know, but he’s promised all that nonsense is behind him now. He says he’s ready to grow up and be a respectable man. A respectable husband.”

  “Good for him.”

  “Isadora, Jake has asked us for your hand in marriage,” Alice finally said.

  “And we think it would be a great idea,” Bill added.

  She gaped at them. Why in the hell would he ask them and not her? Especially when they hadn’t seen each other in years?

  “What? You’ve got to be kidding. I barely know him now except what I read in the paper, and none of that is flattering. I told you earlier, Alice, I see him as nothing more than a friend.”

  Her godparents looked at each other in the way of people married long enough to communicate without words, as the teapot whistled. Isadora turned back to the coffee pot. She poured a mug for her and one for Bill. Then she poured steaming water in a cup for Alice. She took them to the table and sat down.

  “This is crazy,” she said. “You two have never pushed me to even date anyone in particular before. Why this sudden urge for me to marry Jake…or anyone at all?”

  Bill doctored his coffee before facing her. “You know I’m not in the best of health. I’d like to see you settled with a good man who can take care of you before I’m done on this earth.”

  Panic seized Isadora. “Don’t say that. If you follow your doctor’s orders you’ll be fine for many more years.”

  He grunted and Alice patted his hand again. “She’s right, dear.” She turned to Isadora. “W
e can only hope any changes Bill makes now will make a difference. But his health aside, we’d still like to see you find a good, caring husband.”

  Isadora sipped her coffee as she considered her response. Their two families had known each other for generations, and Jake remained in their exclusive circle. Though there were other young, unmarried men in that circle, Jake was the only one Isadora had ever spent time with.

  “It’s been so long since Jake and I spent time together, I don’t even know him anymore. Surely there’s another woman he’s spent time with lately. At least, more lately than the years we’ve been apart.”

  “When he came to speak to me about marrying you, he seemed dead set on having your hand,” Bill said.

  “Isn’t that romantic? Even with your time apart, he wants you as his wife,” Alice added.

  Isadora fought the urge to roll her eyes. Why couldn’t they see the absurdity of this whole conversation? She watched Alice prepare her tea and Bill drink his coffee. These two people meant more to her than anyone else in her life, and she hated to disappoint them. “I don’t love him.”

  Alice smiled weakly, and Bill looked surprised.

  “Well…that will come in time,” Bill said.

  Isadora shook her head. “I just really don’t think I can seriously consider his proposal.”

  They looked at each other again before Bill sat up straighter and gave her what she’d always considered his serious talk face.

  “I’m sorry to have to tell you like this Isadora, but we really need you to consider his proposal. I have business dealings with Jake that are really important to my company, but he keeps asking about you. With him so distracted, I can’t get a straight answer out of him on whether or not he’ll help me. If he doesn’t…we’re sunk.”

  Dread clogged her throat as she tried to ignore what she clearly read between the lines. Surely her assumption wasn’t true. “He isn’t making me a stipulation on helping you…is he?”

  When they looked at each other again she wanted to scream and throw her coffee across the room. Instead, she called on every reserve of patience she had and waited for the bomb to drop.


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