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Trusting an Angel

Page 10

by Missy Jane

  He hated to leave her for even a moment but remaining in bed wasn’t an option. His brothers were out there, circling the sky above her apartment as they waited for him to emerge and accept their council. The sooner he did, the sooner he could return to the warmth of Isadora in his arms. He carefully maneuvered away from her. She murmured quietly and rolled over but remained asleep. He watched her for a moment longer before tearing himself away.

  He pulled on his slacks and set Stanley on the bed before slipping out of the apartment. A new moon kept the world in darkness and would hide them from even the lightest sleepers. He walked to the playground a few yards from her front door and grinned at the sight of three of his brothers on the swings. Michael was not among them, but stood a few feet away with his arms crossed over his chest.


  Michael spoke first, as was his right. Zerach turned to face him as their brothers joined them. Raphael, Uriel, Camael and Selaphiel. Only Gabriel was missing, his absence a gaping void in all their souls.

  “Brothers,” Zerach said.

  He opened his arms and Uriel walked into them first, followed by Rafe, Cam, then Sel. It had been too long since all of them had been together, and they each felt the distance. After hugging each of his brothers, Zerach once again faced Mike.

  “You found a lead to the demons, but that’s not what has you in turmoil tonight.”

  It wasn’t a question so Zerach didn’t respond, just remained silent as he faced four questioning looks. Rafe was the only who didn’t appear confused or accusatory, his expression almost smug.

  “So this one is different from the others?” Cam asked. “She’s…more?”

  Zerach nodded and glanced over his shoulder to where her bedroom window could barely be seen in the darkness. “Very much so. I’ve found the mortal human woman who calls to my soul. My time to fall has come.”

  Startled looks met his confession, even from Rafe. It almost made him laugh. Unfortunately this wasn’t a laughing matter. It wasn’t any more of a shock to them than to him. Over the past few months he’d spent countless hours in Dora’s company. Never had he suspected she could make him feel this way. But from the moment his lips touched hers he knew. She was the one.

  Mike gave a single nod, and the others seemed to relax. Of all of them, Mike was the strictest when it came to the old ways. However, even he had begun to voice doubts about ever going back to the realm where they’d been created. The Source had never forbidden them from living among human mortals. In fact, it was more the beliefs of the humans that kept all angels at a distance. Zerach and his brothers weren’t the only group to live as humans, but there weren’t many. The others kept to themselves and stayed as true to their calling as possible. Not always an easy thing to remember, with the Source’s silence.

  Rafe stepped forward and set one hand on Zerach’s shoulder, squeezing it in support. “Does she know yet? Have you explained who we are?”

  Zerach shook his head. “I don’t know that she’s ready.”

  Rafe mirrored his frown, but the others nodded their understanding.

  “There is little that can’t be overcome by a love as pure as what you offer,” Uri said.

  “I’ve seen the way she looks at you, Zee,” Rafe said. “There’s no doubt love is there.”

  That sent a shaft of longing through Zerach so intense his breath froze in his lungs. He hadn’t realized until that moment how uncertain he’d been as far as Isadora was concerned. He knew his own feelings were rock solid, but she was a young, beautiful human. She could have any man she chose and short of reading her mind, which he refused to do, he wasn’t certain she truly wanted him.

  Rafe flashed a sympathetic smile, telling Zerach his brother had guessed his doubt. Zerach shrugged and glanced at her bedroom window again.

  “We are in agreement then,” Mike said into the silence. “She’s more than worthy of you, and you’re obviously in love with her. The ceremony can be performed at your will.”

  Zerach snapped his head around to look at his brother, his leader in all things for so long. “Really?”

  Mike nodded and Zerach smiled as he sighed out a breath in relief. “As soon as I’ve told her about us.”

  Mike nodded again. “Now, what about these damn demons?”

  That conversation would be even harder. With a glance Zerach again confirmed they were alone in the small park. He was happy to note no sign of a cherry-red sports car.

  “It’s Jake Deagan who’s calling them. I just don’t know how or why yet. The bastard attacked Dora tonight, and I nearly killed him. It might be best if one of you took over following him around.”

  His brothers all exchanged knowing looks, but it didn’t bother him one bit. Any one of them would feel the same way if he had a woman who meant as much. Cam stepped forward and offered to shadow Jake. Rafe also stepped forward but it was to update them on the bartender. She was indeed half-demon. And possibly the daughter of one of their greatest enemies.

  “It’s kind of funny though,” he said. “I don’t think she even knows she’s demon. She swears she’s never heard of Armaros.”

  Chapter Seven

  They slept in the next morning, kissing lazily beneath the covers as the sun’s rays slowly moved up one wall. Zerach immediately realized Dora was more playful when covered neck to toe. He kept her large comforter up to her collar, sliding it down low enough to kiss her neck and collarbone. Luckily she didn’t seem to mind that much exposure.

  “We should probably get out of bed sometime today,” she whispered.

  He grinned down at her, running his fingers through her hair. Touching her was such a pleasure he didn’t think he’d ever get enough.

  “It’s only nine. We can stay in bed until at least noon,” he replied.

  “Noon?” she exclaimed. “I still can’t believe you cleared the whole day for both of us.”

  He chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. “It pays to be the boss. I’d happily stay in bed until the sun sets again, so long as you’re beside me.”

  She grinned. “I’ll get hungry before then. Plus…um, I need to use the bathroom.”

  He barked out a laugh at her obvious embarrassment and fell onto his back. Rather than jump out of bed, she sat up and hit him with her pillow.

  “Don’t laugh at me. It’s not my fault you talked me into two glasses of wine in the wee hours.”

  She leaned over to place a peck on his lips before leaving the bed and sauntering into the bathroom. He watched her go with a contended sigh. She was so perfect.

  They had indeed been drinking wine, after he woke her for more playtime. Never before had he imagined so much pleasure could be had with a woman’s clothes still on. Luckily Dora had allowed him to be creative. He rose and pulled on his boxers before making the bed. There was very little on his agenda for today, and he’d been able to rearrange things easily, but tomorrow he was scheduled to aid Rafe. His grin melted into a scowl as he remembered their plans for the day interrogating the girl-demon.

  Dora walked out of the bathroom, and he turned to face her. “Did you have a lot of work for today?”

  She smiled and stepped close, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Not really but you know what a slave driver my boss is. I’d better not make this a habit.”

  He chuckled and planted a kiss on her irresistible mouth. “Oh I don’t know. I think I can convince him to let you take lots of time off in the future.”

  She ducked her head, rubbing her nose against his chest. “Yeah right.”

  He tightened his hold. “So I get you all to myself today. Hmm, whatever shall we do?”

  “Whatever you want to do works for me. I’m easy to please.”

  “Oh yeah?” he asked. “We’ll see about that.”

  She just smiled and let him pull her out of the room.


  They had French toast for breakfast and Isadora marveled at how well he could cook. He spoiled her rotten, waiting on her hand an
d foot despite her protests and being in her kitchen. This wasn’t something she ever would have expected from a man like Zerach Maxwell. He kept surprising her at every turn. Soon all of her concerns had disappeared until thoughts of Jake and her godparents were very far away. It was almost a shock when the world intruded and her cell phone rang.

  “Oh. That’s me.”

  Zerach frowned, but didn’t say a word when she pulled out of his arms to find her phone. She grabbed it and checked the caller ID.

  “Oh…uh, hello Alice.”

  “Good morning, dear. Is everything all right?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. How are you?”

  Alice sighed dramatically and a sense of foreboding crept through Isadora. “Well, I was doing well until Bill received the most unpleasant phone call from Jake. Did the two of you have an argument?”

  Isadora walked into the living room and sat on the sofa. Zerach’s warmth followed and she knew he stood nearby.

  “Yes, we did and it’s something I really need to talk to you about. I’ll have to see when I can go over.”

  Alice made a noise of disapproval Isadora had heard most of her life. It didn’t bode well but caused a spurt of annoyance.

  “I’m not sure when we’ll be available,” Alice said. “I’ll speak to Bill and let you know.”

  Then she just hung up. Isadora stared at the phone with her jaw dropped until Zerach gently took it from her hand. “Are you okay?”

  “She hung up on me. In all my life I think that’s the first time anyone’s ever hung up on me.”

  It actually hurt. They’d had a handful of arguments but were so few as to be almost nonexistent.

  Zerach’s large palm warmed her shoulder, and she looked at him. The sympathy in his gaze was more than welcome.

  “I’m sorry, sweetness. If I had to guess I’d say Jake already talked to them and spun a different story than what happened. I’ll go with you when you’re ready to face them with the truth.”

  “All I have to do is show them my bruises, and my side of the story will be justified.”

  “True. But I’m not letting you face them alone.”

  Seeing Zerach at her side might make her godparents angrier, but they would have to get over it. She didn’t want to face them alone anyway. What if Jake was there? That thought made her queasy and suddenly the beautiful day grew darker. Surely her godparents wouldn’t take Jake’s side once they saw her bruises…right?

  As if sensing her turmoil, Zerach bent to gently kiss her lips. “Don’t worry about it right now, beautiful. We’ll deal with them when the time comes.”

  She nodded though she felt anything but confident about the whole situation. “All right.”

  He pulled her from the sofa, and she leaned against his hard chest. They both still wore what they’d slept in, a nightshirt for her and boxers for him. Just seeing him in all his blatant masculinity made her mouth water and a tingle shot to her core.

  “Is there anything you need to do today?” she asked.

  He tightened his hold. “Nope. You’ve got me for the entire day if you want me.”

  “Yeah?” Delicious thoughts of what she could do with him in a day danced through her head, but most would take more daring than she had. “Well then we need to find something to pass the time.”

  His smile faded to be quickly replaced by hunger in his gaze. She shivered and licked her lips self-consciously. His eyes tracked the movement before he pulled her closer for his kiss.

  “I know there are ways I can please you and keep my clothes on,” she whispered.

  His hard body seemed to tense. “You do please me, have pleased me plenty already, Dora. There’s no need for more.”

  She could have let him talk her out of it, but she’d become sick of being passive. Her mind was set. “Then let me do this to please me.”

  His chest moved rapidly up and down and his heartbeat raced beneath her palm. He nodded slowly. She smiled and pushed against his bare chest until he sat down. She wished for the courage to strip off what few clothes she wore. With his actions and patience so far, she knew that moment would come soon. Her trust in him expanded with every second.

  “I can wear a blindfold,” he said with the hint of a smile.

  She smiled and shook her head. “What kind of girl do you think I am? I don’t own a blindfold.”

  He chuckled and shrugged, pulling her attention to his broad shoulders. She leaned a knee on the sofa between his legs so she could grab those golden-hued shoulders. His hands went to her waist and squeezed.

  “I didn’t expect you to own a blindfold, baby. I can make one in a heartbeat.”

  “I’ll bet. But no, that’s not necessary. You’ll just have to indulge my modesty once again.”

  “I don’t mind.” He kissed her lips softly before moving to her neck. “I don’t mind at all.”

  She gasped at the sensation of his mouth on her sensitive throat before remembering she was supposed to be pleasuring him. With an effort she pulled back and knelt on the floor between his feet. He said nothing as she ran her palms up his thighs to his waistband.

  “I’ve never done what I’m thinking of doing,” she said shyly.

  He grinned. “You started to last night. Just do what feels right, and I’ll stop you if I need to.”

  She gripped the top of his tented boxers. A spot of moisture already marred the silk. She licked her lips in anticipation and revealed his marvelous erection.

  “You’re beautiful here,” she whispered.

  He breathed out roughly and ran a hand through her hair. “You’re beautiful everywhere.”

  She smiled before lightly cupping him in both palms. Her hands looked so small against his size she was intimidated for a whole other reason.

  “I want to make you feel good.”

  “You do…I swear.”

  The breathless quality of his voice spurred her on, and she ran her hands over his hard cock, up and down the silky length. As soon as his panting breaths reached her ears she leaned forward and licked the moisture from the head. He groaned and placed both hands on either side of her head. He didn’t try to stop her, but seemed to need to hold on. She licked again before sucking the head into her mouth.

  “Ah! Yes, my beauty. Just like that.”

  She moaned as his taste exploded in her mouth, and she breathed through her nose. He bucked his hips, then seemed to realize what he’d done and stilled. His skin was warm against her tongue and unlike anything she’d ever experienced.


  “Mmhmm,” she murmured before moving up and down on his shaft.

  “Ah, fuck.”

  Joy filtered through her. He liked it and that was all she needed to know. She suckled him again before moving her palms in tandem with her tongue. He groaned and moved his hips again.

  “Okay. You should stop now.”

  Stop? She didn’t want to stop. His obvious pleasure had her own nerves tingling and sparking. Moisture slipped past her panties and spread between her thighs as she squeezed them together. A deep ache had formed at the point of her pleasure but it was too delicious for her to want it to stop.

  He used his palms to gently nudge her head up, and his cock popped out of her mouth. She licked her lips and shook her head. “No—”

  “Oh yes, baby. No way am I coming in your mouth. Not this time.”

  He gently lifted her onto his lap until she straddled him. She scrambled to pull the shirt over her knees but he grasped her face in his palms and claimed her attention.

  “Rub against me. Ride me and find your pleasure too.”

  Then he kissed her and all thoughts of modesty flew out the window. She wasn’t entirely sure she could do as he said but was more than willing to try. She pressed against his body until his cock settled into the apex of her thighs. Then she started to move.


  An explosion of sensation detonated in her core, not quite an orgasm but so damn close she knew it was inevitable. H
e ran both hands down her back to grasp her ass and pushed his hips up at the same time, grinding against her.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Just like that. Perfect.”

  His praise added to the pleasure and within seconds she rode the precipice. “Zerach…Zerach…”

  She chanted his name like a mantra as she rode him, thrusting into his lap while her pleasure peaked. Then she was coming and nothing else mattered in that moment.

  “Ah, Dora, my beauty…”

  She was vaguely aware of him grinding against her, setting off another small orgasm just as she came down from the first. She gasped into his mouth as he sucked on her tongue. A flood of moisture hit her lower belly and he grunted while tightening his hold on her ass.

  “Oh…oh my,” she said.

  He chuckled and moved his hands up to her back so he could hug her against his chest. He was breathing hard, head thrown back against the sofa with his eyes shut. “Yeah. Oh my…”

  She laughed breathlessly and kissed his throat. “I can’t wait to do that with you naked.”

  His eyes shot open and he looked at her, a smug smile creeping onto his handsome face. “You enjoyed that?”

  “Oh yes. Very, very much.”

  “It will be so much better. I promise.”

  She bit her lip to keep from asking for more right then. He ran a finger down her face and his expression said he might know she barely held herself back.

  “But I can wait,” he said. “However long you need me to. I swear.”


  The sweet smile that graced her face barely hid her uncertainty. Zerach tried not to let it bother him…too much. He knew most men would make demands of a woman who had just put his cock in her mouth, but he wasn’t one of them. He had to tread carefully. Frightening her wasn’t an option.

  With the entire day open to do as they pleased he was tempted to take her back to his place. He wanted her in his bed. He wanted her scent on his pillow, the image of her beauty against his sheets firmly in his mind, her essence in every square inch of his apartment. However, he really did have a few things he needed to do that didn’t involve any type of pleasure. First and foremost on his mind was Jake. He needed to be warned off of Dora and interrogated about his involvement with demons.


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