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Trusting an Angel

Page 12

by Missy Jane

  She noted his tense jaw and shoulders. “Everything all right?”

  “For now. I might have to involve my brothers in a few upcoming decisions regarding the new restaurant complex we’re building near the Heights.”

  “I can arrange a breakfast or lunch for everyone if you’d like.”

  He finally met her gaze and smiled. “Maybe dinner would be better, and I’d like you to join us. I want you to meet all of them.”

  A warm happiness filled her at the prospect. She was afraid to read too much into it but surely he didn’t go through the trouble of introducing his brothers to just any woman.

  “Okay. I’ll see what I can do. When would you like to have it?”

  “As soon as possible.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  “Are you ready for lunch?”

  “Yes. Just need to turn off my computer and grab my purse.”

  Lunch was amazing and one of the most fun she’d ever had. Zerach regaled her with tales of his brothers and each of their quirks. The obvious affection he held for them warmed her heart and made her hope there was room for her in his inner circle. She didn’t honestly expect to keep his attention long, but while she had it she’d enjoy it to the fullest.

  They were driving back to the office when her phone rang. She fished it out of her purse and looked at the caller ID with disgust. Jake had finally decided to call her again. The past twenty-four hours had been so peaceful she had hoped he’d given up. Apparently not.


  “Hey, Izzy. Where are you?”

  “I beg your pardon? That’s none of your business.”

  He sighed loudly. “I’ve been calling the office number since noon and the answering service is still picking up. Did you forget to switch it off?”

  She laughed without humor. “Of course not.”

  He waited a beat as if hoping she would elaborate. She just waited with him in silence.

  “Oh,” he finally said. “Okay. Well I was hoping to take you to lunch but I guess I’m too late. Can I pick you up for dinner instead?”

  This time she really did laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding. You really think I want anything to do with you after the other night?”

  “Hey, I already told you I’m sorry about that. I even stayed away all yesterday for things to cool off. I just had too much to drink. It won’t happen again.”

  Her blood boiled at his calm remark. “You’re damn right it won’t because I don’t plan to ever see you again. You can forget the wedding and anything else you had planned for me, Jake. Goodbye.”

  She was about to hang up when he growled her name. “Isadora. I wouldn’t be so quick to end things if I were you.”

  The change in his tone caught her off guard. She put the phone back to her ear with a frown. “Why the hell not?”

  “Have you talked to your godparents today?”


  He chuckled and it sounded as different as his voice, darker somehow. “Hmm. Perhaps you should wait until you’ve had a chance to meet with them before you make any final decisions where I’m concerned. I’m sure Bill and Alice will be sorely disappointed if you back out now.”

  She opened her mouth to say something scathing when the line went dead. “He hung up on me! What is it with people lately?”

  Warmth on her leg brought her attention to Zerach. He’d placed a hand on her thigh and was rubbing small circles over her slacks.

  “I take it that was Jake,” he said.

  “Yes. Unfortunately. When he didn’t bother calling yesterday I was hopeful. He says he wanted to let me cool down. He’s an idiot. As if I’d ever forget what he did to me.”

  Just the memory sent a shiver of fear down her spine. Zerach’s hand tightened on her thigh as if he’d felt it. “Don’t worry about him. I’m not going to let him ever touch you again.”

  “Thank you. But I’m really worried about Bill and Alice. I should make sure they’re okay.”

  He patted her leg before putting his hand back on the wheel. She regretted the loss, but it was just as well. She found it hard to concentrate on anything else when Zerach touched her. And right now she needed to call Alice. They needed to see her bruises before they faded away.

  “I’m going to call Alice and see if I can go over for dinner tonight. I’d really like you to go with me if you’re not busy.”

  “Of course,” he said. “I prefer you don’t face them alone. Make sure you stress that Jake shouldn’t be there. Just in case they get any ideas of helping you two reconcile.”

  She hadn’t even thought of that. “Good idea.”

  Her palms moistened in nervousness, and she took a deep breath as she listened to the phone ring. Just when she feared it would click over to voicemail, Alice finally answered.


  “Hi, Alice. I was hoping I could join you and Bill for dinner tonight. I think we have things to discuss.”

  “Why yes.” Alice’s voice brightened. “I’ll be happy to call Jake and have him here as well.”

  “No. Please, don’t do that.”

  “Now, Isadora—”

  “I’m bringing Zerach Maxwell with me and they don’t get along.”

  There was a pause filled only with Alice’s harsh breathing.

  “Don’t you think that’s a little presumptuous?” she finally asked. “Inviting Mr. Maxwell to dinner in my home?”

  Isadora took a deep breath and prayed for patience. She vaguely realized they’d pulled into the parking garage at the office. “I’m not trying to be presumptuous but I need him there to help me explain things to you and Bill. He’s a witness to what happened between Jake and me.”

  Alice made a sound of dismissal and Isadora could picture her waving that comment away with one bejeweled hand.

  “Jake has already explained everything to us. There’s no need for you to rehash what happened or bring a witness. Now make sure you’re here by seven and wear something nice. I’ll call Jake and let him know.”

  “I’m not coming if you insist on including him.”

  “You listen to me, young lady. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you can be disrespectful.”

  Isadora tried to calm her racing heart and rolling emotions. The car had stopped and Zerach patiently waited beside her. “I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but you’re not listening to me.”

  “I’ve heard more than enough. You know Bill and I only want what’s best for you, don’t you?”

  “Of course.”

  “Over the past few years we’ve done all we can to help you become a successful and responsible woman. I think we’ve done a remarkable job, and I’m certain your parents would be very proud.”

  “Thank you,” Isadora replied quietly as her unease multiplied at the mention of her parents.

  “And in the same way we’ve guided you to choose the best path for your future, we also want to help you choose the best man to take care of you as your husband.”

  “Alice, there are valid reasons I no longer feel I can marry Jake.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. When an affluent man such as Jake Deagan has his sights set on you there’s no reason to deny him.”

  Anger welled up as Isadora fought to remain calm with the woman who’d raised her in her mother’s absence. “Alice, I’m only going to say this once more, so I hope you understand. I know you and Bill are depending on Jake but I don’t love him. And furthermore he hurt me. He physically hurt me and scared me. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to marry him.”

  Alice grew silent again for a few interminable seconds. Her voice betrayed nothing, but Isadora knew from previous experience her godmother was angry. “I’m sure you’re over exaggerating, dear.”

  “No. I’m not.”

  “That’s just as well. I know you are aware of the terms of your parents’ will. It’s clearly outlined that your trust is to be administered by Bill and I until your twenty-fifth birthday unless we deem you responsible enough
before that time.”

  Her blood ran cold, but she fought to keep her voice steady. “You promised to turn it over after I graduated from college.”

  “That is true. However, if you are not exhibiting the traits of a responsible adult, we would be remiss to allow you access to so much money.”

  Isadora nearly dropped the phone. Nausea suddenly tightened her gut. They were going to try to blackmail her into marrying Jake? This wasn’t the first time they’d spoken of her trust, but she’d had no idea Alice would hold it over her this way. Alice had antiquated ideas on marriage, but this was crazy and completely out of character.

  “Does Bill feel the same way?” She almost dreaded the answer.

  “Yes. I do believe he does.”

  ”This doesn’t make any sense, Alice. Once you see the bruises Jake left you’ll realize—”

  “What I realize is you’re being very selfish. You know Jake is eager to marry you, and you could really help his reputation. Not to mention Bill’s company needs him and he’s only asking for you to marry him.”

  “Only? Only! I only think you’re the one being selfish. You and Bill expect me to marry a man I don’t love, who doesn’t love me, just to save your damn company and your reputation. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Silence filled the air for nearly a full minute as Isadora huffed and raged silently. Then Alice finally responded. “I don’t think we have anything else to say to each other until you agree to see reason.”

  She hung up as Isadora gaped at a complete loss for words.


  Isadora burst into tears and Zerach jumped out of the car, almost instantly at her door. He opened it and pulled her into his arms. As he held her, the blood boiled in his veins. He had never wanted to hurt a human as badly as he wanted to hurt Jake Deagan, but the man remained innocent of any real crime. He was almost positive Jake had used the demon taint to influence Bill and Alice, however. Neither of them had seemed like the type to force Isadora into marriage before.

  It took a few minutes for Dora’s tears to slow. He held her through it all, not caring where they were or who might see them.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Maybe not completely, but I will be. Alice just really surprised me, but at least now I know exactly where she stands.”

  “Are you going to talk to Bill?”

  She bit her lip in contemplation until he rubbed his thumb over it. “I don’t think it would matter.”

  “Want to tell me all about it?” he asked. “I think I got the gist from your half of the conversation.”

  “Yes. Let’s go upstairs and I’ll tell you all the sordid details. I might need to talk to Rafe too. I have a feeling a lawyer’s advice would be helpful.”

  He returned to his side of the car to turn off the ignition while she grabbed her purse. They headed for the elevator in silence. He already knew everything that had been said between her and Alice. His angelic hearing enabled him to easily hear both sides of the conversation, and it irked him that he couldn’t share that with Dora yet. She was so distracted she might not even notice if he did tell her at this point. Damn Jake for this. He needed to get to Bill and Alice to clear their heads.

  They walked into the office and he said, “Come on. Let’s go sit in my office.” He led her to the small leather sofa and sat beside her. She immediately leaned into him in her trusting way.

  It took less than ten minutes for her to relay the whole conversation, even though she choked up a time or two. His anger grew until he could barely keep his body from trembling with it.

  “Oh,” Isadora said as she sat up. “Someone’s coming.”

  Luckily he felt Rafe’s presence just before the elevator dinged.

  He allowed her to put an inch of space between them but grabbed her knee when she would have moved farther away. His brother strolled in wearing a dark gray business suit and carrying a leather briefcase. He looked every inch the lawyer he pretended to be for the humans.

  They hugged, as was their way.

  “Miss O’Donnell,” Rafe said. “You’re looking beautiful as ever.”

  Dora blushed and Zerach fought down his annoyance. Though Rafe had been to his office many times, Zerach had never paid attention to Dora’s reaction to him before.

  “Hello, Rafe,” she said. “I’m so glad you decided to stop by. Do you have a moment to spare?”

  He grabbed the chair in front of Zerach’s desk, turning it so it faced the sofa. “For you, anything.”

  She smiled and some of Zerach’s annoyance eased. If Rafe could coax a smile from her when she felt so down then he could flirt with her all day.

  “I have a few questions about a trust…my trust. My parents set it up for me in the event of their death.”

  Rafe nodded and Zerach filled the inch she had moved away so they were touching again. She didn’t seem to notice.

  “I specialize in family law so I have some familiarity with trusts,” Rafe said. “Is there a problem with yours?”

  “Well, I’m not supposed to have access to it until my twenty-fifth birthday. That’s just over a year away. My godparents are the executors and are able to give me very small stipends every year. I’ve been using them for school. I just finished my bachelor’s degree so that’s no longer a valid reason to access any of the money. Is there any way to get the full amount out sooner?”

  Rafe rubbed his chin and seemed to think it over. Zerach knew his brilliant mind churned through every legal text he’d ever read on the subject. One of Rafe’s greatest abilities was retaining every word he’d ever read, even back over the centuries.

  After about five minutes he shook his head. “I can’t think of any legal precedent for allowing you to do so. Do you really need the money now? You could probably get a loan against it even though you can’t access it for a year.”

  She twisted her hands together in her lap. “I guess I can wait on it. I had already made plans because my godparents had promised to give it to me early. However, they’ve changed their minds. Another year really won’t make too much of a difference I guess.”

  She looked at Zerach again, as if for confirmation. He didn’t understand the question in her look but nodded his reassurances anyway. “If you change your mind I’d be happy to give you a loan against it. Interest free.”

  Surprise lit her face, then she shook her head. “No. That won’t be necessary.” She faced Rafe again. “Okay so if I can’t access it, what about my godparents? Is there any way they could access any of it without my knowledge? I’ve always been present at the bank before.”

  He frowned and shook his head. “As soon as you turned eighteen you should have been required to sign paperwork for those stipends right alongside them.”

  She stared at her lap for a moment. “Yes… Yes, I think I remember that.”

  “Good,” Rafe said. “There’s no legal way they can access the full amount and now that you’re an adult you’ll have to sign for a stipend.”

  She sighed in relief and sagged against Zerach. He accepted her weight gratefully. Having her depend on him for anything was a boon to his soul.

  “I’m so happy to hear that,” she said. “I’m not sure I’ll ever speak to them again after the conversation I just had with Alice. She was so horrible.”

  She sniffed back tears and Zerach’s anger shot up again.

  Rafe gave him a wary gaze. Has the demon accessed the godparents?

  Rafe’s voice in his head cleared the haze of fury from Zerach’s thoughts. He was taken aback by the question because he hadn’t even thought of that possibility.

  “Dora, you said Jake had been by to talk to them recently?” he asked.

  “Yes. Today, I think. He apparently told her about our argument, but she thought I was exaggerating my injuries.”

  Rafe’s gaze immediately went to her chin. She’d done a great job hiding that bruise with make-up. Unfortunately, Zerach had accidentally rubbed some of it off with his kis

  “It’s obvious to me it was no exaggeration,” Rafe said. He was no better at hiding his anger than Zerach.

  Dora smiled and reached over to pat his knee. “It looks worse than it feels. I promise. Luckily your brother was eavesdropping at my door and saved the day.”

  Rafe raised a questioning brow at Zerach. “Yeah, she caught me. But at least I was useful.”

  Dora laughed, and the last of Zerach’s anger drained away. Her tears had already dried and a small smile brightened her face. He no longer felt as if he needed to peel the skin from Jake’s bones.

  Rafe stood and picked up his briefcase. “Well, if there’s nothing else I should be on my way. I just came by to discuss dinner tonight, Zerach.”

  Dora faced him with surprise, and he wanted to kick himself. He had actually forgotten. “Right. Um…I forgot.”

  Rafe laughed. “Well, we can reschedule I guess, but we really need to get everything squared away.”

  Zerach sighed and ran a hand over the back of his neck. They were supposed to all meet at Rafe’s house and descend en masse on Jake’s doorstep. Cam was going to make sure Jake didn’t have any visitors and stayed put until they could all arrive at his Clear Lake mansion.

  “How about we meet a little later than originally planned,” Zerach offered. “Say, nine o’clock?”

  Rafe nodded and turned toward the door. “I’ll let the others know. Goodbye Miss O’Donnell.”

  “Bye, Rafe.”

  As soon as he walked out Dora faced Zerach again. “So, about dinner.”

  He just grinned.

  Chapter Nine

  They flew over the three-story monstrosity Jake called home, high above the clouds where no human eye would catch them. The moon was bright enough to illuminate the dark sky and glisten off their wings. Zerach’s arrival at exactly nine o’clock was a signal. The six archangels dropped from the sky and landed soundlessly on the back porch. They opened the door with a thought and strode into the opulent enclosure. Jake had dismissed his servants for the night. The four who lived on the premises were in a small set of apartments behind the main house and far enough away to not be a problem.


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