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Trusting an Angel

Page 17

by Missy Jane

  “Yeah, but there are six archangels to stop that from happening.”

  Isadora wanted to cry in relief at the sound of Zerach’s voice. He and his brothers were standing in the doorway in their human forms, covered in shining golden armor and holding massive swords. Their wings were hidden but each shined with a heavenly glow.

  The demon straightened to its full height and laughed at them.

  Rafe jumped forward and grabbed Asta’s arm. He shoved her behind him and lifted his sword. “Bring it on, asshole. We’re ready to send you home.”

  Jake’s grip on Isadora tightened, and he moved to a corner of the room as far away from everyone as possible. They could have been hidden in the shadows but Isadora knew Zerach was aware of her exact position at all times.

  “Jake,” she whispered. “Where are Bill and Alice? Tell me. Please.”

  “Oh, hell no,” he replied. “They’re my insurance. These fuckers might be able to get rid of the demon, but I’ll be damned if I let them take me down too.”

  She struggled against him until she had turned so they were pressed intimately face-to-face. He stopped moving and just held her with one hand buried in her hair and the other around her waist.

  For a second she feared he’d try to kiss her but he just stared. “You know, I’ve always thought you were so beautiful. But it wasn’t until I called on Armoros that I realized how much you glow.” He looked at the top of her head as if he could see something she didn’t. “It’s like a light of goodness surrounds you. It marks you as pure and clean. I want that, Izzy. I want your soul to cleanse mine. I need you.”

  Then he did lean in to kiss her and she kneed him in the balls. He cried out and released her. She should have run away, but anger boiled in her veins. She fisted both hands together and brought them down on the back of his neck. He dropped like a stone.

  The rest of the room was in turmoil. It wasn’t nearly large enough for a battle of good and evil and one angel had already been knocked through a wall. The other five retaliated by forcing Armoros through the hole it had made, and collapsing the entire wall. Now all of them fought on the lawn.

  Asta ran up to Isadora and glared down at Jake. “Damn, girl. I’m never giving you shit again.”

  Isadora forced a weak laugh. She looked out at the battle helplessly. “There isn’t anything we can do is there?”

  Asta shrugged. “We can search the house for your godparents.”

  “Good idea.”

  “Yeah. I have my moments.”

  Isadora shoved Jake with her foot, and he fell onto his back without batting an eyelash.

  “He’s out,” Asta said.

  “Good. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Zerach swiped a hand across his forehead to keep sweat from rolling into his eyes again and looked for an opening. Armoros had grown stronger in the past five hundred years. It was able to fend them off even when they attacked as one, but it paid for it. Cam had gotten a good swipe in to its ribs, and Rafe had nearly taken off an arm. Mike had drawn first blood with a deep gash to the demon’s thigh and Zerach had stabbed it in the shoulder. Uri and Sel had brought holy water and were preparing to dump it on the demon. Cam insisted on chanting some ritual words at the same time, now they just needed an opening.

  “Hey, ugly,” Zerach yelled. “It must suck that you still have to rely on humans to get you here.”

  The taunt hit its mark, and Armoros turned on him with a growl. Cam, Uri, and Sel came at it from behind as the demon raised its platter-sized hands to swipe at Zerach. Each finger was tipped in black, razor-sharp talons. A single stroke would go through Zerach’s armor like a warm knife through butter. He jumped back at the last possible second. The others threw the water as Cam yelled the words to banish a demon back to hell. Steam sizzled off Armoros’ back, and it screeched so loud every window in the house shattered. But it still remained in the human realm.

  “Shit!” Cam yelled.

  Zerach mentally echoed the sentiment as he stepped into the open space between them and swung his sword with all his strength. At the same time Mike came from the right and Rafe from the left. They worked in tandem, a choreographed move perfected through centuries of fighting side by side. With a blinding flash of light Armoros’ head left his body and the three swords clashed above his neck. Seven feet of demon suddenly fell in on itself, melting like snow beneath the sun. The stench was unbearable but all six angels stood watch until there was no more than a patch of blackened grass. Armoros’ head melted a few feet away.

  “It’s done,” Mike said with obvious relief. “One less demon to bother us.”

  “Dead? Or banished back to hell?” Cam asked.

  Mike shook his head with grim uncertainty on his face. “Most likely only banished, but we really won’t know unless it tries to come back.”

  They all nodded and leaned on their swords as they caught their breath. Uri spoke words over the demon’s remains and what was left scattered like ash. Soon even the scorch marks were gone.

  Then Rafe’s head snapped up, and he looked at Zerach. “The women.”

  It became a race through the house as they checked every room. From the attic to the garage there was no sign of them.

  “Wait,” Zerach said. He held up his hands to silence any questions and opened his bond to Isadora. A smile spread across his face as he found her nearby. “I know where they are.”

  They banished their armor and weapons and hurried to a small metal shed on the side of the house. They flung the door open and heard sobbing from a few feet away. Rafe hurried ahead but Zerach already knew what he would find. Alice was nearly inconsolable over everything that had happened. She held Dora tightly as she cried against her shoulder. Asta stood watching in fascination as if she’d never seen such raw human emotion before. Bill looked embarrassed when the men walked in. He wouldn’t look Zerach in the eye.

  “I can’t rightly tell you what happened,” he confessed. “I remember Jake talking to us, and somehow he convinced us we needed to keep Isadora’s money if she wouldn’t marry him.” He glanced at Rafe. “I know that’s illegal. Kept telling myself it was wrong. But then Jake would talk, and he sounded so reasonable. I don’t know how I let him convince me.”

  Zerach patted his shoulder. Though he knew Jake had used demonic influence to convince Bill and Alice, he didn’t think they were ready to hear it. “Jake is a smooth talker all right. I’m sure you’re not the first person he’s used his charm on to get his way. Tomorrow morning, come to my office so we can talk about a new merger and a new contract. I think we can work a deal out that will be just as good as what he offered.”

  The surprise on Bill’s face was almost comical. He glanced at Isadora then looked back at Zerach. “You know all about that, huh?”

  “Yup. Dora and I have gotten really close in the past few days and she told me everything. Don’t worry, I’ll always have her best interest in mind.”

  Bill still looked skeptical, but he just nodded. He walked over to where Alice still clung to Isadora and gently pried his wife away from his goddaughter.

  “You’re really going into business with him?” Rafe asked. “Even after everything they put Isadora through?”

  Zerach shrugged. “I suspect Jake used the demon’s influence to get them to agree to his demands. It’s true they made their own mess, but Dora loves them. They’re going to be in my life now that I’ve chosen her.”

  That declaration didn’t seem to surprise any of his brothers and a weight lifted from his chest. He only wished the last of them was there to join in the decision. Gabriel suddenly seemed very far away, and almost impossible to reach.

  While Isadora calmed Alice down, Mike and Uri fixed the broken windows and collapsed wall. Sel found Jake in the living room still out cold and flew him away. Zerach wanted to interrogate the bastard himself but knew his emotions were still too raw. It was best for someone without an emotional stake to take over the task of learning Jake’s motiv
ations. They still needed to know why he’d summoned Armoros.

  Once everything at the house was back to its original state, they left. Zerach drove the humans and Asta. He dropped her off at Rafe’s house first before taking the Goodmans home. Alice didn’t want to go into the house without Dora. He would’ve been annoyed if he didn’t understand exactly how she felt. It would be a while before he let Dora out of his sight for any length of time.

  “Alice, I told you I’m perfectly fine,” Dora said. “You’re the one who has been through an ordeal today. Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?”

  Zerach had scanned both of the Goodmans at the lake house and assured Dora they were physically fine. However, Alice still exhibited some signs of anxiety and shock.

  “No, no,” she said. “I’m fine. I just don’t like the idea of you going off to your apartment alone. You know you can stay here.”

  Zerach stepped forward. “She won’t be alone tonight. She’s staying with me.”

  Dora didn’t look surprised but Alice gasped. Bill eyed him critically but said nothing.

  “He’s done a good job of watching over me the past few days,” Dora replied. “I promise. I’m safe with him.”

  Bill nodded and walked into their house. Alice remained on the front step, still holding both of Dora’s hands. “You know how I worry.”

  “I know, Alice. I’ll be fine.”

  Zerach finally went to Dora and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I won’t let anything happen to her. And I swear I won’t hurt her.”

  Alice studied him for a minute as if it was the first time she’d ever seen him. Finally she nodded and released Dora’s hands. “All right. I’ll trust you, Mr. Maxwell. And I guess we’ll be at your office in the morning.”

  “Yes, ma’am. We’ll be in the office by nine.”

  That earned another scrutinizing look, but then she nodded and walked into the house. He took Dora’s hand and led her to Cam’s Hummer. As soon as she was buckled in, he hastened to the driver’s seat. Impatience ran through him, a sense of urgency he could barely control. He needed her naked and in his arms. He needed to feel her heartbeat against his.

  He headed for his apartment, his thoughts on her naked skin.

  Then she reached over and touched his shoulder. “What about Stanley?”

  “What?” For a second he was honestly confused.

  She apparently felt it through the bond and laughed. “Stanley. My kitten. Will Rafe mind pet-sitting tonight?”


  He searched his turbulent thoughts for the connection to Rafe and had a brief discussion.

  “It’s no problem,” Zerach said. “Asta’s playing with him right now anyway. She’ll watch him.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  He added pressure to the gas pedal. As soon as they reached his home he wasted no time getting her inside.

  She laughed when he picked her up and all but ran to his bedroom. “Zerach! What’s the hurry?”

  He stopped at his walk-in shower and let her slide against his body as he lowered her to her feet.

  He looked into her eyes and a tightness in his chest finally eased. “I could’ve lost you tonight.”


  Isadora’s humor was quickly replaced with tears as the horror of the past hours replayed in her mind. She could’ve lost him too. Just the thought of how badly things could have turned out terrified her.

  He tightened his arms around her and kissed her temple. “Shh. It’s all over now.”

  A tremor ran through her body as she fought to control her emotions. It was over…for now. “But what about the next time? The next demon?”

  She pulled back far enough to look him in the eyes and silently begged for honesty.

  Finally he nodded and leaned his forehead against hers. “I won’t be as involved in battling them once I fall. Most of it will be up to my brothers. However, I will still have to aid them as much as I’m able.”

  “Okay. I understand that. Will you be fully mortal? Will you still have any of your powers?”

  “Some. I won’t have wings.”

  She would’ve laughed if their bond didn’t tell her without a doubt just how devastated he was by that prospect.


  “No. Don’t even think it. I’ve made my decision and I’m happy with it. A mortal lifetime with you more than makes up for any loss I’ll endure.”

  She felt his sincerity and conviction but still gazed into his eyes for confirmation. He looked back unwavering.

  “All right,” she finally said. “I’m so humbled by your sacrifice. I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Say you love me and will until the end of our days.”

  “Can’t you feel it?”

  “Yes. But I’d still like the words.”

  This time she couldn’t keep the smile off her face any more than the burst of joy from her heart. She kissed him before holding his gaze again. “I do love you with everything I am, and I always will.”

  “And I you, my love.”

  Then there were no more words. The bond, just as much as the passion between them, made talking unnecessary. He stripped her slowly, kissing every inch of exposed skin until she trembled, barely able to hold herself upright. He yanked his clothes off and turned on the water. As soon as it was the right temperature he pulled her into the glass enclosure.

  Showers would never be the same, she realized as he kissed her shoulder. His hands ran the length of her body, and she marveled at the unmarked skin. So much had happened in the past few hours she really hadn’t had time to think about it. Now as she looked down at her healed body all she could do was send a sincere prayer to the heavens.

  Thank you, for everything.

  Zerach tipped her chin up and grinned at her before sweeping her into an all-consuming kiss, which left her breathless as he pulled away and grabbed a bar of soap. He washed her slowly before rubbing his body against hers. Then he rinsed them both and turned off the water. He didn’t even bother with towels before carrying her to his bed. He settled beside her and rested one warm hand on her belly.

  Her amusement slipped away when she noticed the serious look on his face. “What is it?”

  “Until I become mortal I’m infertile. But once the ceremony is complete I’ll be just like any human man. I’ll retain superior strength and senses, but nothing else.”

  She placed her hand on top of his. “Is that a promise? Because I want as many children as we can handle.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “I can handle quite a few on my own.”

  She shared his smile before sinking her fingers into his wet hair. She pulled his head down for her hungry mouth and tasted him with a moan. He let her lead the kiss, content to run a hand over her moist body. Even with only one hand free to roam he drove her crazy. Her nipples hardened at the touch of his fingers, her thighs quivered from the heat of his palm. The backs of his fingers were the sweetest torture as he ran them over her pubic hair. She opened her legs for him, and he cupped her in his large hand.

  “This is my paradise,” he whispered.

  Her breath caught as he kissed a path to where his hand rested. Then it left her in a gasp as he kissed her intimately on her hardened clit. She drew up her knees to make room for his broad shoulders before burying her fingers in his hair.

  “Oh, God…Zerach.”

  He licked, sucked, and suckled. He kissed and hummed against her heated skin. Moisture leaked from her body, and she squirmed against his onslaught. It was almost too much. Then he lightly raked his teeth against her most sensitive bundle of nerves, and she detonated.


  The orgasm hit her like a bomb bursting through her body. Stars shined behind her closed eyelids and the breath froze in her lungs. Time seemed to stand still for long heartbeats until finally it rushed forward again. She lay panting beneath him, trying to remember her name as he slowly crawled up her body. The warmth of hi
m covering her from hips to shoulders finally penetrated her satiated fog. She looked up to find him watching her.

  “I love you,” he whispered before sinking his hard cock into her slickened folds. She gasped and her eyes slid shut again in ecstasy. He stilled and a groan echoed low in his throat. Then he started to move.

  Each thrust was a revelation, each kiss a benediction. They were one body, one soul, one heart beating forcefully together as they raced for the pinnacle of pleasure. Her arousal was still at its peak when he penetrated her. Now it spiraled up again, and she was helpless against it. She gripped his shoulders and pressed her heels against his firm ass, encouraging him with every part of her that was physically able.

  “Yes…yes…oh God…Zerach.”

  She opened her eyes to find his face an inch away, his gaze arresting hers. He growled and sped up as sweat beaded on his forehead. Then he kissed her and pushed them both over the edge into bliss. She screamed into his mouth.

  Minutes, hours, or days later she finally opened her eyes. She didn’t even remember closing them. The moisture on her body cooled, lowering her temperature to almost normal. She half expected to see steam rising from where they joined. Zerach was still on top of her but most of his weight remained on his elbows and knees. Deep contentment filled her as she remained cradled in his embrace. She felt cherished for the first time in her adult life. It was a great gift, and she let him feel just how deeply it touched her.

  He lifted his head from her shoulder and smiled. “I do cherish you, Dora. More than anything in my entire existence.”

  He ran a hand through her hair, smoothing a few tangled strands from her face. All she could do was watch him. She had no words for the emotions rolling through her. Finally he moved off her and pulled her against his body.

  Sleep came easily, and she dreamed of what a future with Zerach might be like. She woke the next morning with a smile on her face.


  Zerach stood with his arms crossed against his chest, feet shoulder-width apart, and his most intimidating scowl in place. Jake had been slumped in a very uncomfortable wooden chair for almost eight hours. They’d fed him something light and allowed him use of the bathroom, but he wasn’t allowed to leave until they were done.


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