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Again! Again!

Page 17

by Zach Jenkins

In a monotone, Inigo said, “I’m just going to be honest with you, Riley. No sense beating around the bush. I know that you are a good skater and would help the team score more points.” Riley smiled and started pulling his bag toward the team.

  Inigo pressed his hand against Riley’s chest, forcing him to a stop.

  “I wasn’t done. You’d help us score more points, but you’d also make us be the bigger assholes out there. This is just a fun league, man. We’re just a bunch of guys here to have a good time and entertain our friends and the community for a couple hours. You’re too big of a prick for anything like that. You need to go home.”

  Riley sneered. “Or what? This is a public space, man. I have every right to be here.”

  “That is where you are wrong,” Inigo said, still in the same monotone that Levi hoped would never be directed at him. “This is my building. I make the rules here. You are banned effective immediately. It’s not me, Riley. It’s all you.”

  Riley shoved Inigo hard enough to push him back a step. Inigo immediately regained his balance and shoved Riley toward the door.

  Time slowed for Levi. He saw that Inigo’s eyes were locked on Riley’s face. He watched Riley’s right hand ball into a fist and his left leg step forward.

  Levi took a step forward while sliding his forearm in front of Inigo’s body and pushing him back toward safety. Their feet tangled. Levi turned and was watching Inigo’s fall when Riley’s fist exploded against his face.

  He knew he would feel the pain later, but rage protected Levi in the moment. Riley had enough common sense to take a step away when he saw Levi move toward him.

  From the floor, Inigo called out. “Levi, don’t hit him. The cops won’t care who punched first. He’s not worth it.”

  Levi grunted in response. He wasn’t happy about it, but Inigo was right. There was no sense in risking getting arrested for Riley. That didn’t mean he planned to do nothing, though. With well-practiced skill, he lunged at Riley and hoisted him up over his shoulders, wearing him like a really ugly scarf.

  Riley kicked and screamed, but Levi easily held him in place.

  “Bring his bag,” he yelled to Inigo as he slowly marched Riley through the crowd. Everyone grew quiet as they saw what was happening and started pointing and whispering. Riley doubled his struggles when a group of teenagers laughed at him, but he was nowhere near strong enough to break free from Levi’s grasp.

  Out in the parking lot, Levi finally set Riley on the ground and said, “Go home. Feel free to call the cops if you want, but I’ll press charges against you for punching me if you do. Considering how many witnesses are here, I’m guessing the outcome won’t go favorably for you, but your call. You think about trying to hurt Inigo or anyone I know again, I’ll make sure you learn what hurt really means. We clear?”

  Riley looked ready to piss himself. Levi felt a tiny twinge of guilt. Riley was so much smaller than him that it wasn’t even close to a real fight.

  But I wasn’t the one who threw the punch. And I can’t have this idiot stalking Inigo and pouncing on him some day when he’s alone or with Daxter.

  Practically falling over himself to run away, Riley had to be called back to get his bag. When he grabbed it and started trotting across the parking lot again, Inigo pushed Levi in the back.

  “What’s that for?” Levi asked, hoping Inigo wasn’t too angry for the scene he’d caused.

  Riley started it.

  “I could have handled him,” Inigo said. He didn’t sound too mad, which was a relief.

  “He was about to sucker punch you. I had to do something.”

  Inigo rubbed his hand over Levi’s tender cheek. “You’re going to have a black eye tomorrow, and it’s going to swell up and you’ll be hideous for a few days. You’re supposed to be the pretty one, Levi. Let me take the punch next time.”

  “I’m the pretty one? Damn, we’re screwed if I’m the pretty one.”

  Inigo laughed as he kissed Levi. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Hopefully, score a couple goals for me during this derby thing.” Levi said, hooking his arm through Inigo’s and leading him back into the roller rink.

  “There’s no goals. We score points for—”

  Levi interrupted Inigo’s explanation. “Yes, do that derby thing so we can get home and do plenty of scoring.”

  Inigo groaned. “You need to step up your game. That kind of banter might have been okay when we were just fooling around, but now that we’re a couple, I expect more out of you.”

  “So we’re a couple now,” Levi asked, stopping just outside the door.

  “Of course. No one takes a punch for someone they aren’t serious about.”

  “But that was just instinct. I wasn’t really thinking about it. Just like that, we’re stuck together?” Levi asked.

  Inigo put his hands on his hips. “Are you saying you don’t want to be a couple, Levi Hamilton?” Inigo demanded.

  “What? No, of course not. I just wasn’t expecting it to sneak up on me so suddenly.”

  “Tell me about it,” Inigo agreed. “Last thing I knew I was whining to you in a hotel lobby about a date standing me up, and here we are talking about a future together, knowing that you’re going to be an ugly monster in the morning. The world is crazy sometimes.”

  “I won’t be that ugly,” Levi protested.

  Inigo squinted and held his fingers up like he was framing a camera. “No, I guess you won’t be. It’ll probably look macho and stunning on you. Everything does.”

  “You always look macho and stunning when you’re on me, too, Inigo.”

  “When we get home, I’m going online to see if there’s a class you could take to improve your flirty talk. Or maybe I won’t. You’re already about as perfect as I can stand.”

  Levi pulled Inigo against his body for a long kiss. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was that they’d both happened to be in that hotel that night. He agreed with Inigo that the world really was crazy sometimes.

  “What was that for?” Inigo asked when they finally pulled apart.

  “I was about to say something stupid and figured a kiss would work better.” Levi blushed.

  “A kiss is always the right thing to say. Come on. Let’s go get this started.”

  Inigo pulled Levi through the door.

  Levi made sure not to say anything like this being the beginning of the rest of their life together. He was sure they both knew it was implied.



  “How’d the date go?” Levi asked Linda.

  She fanned herself dramatically with her hands. “I can barely walk today.”

  “You going to be recovered by tomorrow?” he asked.

  “I think I’ll get by. I’ll make sure to stretch before bed. Thanks for watching the kids again.”

  “Our pleasure,” Inigo said. He’d been the one to set her up with one of the single dads he’d met during a recent birthday party. “We’re going to watch Goonies and then play flashlight tag in the backyard when it gets dark.”

  “And make s’mores,” Levi added, rubbing his stomach.

  “Look at you two. I missed you while I was visiting my parents these last few weeks. So domestic. How’d you wild things settle down and get boring?” Linda asked.

  “Boring?” Levi asked. “We’re not boring, we’re…” He struggled to find an appropriate answer.

  Inigo laughed. “Boring. There’s nothing wrong with boring when it’s comfortable and with the right person, man.”

  Levi shrugged. “I guess if you can accept it, I can too. You were way wilder than I was back in the day.”

  Inigo pointed at himself and faked a surprised face. “I’m still plenty wild. Just yesterday, I had one beer and watched a rated-R movie. You’re the boring one.” He hopped up from the picnic table and gave Levi a quick kiss. “Since you think I’m not wild enough, I’m going to go get the dessert for us to eat before dinner.”

  “Awesome,” Levi said. �
�I’m starving but didn’t want to say anything in front of the kids.”

  Inigo cleared his throat and nodded at Levi’s house.

  “Oh, you need some help with the food?” Levi asked.

  “I can carry all the food.”

  When Levi stayed seated, Inigo cleared his throat again.

  “Are you catching a cold?”

  Linda groaned. “Oh my fucking God, if you don’t get off your ass and go with him, I’m going to slap you silly.”

  “Fine, fine. I’m going.” Levi yelled over to where the kids were playing tag to let Daxter know they would be back in a minute.

  “We might be more than a minute,” Inigo whispered, threading his fingers through Levi’s.

  “Oh, yeah?” Levi asked. When he finally deciphered what Inigo was hinting at, he said it again. “Oh, yeah? Right now?”

  He looked over his shoulder at Linda. When she waved and said, “Have fun,” Levi blushed a very pretty shade of red.

  As they approached his back porch, Levi said, “You know I don’t really think you’re boring, right? You’re amazing.”

  “Levi, I don’t care how boring I am as long as we’re happy together. Now get inside so I can suck your dick a little.”

  “Just a little?”

  “We’ll see. I might go a little wild.”

  “That’s my guy.” Levi hurried to the door and held it open for Inigo.

  About half an hour later, they returned to the picnic table with cupcakes. The kids flocked to join them, but hurried off as soon as they grabbed their sugary treasures.

  “Is Daxter ready for school tomorrow?” Linda asked.

  “He’s way more ready than I am. It feels like I just met him, and now he’ll be gone all day.”

  “You lucky son of a bitch. You didn’t have to go through nighttime feedings, or teething, or potty training, or any of that,” Linda said before taking a big bite out of her cupcake.

  “Yeah, and I missed his first word, and first step, and first time peeing in a toilet,” Levi rebutted.

  “Hmm. I guess you’ve got a point. They do grow up way too fast.”

  “But there’s still tons of memories that we’ll be able to be there for,” Inigo offered. “Like sledding. We’ll be able to take him to do that for his first time this winter.” Inigo rested his head against Levi’s shoulder and tasted his cupcake. “Mmm. These are good. Much better than that last batch.”

  “I used baking soda instead of powder with the first ones so that messed it all up.”

  “Whatever you did this time, keep it up. I haven’t tasted anything this good in like ten minutes,” Inigo said.

  Linda cackled in delight. Levi dipped his finger in the icing on his cupcake and smeared it on Inigo’s nose.

  When Linda recovered, she asked, “Hey, how’d that derby end up going? I’m so pissed I couldn’t come.”

  “It was great.” Inigo smiled at the memory. “Levi carried my ex out of the building on his shoulders like a brute when Riley tried to cause trouble. That was crazy sexy.”

  He kissed Levi on the cheek.

  “Did you guys win?” Linda asked.

  “We had so much fun. Levi’s brother—I mean, Cory—was amazing. Everyone was really silly. We looked like a little wrestling team out there with all the dramatic falls and fancy moves.”

  “So you won?” Linda pressed.

  “Oh, no. Not even close. But it was the most fun we had all year. I can’t wait until next season. We’ve got some ideas for jazzing up the uniforms.”

  Levi wrapped an arm over Inigo’s shoulder and pulled him against his body. “There’s good news for the rink, too. Inigo found a guy willing to invest in the place. He’s going to help pay for the new floor and some modern games. They’re going to add some batting cages and bumper cars out back, too. It should really help pull in more customers.”

  “Oh, that’s exciting. My kids will love it.” Linda leaned in and pointed her finger back and forth at each of them. “You guys decide on whether you’re moving in together?”

  Inigo pulled away from Levi and looked him in the face. “You talked to her about that while she was gone, but the derby never came up?” He wasn’t mad, just a little surprised. Inigo and Levi had discussed moving in several times recently, too. They both agreed it was going to happen, but were just uncertain about when would be the best time to do so. “What did you and Linda decide?”

  Levi stammered over his words, which was what usually happened when the topic came up.

  Linda rolled her eyes. “I think what he’s trying to say is that he should have asked you to do it already, but he’s too big of a pussy to do anything that might seem like he’s rushing you,” Linda said, grabbing a second cupcake from the plate.

  “Is that right?” Inigo asked Linda, since that seemed to be the best way to find out what Levi was thinking about the topic. When she nodded, he added, “That’s a shame because if he’d asked me then, I could already be moved in and sleeping in his bed every night, and we’d both be saving a ton in gas money.”

  “I bet,” Linda said. “Plus, all that extra sex.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Inigo agreed. “All that sex. That’s the real shame. Maybe he doesn’t find me attractive anymore.”

  “Come on, man,” Levi said. “You know that’s not true. Do I need to remind you about what just happened over there?”

  “True. So if he still finds me attractive, Linda, what other excuse could he have?”

  “If it were me,” she said, “I’d be worried he was inviting other guys over. After all, you two hooked up like seconds after meeting, so who knows who else he’s boinking?”

  “No,” Levi said very seriously. “Don’t even joke about that.”

  Inigo rubbed the back of Levi’s neck. “I know you aren’t fooling around with other people. We’re just messing with you. So why are you dragging your feet on this so much?”

  Levi shrugged. “I didn’t want to scare you off. Everything is really good right now, so I figure why rock that boat, you know? Trust me, I’ve wanted you to move in pretty much since we met. But I can wait for you if you need more time.”

  Linda glanced back and forth between them both, listening attentively for Inigo’s answer, while leaning in to grab another cupcake. “Don’t mind me. I’m just so excited that I’ve gotta shove something into my mouth to keep from screaming. I’ll work off the calories on my next date. Go on.”

  Inigo turned back to Levi and shrugged. “I’ve been waiting for you. I have nowhere else I want to be. I’m not going anywhere unless we do it together. I want no one besides you…and Daxter, of course. I love you, Levi. The three of us are the perfect little family. Let’s do it. I can be packed and ready this weekend.”

  Levi’s shoulders released tension that Inigo hadn’t noticed he’d been carrying. “I was so worried I was going to have to track you down in Washington and either drag your ass back here, or, even worse, move to that state and drown in the rain. Let’s round up our friends to get this move done as fast as possible. Why wait until the weekend? Let’s do it right now!”

  Levi had jumped to his feet during his speech. Inigo pulled him back down.

  “Not tonight. Daxter has school tomorrow. We’ll wait until Saturday to move my stuff.”

  Levi laughed. “Fine. I can wait that long, but not one second longer. I love you, Inigo. Let’s get the rest of our lives started.”

  Inigo didn’t even think of resisting when Levi pulled him over for another long, passionate kiss. He’d never been as happy and content. Everything in his life was perfect.

  Linda fanned herself off when they finally broke apart. “Damn. I’m gonna have to make my new man hang around with us more often and take some notes. Hey, one of you guys want that last cupcake?”

  “Nah, I’m good. I’ve got everything I want,” Levi said.

  “Me, too.”

  Linda took the cupcake. “Me, too,” she said with a full mouth.


  Want free bonus content?

  Sign up to the free Zach Jenkins’ Fan Club to receive an exclusive Fan Club only standalone novella!

  Also by Zach Jenkins

  Firefighters on the Fox

  Love on Fire

  Truth on Fire

  Choice on Fire

  or get all three Firefighters novels in one bundle

  Love on the Fox

  On The Strip


  Written with E. Davies

  Just a Summer Deal

  Sugar Topped

  About the Author

  Zach Jenkins was born in the Midwest and stayed in the Midwest until the military sent him bouncing from coast to coast and even overseas for four years. Having experienced some amazing places in this small world, he eventually settled back in the Midwest close to family and friends.

  He spends most of his free time catching up with TV shows on Netflix and chasing his barking dogs away from the windows so the mailman will continue to deliver the frequent packages that Amazon keeps sending him.

  He’s also very likely to be found chatting with fans in the Zach Pach Snach Shach private Facebook group, and would love to have you meet him there.

  Zach can also be found online at:

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