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Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)

Page 12

by Julie Shelton

  Nik chuckled. “Well, it was a surprise to us. We’ve been friends and business partners for eleven years. Ever since we were in the SEALs together. But lately we’ve both been thinking that...well, we needed more. Don’t get me wrong, myshka, we’re not gay. And Jay’s not a submissive. We’re both Doms. And we’ve both known we were looking for a woman to share. A submissive woman. Someone strong, smart, funny, and willing to take on two dominant men.” He nuzzled his cheek against her hair. “We think that woman is you. We would like for you to consider giving us a chance to show you how fulfilling a healthy D/s relationship can be.”

  “Nik—”Charlie squirmed uncomfortably in his lap. “I-I don’t think—”

  “Master Nik,” he corrected her once again. “Or Sir. Or Daddy. As long as you’re living with us, we will insist on the honorifics, whether you are officially our sub or not. Clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You don’t need to give us your answer right now, little one. Just promise you’ll think about it. In the meantime, as soon as you’re feeling better, we can see about getting you started upstairs in the Icebox. And I’ll call Mitch Thompkins about setting up an audition for you with the band.”

  “Why are you being so nice to me?”

  “Like I said at the club. You’re in trouble and you need help. That’s what SEALs do. We help people in trouble.”

  To her shock and utter horror, completely undone by the kindness and generosity of these two men, Charlie began to cry. Deep, heaving sobs that shuddered through her body and ripped from her throat. She cried for things she’d never cried for before. All the losses in her life. The loss of her parents, the loss of a loving, stable home life. The perfidy of Perry Bradford and the pain he’d inflicted on her. She cried until her head was pounding so hard, she feared her brain would explode. And she was so hot, she felt like she was crawling through fire. She cried for what seemed like hours, and through it all, Nik and Jay just held her, murmuring words of comfort, encouraging her to just let it all out. Finally, exhausted, she just lay there, slumped against Nik’s body, sniffling and hiccupping, and occasionally releasing a shuddering, hitching breath until she fell asleep.

  “Her fever’s spiking again.” Nik didn’t even have to hold his hand against her forehead. Her entire body was like a furnace. “I think we should give Luc a call, make sure we’re doing all we can to combat her infections. Maybe she needs to be in the hospital.”

  “No hospital,” Jay was adamant. “She’ll run the minute she gets a chance. We can’t let her do that. She won’t be safe. Not as long as Perry Bradford is alive and thinks she’s a threat.”

  Careful not to wake her, Nik managed to extract himself from beneath her. Without a word passing between them, both he and Jay carefully arranged her in the middle of the bed. She rolled over onto her right side, draped her arm around Mr. Floppy, tucked her hands beneath her cheek and settled with a sigh. Being careful of the IV line, Jay aligned himself behind her, pulling her ass into his groin. Nik arranged his long body along her front and gave her a tender kiss on her forehead.

  “Sleep well, baby girl,” he whispered, lifting his hand to tuck her sleek, black hair back behind her ear. “Whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, you’re in good hands.”


  Charlie yawned, curled into a little ball, and tightened her muscles. Then, straightening her legs, she raised her arms above her head, stretching in all directions, luxuriating in the feel of her muscles limbering up. Mmmm. That was—oh, my God! Her eyes flew open and she sat bolt upright, looking around in a panic. Fuck, fuck, fuck, what time is it? Master will want his cock sucked! Where is he? Why didn’t he wake me? Oh, my God, he’ll be furious! Her throat thickened with tears of dread. I can’t take another punishment. I just can’t. I won’t survive it. Her heart plummeted and her muscles tensed as the prospect of yet another beating loomed before her. Until, suddenly, her memories came flooding back. Nik. Jay. The Club. A sob escaped her as she was flooded with a profound sense of relief, followed by a shaky sigh. She sank back down against the pillows

  She wasn’t at Perry’s house. This wasn’t Perry’s bed. That should have been her first clue. If she’d still been his prisoner, she definitely wouldn’t have been afforded the luxury of being in his bed. She would have been in a wooden box under the bed, waiting for him to pull her out and force her to suck his cock. No, she wasn’t at Perry’s. She was someplace called Passion Lake Lodge. In Nik Rostov and Jay Gillespie’s apartment. Somehow she’d wound up here after witnessing their mesmerizing, intensely passionate scene at Club Risqué. After which Perry had confronted her. Hit her. Called her a cunt and a worthless whore—

  There were other memories, too, all jumbled together, some more vivid than others. Waking up to see Jay lying on his back sideways across the foot of the bed, his head hanging off the edge of the mattress, with Nik looking down at him tenderly, slowly fucking his mouth. Unfortunately, she’d sunk back into oblivion before getting the chance to watch Nik’s body convulsing in climax. She had dim recollections of being cradled after having nightmares about Perry. Of begging for kisses—oh, my God, surely that’s a dream. Surely I never—her hands flew to her mouth as her sense memory kicked in. Nik and Jay. Their scents, earthy and masculine. Their touch, soothing and gentle. Their lips, sweet and tender, placing kisses on her mouth, her cheeks, her eyes, and the tip of her nose.

  Okay, now I’m officially embarrassed.

  She had other recollections, too. Of being carried to and from the bathroom, of being cradled in the tub and bathed by gentle hands, of being placed on the toilet and held so she didn’t fall off. All these things had happened more than once, although she had no idea how often. Time had definitely passed, but just how much time was lost in a fog. Everything was chaotic and out of focus.

  Carefully, she looked around again. Thank goodness her head no longer hurt. But do not rejoice, she thought sourly, her eyes closing, because now everything else hurts. She felt like she’d been tied to the tracks and run over by a freight train.

  She was alone in the massive bed. The IV needle was still in her arm and a glucose drip bag still hung from the pole next to the bed.

  She heard the low murmur of voices and the sound of splashing water coming from the bathroom. Automatically turning her head, she stared at the closed door. Telling herself that whatever was going on in there was none of her business, she lay there for a minute gnawing on her upper lip and fighting her curiosity. Until it finally got the better of her. Her insatiable desire to know more about the two fascinating men who’d so gallantly come to her rescue had her pulling the needle out of her arm and sliding out of bed. A sudden wave of dizziness swept over her, forcing her to place a steadying hand on the side of the bed. Legs wobbling, she walked barefoot across the plush carpet toward the bathroom. Jesus! Why was she so weak? Silently she opened the door.

  Nik Rostov was standing in the middle of an enormous, glassed-in shower stall. The glass was steamed up from the heat of the water, but Charlie could clearly see him. His head was thrown back in ecstasy, gripping the sides of Jay Gillespie’s head with his big hands, his long fingers twisting in Jay’s long hair. Jay was on his knees in front of Nik, his head moving downward as he sucked the Russian’s cock all the way to the back of his throat.

  “Yes! Yes! Christ, malchik, that’s so good! So fucking good!”

  Charlie’s eyes widened and she was swept by a wave of sheer lust. Holy shit! This had to be the sexiest thing she had ever seen in her entire life.

  Oh, my God! What are you doing? You’re intruding on a private moment that is sooo none of your business! You’ve got to get out of here before they spot you! Bending forward and hunching her shoulders up around her ears, Charlie started to back out of the room, but Nik’s next words stopped her cold.

  “Good morning, lapochka.”

  Charlotte froze, a sound sort of like a squeak escaping her lips. “I-I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean—
I just—”

  “Please, little one, come in. Do not deprive us of your delightful company. You may join us just as soon as Master Jay finishes his task. A task he is performing exceedingly well, by the way.” Nik looked fondly down at Jay’s dark head pressed against his groin, felt Jay’s throat tighten around his cock head as he swallowed. And that was all it took to pull Nik over the edge into ecstasy. His shout echoed around the room, his back arched, and his hips jerked forward as he poured his seed down Jay’s throat, pumping hard into his mouth. Flexing his cheeks, Jay worked his lips and tongue up and down Nik’s stalk in a hard suckle, milking the last drops of pleasure out of his flagging cock.

  With a flex of his hips, Nik pulled out of Jay’s mouth and looked down at his partner, still kneeling at his feet, waiting patiently for Nik’s next instructions. Nik gentled his hold on Jay’s head, stroking his hair fondly. “That’s my beautiful, beautiful boy,” he crooned. “Did you enjoy that as much as I did?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “You may thank me for the gift of my cum.”

  “Thank you, Daddy,” Jay said, staring down at the water splashing on the tile floor of the shower. “Thank you for allowing me to suck your cock. And for letting me swallow your cum.”

  “Perhaps someday soon, our little Charlotte will be willing to share this duty with you, yes?” Nik raised his eyes, pinning Charlie to the spot where she stood, just inside the partially opened door, her eyes wide with a clear mix of apprehension and arousal. He held his hand out toward her, beckoning her forward, his gesture imperious, though his voice was gentle and kind. If a voice that deep and authoritative could truly be described as gentle and kind. “Don’t be afraid, malyutka. We are not going to hurt you. We’ll get you nice and clean, then spend the day being lazy.” He smiled. “Don’t want to overtax you. After all, you’ve been in bed for the past three days—”

  Wait. What? Three days? Then that meant—her hand flew to her head as her mind whirled. Three days! “But that’s impossible! That would mean that today is…”

  “Friday?” Jay supplied helpfully.

  “It can’t be Friday!”

  Nik’s lips twitched. “Are you forbidding it to be Friday, baby girl?” he teased.

  “No, no, of course not.” Her tone held more than just a trace of exasperation. “You know what I mean. It’s just that I missed my audition.” Her face fell as she saw the last of her chances circling the drain. Her throat closed so tight it hurt to swallow. Her eyes burned with unshed tears.

  Nik held out his hand and for some reason she put hers in it. “Come, little one. You’ll feel better after you’ve had a nice hot shower.”

  He gave a gentle tug and she stepped toward him. “I-I don’t want to d-disturb you,” she stammered, inexplicably reluctant to enter the stall. “I feel like I’m intruding…” Her voice trailed off as embarrassment stained her skin from her chest up. Both men were regarding her with hot, hard eyes, Nik from his commanding position in the middle of the stall, Jay from his subordinate position, still on his knees in front of Nik.

  “You could never disturb us,” Jay assured her with a sweet smile. “Well,” he gestured down toward his erect cock, standing stiff and proud, “Except for the obvious, of course. Certain parts of the male anatomy are more easily disturbed than others.” He extended his hand upward, as if she were a skittish horse needing to be gentled. “Please, Charlie. We need to make sure you’re all right and that your wounds are healing properly. Do you feel okay’, darlin’?”

  “I do,” she said nodding. “I’m just a little weak.”

  “And I’d be willing to wager you’re ready for a shower right about now, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah. I do feel kinda…grubby.”

  Nik chuckled and looked down at Jay, brushing his fingertips across his partner’s cheek. “You may rise, malchik, I will need your assistance bathing our little Charlotte.”

  Little! Just in time Charlie managed to stop herself from snorting. Mainly because, next to him, she really was little, and when he called her that, he really meant it.

  Jay got to his feet. She let Nik assist her over the sill and into the shower. “Your fever broke during the night,” Nik said, guiding her to stand under the enormous shower head. “We dried you off as best we could and changed the sheets, but decided we didn’t want to risk waking you to give you a bath.”

  . The feel of the hot water sluicing down her body was a sensual caress, so light it tickled her back and made her giggle. Closing her eyes, she raised her face to the rainfall shower head, letting it beat down on her, soaking her hair. Jets on both of the side walls quickly soaked her all over. “Oh, my God,” she moaned. “This feels so wonderful!”

  While she basked in the tactile experience, Nik’s hands descended onto her shoulders from behind and he stepped into her. Charlie sucked in a gasp at the bulge of his erection prodding her ass crack. She let out a cry and began to squirm uncontrollably, trying to pull her shoulders free. No! No! Not there!

  Nik released her instantly, letting her sidle away from him, eyes darting about desperately as though looking for a place to hide. She was literally gasping for breath, her fingers clawing her throat.

  “What is it, baby girl? What has put you in such a panic? Do you think I would hurt you?”

  She shook her head, wanting to leap out of her skin, which was suddenly stretched so tight she feared it would split. “No. I—no—”


  Jay’s voice, filled with concern. Jay’s hands, taking both of hers and clasping them between his. And all the while the shower pelted down on them, as if they were standing out in the rain. “You must tell us what it is. That’s the only way we can avoid hurting you.”

  “Was it Bradford?” Nik asked. “Did he do something to you?”

  Unable to meet their eyes, she just nodded.

  “Tell us,” Jay urged. “We need to know so we don’t accidentally do something that might frighten you.”

  “I-I can’t—”

  Shifting his hold on her hands, Jay lifted them one by one to his mouth, brushing a kiss across her knuckles, before placing them flat against his chest, covering them with his. “We don’t ever want anything we do to you to trigger bad memories, love. So you will eventually have to tell us, but we’ll give you a reprieve for right now. Because right now we are going to bathe you. So be forewarned. We are going to touch you everywhere. But we promise not to hurt you. Okay?”

  She stood still for a moment, as if considering her options. Then slowly, almost reluctantly, she relaxed. “O-okay.”

  Jay released her hands. “Turn around, sweet thing.” While she turned her back to him, he reached for the shampoo while, now in front of her, Nik lathered his hands. As Jay worked the shampoo into her hair, Nik hunkered down, his face level with her mound, and began stroking his soapy hands up and down her legs, lifting her feet one at a time to wash the bottoms of each one.

  “You have a beautiful pussy, lapochka,” Nik murmured, sliding his soapy fingers through her cleft and in the creases between her labia and her thighs. “We love that you shave there. It will make you taste so much more delicious.”

  Holy shit!

  His fingers did a quick swipe through her ass crack, so fast that he was in and out before she even had a chance to react. Nik’s arms encircled her and washed her back, up to the nape of her neck. Jay reached around her from behind and washed her front, spending long moments just lifting, stroking, and shaping her gorgeous breasts while Nik did the same with the generous globes of her ass. When his fingers strayed toward her anus, she stiffened slightly and held her breath. But when he made no move to breach her ass crack, she allowed herself to relax a bit and give herself up to the pleasure they were offering.

  Jesus! These men were so hot. So tempting. So far outside her experience they might have been from another planet. A planet where all the males came super-sized, super gorgeous, and super sexy.

  A quick glance at Charlie’s face told Nik t
hat she was not unaffected by this double onslaught of sensations to her breasts and her ass. Her lips were parted, her eyelids fluttering at half mast, her eyes unfocused and dazed with arousal.

  His cock, already hard, grew even harder. Something he would not have thought possible if he hadn’t been experiencing it himself.

  Jay bent his head to kiss the side of her neck, sliding his lips up to her ear. Nik also bent his head, placing his mouth at the corner of hers. “You like that, don’t you, love?” he asked against her skin and was pleased when she gave a jerky little nod. “You like us touching you. You like having your breasts played with. Would you like for us to continue?”

  Charlie hesitated, then nodded again

  “Then tell us so, Charlie. Tell us you want us to play with your sensitive breasts. That you want one of us to suckle your beautiful nipples while the other one plumps your beautiful ass. Beg us for it, love. And say please.”

  “I-please—”The words were wrenched from her throat.

  “Please what, baby girl?”

  “Please play with m-my breasts.”

  “And?” he prompted when it seemed like she wasn’t going to continue.

  “And suck my nipples. Please?”

  “Thank you, myshka.”

  Hands on her shoulders turned her around, so that she was once again facing Jay. He hefted her breasts in his palms, lifting them while at the same time bending his head to kiss one ripe, berry-like nipple, flicking his tongue across her tip. It was a gentle, barely there touch, but it caused a thrill of pleasure to shudder through Charlie’s entire body. Her nipples had always been extremely sensitive, and the touch of Jay’s hot, wet tongue on them sent ribbons of pleasure curling through her, straight to her clit. Pleasure that ravished her senses and made her crave more. So much more.

  Breathing in harsh, shallow pants, she arched her back, effectively pushing her breast more solidly against Jay’s mouth. “Please…Jay…please suck my nipples.”


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