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Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)

Page 39

by Julie Shelton

  Until Jay’s hip movements started to become erratic, less controlled, as he felt himself beginning to spiral up, up, up toward an orgasm that he knew he must not have. “Nik!”

  “Pull out, malchik, I’m almost there, myself!”

  Jay pulled out and both men crashed onto the bed in a sprawl of limbs, lungs heaving for breath as each man grabbed his cock and squeezed it hard to prevent the orgasms threatening to clobber them. Finally Jay managed to roll off of Nik and go into the bathroom to clean his cock before fucking Charlie’s pussy.

  Nik groaned and got to his knees. He smiled at Charlie, who was just sitting there, eyes wide and glassy-looking. “Did you like that, my little dumpling?”

  A nod was the only answer she could manage.

  Nik just chuckled. “Lie down on your tummy, myshka, and raise your ass. I’m going to remove the plug.”

  Scrambling to do his bidding, she stretched out on her belly. Keeping her shoulders on the mattress, she pulled her knees up under her and lifted her ass.

  “That’s my precious girl,” he murmured, grabbing the ruby and giving it a tug. It pulled out easily. He handed it to Jay, who put it on the towel he’d brought back with him from the bathroom. “Malchik, get the lube, please before you lie on the bed. I want this to be as comfortable for her as possible.”

  Jay picked up the lube and stretched out on his back next to Charlie. Nik handed him a thick cushion, which he placed beneath his hips.

  “Lube your cock, boy, while I lube her cunt.”

  Charlie felt Nik’s first two fingers slide through her slit from her nether hole into her vaginal entrance, circling and scissoring, spreading the slippery lube Jay squirted there deep inside her. He kept it up for far longer than was necessary, but it felt so good Charlie wasn’t about to complain.

  Nik put one hand on Charlie’s bottom and said, “Okay, Babygirl, climb over Jay and take him inside your sweet, sweet cunt.”

  She straddled Jay’s hips, holding herself up off of him with her hands on his chest. He reached between them, grabbed his cock and angled it toward her entrance. She lowered herself, taking his cock, slippery with lube, all the way inside her until she was sitting on his groin, grinning down at him.

  But he wasn’t grinning. Instead, his face was shadowed with lust, his eyes darkened with it. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, then splayed his fingers on the back of her head and tugged her face down to his. His lips fastened on hers as if he were starving for the taste of her, the feel of her, and the sound of her little chirps and mewls of pleasure as he devoured her mouth. Through the haze of lust that engulfed her, she was dimly aware of Nik on his knees behind her, placing something against her anus. Something that pushed and pushed against her ass, before it finally entered. Something big. Something—Holy shit!

  “Jesus, little mouse, you’re so tight!” Nik’s voice was equally tight. Strained by the effort he was being forced to make to go slow. “Goddamn it! You’re so hot! Christ!” Already stretched by the ever larger and larger plugs she’d been wearing for the past few days, even though Nik’s cock was bigger than the largest of those, he entered her, edging himself inside in excruciatingly slow increments, inching along the stiff length of Jay’s cock stuffing her sheath, not stopping until he filled her completely. They both filled her. Fuller than she had ever been. Fuller than she’d ever thought she could be.

  The breath huffed from her lungs. Fuck, how they filled her! How they impaled her. Pierced her to her very heart! She felt Nik’s ball sac tap gently against her slit and when Jay’s cock twitched inside her, she knew Jay could feel it, too. For a long moment, neither man moved, giving her muscles and tissues and nerve endings time to adjust to their carnal invasion. And to get ready for the wild ride that was to come.

  Jay smiled up at her, that lopsided grin so full of impish humor.


  “Hi, yourself.”

  “’S up?”

  “Not much. Just lying here with a baseball bat up my ass.”

  Behind her Nik snorted and drew his hips back, pulling partway out of her, awakening millions of cells that had been dormant their entire life, but were now jumping up and down and doing handsprings. “Baseball bat, huh? I’ll show you baseball bat.” Flexing his hips, he thrust his cock back in, hilting once again.

  “Oh, my God!” she gasped. She’d felt every inch of his re-entry. She could still feel him pulsing inside her, his cock throbbing and jerking. She groaned and sucked in her breath.

  “Just lie still, Babygirl,” Jay murmured. “Let us do all the work, okay?”


  After that, all talk ceased. Jay’s mouth closed over hers in a primal claiming. Nik began to move his hips, slowly thrusting his cock in and out of her ass. Then Jay joined in, setting up an alternate rhythm, pulling out as Nik pushed in, pushing in as Nik pulled out, until they were in sync, sliding past each other, moving like pistons in a Rolls Royce engine.

  And at each stroke, Charlie felt them scrape past each other through the membrane separating her passages, knowing that they could also feel each other, adding yet another element of pleasure.

  All of a sudden, Jay tore his mouth from hers and let out a shout as his hips bucked. Charlie felt his cock thicken inside her just before the first burst of his cum shot against the mouth of her womb. Sucking in her breath, her own body suddenly went rigid. Time stood still. And then…she screamed as her body seized in a climax that swept through her like the shockwave from a nuclear blast, ripping her to shreds. A climax that sent white-hot fire shooting out of every orifice, every finger, every toe, even the top of her head. She screamed again and again as the waves kept coming. Waves of the most intense pleasure she’d ever known, clobbering her, nearly obliterating her in the process.

  She felt Nik’s cock pounding into her a dozen more times in rapid succession, then the hot burst of cum from his ejaculating penis jetting into her ass. He ground his pelvis against her until the last drop had been milked out of him by her spasming muscles.

  They collapsed in a heap of tangled limbs and heaving torsos as a kind of blissful lassitude crept over them.

  Finally, Nik was able to summon enough strength to pull his dwindling cock out of her ass and climb down off the bed.

  “Stay here with Jay until I get back, myshka,” he said as he turned and headed toward the bathroom.

  Yeah, like I could actually go anywhere. “’Kay.”

  Jay’s cock softened and slipped from her vagina, releasing a cascade of cum. “Roll off of me, baby. I gotta sit up.”

  He was doing so when Nik returned carrying two warm, soapy washcloths. He handed one to Jay who started cleaning himself while Nik crawled onto the bed and cleaned Charlie. He swiped the cloth across the wet spot on the sheets, then carried both cloths to the bathroom door and tossed them into one of the basins. As he got back into bed, he and Jay pulled Charlie up to lie between them, Nik behind her, Jay in front, both their arms draped over her, Nik’s leg bent over her legs, Jay’s leg hooked over both of theirs. Charlie’s head was pillowed on Jay’s bicep, her hand resting on his pec.

  Charlie sighed and bit her lip. “I-I have something I want to tell you guys. I’m…not quite sure how to say it, but…”

  Uh-oh. Both Nik’s and Jay’s chests tightened with dread.

  “I love you guys. Both of you. I know this way too soon, but—”

  Nearly giddy with relief, Jay bent his arm and lifted his large hand to cup the side of her face. “Hush, Babygirl,” he said just before he claimed her mouth in a tender kiss. When he pulled his head back, she was caught in the undertow of his glittering gaze, helpless against its power as it pulled her under. “I love you, too, Charlotte. I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you, and everything that’s happened in the meantime has only strengthened that love.”

  Nik nuzzled his face against the side of her neck. “I love you, too, little mouse. And Jay’s right. What we feel for you is true love. Lasting love, a
nd it’s only going to grow stronger. By giving us your love, you have given us an even greater gift. One that we treasure above all things and that we will continue to treasure beyond the boundaries of time.”

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “Your trust. A trust that we will honor always and never take for granted.”

  Charlie’s body sagged deeper into their embrace. “I love you so much. Both of you. So much. And, if you’ll have me, I’d like to stay here and live with you for the rest of my life. And try to make you as happy as you’ve made me.”

  “Myshka, you make us happy just by breathing.”

  After that all conversation ceased as Nik and Jay tightened their arms around her, just holding her and kissing her until finally, too exhausted to move any more, they fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

  * * * *

  Two months later





  A jury today found Perry Bradford, local businessman, multi-millionaire, prominent figure in Richmond society, guilty on seventeen charges, including rape, torture, assault, false imprisonment and solicitation of murder. Calling him “a dangerous man”, Judge Sandra A. Rydell sentenced him to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, plus one hundred and sixty years, his sentence to be served at a facility chosen by the Virginia Department of Corrections.

  As the guilty verdict was pronounced on solicitation of murder, the top count of the indictment, a gasp echoed around the court room, although Bradford’s expression was stoic, as it was to remain through verdicts of guilty on all sixteen lesser charges. When the jury forewoman said, “We find the defendant, Perry Bradford, guilty” for the final time, on the last of four counts of sexual assault in the first degree, the courtroom erupted in cheers and hugs for the three victims in this case, Miss Karen Lunsford, Miss Alicia Corwin, and Miss Charlotte Fielding.

  It was Miss Charlotte Fielding’s dogged persistence in pressing charges that split open Bradford’s life, revealing a morass of secret depravity completely at odds with his urbane public persona, making him a modern day, real life Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Ms. Fielding’s determination to see Bradford brought to justice quite literally placed her life in danger, as evidenced by the top count of the indictment, Solicitation of Murder. This produced some of the most riveting testimony of the entire two-week trial.

  Over continued objections by Defense attorney Harmon Pierce, undercover FBI Agent, Alex McKay, wearing a disguise to conceal his identity and an electronic device to distort his voice, related his account of being hired by Perry Bradford to kill Charlotte Fielding. He backed up his testimony with photos of a very dead-looking Ms. Fielding and videotapes of Bradford first hiring him to kill her, then paying him off when the gruesome nature of the photos convinced him the deed was done.

  A quick survey of the jurors after the trial revealed that, while they felt that Ms. Fielding’s emotionally-wrenching testimony was the final nail in Bradford’s coffin, it was Agent McKay who hammered it home.

  As a “lifer”, Bradford will most likely be sent to the Segregated Housing Unit of either Red Onion State Prison or Wallen’s Ridge State Prison, the only two Supermax prisons in Virginia. Both Wallen’s Ridge and Red Onion sit at the bottom of craters on what used to be mountains before their tops were blown off to get at the coal seams hidden inside. They are places where the word “corrections” has been removed from the Virginia Corrections Department. They are not correctional facilities, nor were they meant to be. They are warehouses, period. Filled with brutal, amoral, irredeemable men, the very worst society has to offer.

  There are no privileges, no programs, and no chance for rehabilitation. Forget classes, socializing with fellow inmates, a job in the laundry, lifting weights, or playing ball or a friendly game of cards. Even the occasional visit from a grandmother or wife is usually off limits. There’s no mess hall, no televisions, no amenities like a shelf for books to soften the stark harshness of the six-by-nine cinder-block cells. Only a bunk-type bed that folds down from the wall, a sink and a toilet. There’s no commissary where prisoners can buy cigarettes or candy or gum with money their families send them. Nor is there a law library where they can work on their endless appeals.

  And that one hour a day of freedom? Don’t even think about lying in the grass and soaking up the sun. In fact, forget about the sun, period. At these two prisons, it no longer exists. All the light inside is artificial. There are no windows. And get used to wearing handcuffs and leg shackles while a guard with a 50,000-volt stun gun accompanies you everywhere. To the small concrete courtyard for exercise. Even to the shower—yet another windowless room with bars.

  Whether Bradford winds up in Red Onion or Wallen’s Ridge, his every move will be closely monitored, his mail opened and read. The only phone calls allowed will be to his legal representative, who is also the only person permitted to visit, and that no more than once a month.

  Although Defense attorney Harmon Pierce has announced his intention to file an immediate appeal, most court observers feel that that is a mere formality and there is very little likelihood that this verdict will be overturned. In the meantime, his client, Perry Bradford, once the darling of the Richmond social set, accustomed to a degree of luxury most people can only dream about, faces a grim future in a bleak and desperate place.

  Many observers might say, considering the nature of the crimes for which he was charged and ultimately convicted, that even that is too good for him.

  * * * *


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  If you liked Passion’s Hope, Book Three of The Doms of Passion Lake, then be sure to check out Passion’s Dream and Passion’s Fury, Books One and Two of the series. r. Below are blurbs and excerpts from both of these thrilling books.


  When Clay “Raven” Nighthorse is offered a job as bodyguard to a woman being stalked by her vengeful ex, he’s ready to turn it down. Until he discovers that she is the woman he met on a beach three years ago. The woman with whom he felt an instant connection. The woman who has been haunting his dreams ever since.

  Leah Stanhope has never forgotten the day she found her husband in bed with another woman. Nor has she forgotten the kindness and compassion of the complete stranger who’d simply held her in his arms and let her cry herself out on a public beach. She despairs of ever seeing him again until fate brings them together in a conflagration of desire and smoking hot passion. Can Clay convince Leah to risk her heart? And when her stalker finds her, will Clay be able to stop him in time?


  Lifting his hand, he placed his fingertips against her cheek.

  She jerked her head away, but otherwise couldn’t move. It was as if she’d been turned to stone. “Don’t touch me!” She’d meant it to be an icy command, but instead it came out a choked, frightened whisper.

  Ignoring her, he sent his fingers on a journey along the line of her jaw, down the slender column of her neck. He paused at the base of her neck, holding the tip of his index finger over the pulse hammering there, betraying her agitation. The journey continued down over her collar bones, across the creamy, sloping mound of her breast to the edge of her modest bathing suit top. When she made no move to stop him, he hooked his forefinger into the stretchy material. When she still didn’t move, he allowed his fingernail to scrape against her tender flesh as he traced the outline of the fabric down to its lowest point—the point where it stretched across the shadowed valley between her breasts.

  “Don’t—”It was a choked whisper. She closed her eyes, but she made no attempt to remove his hand. She was trembling, every clamoring nerve aware of his nearness, the potent sexuality o
f his hard, male body so close to hers. ‘I-I’m engaged to be married.”

  “Ah, yes.” His lips twisted. “The ever-devoted fiancé. Tell me, Leah,” he tugged her toward him, the weight of his hand pulling the stretchy, jersey top outward, threatening to release the rounded fullness of her breasts. “Tell me about him. What’s it like making love to an old man?”

  She should have pushed him away. She should have stepped back—anything to put distance between them. Except she wasn’t standing. She was floating in the water, anchored by her elbow on the pool deck and his finger hooked in her bikini top. Unable to get away, she stared up at him helplessly, trapped as much by the confusion leaping within her as she was by the sensual spell he seemed to be weaving around her like a web.

  Resting his left elbow on the underwater shelf, he released her top and lifted his hand to shape the back of her head, those long, lean fingers threading through the damp silk of her hair. “Does his touch arouse you?” Slowly, sensuously, he pulled her toward him, closing the distance between them, until his firm, mobile mouth was less than an inch from her own, his breath warm against her lips. “Does he set you on fire?”

  The hard contours of his body brushed tantalizingly against the softly rounded curves of her own as the cool water undulated against them.

  “Does he kiss you like this?” Clay persisted, dropping a warm, feather-light kiss near one corner of her trembling mouth, “like a father? Or perhaps like an uncle or older brother, like this,” he pressed his lips first to her cheek, then, tilting her head down, her forehead. “Or does he kiss you like a lover? Like this—”and his mouth closed over hers in a dark, golden storm, his lips expertly parting hers to admit the probing sweetness of his tongue.

  Leah stiffened and tried to pull away, but it was too late. The flame ignited by his touch was all-consuming. Without volition, her arms went around his neck, her legs circled his waist, ankles locking behind him. The sheer size of the erection pressing against her sex made her gasp. Her belly plummeted, sending moisture gushing out of her pussy onto the strip of fabric that was the bottom of her two-piece. She’d never been so aroused in her life. Her traitorous body arched toward his, her hips grinding her sex against his cock. She moaned into his mouth as his arms went tightly around her back, crushing her soft breasts to his hard chest. Locked together, they sank beneath the surface of the water. Instead of panicking and struggling to break free, Leah wound her arms tightly around his neck and held on, trusting in his care of her.


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