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Ex-Con Times Two

Page 6

by Jay S. Wilder

  The thing that unnerves me is that Hunter saw it and couldn’t see how bad I looked. I can respond to his reaction in two ways. First, perhaps he noticed how horrible that picture is, and was flat out lying. Second, he really couldn’t see a difference, which is bad, because it suggests that he still views me as that person in the picture, as what I believe is the very worst version of myself. It’s so upsetting that I have to forward my phone and make a mad dash to the ladies’ restroom so my coworkers can’t see me have a minor emotional breakdown.

  I’m mostly recovered when Edna shows up at the door to tell me I have a call on hold. Quickly tearing another paper towel from the dispenser, I give my hands and face another wipe and hurry back to my desk. The blinking light on my phone stops when I’m halfway across the room. Whoever it was probably hung up, but just in case, I take a seat in my swivel chair and check for new voice messages.

  “Afternoon, Miss Rafferty,” the voice starts. “This is Tommy from East Amarillo Auto. I’m sorry for the delay, but Mr. Churchill’s car won’t ready till close to six o’clock this evening. We’re real backed up here, but it’ll be done by six.” The message ends with a click. I frown down at the answering machine. I wish it were Hunter who called, but who am I kidding? I’m two for two when it comes to shutting him out.

  Footsteps sound in the hall and Brad rounds the corner with a worry line creasing across his forehead.

  “I need to go to a last-minute meeting,” he tells me. “Are they almost done with my car?”

  “Oh. They’re not,” I inform him, twisting my lips as I try to come up with an easy solution. “They just called, and it won’t be done until closer to six.” I reach down into my purse. “But take my car. I don’t mind.”

  “What about you?” He looks at his watch. “I won’t be back for another couple of hours. Those fools in the legal department got me by the…” He clears his throat. “Never mind.”

  I glance at the clock on the wall. It’s a few minutes past three. We close in two hours. “I’ll get your car when it’s ready and can meet you back here or bring it over your house. Does that work for you? Will can give me a ride there after work. It’s only an hour wait or less. I don’t mind.”

  Brad nods. “All right. Thanks, Kitten. I owe you one.”

  “Don’t mention it,” I say with a frown.

  I blame Savannah for that fact that Brad uses my nickname like this. One damned time. One time, she visited me here at the office and made a point of sharing how I got that nickname with my boss and every coworker who would listen. But years of middle school and high school have helped me to be smart. I don’t react to being called that anymore because I learned from experience. The more I resist it, the more people will jump on the bandwagon to taunt me about it.

  After Brad goes into his office, I get back to crossing items off my to-do list, and push away any lingering worries I have over Hunter and Jake. I’ll see them soon enough, even though I have no further expectations. Not when Hunter started off so cold to me earlier. Bits and pieces of our heated conversation stream back to the forefront. The fact that they’re ex-cons combined with that jailbait remark hits me hard. He thought I was a minor? Jeez, it’s no wonder he didn’t reply to my Madonna inspired admission by text that night after they kissed me. Good Lord. How am I supposed to face them after all this? I start to picture how he’d react if I tell him about this driver’s license picture.

  He’ll probably think I’m a total drama queen, given that I went off the deep end about a stupid picture, and they’ve done time. But then again, we’re in Amarillo. Close to half of the guys who work on the factory floor of the aircraft assembly plant have done time. I’ve looked into the eyes of men who did minor stuff and a few who probably hurt people badly. Somehow, I’ve always had a sixth sense about the ones who did time for something serious, long before their HR file crosses my desk. In any case, judging from Hunter’s and Jake’s ages, they couldn’t have been in for longer than three to five years.

  Suddenly, five o’clock is approaching way too quickly. And to make matters worse. I have to sit in the customer waiting area for close to an hour until Brad’s car is ready.

  Kill me now.



  At five o’clock the plant clears out within minutes. I catch Will and get him to agree to give me a ride. We crank the windows down on his old Camry and catch the breeze straight in our faces.

  “Did you hear about Rhonda?” Will asks.

  I’m too distracted for this workplace gossip fest. “Not a word,” I say, shaking my head.

  “Rumor is she’s knocking boots with Maggie’s ex-husband.”

  “I’m not sure I want to hear this. Like you said, it’s a rumor. You don’t know if it’s true, so why spread it around?”

  He briefly glances at me and cocks his head. “Oh, come on. It’s obvious.”

  I shrug and look out the passenger side window. I don’t much care who’s getting laid by whom.

  Unless it involves me.

  Because I’m still a virgin.

  Not that I need that ever spreading around at work.

  Will lifts his hand from his stick shift and scratches the stubble on his chin. “Did you hear about HR wanting to ban nuts from the break room? What kind of shit is that? What is this, preschool?”

  I stare at him. “What are you even talking about, Will? It’s work shit. We just clocked out, so can we talk about something else?”

  “Sounds like someone’s got PMS,” he mumbles, and reaches for the radio.”

  I’m in such a weird mood that I choke back a laugh. “I heard that,” I tell him. “You’re lucky I know you well enough not to hold it against you… plus I need this ride.”

  Out of nowhere, he grips both hands on the steering wheel and begins to stare intently at his rearview mirror.

  “What’s wrong?”

  His eyes flick to the mirror again, and his body stiffens up. “I think someone’s following us.”

  “Huh?” I ask, and start to turn in my seat for a better look.

  “Don’t do that!” He says, presses his hand against my leg.

  I freeze, peering at him out of the corner of my eye. “Why would anyone be following you?” He shrugs, but I get the feeling he knows something. Will never misses an opportunity to postulate and theorize. “What’s going on, Will?” I press.

  “Maybe they’re fixing to rob us.”

  My heart jumps up into my throat. I swallow hard but the violent pulsing doesn’t stop. “You mean you, right? Because how would they know to follow me? Who would be wanting to rob you, Will? You’re always broke.”

  “No idea.”

  “We should turn into the police station a few blocks up. No criminal in their right mind would follow someone into a place crawling with cops.”


  “Why did we take this longer route anyway?”

  Another shrug.

  Will’s acting so strange. He turns the radio off and drives in silence for a few minutes.

  Chancing a glance at the mirror on the passenger door, I don’t see anyone at all. “Are you sure we’re being followed?”

  He checks the mirror again. “They’re not there anymore.”

  “False alarm, then, right?”

  Yeah. Probably,” he says, drawing his lips into a thin line.

  Will doesn’t sound convinced, but this next left turn will take us to the edge of the shop, so if we are being followed, at least we’ll have a few big, buff men on our side. He moves around restlessly in his seat as he pulls into the lot and puts the vehicle in neutral, eyes nervously roaming in every direction. Brad’s sports car is parked in the middle of the lot. It must be ready to go. I can’t help but be a bit disappointed, but at least I can avoid getting the cold shoulder from Hunter.

  “Want me to wait?” Will asks.

  “No, it’s fine. Thanks for the ride. Enjoy your weekend. And stop worrying.”

  “I’ll try.

  “Get some rest.”

  You look like you could use it.

  I bite my tongue to stop the last part from getting out.

  Climbing from the car, I give Will a final wave, and he drives off. There are just as many cars sitting out front as there were at noon.

  “The car’s ready.”

  My heart starts to race and heat pools between my legs as I turn and look over to where Hunter’s voice came from. He’s bent over the engine of a car in the garage.

  “Great. Thanks.”

  He pulls a key from his pocket and tosses it to me. “Sorry we couldn’t bring it to you. We’re still backed up here.”

  “It’s fine. Thanks for having it done early.”

  “Your boss phoned this afternoon and paid over the phone. The receipt is in the car.”

  “All right.”

  He nods his chin in acknowledgment. “See you around, maybe.”

  “Later,” I tell him, swallowing the lump in my throat.

  I feel Hunter’s eyes on me as I head to the car. God, this can’t be the end. Looking back to where Hunter was working, I notice he’s not there anymore. Missing out on getting to know more about him and Jake is a real loss for me. They seem like good guys. I can tell they’re close too, and not just because they work together.

  Or share one woman.

  Did they grow up together? How do they like spending their free time? Which one of them likes cooking? They worked me over that night with just a few kisses. I’ve never been this obsessed with a guy. Two guys, and it heightens everything I’m feeling. Twice the curiosity. Twice the desire. Twice the obsession. How can I miss what I never had?

  Just when I click the car remote unlock button a few yards away from Brad’s car, an engine rumbles out on the main road behind me. Tires screech. Looking over my shoulder. I notice a black SUV coming to a stop. It makes a sharp turn into the shop’s lot and stops behind Brad’s car, completely blocking me in. At first, I assume it’s a customer, someone who’s late getting here and wants a rush job for the weekend. But the car is spotless. It’s new too, like it just rolled off a car lot. Instead of opening the door to get inside, I walk over to the trunk of my car so I can ask the driver to give me some room to leave.

  That’s when all four of the SUV’s doors open, and four serious-looking men dressed in black get out and come toward me. They move so quickly, I don’t have time to think or back away.

  “Get in the car. You’re coming with us,” the closest man orders me in a sharp, sinister tone.

  Panic hits me. “Me? I think…you must have the wrong person,” I manage to stutter. “What’s this about?” I take a step back, but I’m surrounded now. I’m trapped. “Who are you?” I demand.

  The lead guy juts his chin up. “You don’t need to worry about that.”

  “I’m not coming with you!” I say more loudly. “Tell me what this is about, or I’ll have the police here so fast your heads will be spinning.” It’s an empty threat, really. Emergency services in Amarillo are spread thin. I’ll actually be lucky if I call 9-1-1 and no one puts me on hold, let alone expecting the cops to be here in time to stop these guys.

  “All you need to know is that you can thank Churchill and your coworker who just dropped you off for this visit. They’ve been avoiding our…employer, so maybe they’ll be more cooperative if you spend some time with us. Stay calm and come with us,” he threatens me. “If you do what we say, this will be over real soon. We’re taking you for a ride.”

  They’re after Brad and Will? A terrifying realization rips through me. Will believed we were being followed. It turns out he wasn’t wrong. But what do these men want with them? And what does it have to do with me? I don’t get to voice those questions because the guy on my right grabs my arm. Without thinking, I let out a shrill scream, which leads the man behind me to reach around my head and press a massive hand to my mouth, smothering my cry for help mid-yell. I jerk my body around, struggling to get them off me, but he grips me so tight against his chest that I can’t move.

  These men can’t take me hostage in broad daylight.

  Not here.

  Not now.



  “Did you hear that?” Jake asks. “Sounded like a...”

  He doesn’t get to say the word scream. I start running to the front parking lot, and he follows me. A black SUV that wasn’t out here earlier is parked behind the car Katelynn should have been in by now. There’s no sign of Katelynn, but I can hear banging coming from inside the SUV. It doesn’t take a fucking genius to figure out there’s some sort of scuffle happening.

  Jake runs around the end of the SUV and I hit the front. Adrenaline pumps through my veins and spurs me on. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a fight with this many opponents at once, but having had to watch my back in prison, I’m pretty much always on edge. I’m ready for a brawl at the drop of a hat.

  “Let her go!” Jake shouts.

  I skid to a stop and set myself in a boxer’s stance, ready to take on whoever’s in there. The two right-hand side passenger doors open, and two men climb out it. I see another one in the driver seat, and one more in the back with his arms around Katelynn, covering her mouth. She looks at me, eyes wide and terrified as she fights with all her might to get out of the guy’s grasp. A double shot of adrenaline hits my heart. It’s white-hot, stronger than any I’ve ever had.

  “You heard him,” I shout, hands curl into fists.

  No one moves.

  “Mind your own fucking business,” says the guy closest to me.

  A vision of pummeling his ugly fucking face until he’s nothing but a bloody pulp flashes across my mind. I have to move fast. Any second and these assholes could jump into the car again and haul Katelynn away. The two guys didn’t jump out of the vehicle with weapons drawn—thank God for that, because this is fucking Texas. Everybody’s armed. It means we can settle this with fists. Jared keeps a here’s a rifle in the shop, under the desk, but being on parole means Jake and I can’t be anywhere near it. If it were up to me, I’d be packing all the time. Just like these two assholes probably are.

  I eye the open door behind them. If they go for the car, I’ll have to make a quick decision. Either I jump in and join them or grab another car and follow.

  “Leave,” a low voice barks from behind me. It’s Jared, stepping up beside Jake with his Winchester Defender rifle. He steps around his brother and points the gun at the man in the driver seat.

  “Let her go and get the fuck out of here,” he says. “Before my rifle starts talking.”

  The man in the back drops his hands from Katelynn and lets her go. The other two step back. I hurry forward and pull her towards me as she jumps out, pulling her in close against my chest. The other two hop into their SUV and the driver tears out of the parking lot.

  I run my hand down through her hair as I look down into her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  She nods against my chest, then steps away. Her face is white as a ghost, eyes still wide and confused.

  Jared lowers his gun and peers at her. “You know those men, Miss?”

  Katelynn jerks her head back and forth. “No. I’ve never seen them before.”

  These men show up at our place of work and try to grab Katelynn. The fact that she doesn’t know them makes my stomach twist up into a knot. I can’t help but feel responsible. If Jared hadn’t come out with the rifle, those men might have gotten away with her.


  I cross my arms tight against my chest. The fury pounding in my heart is looking for a way out. I wish the men hadn’t gotten away. I’d like to take my anger out one of them right now.

  “Did they say anything to you?” Jake asks Katelynn.

  She sucks in her lower lip and her eyebrows knit together. “Just something about having some business to settle my boss at work and my coworker who just dropped me off. I don’t understand why they’d want anything to do with me…I’ve never seen them

  “What’s your friend’s name?” I probe, not that I have any idea why it matters.

  “Will.” She takes in a shaky breath. “There’s something else. He thought we were being followed on the drive over here, but I figured he was just being paranoid.”

  I place a hand on her shoulder. The muscles there relax under my touch. “Anything else?”

  “No. That’s all they said. I tried to stall but then that guy dragged me into the car…I don’t know why they’d do that to me.”

  I grind my teeth together. “Sounds to me like they were looking to send a message. They saw you with Will, and then getting into your boss’s car, and probably figured your connection to them both was perfect for getting a message across.”

  She’s shaking like a leaf. Poor thing’s in shock. I catch Jake’s narrowed glare. He’s just as angry about this whole thing as I am.

  “Shit,” Jared huffs. “We need to file a report with the cops.”

  “No,” Katelynn insists. “I just want to go home. I’ll text Will and my boss to see what they know.”

  Jared shakes his head. “I still have to file a report just in case they show up again. We can’t have people like that throwing their weight around at our place of work.” He turns and trudges up to the shop, leaving the three of us.

  Katelynn wraps her arms around herself and stares at the ground. Her looking lost and confused gets me like an iron fist to the gut. I lock my arms around her back again, hugging her tight to my chest, wishing I could do more for her.

  “Don’t worry,” I say into her hair. “They’re gone now. They can’t hurt you.”

  I don’t validate the fact that she was seconds away from being kidnapped. If Jake and I hadn’t heard her scream and gone out to see what was up…A shudder runs through me. If I ever see those men again, I’ll be hitting first and asking questions second. Except I can’t rightfully do that.


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