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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

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by Michael Berg

  Bobby ruffled his hair after removing his space helmet, to find he was aroused with the vision of Miss Candice as she undid her spacesuit from top to bottom. They were of sleek design made of the latest in thin and reliable space materials. Aside from breathing and other life support apparatus, the suits blended in form with the wearer, continuing in a fluid design to incorporate the helmet. No matter how many times Bobby saw the suits, he was sure they contained influence from Vindor, given they were made more to style than mere functionality.

  “Now we can take a little time to straighten ourselves and relax for a few minutes before we are expected back at the office for our initial briefing session. I expect we will be shown to quarters afterwards so we may get some rest for the remainder of this day.”

  “Days last considerable time here Bobby.”

  “You must have allotted time periods corresponding with days on Earth Mister Regal. Otherwise there would be considerable confusion when it comes to organizing schedules.”

  “They do Jonathon and you are right there Mister Weston,” Bobby noticed Miss Candice adjust herself. He was surprised at how he was seeing her now. Out of period dress, she presented well in space wear. They had each been provided with the latest in clothing as soon as they boarded the craft escorting them away from Jonathon’s house. It was only now he noticed the difference as her full nineteenth century dressing style changed to the figure hugging modern clothes designed for space. She had always fascinated him since they first met, and now as his feelings arose in response to how she presented. At almost six feet tall, slender with a fair complexion, Miss Candice stirred feelings of fascination for him. He felt a genuine attraction, not merely the lust he had shared at the bordello with Valeena and Beth.

  As for not noticing her until this time despite it being a few hours since they all changed clothing, Bobby put it down to how busy his mind had been preparing to meet his superior officers. He could relax now despite the pending meeting – they were already on course of a mission, just what it precisely would be, was to unfold in such time they would become immersed within their call of duty before they really had any time to consider their place.

  “Are we all right to go then?” he asked five minutes later.

  “Lead the way Mister Bobby.” Miss Candice took Bobby’s arm – she was having similar feelings towards him as he did towards her.

  Upon arrival at the office, the presiding officer was ready and waiting to begin. He showed no sign of impatience, yet as soon as they entered, he asked them to sit and then continued to speak without interruption.

  “You do realize Miss Candice, Mister Weston, and Mister Livingston, when considering the circumstances leading to you being here, you are each required to serve with Mister Regal as a matter of both security and of integration into the space forces. As you are aware of the technology used to time travel, you are obligated to secrecy which we can only assure through your placement in service with Mister Regal for the good of Earth defenses.”

  “Where our war has largely been a defensive plan against the Vindors whose home planet is well beyond our reach given our current technology, we require your services on a mission of reconnaissance within our solar system prior to embarking on a time distortion mission landing on the planet Vindor where you will be required to gather information we require to plan out offensive strategies after your return. As it is Mister Regal’s calling as Steward of Earth Defenses to abide in his pledge honoring a call to duty whenever his superiors see fit, you three as his command team are obliged to accompany him on this mission.”

  “In respect to your personal liberties and freedom of choice, I do amid this obligation is harsh considering your circumstances, but I like Bobby, am sure you will perform to a level where once our objectives have been achieved, you will be at liberty to choose your life. Do you understand? And…I am sorry to be so formal, but I find it the easiest way to clarify things from the beginning.”

  “I am very happy to serve with Mister Bobby,” Miss Candice gave Bobby a slightly sheepish look combined with an air of excitement and an element of mischievousness.

  “As am I,” Mister Weston added.

  Jonathon confirmed his understanding by uttering a brief “aye.”

  “It seems you already have a grasp on our language Mister Livingston. Now we have formalities out of the way, let’s talk about how we want you to start.”

  “I expect a training session?”

  “Yes Mister Livingston. Now if I may continue? Training is first on the agenda. We’ll give you two weeks to come up to speed, including fitting into your assigned roles as recommended by Mister Regal. I see you are an engineer Mister Weston. You will be pleasantly surprised at the level of technology you will discover, particularly after a life thus far present in the nineteenth century. We have come a long way since then sir.”

  “Miss Candice is assigned to officer duties under Mister Regal. Do you think you have the people skills, organization skills, and application of mind for such a role Miss Candice?”

  “Without a doubt sir. If Mister Bobby sees a place me in such a role, then I will see fit his choice and judgment remain intact.”

  “Spoken like an officer already. Good for you Miss Candice.”

  “Livingston. I see Mister Regal recommends you for rogue operations. You will be the go to man should things go astray and someone is needed to fill a variety of roles, including support. Do you have what it takes Livingston?”

  “Without any doubt sir. Versatility is my specialty.”

  “Good to hear Livingston. My assistant officer here has some mission specifications for you all to examine in proper time over the next two weeks, so come and see him daily to fill yourselves in as we progress. You have been assigned quarters here at Moon Base, to which you will be shown shortly. Take some time to relax this Earth evening as we begin at oh eight hundred tomorrow. Training will be intensive, so be fresh of body and sharp of mind. Oh, you will find some more details about the space craft you will pilot at each of your assigned quarters for review at your leisure. Enjoy your training, for tomorrow begins a journey taking you to the depths of the solar system and beyond.”

  Miss Candice fell in love with her small room as quarters the moment she entered. It was next door to Bobby and she simply adored being close to him. The room reminded her of a small cottage – Moon Base personnel had been particular in making it feel like home for her and Mister Weston in order to ease their transition in lifestyles. Some familiarities in décor had been tastefully added in just the right places, to give each room an elemental touch of association and comfort.

  Chapter 3

  Valeena and Beth found their homeward presence more and more unsettling the closer they came to the planet Vindor, a cosmic body five times larger than Earth. Their arrival had been delayed – normally travel from Earth’s solar system only took a matter of an Earth hour or so, but this time due to their disgrace, they had been placed in a holding position five million miles away. Now upon receiving the command to land, the captain of their space sphere took the craft in on an approach trajectory at far less speed than what was experienced through the time distortion travel vortex opened beyond planet Pluto for transferring them almost all the way from there to the very doorstep of planet Vindor.

  “Take your seats passengers. We are landing at the precise time ordered.”

  Beth followed Valeena’s lead to sit and fasten the flight harness. Since their episode at the bordello, Beth had taken a backward step. She was so enraged with their failure and Bobby’s victory it sent her aspirations of recognition cascading. Her capacity for clear thought and decision making had been surrendered to having taken Bobby as confidant and partner in lust.

  “You really have to take stock Beth dear,” Valeena said noticing Beth’s lack of confidence through her words and her movements. She also appeared slightly disheveled in surrender to a lowly status reflected in her appearance. Valeena would not allow such psychology to ente
r her sense of self as she was determined to overcome this loss and restore pride and worthiness for them both. Beth too wanted this, yet she had entered a type of mind in clash with her heart, ushering a degree of turmoil physically, psychologically, and emotionally.

  Vindor loomed large, its purple haze atmosphere reaching out to draw in the spherical ship. At the moment of crossing the threshold of space and planet, all aboard felt a slight shudder and could see the plasma generated as heat buffeted the craft. In one final push, the re-entry forces ejected the sphere into clear Vindor skies – a hue of orange purple surrounding a bright red sun. Both women could see their star clearly through the one way viewing portal invisible to outside observers of the craft.

  They knew why Vindor waged war with Earth – their sun would soon die and so too would their planet. Vindor needed a new home and Earth was part of their plan to find one. It was not their destination, rather a means to an ends, and Earth’s gold was an important factor in maintaining their status in technological capacity to stabilize their star and secure their ends to a new civilization, or maintain Vindor under stable skies.

  No motion could be detected as the ship approached the central space port vertically. The silver sphere landed without a hitch. It was so smooth, those on board could only tell they had stopped by observing the stationary scenes outside. Attendants moved in on the sphere securing it in place with servicing umbilical lines as all aboard disembarked via a ramp extending from the sphere’s base.

  “All passengers from transport sphere on landing pad seven are to report to the main administration office for processing. No delays will be tolerated.” The announcement came and with it came the impending fate of the two women. The last sentence was not a normal facet of processing broadcasts - added in this instance due to the nature of the failures and disgrace Beth and Valeena had brought to Vindor. An officer directed them to the doorway where they would face their immediate destiny.

  The circular door opened to a circular room, where at a circular desk, sat their superior officer who was designated with processing the two women. Prior to speaking, the officer flicked a switch to begin the broadcast of these events planet-wide via the Vindor news service. Millions awaited this moment and as the image of Beth and Valeena came into view, almost all leaned in closer to whatever screen or projection medium they were using to view the pseudo trial.

  Officer Froend was unwilling to express compassion after the failed mission to Earth for creating the seed in humanity to evolve as a subservient race. “Please have a seat. I am in no mood to accommodate unpleasantness despite your obvious failures. My civility however, does not indicate any leniency on the part of central administration in treating your crimes against Vindor. Sentence will be appropriately measured according to your level of failure. Do you understand?”

  “I understand we were set up,” Beth replied.

  “I must say I agree with Beth sir,” Valeena added.

  “Whether or not you see your orders as constructive or otherwise, is not to be decided here. Your orders were specific and you have failed to carry them out successfully.”

  “Perhaps they would have been carried out successfully if we were given a decent opportunity to fulfill the expectations the administrations placed upon us.”

  “Your point is duly noted Valeena, but nevertheless, sentencing must be undertaken to maintain validity of Vindor status rules in the eyes of the many.” Froend was stern with his words looking them both directly in the eyes. “They will be eager to know of your punishment at the next news bulletin. Your arrival has been keenly anticipated.”

  He was right. Rarely did the people of Vindor have the chance to so public denounce a person or persons, so with Beth and Valeena’s pending public disgrace, many took a more than casual interest in seeing their demise.

  “Are you going to get on with it then? I for one am sick of waiting. I know our disgrace is the poignant issue here, so please deal our penalty so we can move.” Beth was upset. She had failed to accommodate any sense of calm and her anger seemed to have grown since returning to Vindor.

  “Your pertinence is no longer required Bethany. Whilst it may have served your failed mission at this bordello, it is futile in application now. Regardless of what it is you may ever wish, the agenda forthcoming shall play according to the rules of the elite upon Vindor.”

  “She has made efforts to be the best she can for her planet Froend…sir. To see all this come undone has upset her and in combination with her age and experience, one can see reason for her brash behavior as we appear before you.”

  “Nevertheless Valeena, excuses are for the weak. We of Vindor attain to telemetry of the mind where we apply ourselves wholly in each moment. Beth is not behaving this way, and I can see you too have failed in same though not as she does now through her demonstration of poor mannerisms.”

  Beth hated how Valeena and the official were speaking about her in her presence as if she was a child in need of guidance. To an extent it was true. Beth was in her early twenties if counted in Earth years and she did need some elements of guidance for which Valeena had been the facilitator. Allowing ambition to cloud her thoughts had given rise to her propensity now for rash decisions at times.

  “Banishment to the fringe societies is called for in application of punishment due to your failures. By the grace of Vindor you have been given some reprieve as you are permitted to be together as opposed to our normal methods of complete separation for those found to be in disgrace. In these societies you may find whatever you desire within their confines and you are not permitted to apply for status adjustment – this punishment is final. We have allowed this leniency based upon the circumstances of your mission being difficult. Do you have any questions?”


  The officer looked to Beth. She was silent without response as she sat just grimacing with a look of revenge building in her eyes. She would take Bobby Regal to task for what he had done to her and for killing the progeny she shared with Valeena. He looked her over for ten seconds as she shuffled in her chair, and then decided to move on to further advice for the two women.

  “Your transport will depart for the fringe societies within the hour, so make your choice on where you want to go.” Froend flicked the switch again to cut the transmission. It was Vindor policy to permit a degree of anonymity for criminals as their punishment was seen as sufficient to address their failures. Disclosing the location the two women would choose, would take their punishment to an uncontrollable level should any person take some act of revenge for the discredit brought upon the planet and race as a whole. The transmission has been cut to the many Vindor viewers across the world now sentence had been passed.

  “Masquerdon is the only place we can go. It is a small town located far from here.”

  “I am aware of its location. In fact, it was the very place I thought would be best suited for you both.” Froend looked at Valeena through eyes hinting he was saying more than he spoke. It was as if he was hinting to another reason they relocate to the town of Masquerdon he could not say despite the broadcast now being over. As the millions returned to work, to sleep, to eating, or to leisure, he was giving the two women a glimmer of hope for themselves. Without speaking in fear of the monitoring systems in place, Froend indicated to Valeena of there being a contact in Masquerdon they could use to help their cause. Whilst forbidden from striving to improve their status, there was nothing stopping the women stepping beyond this mark, taking issues on personally, and if successful, be attributed a degree of pardon in secret. It all fell outside the official policy, but if benefits to Vindor as a whole were present, then as an act of being dutiful citizens, Beth and Valeena could earn some reprieve.

  Their transport stood by as they approached the outer launch platform devoted to internal transits within the atmosphere of Vindor. This spherical craft was not equipped to ascend to space and so was equipped with windows one could open to smell the sweet Vindor air as they traveled. T
ake off was immediate after they boarded a mere fifty Earth minutes after arriving back on Vindor.

  As they traveled, Valeena allowed the trailing wind to blow her blond hair long as she watched the landscape speed by two hundred feet beneath her. She had escaped to a place of some solace in contrast to being aboard the official transport to her banishment. Her stature of mind never became affected as her core self dealt with the blows life presented, including this predicament she was in now with Beth. She only ever viewed anything as temporary in opposition to the main Vindor trait of a drive seeking perfection. Valeena knew it was a for a place never found and never existing in the ways in which her people imagined. Vindor hunger was insatiable as it obscured a great deal of their very essence as sentient beings. They were as lost as her and Beth were now on their way to live amongst those who dared challenge and act against the mainstay. Masquerdon had a reputation she knew, hence it being the only choice she could accommodate for her and Beth as well.

  Since she had come to the bordello, Beth had taken to focus instead of her previous insensible potential to rely too heavily on impulse. She had learned degrees of decorum with application of mindfulness, yet now as she sat away from Valeena looking downward to herself, she showed there was still some ground to cover for her to simply let go of those behaviors not serving her best interests. Beth was Vindor as much as anyone – she was inclined to seek pride of self as much as and sometimes more than most. Her recognition of her distraction at this time as an asset was lost to her as it worked on seeking her darkness.

  In contrast to Beth’s distraction, Valeena gazed upon the vivid greens and blues, dusted with a slight purple hue, admiring the beauty of her home. She knew of their planet’s pending catastrophe as well as any other citizen and as deeply as any citizen. Like most, she felt compelled to seek the continued advancement of the Vindor as people. Without any further hesitation, what was bothering her, she solved by turning to Beth and beckoning her to join her at the window. It was located at the sphere’s equator, for a view to the highest orange and purple billowing clouds of Vindor’s skies, to the deepest depths of the crystal clear waters of the rivers, lakes and seas.


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