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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

Page 8

by Michael Berg

  “You are going to allow me to leave?”

  “I cannot see any reason not to. Killing is not my game unless absolutely necessary and in this case, I see you are of no use to me dead. It is simply not worth the risk to me or us.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “For your best interests and life, it is best you do believe me, for I want you to pass on my message. Any trouble for us means triple trouble for you and your boss.”

  “He will not give up easily.”

  “I am counting on it. Otherwise I would be suspicious if all it took was a simple warning.”

  The evening then passed as they expected where they enjoyed the diverse entertainment, especially from the foreigners of planet Dealas who appeared as a musical band. Vindor and Dealas had been at war, had ceased being at war, had started war again, and then again had ceased. It was inevitable people from both planets would find themselves cast somehow into the mix of society where obscurity was demanded for their safety. Yet as it is with the nature of sentient beings, they too required interaction, they needed to be themselves, and they wanted to live as they felt. This was how it came to pass for Vindors on Dealas as it was now as these people from Dealas performed their art looking for any currency to buy food and survive.

  At the last, Arthren filled their glasses for a night cap of sour mash within the secure walls of his residence, after they had returned from the docks when the last acts closed for the night. They each fell asleep where they were, strewn across cushions and couch for they had indulged in alcohol sufficiently to see them all reasonable inebriated. Arthren cast one eye around prior to falling asleep – one last check was his way.

  “I would like to eat breakfast at the city centre and see if there is anyone around. They might be covertly watching us again, or there could be someone else. Either way, I’ll find them if they are watching. We need to make sure nobody follows us to meet Brador tonight.”

  Arthren was true to his word as he led Valeena and Beth to the city so they could spend some of the day wiling away the time until they would meet Brador under cover of darkness. It was almost midday when they had finished eating a meal restorative to their minds as they continued to recover from the effects of too much alcohol the night before.

  “I am satisfied we are alright. Let’s go back to my place until this evening. I am a bit over this melee. My head hurts.”

  “Mine too Arthren. How do you feel Valeena?”

  “Similar. I agree on relaxing the afternoon away until tonight. Going back to your place is better than just lingering about.”

  Their earlier assailant had been sent back to watch them, but this time he was given a cloak of cover – a garment capable of blending with its surroundings, rendering him almost invisible. He watched them as they were silhouette against the dirty window on the second floor. He saw them disappear from view for a few Earth hours before Arthren then stood and opened the glass for some fresh air. And he saw them leave later after dining in, to find their way to Brador.

  “Graegen had better keep to his word Arthren, or Valeena and I might take some action.”

  “Be careful Beth because people might take some back against you in revenge, and don’t drag Valeena into your visions. She has her own decisions to make.”

  “Listen to him Beth. His words address your tempest. Calm your storm.”

  “I’m trying but it still gets me before I realize.”

  Arthren’s eyes met Valeena’s – they were both thinking what these episodes actually could mean for Beth. She was emerging as a mature Vindor woman, destined to find herself within Vindor folklore. She would become guard to the heavens of precious where rain drops lined with gold cascaded from above. It was a sacred place to all of Vindor whose majority thought of it as myth. Valeena and Arthren knew otherwise and they were on a course to find the living place of legend. Beth would be taken to seeing her fate unfold, where as escorts they were to travel the treachery to this oasis, and upon arrival they were certain she would find her place.

  “Just relax anyway Beth. Even if your temper comes again, it will be alright. You will see.”

  “You come at precisely the right time. Brador is inside. Now, I want those gold pieces.”

  “I am of my word Graegen.” Arthren handed him the gold as promised before turning to the women, raising his eye brows, and then leading them inside to meet Brador.

  The building had a peculiar odor different to when they had visited the day before. There was a mustiness mixed with a slight burning electricity smell – even the air seemed to have a crackle as if its particles were somehow excited. Arthren knew Brador’s presence for they had met once many seasons ago when Aduna the galactic presence sent forth the explosion from their sun as the first indicator it was set to meet its doom. His presence was already apparent through the smell and the sense of foreboding in the air. Brador was not a man of Vindor, nor was he a man of the mythical realms of Vindor legend where beasts and people struggled to overcome their own greedy needs. He was a man of both – a transient who could walk the passage of these worlds and one who would only respond to those very few he trusted.

  Arthren was such a man of trust. Brador admired his stature, his ethic, and his authenticity. Regardless of action, he knew Arthren to be a man of consistency, upon whom one could rely.

  “These women are new to me Arthren.”

  “Yes, hello Brador. They are people I can trust. I know Valeena here well, and Beth is a close consort.”

  “Then I may be also in position to place trust for sake of avoiding misinterpretation.”

  “Your words are always wise Brador.” Arthen looked at the tall stout man standing at the opposite end of the room. He was slightly talker than Arthren himself – a dominant figure and of considerable strength. His bald head suited his overall demeanor as it gave him an almost regal appearance befitting of his discretionary powers of transitioning between realms of reality.

  “We seek advice for we are looking for the legend of rain.”

  “I can sense it. You have an offering for the pool.” Brador by no means meant this as a question or request – it was a knowing coming from feeling.

  “It is destiny in a sense. We must be permitted…”

  “Saying you must is quite bold Arthren, for which I do admire as a part of your character. And I also see these two women alike to your own intentions. It is as if a match has come together in three for the two to give the one.”

  “Those were our feelings.” Arthren looked quickly to Beth who appeared to be confused over what they were saying, but showed no inclination towards knowing they were actually speaking about her.

  “They are correct. Soon it will be the time for the rains to come – a rare event and one to take very seriously. This is not a simple means to enact revenge or some greedy selfish notion is it?”

  “No it isn’t. It may sound like it, but the reason is much deeper. See as we offer the one, how this will turn for Vindor. It will become our time. The rest of Vindor seeks the gold of Earth, yet we really have the purest of all the metal. It is as if the war is a reflection of polarity demonstrating their ignorance to the truths of the myths.”

  “I know. It is said Earth possesses the purest gold, but our rains bring us the essence of this metal untainted by impurities as our legends do convey.”

  “Then we must go as I said.”

  “It is not as easy as you think and involves considerable effort.”

  “We have no choice. Valeena began this journey as a means to re-take what is rightfully hers – her presence amongst the elite of Vindor. She was disgraced with Beth as they sought to undermine the best of Earth, a man named Bobby Regal.”

  “I saw the broadcast and so I recognize their intention. It must not cloud your way to the fountain, for if you give into self, you will be cast out much further than your exile to Masquerdon.”

  “I realize my place is much more than my person now Brador. Since I brought Beth here
and I met with Arthren, so much has become apparent to me. My initial revenge upon Bobby Regal has changed. There is much more at stake.”

  “We still need to get him though. He cut us Valeena…”

  “I see your tempest young Beth. Your teeth as they show are very white. Good, you will need strong teeth.”

  “You can search for the fountain. I cannot take you there as it is within you to find it, as it is for all Vindors. But…I am glad so many do not remember for then it would become spoiled and untoward.”

  “How do we search Brador?”

  “I will show you how. First you must take this map I give you, and then you must make your own interpretations from the map. It is not a literal map, but one from the deep spirit of Vindor. The path to the fountain is different for all, for one to find the meaning of the legends within.”

  “When should we begin?”

  “Come. We begin now. I will take you to the woods ten miles from this city. There is a place hidden from view. It will give you the first clue. From there, it is up to your Vindor self to find passage to the rains.”

  “Nothing else? Just a place in the woods? I thought you would give us more…take us there Brador. I bet anyone could have just taken us to the woods.”

  “Are you sure Beth. This place is sacred and to most, beyond their perception. There are very few of us who know of such places. Soon there will be more, but it will be up to you Beth.”

  Amongst the twisted gnarly massive trunks of trees long dead and blackened through age, Brador took them to a singularity – a place where time and dimension merged to a focal point between dimensions.

  “Your time space experiment on Earth comes from this Valeena. It is nowhere near as powerful, but it is similar. Now watch and feel as I touch the place I myself have enabled you to see, and then you will begin your journey to the fountain. You must go together for alone you cannot find your way.”

  A jettison of plasma like material ejected from the focal point the moment Brador touched its centre. It caressed him before linking to the others forming a circle in which it then created small electrical balls of light energy. Instantly Arthren, Valeena, and Beth felt its magic and instantly it was then gone - the key to unlocking the map was theirs.

  Chapter 8

  Reconnaissance was something Miss Candice considered herself suitable for as she stood ready to command departure from Moon Base on their mission to the outer solar system. Mister Weston was at the ready, as was Mister Livingston. Bobby was checking a few last operational details before he would give the command to engage electric drive. Her sense of admiration was unlike the ways of Vindor – Miss Candice was sensing a knowing of the right place where she and the others would be truly in the moment. An adventure across space was new to her, to Mister Weston, and to Jonathon, so it was with a sense of great anticipation they waited for Bobby to finish.

  “Alright Miss Candice. Let’s go.”

  “Engaging electric drive Mister Bobby. Time to launch is ten seconds.”

  “At one minute after launch, please engage the electric hyper drive Miss Candice.”

  “Understood sir. Our trajectory is laid in for a course to proceed on heading towards Uranus.”

  “And the other planets?”

  “They will provide gravitational assist Mister Bobby. We can expect a fifty three percent acceleration increase. Our travel time is expected to be nine hours and twenty two minutes.”

  “We know Vindor has an outpost at co-ordinates in proximity to Uranus,” Bobby said as he began briefing them about the mission. “They use this outpost as a station to support their attacks. For some reason they leave it defended enough for us to give up our attacks. Wave after wave of Earth rockets have been destroyed trying to smash this mile wide silver sphere in space, but we never make any ground. We have given up to save the losses.”

  “What do they use it for Mister Regal?”

  “We don’t know entirely aside from it being a key tactical data outpost equipped to upgrade Vindor craft with technology as it becomes available on Vindor. It is well armed so it must be important.”

  “Do they hope to get closer to Earth using this thing?”

  “Maybe Jonathon. It baffles me how…and the entire space command.”

  “Perhaps it is something to do with the time weapon.”

  “Scientists are looking into it now. We are beginning to suspect it was part of the mission those two women carried out.”

  “Unsuccessfully. They were no match for Steward of Earth Defenses.”

  “No they weren’t Miss Candice. Remember you all played a part in our previous success. Anyway, based on our experience with time technology, we have been able to quickly develop a scanner to see if we can find some vital information the Vindors use to refine our own time travel methods. Once we take the rocket shuttle in, we will be close enough to gather what we need.”

  “Tactical will be online as we pass the Jupiter perimeter Bobby.”

  “Keep me informed Jonathon. I want deep scanner updates as soon as anything shows up.”

  “By your command.”

  “What’s with the robotic response?”

  “Just playing with you. Weapons will be at status when needed.”

  “Be ready. Those details you studied yesterday are all true. Vindor ships and guns are hard. They have better tactical deployment than us.”

  “So I won’t let you down even if I have to shoot one.”

  “How will the information help us if they are better in space and can out maneuver us Mister Bobby?”

  “Mister Weston might be able to answer for you Miss Candice. I am sure he studied long and hard about a lot of engineering…”

  “Indeed Mister Regal. The information will help us to refine our own accelerators used in spacecraft design. Vindor ships are spherical Miss Candice, providing ability for their technology to greatly accelerate in any direction. Our rockets are limited to traditional flight paths so we need to turn and sweep in order to mount an attack. Vindor spherical craft simply go one way or the other without an arcing turn. Perhaps in the future, Earth ships may look somewhat similar.”

  “Such capacity could help us with refining time machinery?”

  “Indeed. Mister Regal will show us how when this mission is successful and we move onto building a more refined time distortion device.”

  Beyond the great planet of war - an island of worship to humans deep in a sea of blackness, they left Mars behind to move through the asteroid belt. Their passage was not directly through the dense middle of the orbiting stones as their flight would brush the side of the belt where rocks were sparse and their course could maintain optimal direction for the shortest route to Uranus. Moving at such speed was apparent as they passed the spinning cosmic fragments, where their relativity was greater than compared to planets, creating lines rather than objects rushing past on the scope Jonathon watched as they traveled.

  “What of the gold in these here rocks Bobby?”

  “We keep it secret Jonathon. If Vindor find out how much gold is floating around out here, they would launch a much stronger assault. It is better they think gold is only found on Earth.”

  “Have they tried looking here yet Mister Bobby?”

  “We block their scanners. They only know of Earth’s gold through a reconnaissance mission they carried out just before the war began.”

  “You mean those bastards were on Earth and nobody knew?”

  “You can bet on it Jonathon. Since then though, they have come no closer than the battles near Saturn’s rings almost a year ago.”

  “So they spent the past year developing this time machine and planning their mission?”

  “As far as we can tell Mister Weston it is precisely what has taken place.”

  “Well it didn’t work and those two harlots were sent home in disgrace. I expect they are suffering now because of what they did.”

  “Most likely Miss Candice, but don’t dismiss them entirely. I know
what it means to Vindor people to be disgraced. They will look for some type of revenge I would expect.”

  As Jupiter the giant gas planet loomed into view, Jonathon engaged tactical systems to monitor the situation for the remainder of their mission to reach the Vindor sphere located near Uranus. Io, Calista, Ganymede…Jupiter’s moons were plain to see vastly dwarfed by their massive guardian. The Jovian system was a marvel at this distance still ten million miles away.

  “Advising tactical in normal readiness Bobby.”

  “Thank you Jonathon. Is anyone hungry? I was thinking of some toast. I can turn the gravity modulator off so we can test out the space toaster on board. I thought you might like to see it Mister Weston.”

  “I certainly would Mister Regal. Mister Livingston and I were discussing the very thing just the other evening.”

  “Then lets us not dally and engage the toaster.”

  Anything not fixed began to float around the cabin. Restricted to only a few items, it was standard procedure to minimize potential floating hazards. Bobby brought out the toaster and to Mister Weston’s amazement as soon as he placed it on the table, it simply remained in place. A minute or so later when Bobby inserted the first two slices of bread, Mister Weston held his gaze intently, watching to see if there was any upward movement of the toast when it was done. His answer came ninety seconds later when the toaster was finished and the toasted slices popped up. Not a single sign of floating could be observed – the toast was truly being held by an artificial gravity field being generated by the toaster. He was astounded. Never would he have dreamed first of an electric toaster, and then secondly of one capable of toasting in space without losing its load. It was done, so Bobby buttered the toast and gave them each a piece of cheese save the cheese floating away if he handed it to them on the toast.

  “One foible of these devices Mister Weston. If one applies a slice of cheese, the cheese tends to float away.”

  “Then I suggest the development of a space toaster with the capacity to grill cheese so it can stick to the toast Mister Regal.”


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