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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

Page 18

by Michael Berg

  Chapter 16

  Valeena knew someone was coming to the spring. She had no idea who it was or when they would arrive, but her deepest senses revealed her to herself. She was out of place, she was to be evicted and she could do nothing to stop the inane sense of pointlessness rising within her. Nevertheless, she continued to believe in her own visions of a future with Beth, free of Arthren’s placidity.

  He was a man tall and strong who could lead anyone successfully through adversity if given to take charge, yet she now saw him as soft, weak, and easily influenced by the fallacies of gentile. She hated this and began to hate him – Valeena had once felt romance for Arthren when he had impressed her at a younger age with his stout application of reasoning and physical strength. Now he was soft, she was hard, and despite their closeness at times, there was nothing to prevent their growing disparity with each other.

  Her mind was in turmoil, as was her heart. She was confronted with deviances far from the virtues of an accomplice as her negative ego took charge relinquishing nothing in evidence. She opposed her emptiness as an accomplice. She derived pleasure from seeing darkness in contrast to the gold around her, but this was no pleasure for it was born in the depths of desire and as such rendered a hunger she could not fill.

  In a flash, her mind rendered images of Bobby. She knew how deeply he had affected her as intrigue set out to discover further meaning to their tumultuous rendezvous on Earth. It both saddened her and evoked some degree of anxiety. She had desire to feel him again, to touch him, and for exploring the darkness of their carnality together. Bobby had revealed this loose side to his composure – a facet of character all humans held where some expressed and many spent years suppressing. He was much more than Arthren could ever be to her.

  Mere hours remained until the final moon shadow fall. Arthren still lay with his hand dipped into the golden water, his face unchanged from the contented look he had taken when he first fell into the deep psychedelic trance. The galaxy fruit would wear off by nightfall – she had only the remaining daylight hours after Beth’s rebirth to persuade her with devious pride affected intentions. Valeena could not escape herself. Something within her had taken to course as she too began change. Her joining with Arthren and Beth in this state was a strange evolution. Of sinister inclination, her mind, heart, and body, was taking shape.

  She could sense a smell. It was pure, tinged with the acids of the many fruits around the spring, and mixed with the clarity of spray from its waters. Immediately she took to disliking the essence pervading her thoughts. It tried to coax her away from the rising temper within and restore some freshness to her being. Valeena wanted none of it – her preference now was set and upon the course of discourse she was to travel beginning long before this day on which it was to be personified. She tried in vain to rid her nostrils…her senses of the smell and its invocations. Nothing could dispense the challenge being thrown at her. It would take all of the darkness in her devious mind to ignore the presence of light energies accompanying Beth’s rebirth. On a pathway of embattlement, Valeena had vision only for the pervasive implications of her influence over the new queen.

  Dawn was spectacular as it ushered in a day of history for not only Vindor, but the nearby sectors of the galaxy it would affect, including planet Earth. Gold was present more on this morning than any other in recent times upon Dealas and upon Vindor. It radiated in the air, was captured within the spring’s waters where it cast glittering facets of light and shadow, and it was a warmth within Beth who was stirring within the chrysalis. She moved in fluid motions inside the cocoon as her moment of divinity drew closer.

  Such a facet of being could only be found in those aligned with their destiny, as most others moved with effort in haphazard ways reflecting their inner disparity and lack of equilibrium. An antithesis enveloped their psyche, her psyche – conflict within was a polarity between decent and indecent. She contested her new found will often enough seeing if it was a passing phase, but with each test, her incline sloped towards the plans being laid as if her subconscious was processing a scheme of paradigm shift soon to begin.

  The time had arrived to sample the best fruit in plentiful supply around her.

  It was a measure to gain some sense of balance as her body demanded, yet she failed to see the true wealth of abundance in body, mind, and spirit she could realize if the internal clouds within cleared to match the clear skies above. Momentarily as the sun caressed her skin electrically, Valeena paused to explore something of herself too compelling to ignore – it was reminiscent of her time on Earth.

  Her heart spoke of tenderness and nurturing as a mother after Bobby had given her one thing eternally connecting them. She had adored him and his seed. For a second she wished to be in his arms free from the turmoil of recent times, until she remembered the events at the bordello. It cast grey into colour, diminishing her love to see hate. Such inner conflict polarized her to be hard as one who had loved and lost something so very dear. It was all she needed to relinquish the moment, driving her to find the best fruit and prepare for Beth. She gently kicked Arthren on the way past the spring. No response ensued nor did she expect one.

  Three moons closed in on eclipse overhead as she sat at the base of the galaxy fruit tree eating what she had gathered. It was a joy to her. She felt a place in history, though not as grandiose as many on Vindor would see themselves. Her way was more secretive without any need for public notoriety. ‘How strange,’ she said to herself as she contemplated seeing Vindor’s moons on another planet. The paradox of the vortex to this place still confused her - she chewed on fruit as she chewed this point in her mind, seeking reason. Valeena was particular to reason even if circumstances seemed unreasonable.

  She felt challenged before reaching a point in decision to see it as part of Beth’s rebirth, which in itself was even more remarkable. This moment of acceptance was all she required to align herself and taste the sweetness and juice of Panthena fruit.

  Strong acids welled her sense of smell as they combined with sugars. She likened the segmented texture to an orange on Earth. This was where the similarities ended for the bell shaped purple and blue Panthena fruit was almost twice the size of an orange. She embellished herself not caring for the consequences of becoming sticky with juice as she could then further her embellishment through washing it away in the golden waters.

  Shadows had shifted when Valeena awoke. She had no recollection of falling asleep and wondered how long it had been as she walked back to the spring to check on Beth and wash her still sticky face. Nothing had changed aside from Arthren having withdrawn his hand from the water. Beth was stirring as she had for the past day. Valeena was happy to see she had not slept long, but Arthren troubled her.

  With a wet face splashed golden, she eyed him closely looking for any other signs he was coming around. He gave her no other indication of being awake by the time she had finished, yet this was no reason to relax. Emerging from the effects of galaxy fruit psychedelics could happen quickly – she knew it from past experiences. If he woke before Beth arrived, her plans would likely fail. His strength and authenticity were too much for her to overcome.

  She edged over to the fruit vines growing twenty steps from the pond’s edge, keeping her eyes on him. He didn’t appear to be watching her as he would need to move to see her entirely.

  A section as long as her leg came away from the main vine, which she applied considerable effort to as its fibers resisted her attempt to separate it for use as a weapon. At last she was able to break it free and then wrapped both ends around her hands before returning to Arthren.

  At the last, Valeena ran and leapt onto Arthren. She fought to wrap the vine around his neck, succeeding at first and managing to pull it tight for a few seconds, before Arthren was able to overpower her. He shoved Valeena to the side causing her to partially slip into the spring. When she stood up in water to her knees, her saw her as pathetic.

  “In my visions, I saw you are not the one
Valeena. You are no female accomplice. You are nothing more than the public disgrace you were given. I had my doubts, but then…maybe it was our long acquaintance and sense of history. What I could ever feel for you ended long ago. I should have realized earlier, what is very clear to me now. Anyway, this is not about me…or you. I know Beth will come soon, so until then, you can just watch and see.”

  “You cannot stop me Arthren. I will win this. Beth and I have a special bond.”

  “Your sex, your kinship…I can see it in your eyes. What makes you think those experiences were more than just events along the road to this time for Beth? You will fade into her history. She will have nothing for your idle sense of evolution and greed.”

  “Are your words of an accomplice Arthren? They sound resonate to egotistical wanderings of many Vindor self given rights to judge.”

  “You are typical of your mind and not heart there Valeena. None of my words are judgments. They are observations. I have no personal interest.”

  “I wonder if you are still a person. Your method seems to be only of an accomplice.”

  “I see the times Valeena. Maybe you don’t see the connection of learning involved. Trying to strangle me. Think it over and see despite your attempt on me out of anger, I can remain calm.”

  “You’re nothing really.”

  “Indeed, such a compliment in context of place now.”

  “It makes you weak Arthren. You are losing the edge you lived life by.”

  “To the contrary Valeena, I think after this I will have a finer edge. We learn to narrow the margins of error.”

  “How do you know? I could try something again and you might find it in your male self to show aggression. I can tempt you Arthren.”

  “There is nothing you can do. You continue to fail seeing where I am…and thank you for the trip. Even though I lay vulnerable for so long, I am grateful both for you not having tried to kill me earlier, and for the journey I went on for a day. You wouldn’t believe the magic I saw Valeena.”

  “I could try. What will you do?”

  “Drawing conclusions on what to do with you is not high on my ratings. Obviously I am seeing this through. When Beth is founded and finally embraces the essence of the spring, I might think of how to treat you, but I am not bothered with acts of reparation. I am beyond such a low vibration.”

  “Maybe we could do something. Beth will be wonderful. Imagine how good we could have things Arthren. We could have all we ever dreamed.”

  “All I ever dreamed was all I ever dreamed. Now it is different and those thoughts and desires are of the past. I have no need for want Valeena. Life takes a spiritual mystery like facets of diamond without the burden of want and need or dependency.”

  “Everyone needs Arthren.”

  “Yours appear to be common yet uncommon. Here with Beth about to arrive, I am struggling to find a resolution for the requirement of the true female accomplice to be present. Time for Beth is near, yet the true accomplice is not.”

  “I am. How else could I be here?”

  “Your bond with Beth is unique. There must have been an opening.”

  “You will see how she comes to me. We have been to deep places you never knew. Don’t be so sure of yourself Arthren.”

  Valeena could see the change of light in the sky indicating moon shadow fall was imminent. There was almost no time left. She looked to the chrysalis. Beth was still as it was now the last period prior to rebirth when her body adjusted to breath air. She was experiencing the last molecular changes before she would emerge as a new being, both Arthren and Valeena were very curious to see.

  Chapter 17

  “She could be a diversion Mister Livingston. Perhaps you might lead us to find something more of this riddle she speaks of. I for one don’t think we should just march immediately out of here on a heading to this Planet Dealas Mister Regal?”

  “Different planets, different cultures, and different languages Mister Weston. What may seem strange to us Weston, is normal for those whom we see as such.”

  “Are you sure you haven’t been in the space program before Jonathon? You speak as though you have the experience of a space traveler.”

  “Definitely sure I haven’t. I did a lot of research when we had the chance.”

  “As it is for Miss Candice and I. Strange times indeed have befallen upon us.”

  “And even stranger for me Mister Weston. I feel something growing stronger almost with every breath. What shall we do Mister Bobby?”

  “We must first find the place on Vindor where this golden spring can be accessed and then return to Stonehenge for insight. Mister Weston has a point demonstrating good cause for our benefit.”

  “Glad to have served well Mister Regal.”

  “Thank you Mister Weston.”

  “I think we should consider the use of sound in our travel and how it may be applied to the stone circle…so far away across space.” Weston lost himself to the vastness of distance between Vindor and Stonehenge. He appreciated the true depths of the cosmos when regarding such distance – seeing pictures of these tiny spheres harboring life amongst the overwhelming idea of a void. He had read nineteenth century fictional writings of science fiction in its early days and these affected his imaginings. In a way those early depictions and descriptions were appreciative of the feeling he was now having. They conveyed the smallness of man when he ventured to the stars in a way he was feeling in every cell as frontiers of many levels and senses as they inundated his being.

  “Mister Livingston…?”

  “I was about to say Miss Candice. Our next step is to find any hint of how this energy those men back on the road mentioned exists. Mystics and the like are our best bet, but we need not all go. I think it best if you accompany me Miss Candice for us to present as a couple. Often these type of people let a little more information out when there is feminine energy present.”

  “As per my own considerations Mister Livingston. He is right Mister Bobby. As a couple alone, we could make some progress.”

  “Then go. We need you to act now as time is of the essence.”

  “Indeed Mister Regal, as it has been these recent days.”

  “I appreciate your sentiment Mister Weston. Whatever your plans are Jonathon, talk with Miss Candice as you go. Mister Weston and I will discuss flight details to prepare for returning to the moon.”

  “I have the ray gun…just in case.”

  Mister Weston’s eyes lit up as intrigue about the weapon, swept through him. Given the right opportunity, he would ask Mister Livingston if it were permissible for a closer inspection of its’ inner workings. For a moment, he was beset with youthful eyes as he next marveled at the idea of building his own version of the weapon upon return to Earth.

  A light rain had begun outside, setting the late Masquerdon streets awash in a silvery dampness flourished with streaks of light reflected from the various establishments and houses along the way. Like Earth, the streets were of stone – Vindor had an affinity with it to such an extent, wherever something could be made of stone, it was. Bridges, streets, houses, businesses, monuments, even the warehouses for electrical hardware running the vast network of energy across the planet, were all made of stone. Many had seen images of Earth, and the common opinion was how ugly a planet it was with an array of buildings defying what they considered, were mindful aesthetics.

  Musty moist aromas mixed like the lights did in this weather, with an array of spices and about town odors accentuated by the rain. Miss Candice drew her coat collar around her face as she linked arms with Jonathon, keeping close to him as they huddled together setting off to find some lead on the idea of the activated spring changing the consciousness of Vindor at large.

  This would be important to understanding what they would need to find this place themselves – Miss Candice felt a determination matching Jonathon’s. She was transmitting this to him as they walked their bodies in contact. He wanted no chance of them becoming separated as they w
eaved through people about the streets, and she sought a little refuge from the rain beneath his broad shoulder.

  Without delay, he steered them towards the part of town where they were likely to find a mystic type, sparing no time to rest. Gradually the type of people around them changed over the course of a few blocks, becoming even more diverse if such a thing was possible in Masquerdon.

  It was a section of town many chose to never go at night, for rumor abounded of many who never returned. Miss Candice could see the dockside area ahead of them as they stood under a doorway shelter during a heavier shower. An eerie purple mist had begun to rise and make tendril like inroads along the street towards them – its’ wispy veils first tasting the buildings and people before surging now and then to completely envelop them. She remembered similar times seeing Mister Weston’s street lamps being swallowed by fog to become faint beacons veiled within a shroud, struggling to guide people along the night time streets in Jonstown. This moment was far different to the remote place in time and space to her now and she realized this when recalling she was on a planet twenty three light years from Earth.

  For a moment, Jonathon considered powers and riches the gold spring could offer. As a core element of the universe, the gold would attract all the proviso required to eat, live, and love. He was amused at how such a life would be expressed in vivid authenticity, yet would it really turn out in such a way?

  “Don’t think of the spring in such ways Mister Livingston. I can sense your feelings of want…of desire. Remember the words of the old woman to not want the gold, otherwise it will be your down…”

  “Yes downfall Miss Candice. Though it does seem so alluring at times. Temptation is hard to resist.”

  “Resist we must…you must. My calling to this endeavor is not of desire other than in inner sense of fulfillment. We all need to rise above such things Mister Livingston. They cause our downfall.”


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