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Kink (Filthy Stories)

Page 20

by Sable Drake

  As she lay there gripping the desk on either side of her head, she felt Rob's gentle fingers stroking over the ridges he had raised. She didn't think he'd actually drawn blood. Then, his fingers slid down the curve and into her crease. He was stroking her pussy lips and oh so very gently building up the pressure.

  Penny found that she was responding, and she began to gasp and wriggle. It had never happened before that he had brought her so close to orgasm by such a faint touch. Although she knew it sounded cliché, she actually roared at him.

  "Fuck me, please!"

  He dragged on her legs so that she slid along the desk towards him, and she rolled over. Her damaged buttocks were far enough over the edge not to touch the desk. With her legs in the air, her bum was facing Rob.

  She had not really been aware of him pulling out his cock, but she was definitely very aware of the hard rod ramming into her. She had unleashed a side of Rob which she had never seen before. He thrust into her again and again, taking her quite brutally. Penny could not get enough of what he was doing, and he only stopped when she was a wet, limp little heap gasping on her side on the desktop with her crotch drenched in their shared juices.

  At some point, they had a meal with Penny clad only in her thin cotton robe and then made their way to bed. He again took her, and she drifted into sleep on a tide of endorphins.

  She was again in just her robe when she stood on the doorstep kissing Rob as he set out for work the next morning. It was a deep passionate kiss which lasted a very long time, but when they finally pulled apart his voice became stern.

  "Tonight, I want to see a hundred lines. Naughty girls get their knickers taken down."

  She sat at her desk in the schoolroom and did her lines in a careful girlish hand, but she also found time for some online shopping. Over the next few days, the schoolroom became adorned with a world map and a chart of the Royal Houses of England, which hung either side of the wall mounted blackboard. On the ledge in front of the blackboard, there were fresh coloured chalks.

  On a side wall was a huge round wall clock with a loud tick like the voice of doom, and on the teacher's desk were several lined exercise books with the name P Sykes neatly written on the covers. Beside them was a folder marked Punishment Book, and on the wall was a notice board bearing a large sheet headed School Rules. The rules listed were very detailed.

  Virtually anything can be found on the Internet, and one drawer of the teacher's desk contained three pairs of regulation knickers in maroon, navy, and white as well as several pairs of brilliant white knee socks plus two plain white cotton vests. Young Miss Sykes became quite accustomed to doing without her bra. With her small breasts squeezed beneath her vest, the white school blouse hardly bulged at all, and she looked so innocent with her hair tied up in a pink scrunchie. Of course, makeup and jewelry were expressly forbidden by the school rules.

  It was typical of an organised person like Penny that the two sides of her character almost became separate people. Penny remained the good middle class wife, and she began work on her software project, although it took on a new direction. She began to create and market a game called Patricia's Perils, which was set in a schoolroom.

  Meanwhile Sykes really enjoyed having the freedom to return to the more carefree days of her youth. She did not have to think of such things as the mortgage but only to carrying out Sir's latest instructions. Sometimes, Rob would be deliberately mean to her, and when she was settling down to watch a programme on television to which she had been looking forward all week, he would become stern with her.

  "Don't just lie around here, Sykes. You are wanted in the schoolroom."

  She would pout and whine a little but, of course, she had to obey.

  Other times, her detentions would begin with a few stingers on her hands before she was strapped to block. Afterwards, she would be sent upstairs to shower, and then she would slip downstairs in just white vest and knickers under her gown.

  Rob would take her onto his lap and enjoy the sweet, clean scent of the First Flowers shampoo she had taken to using. His hand would find the place where she was softest, and his ministrations would make her wriggle and squirm. Then he would whisper into her ear that perhaps they might go upstairs. Of course, Penny would play her part.

  "Oh, Sir, do you think we should? What about my mum?"

  Rob would nuzzle her face and assure her that no-one would ever know... after all, she was eighteen now.

  * * * *

  Penny lay across the top of the whipping block with her tears running down her face and onto the floorboards. Although she was no longer being caned, her body was still writhing as it dealt with the stinging strokes Rob had administered. Rob ran his fingertips excruciatingly gently across the purple ridges he had raised on his wife's creamy white buttocks, and he noted the sharp intake of breath this caused in his helplessly restrained victim.

  As Penny sniffed the mucus back into her nostrils, and her breathing began to settle down Rob positioned a chair in front of the block and sat facing his wife. She raised her scarlet and tear streaked face to look up at him. It was so recently that they had discovered the effect pain and punishment had upon their lovemaking, and it seemed as if an equation existed placing the extent of arousal in direct proportion to the amount of pain and humiliation which preceded it. Rob had grown up in a nice middle class family, as had Penny, and he had been taught that one did not hit girls. When he began to see the effect of his punishment of Penny, it was as if a dam had broken and released something primal in his masculine genes.

  Their life together ran on two parallel tracks; in one track, they were a normal couple who shared major decisions and lived like any other young couple. But at any moment, they could shift to the other track where Penny regressed to being a slightly wayward teenager and was obliged to wear her uniform, complete with regulation underwear. Rob could hand out punishments for any transgression or simply as lessons to keep his recalcitrant student in her place.

  Now, as Rob looked down at his recently punished schoolgirl, he asked her whether it was the pain she relished or the helplessness of being strapped down. Penny's lip turned inwards in that innocently erotic way, and she swallowed her saliva so that she could speak.

  "I... I think it's both, Sir"

  * * * *

  That night, as they snuggled together in the post coital glow, they had a discussion which led to Penny asking Rob to take things to the next level. She wanted to enjoy being totally subject to his will, and she knew that the new Rob, after his experience of the past few weeks, would relish his power over her. The discussion of details took some time, and then they drifted into sleep, naked in each other's arms.

  The following morning as Penny kissed Rob off to work, he adopted a serious manner and told her that he would be taking steps to follow up on what they had discussed last night; that little girls who were nosy got punished, so it was not for her to ask questions. In the meantime, she would keep her hair permanently tied either in dog ears or in a pony tail, and she would obey full school rules concerning jewelry and makeup unless given special permission. Her task for that day while he was at work would be to use her computer to create a form which would give full details of any masturbation. The form would have space for date, time, duration, precisely what she did, and any accompanying fantasies. Each time she pleasured herself, she would complete a form and submit it to Rob.

  That evening, Rob was home quite early, and Penny stood beside his chair while he approved her design of the form. Afterward, he told her that she was to strip and spend the rest of the evening naked while changes were made to her wardrobe.

  Penny knew better than to ask any questions, and she began to undress whilst Rob watched every move. Of course, having Rob see her naked was not a new experience, but she found the tension in the air almost unbearable. She had no idea what he had in mind, and he was watching her very closely, as if he may punish her for undoing a zip or button in the wrong way or shedding her clothes in th
e wrong order.

  Rob's commands were terse as he told her to fetch a bin bag from the kitchen and then accompany him up to their bedroom. Once in the room, Rob sat on the bed and ordered Penny to tip out her lingerie drawer on the bed and put every single pair of panties into the bag. Every girl has certain favourite items which make her feel nice when she wears them, and Penny could not help pleading for a little leeway.

  "Can't I just keep a few special ones? Please, Uncle Rob?"

  Rob showed his impatience and told her to get on with what she was doing. He also made her put most of her brassieres in the bag apart from a very small number of quite plain ones in white, black, and pink. Determined to miss nothing, Rob made her repeat the process with the laundry basket.

  "You will only be wearing school pants from now on, and I shall lay them on the chair for you each day so that you know which ones to wear. If you need to change them to go out in the evening, you will need to ask me, and I will lay out some clean ones for you. However, they will still be regulation design and colour."

  Penny pointed out that she only possessed three pairs of school pants which they used for games in the school room, and Rob told her that those would have to do until she ordered more online

  Penny's tasks for the evening were still not complete. Rob made her take the bin bag full of fripperies out to the dustbin which was at the rear of the house. Of course, she was still naked and, even protected by the back wall, she felt very exposed as Rob watched from the window to ensure that she obeyed his orders to the letter.

  And so Penny's new life began. Whatever she did and wherever she went, she would be wearing school pants in white, maroon, or navy. If Rob was really annoyed with her, he would make her wear the horrible grey ones and, on some occasions, she was forbidden knickers. Being made to go out minus her most intimate garment still made her feel vulnerable and self-conscious, but it was not a new experience. What was worse was being made to go without her bra.

  Penny had a few white school vests, but she hated the feeling of her sensitive nipples moving against the vest, and she had the continuous fear that they were showing through her top. She knew Rob could tell that she moved very carefully when he made her go without her bra Her self-consciousness showed in a shyness which made her tend to be quiet and keep in the background when they were in company. The last time that the couple had visited Penny's parents, Rob had her underwear restricted to navy knickers and school vest. By the time they were in the car going home, her tension was through the roof. It was only relieved in bed when "Uncle Rob" gave Penny permission to please her uncle and thank him for a nice day.

  The other effect of the talk about submission had concerned the key. Beside the blackboard in the schoolroom was a door into what had presumably been the teacher's storeroom. It was a room about nine feet square with a stone floor and fixings on the walls where there must have once been shelves. Most of the floor was covered by an old and threadbare maroon rug, and there was a small wash basin on the wall with a single cold tap. The key to this room had been in the door, but Penny noticed that now the door was kept locked, and Rob had taken the key.

  From time to time, parcels which Penny was forbidden from opening would arrive in the post. She had strict orders to place them in the schoolroom whereupon Rob would move them into the storeroom.

  About two weeks after that momentous discussion, the two of them got out of bed and Penny reached for her gown. Rob told her that she would be naked for breakfast and still naked when she saw him off to work. Penny did not question this; she answered it with an obedient, Yes Uncle Rob. Her mind was in a whirl wondering if he had another instruction for her.

  They ate breakfast with Rob eyeing her breasts across the table. Then, as usual, she accompanied him out to the car. This time, the gravel was painful under her bare feet, and she could not keep her face from showing her discomfort. Rob opened the car door and reached into his pocket. In a split second, he had clasped Penny's hands and shackled them together in front of her with shiny chrome handcuffs. Penny looked down in horror at her now restrained wrists. Rob got into the car, lowered the window and smiled up at her.

  "Have a good day."

  She stood there for a second as he drove away, then hurried back into the house. She was certain that Rob would have kept the key to the handcuffs, so she faced a day of limited freedom. It would be impossible to put on any clothes above the waist. She would be able to struggle into trousers, a skirt ,or knickers, but Rob had not put out any knickers for her, anyway. So, clearly he did not intend her to wear any. What did he intend her to do? Would it be permissible to put on a skirt but do without undies, or should she spend the day naked? If she made the wrong choice there would certainly be a punishment.

  It was understood that Rob did not need a reason to punish her. The school rules, displayed on the wall of the schoolroom, said that he could punish her whenever he thought fit. However, there was a difference between a "fun" punishment and a "real" punishment. The latter always included some unpleasant twist. Penny resigned herself to a day indoors and naked. If the doorbell rang, she was not at home.

  The real "zing" of their life together was that Penny never knew what new thrill her "Uncle Rob" would dream up for his naughty niece. An example was the Friday morning when Rob made her dress in just bottle green knickers, which were only slightly less hated than the grey ones, and a white school vest which at least had a little pink trim. They shared breakfast and then Rob took her into the schoolroom and made her sit at her desk and take out her work book from its place inside the desk under the lifting flap.

  "I have decided that you need a detention, Sykes."

  "I want an essay entitled My Body, and I want it very detailed. I am not setting a word count, but you have several hours to write it, so I want to see several hours' worth of work. When you have finished that, I want you to open your English book and compose a piece of erotic prose. I will mark both pieces and, if your erotica has the desired effect upon me, I might not need to cane you tonight. Do you understand your task?"

  The setting of the room, Rob's tone, and the effect of months under his control put Penny thoroughly into character, and she turned her lower lip inwards before replying.

  "Yes, Uncle Rob. Thank you, Uncle Rob."

  With that, he turned from the room, and Penny heard the key turn in the lock. She was horror-stricken; he had locked her in. She would be confined to this room all day. A few moments, later she heard his car pull away, and she sat and took in her situation. Only now did she notice the water jug and plastic beaker on the teacher's desk and the plastic bucket in one corner of the room. So, her basic needs were catered for, but she would be a very lonely and hungry girl when Uncle Rob came to let her out this evening. Accepting her situation, Penny opened the lined school exercise book on her desk and picked up her pen.

  Although Uncle Rob controlled his niece's under things, he did not usually prescribe her top clothes, so most days she could dress as she chose. However, Penny's short stature and neat little bust meant that she and Rob had several times been shopping where teenaged clothes were sold. Penny often went shopping for groceries wearing pink trainers, figure hugging jeans, and a pink top emblazoned with the legend Wild Child. Every time that she bought wine she was asked to prove her age, but she usually had her driving license with her, so this was not a problem. In fact, the humiliation of standing in the queue while people behind her heard the assistant challenge her was quite a thrill.

  Penny was attired as described above one winter Saturday afternoon when she was kneeling beside Rob's chair. He was pouring over the previous week's masturbation reports which she had completed. Rob remarked that the frequency and intensity of her self abuse showed a marked increase. This was hardly surprising as Rob's tasks and punishments kept her in an almost constant state of sexual tension, but she knew better than to challenge him as he pronounced judgment.

  "I think we need to try some aversion therapy, Sykes. Get your jean
s and top off."

  Penny's breathing became a little restricted as she realised that she was in for an unknown, but probably unpleasant, punishment. Rob made her remove her shoes and socks ,so she was just in navy knickers and her thin white vest as Rob led her to the kitchen. He pulled on his raincoat and ordered her out of the kitchen door into the light drizzle, and he followed her out into the garden. It had rained all night and all morning, so it was very wet underfoot. Penny hunched up as the cold rain and cold air touched her skin. She felt her wet vest and knickers cling to her body uncomfortably as Rob led her to a patch of earth beside the lawn.

  "Get on your belly, Sykes."

  She could not believe him and stood frozen for a second, but the instruction was clear. So, she knelt in the mud and then lowered herself to her belly.

  "Now you obviously like playing with yourself, so let me see you enjoy yourself. Get to it, girl."

  The mud squelched into her vest as Penny put one hand between her legs and began to squeeze her pussy in a fairly half-hearted manner. Rob ordered her to use both hands, and his tone ensured that she obeyed quickly. Now her weight came down on her little boobs as both hands went to work on her pussy, and her bottom began to bounce. She kept her head up, which put an uncomfortable strain on her neck. Being humiliated in this way while Rob stood over her and issued strict commands fuelled her arousal, and soon she was gasping as her fingers worked at her soft flesh through the thin knickers. Each time that she moved her body the mud squelched and found its way through her sparse clothing, but Rob was still not satisfied.

  "There's no point in trying to keep clean, Sykes. I want to see the dirty little girl that we both know you are."

  Without warning, his foot came down onto the back of her head pressing her face into the mud and giving her a mouthful of garden. He only kept his foot in place for a moment, but when he released the pressure her face was covered in thick black mud and so was her blonde hair. He ordered her to keep her face downwards, so now, when she pressed up against her belly, her head moved downwards into the mud. Penny was gasping now and was well past the point of trying to keep clean. Her head regularly dipped into the mud, and all her hair was coated in thick, black goo. On the "up" stroke, her belly came clear of the mud and then it crashed down again with a little splash.


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