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Game On

Page 16

by Rene Folsom

  Maci: Coital Confessions

  As I kicked Liam’s ass in Super Smash Bros, I couldn’t help but think of how perfect he was for me. This man knew just how badly I was hurting, knew I was a total wreck, and knew just what to do to cheer me up.

  Here we were, playing one of my favorite games, the one we just so happened to play the first night we met. The trivial act of laying a smack down on my opponent, kicking ass and taking names, was oddly therapeutic. For just a few moments, I’d forgotten about what I’d lost and began looking forward to what I’d gained.

  Of course, I’d never forget my grams—never ever. But I also couldn’t push aside the fact that I’d gained the most fun, loving boyfriend a girl could ever ask for.

  Glancing in his direction, I smiled. After sticking with me through hell and back, I needed to find a way to repay him. He deserved so much more after all the patience and understanding he provided to me, especially since I nearly ruined the good thing we had by betraying him to save my own ass.

  He forgave me—through all the toils and strife, he forgave me.

  “You’re staring,” he said, never taking his gaze off the game as he spoke. My eyes darted back and forth between his face and the screen, examining every twitch of his muscle and every jolt of his head when he tried to mimic what his character was doing.

  A crooked smile played on my lips as I stopped mashing the controller buttons and died—well, my character did anyway.

  Turning to face me on the couch, he asked, “What are you up to?”

  “Just tired of playing this. There’s another game I’d much rather beat you at,” I said as seductively as I could.

  “Oh yeah?” he questioned skeptically, one brow raised while he watched me stand in front of him.

  Very slowly, I began removing my clothes, the pantsuit I was wearing suddenly feeling quite stifling around a man who set my body ablaze with desire. As I peeled each piece of fabric from my skin, I backed up another few steps, dropping the garments in my wake. He’d already seen me in my most vulnerable times, yet now, I didn’t feel exposed. Instead, I felt empowered, the desire for his eyes to be on my body overwhelming all other thoughts.

  I needed him to see me, and I mean, truly see me. Not for the broken woman I’d been the past week, but for who he was stuck dealing with from here on out. I could only hope he knew he was stuck with me, because there was no way in hell I was giving him up now. Throughout all that has happened, he’d been there to pick me up when I fell, to help me brush off the dirt and stand up tall again.

  Yeah, he was definitely a keeper.

  “Why’d you stop? I was rather enjoying the show,” he said, the sound of his voice suddenly bringing me back to the now, my fingers lingering over the button on my pants.

  “Um,” I stuttered, trying to think of something sexy to say rather than repeat what was really going on in my head. “I was just thinking how hot it’d be if you fucked me up against the window.”

  I’d always wanted to make love while staring out the sliding glass doors, the water of the bay sparking beneath the moonlight making the scene peaceful—perfect.

  “Well, how about we go out on the deck?” he suggested, standing from the couch and following my lead, his shirt hitting the floor first as he walked in my direction. “Then you can feel the breeze hitting your skin while I make love to you.”

  “Nah, that won’t quite work.” I shook my head, unclasping my bra and tossing it aside, my panties the only thing left on my body.

  “And why is that?” he asked, removing his pants and boxer briefs, stepping closer all in one swift movement.

  “Because I plan to be loud,” I admitted, totally not ashamed of how he made me feel when we made love. He took the last few steps to approach me, placing his hands on my hips and hooking his thumbs inside the fabric of my panties, pushing at the strands so they fell to the floor around my ankles.

  “Mmm… inside it is, then,” he muttered with his lips barely touching mine. His mouth was close, the kiss right on the cusp of reality—it made my stomach flutter with delicious tension.

  Instead of kissing me, his lips only a whisper against mine, he backed up, looking deep into my eyes as he said, “Now turn around and let me see that bat signal.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at his playfulness, biting my lip as I slowly turned toward the floor-to-ceiling window. Placing my hands on the glass, I braced myself, pushing my ass out slightly so he’d get an eyeful.

  My stomach knotted with an overwhelming desire as he gently began rubbing his hands on my ass, causing heat to pool between my legs. With his touch slowly trailing up my sides, his fingers reverently cherishing every inch of my overly sensitive body, goose bumps peppered my skin where his hands had just been.

  God, every move he made felt so good, so addicting.

  While I was still posed for him, my hands pressed against the glass, he continued to roam my body, feathering his fingers over my hard nipples while his lips found my neck. Each simple, worshipful touch had my insides quickening, my body warming and my sex dampening at just the thought of where he’d take me next.

  I oooh’ed in surprise when he squeezed my breasts, his fingers pinching the sensitive buds harder. My light whimpers seemed to fuel him on, his movements becoming bolder, more erotic than before.

  I sighed freely once I felt the hardness of his length press up against my butt and back as he continued to nibble on my neck. With a light tickle to my ear, he whispered, “I love you, Maci.”

  I wanted to say it back—return the sentiment with honesty and vitality. God, I really wanted to say it. But right now, I couldn’t look into his eyes, couldn’t show him just how much those three words really meant to me. I’d find some other way to say it, to prove to him I wasn’t just saying it back because it was expected of me.

  And, Christ, I wanted him to stick it to me at that moment. Love aside, I wanted… no, needed… a good fuck. The desire for him to be inside me increased with his confession that he loved me. Standing on my tippy toes, I stuck my ass out even more, hoping he’d get the hint.

  A gasp left my lips involuntarily when he finally pressed into me, his length filling me in one swift move. His hands were on my hips, his touch gentle as he began moving in and out at a slow, maddening pace.

  With a slight bend of my arms, I pressed my breasts against the glass, feeling the cold surface bead up my already hard nipples even more. I was thankful no one could see inside my condo windows, yet the thrill that I was totally exposed had my insides spiraling with desire at the thought of being caught.

  “Liam,” I cried out. “Harder. Fuck. Me. Hard.” My words came out broken, the need for oxygen overwhelming my attempt to speak.

  With no additional prompting, he pushed into me, his thrusts increasing as his grip tightened on my hips. My breasts, hands, and forehead mashed up against the window, my breath fogging the glass each time I panted.

  His hand suddenly left one of my hips and grasped my hair, his fingers lacing through the long locks and grabbing hold tightly. He never slowed his rhythm—his harsh thrusts banging into me as he bent my head back, using my hair as reins for him to control.

  “Fuck,” I cried out. The feel of my orgasm brimming to the surface actually took me off guard. He hadn’t been inside me long, and I was already about to detonate all over him.

  My knees shook like leaves in a windstorm, desperate to gain some sort of purchase for fear I’d fall over. My hands, sweaty and trembling, squeaked down the glass of the window as I tried to brace myself.

  “Ahh, yeah. That’s it!” Liam roared over my loud cries of pleasure. “I can feel you tightening around me. God, you gotta come,” he demanded, and I could tell he was close too.

  Just the thought of him climaxing inside me had my body losing control, an overwhelming surge of desire pulsing through me at lightning speed, spreading like a wildfire. I couldn’t hold back anymore. With the feel of his hips slapping against my ass, his length glidi
ng in and out with such ease, my body began to bow, my channel tightening around him, desperate for that final thrust to push me over the edge.

  Letting go of my hair, Liam reached around, grabbing my chin and turning my head to the side, his fingers splayed across my face and lips like he was palming a basketball. He was desperate for me, his lips landing on mine in a harsh tumble of need as he continued to pummel inside me.

  I moaned against his lips, my orgasm hitting me from all sides like a pool of water, submerging me into a puddle of pleasure so intense, I thought for sure I’d drown.

  As soon as my climax rained down over us, Liam burst into several intense, stabbing thrusts, his muscles shaking more forcefully with each passing moment. I couldn’t help the loud moans, almost like yells, that escaped me while in this position, his strength overtaking every fiber of my being.

  Liam pushed hard, his last few thrusts minimal as he came inside me. With several more small twitches of his hips, he finally stilled, the feel of his heartbeat filling my sex and making me sigh.

  The intensity of our relationship was beyond words, the possibility I could ever connect with someone this deeply eluding me until now.

  Without warning, I collapsed, my muscles giving out with the fierce power of his lovemaking.

  “Shit, Maci!” he said, his arms wrapping around me to ease me to the floor. Without saying another word, he joined me, lessening my fall and positioning me so we lay next to each other. Our loud panting and gasping for air filled the room. It felt like I’d never catch my breath after that intense sexcapade. “You weren’t joking,” he said with a laugh.

  “About what?” I asked, wondering what he was blubbering about while I was still trying to absorb as much oxygen as possible.

  “You said you were going to be loud. You sure came through with that promise.”

  “Sorry,” I said, now feeling a bit embarrassed with my actions.

  “Don’t be. It was hot,” he said, clutching me to his chest. “I clearly can’t last very long with you going on like that.”

  “Good.” I knew men had issues with coming too quickly, but to be honest, women found it just as sexy. “It makes me feel sexy that I’m the one who makes you lose control.”

  He didn’t respond with words—there really was no need to. Instead, he pulled me closer, placing a soft kiss to the top of my head. I felt him breathe in, sniffing my hair as his arm tightened around my shoulders.


  Lying in his arms, my side pressing relentlessly on the hard floor, I snuggled against his chest, breathing in his scent.

  “Liam?” I said, seeing if he was still awake after we calmed our breathing and our hearts a bit.

  “Yeah,” he croaked, his arm around my shoulders and his fingers beginning to move, tracing lazy circles against my skin.

  “I love you,” I whispered, sitting up slightly and craning my head to see his reaction. “I’ve wanted to tell you for a while now, but things kept getting in my way.”

  “I know,” he said, placing a light kiss to my forehead. His smile told me it made him happy that I’d finally reciprocated his feelings, and I couldn’t help but grin in return.

  We lay there for a bit longer, the temperature of the cold floor beginning to seep into my bones, causing a light shiver to run down my spine. I wished we were cuddled up comfortably in the bed right about now, but moving seemed like way too much work.

  A chuckle escaped me, causing him to lift his head in curiosity.

  “I just realized we’ve never had sex in my bed,” I said, answering his unspoken question.

  His laugh filled the space around us, my head bouncing on his chest as I cracked a grin. I could feel the vibration of his laughter, each chuckle warming me all over at the joyous sound.

  “I don’t think I’ve even seen your room,” he admitted. I tried to think back over the past few weeks, my head foggy with broken memories. I couldn’t remember a single time I’d shown him my room, which was odd, considering we were thicker than thieves now.

  “Well, we’ll have to rectify that soon,” I said, pushing myself up his body and placing a kiss on his chin.

  I couldn’t believe how good I felt lying there next to him. It almost felt like it had been years since the funeral, not hours. My heart felt light, satisfied, fulfilled. He seemed to wipe all my worries away with his touch, and I couldn’t imagine what it would’ve been like to get over the loss of my grandmother without him.

  My thoughts were interrupted by a loud rumbling noise, followed by more of Liam’s laughter. His stomach continued making awful noises, making me realize we should feed it before it climbed out and ate us both.

  “Hungry much?” I said, matching his chortle with my own as I patted his belly.

  “Hah! Guess I am. Hot sex makes me hungry,” he admitted. His eyes seemed to see right through me as he brushed a strand of my hair from my face.

  “Well, I haven’t been to the grocery store in God knows how long, so we’ll have to order in.” Normally, I’d feel embarrassed about not having any food in the house, but for whatever reason, he calmed me. I could be myself around him, and it was oddly liberating. Plus, I had to doubt he ever kept much food at his place unless he was expecting someone.

  “Sounds perfect.” His enthusiastic words definitely didn’t match the groan that left his lips as he attempted to sit up with me on top of him.


  We ate in silence, watching each other from opposite sides of the island counter, the hoagies hitting just the right spot to sate our hunger. The silence would normally be welcome to me, but with a question burning at my mind like an inferno, I had to break the quiet.

  “Any way you could break away from work for a week?” I blurted out, my words feeling rushed. I was nervous even asking him, worried it was just too soon for something like this. Usually couples were in a committed relationship a hell of a lot longer before they thought of vacationing together. But beyond my awkward nerves, it felt right.

  “I don’t see why not, as long as I give them a few days heads up. Why?” he asked, shoving another bite of ham and cheese in his mouth, his thumb wiping away a stray drop of mayonnaise from the corner of his mouth. The normal act was oddly hypnotizing, the desire to lick his lips overwhelming my thoughts as I stared, watching his long fingers brush against his mouth, a light sucking making me wish I could nibble on the pads of his fingers myself.

  A quirk of his brow had me shaking my head to rid the luscious thoughts from my mind, his silent questioning causing me to blush. I’d been caught lusting after the man as he ate a sandwich. Well, that was embarrassing.

  Blinking with a few rapid flutters of my eyelids, I cleared my throat and tried to focus on what I was attempting to spit out. Oh, right. “I was thinking we could go somewhere together, just you and me. Maybe get past all the chaos that has happened recently. I think we could both use the break… and, it’d be nice for it to be just us—no distractions.”

  “That sounds like a great idea.” His smile widened, his throat bobbing as he sipped from his water, his delicious lips wrapping around the plastic and making me lose myself all over again. “Where to?” he asked, his voice nonchalant like he had no clue what kind of effect he had on me. Infuriating really, that a man could move me so easily.

  I shrugged, again trying to get my wits about me. You’d think we hadn’t just had sex with how active my desire was for him. “Not sure. Somewhere without Wi-Fi though. I just want to be with you. No one else… no work, no friends, just us.”

  “Sounds like heaven.” Leaning on his elbows, he reached over the counter and kissed me. A simple, loving kiss that made my heart flutter and took my breath away.

  I was now looking forward to stepping out from the dark and feeling the sun on my face, Liam by my side the whole way. The future suddenly looked brighter than ever before.


  Standing in line at the airport, waiting to go through security like a herd of cattle, I caught
a glimpse of the color red rippling past me like the sea at sunset. I had to do a double take, unsure if the face I saw in passing was what I’d hoped.

  I bobbed from side to side, peeking through the throng of people to see if it was her. Yes. As the bystanders parted, I saw Sofie, her red hair nearly covering her face, only two rows behind me at the very end of the line.

  My grin widened at the thought of seeing her now, recollections of my drunken night coming back to me with a vengeance. She’d taken care of me, made sure I didn’t text while drunk and embarrass myself even more to Liam.

  Damn. I missed spending time with my friends. We were often too busy to make time for each other, and after my eventful few weeks, I felt like an outsider in our small group. I made a mental note to set aside time for my friends. After all, they were all I had and meant the world to me.

  Instead of calling out for her, I just watched and waited, knowing we had time to spare to wait for her after getting through the TSA checkpoint.

  Liam must’ve caught me staring, because he leaned over to me and asked, “Hey, isn’t that the chick who was taking your headshots?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, she was at Grams’ funeral too, remember?”

  “I know I should, but my concentration was on you the entire time. I really didn’t absorb much else around me other than what you were going through,” he said, his words tearing my eyes away from my friend for a moment to examine his features. Wary eyes stared back at me, assessing my reaction to what he’d said.

  He visibly relaxed when I smiled, knowing he was off the hook. “You’re too sweet to me sometimes, you know that?”

  “Nah. I honestly consider myself rather selfish. After all, you’re a damn pretty sight to look at. Noticing anyone else around would just take you away from me more often than I would like.” Lightly tracing his finger along my jaw, he placed a soft kiss to my lips to seal the deal. Damned if that didn’t make me melt right there in the airport.

  “Always a cocky geek, Sir Liam,” I said, returning his kiss with more vigor and need. Christ, he tasted good.


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