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The War for America's Soul

Page 2

by Sebastian Gorka

  Now we come to the graduation on that beautiful sunny day on the quad of Trinity College.

  Though I’m not known for being the “touchy-feely” sort, I was unusually anxious as our daughter’s graduation approached. My time in the White House working for President Trump had seen a barrage of hate launched against us, with the press attacking not only me, my wife, and my high-school son—whom the Forward described as a “traitor” in the headline of one of its dozens of hit pieces on me and my family—but also the good name of my late mother. The last thing I wanted to do was attract negative attention to myself from within a large crowd attending the graduation at a decidedly leftist school and in any way lessen the sense of achievement and celebration that Julia had every right to revel in.

  So instead of sitting in the crowd with my wife, my mother-in-law, and my sister-in-law, I found a spot in the shade next to a large oak, just off to one side, from where I could see the stage but no one could see me. Perfect. I could watch the events unfold and photograph Julia as she came up to the stage, and then we could all move directly to our tent to celebrate with her, her friends, and their parents. But as an old Hungarian saying goes: “Man may plan, but God implements.”

  On the way to my special spot I had to walk past a group of other Trinity parents. Several made eye contact, and I saw that flicker which translates as: “Don’t I know you?” There I was thinking I was being so smart, so subtle and discrete—but for naught. I needn’t have worried. The gentlemen stood up as I passed, asked me my name and then proceeded to shake my hand and thank me for what I do. Then the parents of one of Julia’s friends, a lovely couple from Ireland, saw me in my secluded spot and came right over. They, as legal immigrants, regarded me as a fellow legal immigrant made good, and were also admirers of my old boss, the president, and we chatted right up until the ceremony began. My attempt to be inconspicuous was failing and we hadn’t even begun the official part of the day.

  There were several addresses from the stage—by the president of the school; the senior dean; the guest of honor, Samuel Kennedy, president and chief executive officer of the Boston Red Sox; and one of the students—followed by special awards, before the hundreds of graduating students received their diplomas.

  For the record, Kennedy’s speech was unusually good for a commencement address, peppered with personal anecdotes from his time at Trinity and tales of his perseverance over the decades before he became the recognized success he is today and brought success to the Red Sox. This was very refreshing, especially given that he even mentioned President Trump’s name without a hint of any negativity. I cannot say the same for the student speech.

  The girl who gave the address on behalf of the graduating students could have come right out of central casting at Democrat party headquarters, a veritable mini Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her whole speech—this coming from a successful white girl at a prestigious school full of the progeny of wealthy, middle- and upper-class families—was about one thing: sexism, which she deemed the greatest problem our nation faces today. More important than jihadi terrorism, more important than the 100,000 illegal immigrants crossing our borders each month, more important than human trafficking, more important than the 72,000 deaths last year in the United States from drug overdoses, more important than China’s bid to displace America as the world’s leading superpower.

  As an indication of just how effective the Left’s indoctrination has become, let me recount some of the worst nuggets of her address.

  She regaled her captive audience with her story of attending the Women’s March, where she saw a t-shirt that read, “The Future Is Female,” which led her to wax lyrical about how that sentiment was tantamount to surrender, that instead we need to shout from the rooftops, “Make the Present Female!” The fact that the original statement is, in and of itself, a sexist demand was utterly lost on her, as was the irony of her demanding that the here and now be the exclusive domain of only one half of mankind. And this is not to mention the sheer irrationality of designating a sex to the past, present, or future. Her contribution to feminist progress—something she described about a dozen times as her “call to action!”—was the placement of “Green Dot” decals around campus to “raise awareness.” This is not parody, dear reader. This actually happened.

  One can smile and laugh, but this asinine speech is evidence of a deeper, more serious, problem.

  First, the obvious one: instead of understanding just how free and empowered she is, standing at a podium, giving the student address at her college graduation, she wants to claim victim status. Just how brainwashed does a twenty-two-year-old adult have to be to believe that America is riven by sexism? America is not exactly the febrile vision from The Handmaid’s Tale that she wishes us to believe it is.

  And how ignorant and closed-minded must you be to lecture Americans on the sexism in our country, ignoring entirely those nations and cultures where sexism is a real problem? She didn’t spend one second discussing the plight of women in the Middle East, especially in theocratic Muslim regimes such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, or Iran, where “honor crimes” are a horrific reality, and a woman can be beaten or killed by the state for wearing the wrong attire or loving the wrong person. No. Women’s rights in Connecticut are the problem.

  In the middle of all these speeches, I had to get up and stretch my legs. As soon as I did, two officers from the college police department started walking my way. What now? I needn’t have worried. They wanted to say hello and asked to take a selfie before they radioed their superior to come say hi. He did and introduced me to his team which included former FBI agents, Connecticut state police, and Hartford police department veterans. Before he had to say goodbye, he took the time to rush back to his office and return with patches from each department as a souvenir. I would share what these great men told me about life as cops at a school dominated by political correctness, but I do not wish to endanger their livelihoods.

  By now, the conferral of degrees was about to start, so I found a spot where I could see Julia as she approached the stage and take a picture to memorialize her great achievements. The officers had shared with me that they knew what had happened to her and said they were ready, and I trusted them. Julia was beaming as she walked up, and I was greatly relieved when she took her diploma from the president without there being any disturbance from those who had targeted her so vilely over the last few weeks.

  We listened to Trinity’s female “reverend” give the final invocation without ever once mentioning our Savior, Jesus Christ—this at an institution founded by none other than Bishop Thomas Brownell as a home for Christian learning—and then it was time for the new graduates to throw their caps in the air and to celebrate four long years of academic and athletic achievement. I found my way back to our party, and we reconnected with Julia. In the crush, I became slightly separated from the rest of the group. A young woman walked up to me, stretched out her hand, and said: “Are you Sebastian Gorka, the Sebastian Gorka who worked for Donald Trump in the White House?” I smiled and said, “Yes, that’s me!” To which she responded: “Well then FUCK OFF, you Nazi!”

  She did this in front of other families, other parents—witnesses all—and then walked away.

  I was momentarily taken aback. This was not the first time since I joined the Trump administration that someone had been publicly obscene to my face. But usually it’s done by a coward who sees me on the street, rolls down the window of his car, and shouts something vulgar as he drives by. This was face to face, at a college graduation ceremony.

  After I gathered myself and saw where she had gotten to, I decided that this demanded a response. I walked up to her and the two ladies she was with (probably her mother and grandmother). The girl wasn’t wearing an academic gown, so she wasn’t a graduating student, but likely the sister of one of the graduates. I said to her: “Just who do you think you are? My parents suffered as children under the Nazis, and then my father was tortured and imprisoned by the secret
police. And you have the temerity to call me a ‘fucking Nazi?’ ”

  At this point the woman who was likely her mother looked at the girl and said: “Did you really say that to this man?” With a chilling rictus grin on her face, she proudly admitted that she had. I said, “You know nothing about me, who I am, or what I believe. You are a brainwashed useful idiot, and it’s people like you who helped ensure that the trains ran on time into the death-camps.”

  This incident should deeply concern all Americans who love this country.

  I’ve been told I can be imposing. I’m six-foot-four, 260 pounds, and a former rugby and judo enthusiast. That a slip of a girl could be so brainwashed that she could angrily get up in my face as she did, where she did, is an indication that the Left have perfected their tools of indoctrination so as to instill irrational levels of hatred in our young people, hatred that they are prepared to act upon. This reality endangers all of us who believe that we live in the greatest nation ever created by man.

  If we fail to understand just how the Left achieved all this in the span of less than fifty years, we run the risk of losing the next election and surrendering our future to the control of those who will rule through hate and wish to dismantle and destroy all that we hold dear.

  This book will help you understand how the Left has accomplished all that they have accomplished, the incredible threat they pose, and what it will take to win against them in 2020.


  Coup d’état is not a phrase to be used lightly.

  Unless you are an uber-iconoclastic strategic thinker and author like Ed Luttwak who built his career, in part, by authoring the book, Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook, this is not a topic to joke about or to trifle with, as it conjures images of bloody takeovers by juntas in banana republics, or of tanks barricading parliament buildings in Moscow in the 1990s.

  It is not a word that we associate with our Republic, where the Constitution and the rule of law are paramount. But a coup d’état is exactly what the Democrat party and the Obama administration attempted against Donald J. Trump both during his candidacy and after he took office as president.

  At first, few took seriously Donald Trump’s announcement that he was running for president. The media and political elite were certain that the candidacy of the blond billionaire from New York—the star of his own reality TV show with the catchphrase “You’re fired!”—was absurd; it was written off by many as a publicity stunt. The establishment’s disdain for Donald Trump was captured perfectly in one moment on that egregiously offensive show Real Time with Bill Maher. In June 2015, Maher asked Ann Coulter which of the Republican candidates was the most likely to win. When she answered: “Donald Trump!” the panel (Maher, liberal Joy Reid, Never-Trumper Matt Lewis, and Democratic politician Luis Gutiérrez) guffawed, and the audience burst out laughing like trained circus animals.1 But then, slowly but surely, candidate Trump whittled away at the other sixteen establishment GOP candidates to become the Republican nominee. This was, to the establishment, an inconceivable turn of events. Trump was not a part of the political class. He wasn’t beholden to special interests. He had no ties to the oil industry, tobacco, or Big Pharma. And, what was worse, he was a “rube.” In a choice between vichyssoise and a Big Mac, he’d go for the burger. In a choice between watching Charlie Rose or Sean Hannity, Trump watched the FOX News host. In a choice between joining the bipartisan consensus of the Washington swamp or putting America first, well there was no question. Therefore, this man had to be stopped.

  As I write this book, a new attorney general has been unleashed upon the conspirators behind what I have called Obamagate. For two years, the Department of Justice was run by the well-meaning, but out of his depth Jeff Sessions, former United States senator from Alabama. Sessions allowed the Obama Era Deep-State holdovers to convince him to recuse himself from overseeing the Russia “collusion” investigation when there was no need for him to do so.2 In William Barr, his successor, we finally have someone at the helm who knows what he is doing, has a spine made of rebar, and who has made it his mission to root out corruption.

  Already, in his multiple appearances before Congress and in a handful of lengthier media interviews, Attorney General Barr has made it clear that he is on the warpath, that he is not satisfied with the contradictory answers he has received to questions he has asked about surveillance operations undertaken by the Obama Era FBI, Department of Justice, CIA, and other elements of the American intelligence and law enforcement establishment.3 And to that end, in addition to ongoing inspector general investigations, he has tasked the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, John Durham, to look into just how the “Russia Collusion” investigation began and with what predication.4 Durham is a man who has dedicated a large part of his life to investigating and prosecuting bent cops.5

  As a result, we are only at the beginning of this journey of discovery, to return our Republic to a nation defined by the rule of law. On my national radio show, AMERICA First, I have repeatedly asked those at the forefront of uncovering the truth about this scandal—the biggest political scandal in American history—just how much they think we know so far. Their answers concur at just 10–15 percent of all the corruption and criminality involved. Nevertheless, given the massive disinformation campaign associated with this series of crimes, the support provided by the “Fake News” “mainstream” media, and the sheer complexity and breadth of this conspiracy, I believe it to be essential for you to know as much as possible right now.

  In the next few pages, I have collected as much of the truth that we now know. In this I am indebted, as we all should be as Americans, to the unstinting work of my friends and colleagues Joe DiGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sara Carter, Andy McCarthy, John Solomon, Catherine Herridge, Gregg Jarrett, Lee Smith, and especially Dan Bongino. His book Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump must be read by all patriots. Additionally, the speech he gave to the 2018 David Horowitz Freedom Center Restoration Weekend is the best early summary of what we know about the conspiracy, and I am indebted in this chapter to his having given it and to his clarity when doing so.6

  First, we must understand the context of the scandal. Without the context it is nigh impossible for a law-abiding citizen who has never seen the Clinton Crime Cartel or Team Obama operate up close to believe what these political actors and their bureaucratic agents did to our nation. We need to remind ourselves what they had already done—and were capable of—before they decided that Donald Trump was a threat and that he and anyone associated with him had to be politically and judicially neutralized.

  The Fake News Industrial Complex would have you believe that the Obama years were “scandal free” and that his was the most transparent and accountable White House in the history of our country. In fact, it was the most scandal-ridden eight years of any modern presidential administration. During his tenure, Obama saw fit to use the incredible powers of the IRS to harass and target conservative Tea Party organizations.7 (Richard Nixon had considered using the IRS to target his opponents but never actually implemented this tactic.8 Unlike Obama.) Obama was likewise fine with using the National Park Service as a political weapon during a government shutdown, having park rangers barricade our capital’s memorials so as to inconvenience our World War II veterans who had come to Washington to pay respects to their fallen comrades.9

  Then there was the use of the Espionage Act to harass conservative journalists—a violation of freedom of the press that the mainstream media didn’t care to report much about because they were too busy promoting the Obama administration’s press releases. To this day we do not know the full story of just how pervasively journalists whom Obama saw as his enemies—including FOX News’s James Rosen and CBS’s Sheryl Atkisson—were illegally spied upon because their work was “too truthful” when it came to the crimes of the Obama White House. What we do know is that Rosen and even his elderly parents were surveilled by the federal go
vernment absent any predicate of a real crime10 and that Atkisson’s private communications and her personal computers were penetrated by individuals clearly acting in the interests of the Obama administration.11 Add to that the fact that during the eight years of the Obama administration, more journalists and their sources were prosecuted and imprisoned under the Espionage Act of 1917 than by all previous presidents combined,12 and we begin to understand the attitude to rule of law, transparency, and accountability that the former constitutional law “professor” Barack Obama had.

  It was Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, who lied about the true cause of the deadly attack on our consulate in Benghazi that led to the gruesome torture and murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other brave Americans.13 In order to deflect the blame for the gruesome terror attack in the run-up to his reelection, Obama’s team blamed a sophomoric YouTube video about Mohammed for inciting the murders, hiding from public sight the truth that it was al Qaeda that had staged the assault on the anniversary of September 11th and that Ambassador Stevens had repeatedly sent signals to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that matters were escalating and that he and his people needed more security. He was ignored and sacrificed to the jihadists which the Clinton State Department and Obama White House wanted to pretend were not a serious threat.14

  Then there was the president’s unconstitutional approach to the Fourth Amendment and due process. In an attempt to make the otherwise less than manly Obama look “tough” and decisive, the White House established something called the “Threat Disposition Matrix” on a secure tablet for the 44th president. This device would hold a classified list of top, high value targets—terrorists from around the world connected to groups like al Qaeda or ISIS, with their locations when known. This is what Obama used to choose whom we would kill next via a drone strike or other action.15


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