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Gage, Ronna - Three Hearts One Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 2

by Ronna Gage

  “Oh, honey, I’m sorry. You did all you could, I’m sure.”

  “Yes, but the little girl who owned her…Dylan, she cried and cried. Hell, the whole damn hospital cried with her.”

  “Of course you did. You are a caring and nurturing woman, and I love you for it, sweetie.”

  “I hate losing.” Her sobbing became harder.

  “I know you do. Now, lay down, I’ll leave here right away.”

  She lay on the couch. “I love you. See you soon.” She hung up the cell phone and quietly went to sleep, waiting for Dylan to arrive.

  “Karma, honey, wake up.”

  She blinked out the sleep from her eyes and gazed into Dylan’s worried eyes. She smiled. “Hi, how did you get in?”

  He smirked. “I have my ways. Get up now.”


  “You have to let me in. I’m ringing the doorbell.”

  Karma jerked from her sleep and looked around the apartment. The bell chimes echoed in the living room. She quickly jumped up off the couch, ran to the door, and opened it to find Dylan’s finger engaging the button for God only knew how many times.

  “I almost gave up on you. I was about to call the super,” Dylan informed her, a worried look covering his face. He came inside the apartment carrying a bag from the pizzeria down the street and a duffle bag. Setting the duffle on the floor by the hallway, he left it and walked to the dining table to unload the sack.

  “I’m sorry. I slept more soundly than I intended.”

  He pulled her into a hug. “Poor baby, I bet you didn’t eat all day either.”

  The soft murmur of his voice in her ear mellowed out the confusing after-effects of her dream. The warm touch of his body against hers comforted her soul. She wrapped her arms around him. “I needed this,” she whispered back.

  His hands smoothed down her back to rest at her hips. “Needed what?” he prodded.

  “You…” Her hands snaked up to his neck. “Your strength…” They curved down his solid biceps to his waist and then around to meet at the middle of his back again. “Your caring touch.”

  He breathed on her neck. Goose bumps broke out over the warm skin and down her spine. “I think we should eat, take a shower, and then go to bed and watch TV. Doesn’t that sound like a good idea?”

  Feeling the strong currents of desire between them, her exhaustion subsided. She shrugged her shoulders. “I hope you have some intentions of taking care of my baser needs as well, Mr. McCoy,” she challenged.

  He pushed the Stetson off his forehead and gazed into her eyes. “Doctor Rodden, I have no intention of letting your…”—he looked down her body, and then back to her eyes—“baser needs go unattended. It doesn’t suit my purpose.”

  “Good. I say we eat first, and then we can follow through on your plans.”

  He led her to the table. “Come over here and we’ll get started.” He pulled out the take-out trays of pasta, breadsticks, and two salads.

  “I’ll get some plates,” she offered. Within a matter of two minutes she set the table and sat down for the Italian dinner.

  Stuffed almost to the point of discomfort, Karma sat back and watched Dylan. The hunger she didn’t realize she had until that first bite full of pasta calmed her jittery nerves. She sipped the wine for a minute in silence, waiting for him to finish his third plate. He’s got a healthy appetite. Visions the two of them surrounded by young boys with the handsomeness of their father filled her mind. He gazed into her eyes with raw passion. Would he still look at me like that three—no five children later?

  “What are you thinking about?” the older Dylan in her mind and the one present before her asked simultaneously. A simple grin of knowing welcomed her, as did a shrewd twinkle of desire in his eyes.

  She set her wine glass down while she stared at him—a seductive move she saw in an old film once and hoped it worked with Dylan. “Just curious what the future holds.”

  The look in his eyes smoldered in desire. He stood up from his plate, walked to her, extended his hand, and she took it. “I’ve thought of the future, too.” He squatted down beside her chair. His thumb teased the flesh of her hand. “I delight in seeing where it leads, how long we last, but most of all…”—he kissed her knuckles—“I look forward to the moment. And the building of this future that awaits us.”

  Karma’s stomach quivered with pent-up need. Her breath caught in her throat when he helped her out of her seat and carried her toward the bedroom. Carefully, he set her down on the floor. She looked up at him. “What do you intend to do right now at this very moment?” she asked. Her breathless question filled the longing-laden room to intensity.

  Dylan pulled the hem of her scrub top up and over her head until he held it balled up in his hands at his side. His eyebrow hitched a fraction of an inch. “Making the best of your fatigue,” he answered with a grin. “But literally? I plan to shower with you, make love to you, tuck you into bed, and take a nap. When we wake up in two hours, I’ll make love to you again and again until we both fall asleep with exhaustion.”

  Her heart beat faster with erotic visions of naked flesh rubbing in rhythm together to that point of release. “Let’s not waste time then,” she challenged.

  Dylan brushed a soft kiss to her lips, pulled at the buttons on his shirt until they were released and then pulled his shirt off, all the while backing her toward the bathroom. “Get undressed,” he ordered reaching into the shower and turning on the faucet. By the time she got her clothes off, the water steamed and filled the room with a misty haze. Dylan pulled open the shower door. “Ladies first.” His wolfish grin added an allure of charm to his nurturing and sweet personality.

  She stepped inside and then stood under the showerhead, allowing the hot water to run a steady stream down her shoulders and spine. The simple spray released yet another layer of tension from her body.

  Dylan stepped into the shower and settled up against her. “Better?” he asked, the seduction in his voice vibrating softly in her ear.

  “Mmm. I do now.” She almost purred in delight.

  “Good, I hoped you would say that. I have great plans for us.”

  “Yeah, I heard all about it.” She looked down at her erect nipples and then back to him. “Apparently, I agree with them.”

  Dylan looked down and smiled. “Well.” He took the bottle of body wash from the caddy. “I’d hate to disappoint your plans and have any kind of disagreement with you.” He soaped her body from hair to waist and stopped. “I think this area needs a little more attention right now, don’t you?” He knelt down in front of her. His fingers gently parted the lips of her pussy, and then his tongue lapped at the sensual spot that sizzled with want. She leaned against the wall and let his lapping administrations and the hot water relax her to a knee-buckling release so intimate it expelled all tension and stresses in her life.

  His arms wrapped around her. “Don’t fall asleep on me, honey. I need to soap up really quick and then we can go to bed.” She barely nodded her okay before he moved one arm from her and kept her braced against the wall. Her mind envisioned each stroke of his hand on his chest, his arms, the arm around her, and then down his stomach to his thick shaft. Although she had a hard time keeping her eyes open, a burst of energy surged through her with the heat of his breath on her neck. “I think we can get out now,” he said softly in her earlobe. The spray of water quit pelting at her shoulders. The cold air settled on her heated skin, and she shivered. Dylan helped her out of the shower. He bent and retrieved two towels. One he wrapped one around his waist, the other he gave to her and watched her wrap it around her body. She gathered another towel and dried her wet hair. “I think a woman with wet hair is sexy.”

  She watched as the bulbous Adam’s apple slowly descended and then ascended when he swallowed. “I find it sexy for a man to have wet hair, too,” she said, reaching up to his wet wavy hair. The closeness of his body to hers drove another wave of bone-chilling excitement through her. The chill only
fanned the already hot embers of her arousal. Her forehead burst into small beads of sweat.

  He stood behind her and guided her toward the door. “Let’s go to bed.”

  Karma stepped into the bedroom. She walked past the mirror and caught an image of herself. Her hair clung to the damp skin of her shoulders; her pursed lips looked pouty; her face flushed with the steam of the shower; and her dark skin looked radiant against the white terry cloth towel. I look effing sexy.

  Dylan faced her. His finger skimmed over her bottom lip. “I love that little cleft in your lip. It reminds me of Angelina Jolie.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You don’t want her instead, do you?”

  “Nope, I am very happy with what I have.”

  Her heart swelled with love. “I love you.” She stepped closer to him. “I am so lucky to have you in my life.”

  “I feel the same way, babe.” His lips touched hers. The feathery touch lingered with repeated teasing. Her insides melted with the heat of growing desire. “I’m tired of waiting.” His devouring kiss demanded her complete surrender as his tongue swept into her mouth and filled it. His fingers clawed at the tucked fabric of her towel until is loosened from its hold.

  Naked and dizzy with her yearning for more of him, she leaned into his tall frame. “If you don’t take me now, I’ll fall asleep right here.” Her warning held no truth, but it did as some say, put the fire under his ass.

  He snickered. “You can’t just say what you want, can you?”

  She smiled. “Why? You’re smart enough to figure it out, big boy.” Her fingernail skimmed the flesh under his chin.

  “Momma didn’t raise a fool.” He bent and lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. “In fact, she taught me how to be proper with a lady.” He set her down and then pulled at the towel around his hips. “But Daddy gave me a few hints on how to handle a woman.” His voice held promise, his eyes reflected fact instead of brag, and his smile gave way to a sensual smirk, which heated her pussy in a second, and the stiffening cock at his legs seeped with anticipation. “I’ve honed some skills into a masterful art.”

  Trembling, she swallowed hard. “Prove it,” she challenged and then lay back. She dropped her knees and opened her legs. She saw the quick flash of determination in his eyes grow bright. His lips quivered before his tongue smoothed over them.

  He knelt down onto the floor. His hands glided softly up her leg and then down her thigh. His long middle finger skirted around the entrance to the center of her canal. Brown eyes watched her while his finger delved inside her and then pulled out, repeating the rhythm until her breath hitched. Smoldering heat filled his eyes and continued to gain her attention as his head drew closer to her hot cunt. She stifled a moan when his tongue skimmed over the top of her sensitive bud. Each stroke of his tongue pushed her closer to the edge of that magical discharge of earth-shattering, pent-up emotional bindings that held her most of the day. One lap, the room grew darker. Two licks, the wave almost overtook her as she erupted with the first wave of cum. The third lick drew out the last remnant of stress. Her body convulsed with the explosion which hid in the confines of self-control and broke free soaking the lips of her pussy. Relaxed, weary, and exhausted, she blindly reached for him.

  “I’m here,” he cooed.

  Tears streamed down the side of her face into her hair, but she didn’t care. He was inside her now. Dylan would make her day all better. She clung to him with her arms and legs until he coaxed another release from her, and then his own. In the quiet of the bedroom, twenty minutes later, she settled close to his body heat. “I believe your parents taught you well.” She yawned to the sounds of his laughter in her ear.

  In the twilight of her sleep. Dylan’s warm body enveloped her with security. Her final thoughts were her feelings or the revelation of them for Dylan. I’ve fallen in love with him. When did this happen?

  Chapter Two

  Karma walked out of the clinic, her mind occupied by thoughts of Dylan. Has it really been five days since I’ve last seen him? For two weeks they were together every day. Now she found she missed him terribly. How he kissed her when they made love, his warm roughened hands on her body, the dashing charm of a cowboy, the sex appeal of an outlaw. Her stomach quivered with longing at the memories imprinted on her psyche.

  “Dr. Rodden!”

  Karma looked over to the car in front of hers to the man sitting in a convertible. Jaxon? Her heart flitted with excitement. “Why, Mr. Hollister, it is a pleasure to see you.”

  He grinned. “I believe it is all mine,” he corrected.

  He’s so charming. “What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

  He shrugged. “In the neighborhood and thought I would stop by.”

  Karma’s insides jittered with enthusiasm to have his attention. She swallowed. “I take it your case has been decided on then.”

  His already sexy grin became victorious. “Yes, the judge ruled in the favor of my client.”

  “Congratulations.” She leaned against the fender of his vehicle.

  “Thank you.” He set his hand over hers. “I came by with the thought that we could celebrate.”

  Tingles of warmth shot through her. Mentally, she had to recount the days since she last saw Jaxon. Three weeks. “I’d love to.”

  “All right,” he sighed audibly. “I feared you’d have been plucked up by someone else in my absence.”

  Karma felt the heat of her cheeks burn. Don’t give away all your secrets. “That’s what you get for being gone so long.”

  “A long time?” he challenged.

  “Three weeks is a long time, Mr. Hollister. But I’m always available to celebrate.”

  “How about I follow you home, you can change, and we can go out to eat?”

  Her heart raced. “That sounds like a good idea.”

  “Good. His phone rang. He looked at the screen and rolled his eyes. “Can we meet at my house in say an hour?”

  “Of course. I’ll meet you there.” She bent to brush a kiss to his lips. His hand cupped her cheek, and he deepened the kiss. When he finally released her, she pulled back breathless. “I look forward to it,”

  “Me, too.”

  Karma watched him drive off toward his house. Her heart felt a slight emptiness with his absence, but the knowledge that he waited for her at his house rejuvenated her soul. “Oh my, that man is gorgeous.” She got into her Ford Edge, took a deep breath, and giggled with glee. Turning on the motor, the air conditioner blew hot and then cold air onto her. She touched her fingertips to her cheeks. Hot. Looking into the mirror, crimson red patches covered her face. “I am playing with fire.” The verbal confession intended to bring her to her senses settled into one of dread. Dylan’s face formed in her mind. A ghostly touch on her pussy almost triggered the small orgasm building for another man. “How can I not play with fire? I need Jaxon, too.” She set the vehicle in gear and drove in the direction of her home. “Tonight, we celebrate.”

  * * * *

  Karma pulled into the gated community of Jaxon’s condominium. She parked in the space next to his car and turned off the engine. The mood of the night to come swayed her to push Dylan’s face out of her mind. Her body craved his slow grooving motions, but tonight she needed Jaxon’s adventurous nature. She rang the doorbell to his condo and waited almost a total of five seconds. He met her at the door in a gray silk blazer, black oxford shirt, and dark jeans.

  “Hey there, gorgeous,” he greeted with a smile. His perfectly white, straight teeth glimmered in the dusky night. With a cordial kiss against her lips he welcomed her.

  “Hello yourself. I knew you would want to dress down tonight.” She looked down at the empire-waist blouse and white capris. “Is this too casual?”

  “No, ma’am. I’m keeping up appearances in case we are mobbed by reporters.” He guided her to his Lexus. Looking around, he leaned in closer to her. “I have it on good authority that they want to interview the man that got close to a mil
lion-dollar settlement for his client.”

  Karma acted surprised by his news, but she wasn’t. If there were ever a man ready to defend the underdog client, it was Jaxon, and he did it very well. From the small man of a major corporation to the middle man in a world-wide conglomeration, Jaxon knew how to pluck the right nerve. “Well, my goodness. What did this company do to deserve your, uh, attention?”

  Jaxon shrugged. “Sold an energy drink that had alcohol in it to a minor. Unfortunately, my client’s daughter died because of that damn drink.”

  Karma’s heart almost broke. “That poor man.”

  Jaxon chuckled. “Not anymore.”

  “Jaxon! How can you be so blasé…so callous about this? A man just lost his daughter.”

  He stepped Karma into the passenger door of his car, leaned against her to block her path of escape, and with the softest voice, she heard him answer truthfully. “Yes, he did lose his daughter, and yes, it is tragic, but, honey, with that money he can ensure his other five children’s futures. Three-quarters of a million dollars will go a long way in providing for them and his retirement.”

  Karma glared at him with shock and disapproval. “How can you justify a child’s death with money?”

  “I don’t. He did, and the judge happened to agree. I am just a simple tool of the system.” He cupped her cheek in his hand, his thumb grazing her jawbone. “I live on the edge of adventure every day. I seek the best possible action to take in that courtroom, and right now”—he kissed her lips—“I am eager to get dinner and come here to find the best possible action with you.”

  Any agitation she felt for him dissipated with his first touch and the seduction in his voice at the insinuation of an adventure to come for them. Her mind turned to mush. Her body tingled for him from her nipples to her toes. She wanted him on her…in her. “I don’t feel like eating out.”

  His grin turned lopsided. He cupped her pussy. “Oh, but I do.”

  Searing heat zipped through her and moistened her panties. “Well, let’s not starve ourselves any longer.”


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