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Cole: Rebels Advocate (Book 1)

Page 17

by Sheridan Anne

  I lead Rylee through the living room and into the kitchen. Mom stands by the sink with her head down while dad is seen out the kitchen window, grilling who the hell knows what. “How are you, love?” Mom questions as she turns off the tap and grabs a towel to wipe her hands.

  She looks up, notices Rylee besides me and promptly loses her shit. She squeals as she throws the towel over her shoulder, making dad lift his eyes through the window, clearly wondering what all the noise is about. “Oh my, god,” Mom cries as tears of joy instantly spring to her eyes. She races forward and wraps Rylee in her arms. “I’ve been waiting years for Cole to bring a girl home.”

  Rylee stands like a statue, completely unsure of how to react. Her eyes lift to mine, but I see a very amused twinkle within them. “Hi,’ she murmurs as she brings her own hands up to hug my mother.

  Mom pulls her back but holds onto her shoulders. Her eyes flick between the two of us with a massive grin on her face. “Hi sweet girl,” Mom says. “I’m Caroline. I am so very happy to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” Rylee smiles. “I’m Rylee.”

  With that, Mom finally releases her and pulls me into a great big hug. “You need to warn me when you’re bringing a girl home,” she murmurs. “I would have put on a nice dress and done my hair.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I tell her. “You look fine.”

  Dad makes his way in through the back door and gets right down to his introductions. “Who have we got here?” he asks, but before Rylee can say a word, Mom jumps in with her own version of the story, way too excited to even take a breath.

  As Mom and Dad bombard Rylee with questions, I get to work pouring her a drink and grab a beer for myself. I hand her the glass and am about to steal her back from my parents when Imogen comes barrelling down the stairs. “What’s all the commotion down here?” she grunts before she comes to a blinding stop at the bottom of the stairs. “Holy shit,” she squeals as her eyes flick to mine. “There is a God.”

  I roll my eyes as she flies forward and crashes into me. “Am I seeing things?” she questions with sarcasm. “Or is there a girl in our kitchen?”

  “Shut up,” I groan as I turn my sister towards Rylee. “Babe,” I say, gaining her attention. Rylee turns towards me and her eyes flick down to the crazy woman in my arms. Rylee’s eyes widen in recognition and I can’t help but grin, knowing exactly what she’s remembering. “This is my sister, Imogen.”

  “Sister?” Rylee gasps. “How could you not tell me she was your sister? I thought she was your date.”

  “I know,” I laugh. “You were so jealous.”

  Her mouth pops open. “I was not jealous.”

  “You were,” I grin.

  “Leave her alone,” Imogen scolds before pushing past me and collecting Rylee in her arms. She turns her away before looking back at me with a wicked smirk. “Come on, Rylee,” Imogen says. “We have a lot to discuss.”

  I groan, knowing that Imogen is going to try her best to get every little detail of our lives together out of Rylee, but I don’t care too much. I’m proud to show her off to my family and from the excited gleam in Rylee’s eyes, she’s more than happy to be here.

  Mom and Imogen practically rush her out of the kitchen and into the living room and I’m left with Dad, watching them go. “Good job, son,” Dad says with a knowing smile before raising his beer and clinking it against mine.

  “Thanks,” I smile before walking out the back with Dad and helping him with dinner.

  Half an hour later, Rylee and Imogen come out the back while Mom finishes up with a salad inside. “Rylee was just telling me that she’s agreed to move in with you,” Imogen says with a proud look lighting up her whole face.

  Rylee comes right into my side and I wrap my arm around her. “Yeah,” I say. “If I wasn’t here, I’d already be boxing up her apartment.”

  “Slow down, cowboy,” Rylee says. “I only agreed to move in this morning.”

  “I know, and if I had my own way, you would have been completely moved in by this afternoon.”

  “Oh geez,” she laughs with a roll of her eyes.

  “So…,” Imogen starts. “Does this mean your apartment is up for sale?”

  “I guess,” she says. “Why?”

  “How would you feel about not selling it?” Imogen question.

  “Huh?” I grunt. “Where are you going with this?”

  Imogen looks nervously at Dad who’s watching her through narrowed eyes. “I think it’s about time I spread my wings and fly,” she says. “I need my own place, and if Rylee is moving out, then maybe I could move in?”

  An understanding that I completely don’t get shoots through Rylee’s eyes. “So, I’d be your landlord?” Rylee asks.

  “Yeah, I mean, if you’re ok with that, of course,” Imogen says.

  A fond smile comes over Rylee’s face. “My apartment is like my baby so I’d be really happy if I didn’t have to sell it, so, I guess you have yourself a deal.”

  “Are you serious?” she questions.

  “No,” I cut in as I stare down my little sister. “Are you serious? You’re not old enough to live on your own,” I say as Dad nods in agreement.

  “Shut up, you big idiot,” Imogen says. “I’m twenty-four. I should have moved out years ago, but you and Dad refused to hear it. I have a stable income. I have my own car. I’m more than capable of paying my own bills, and to be honest, that’s a lot better than what you had when you first moved out.”

  “That’s different,” I grunt.

  “No, it’s not. I’m a big girl and I’ve made up my mind,” Imogen says. “Besides, I’m sure you’ll go and get yourself a spare key cut.”

  I let out a huff and Rylee squeezes my hand. “Fine,” I groan as Dad’s eyes widen.

  “Fine?” he yells. “This is not fine.”

  With that, I leave it in Dad’s capable hands, though, Imogen has a way with twisting Dad’s arm and I have no doubt that as I move Rylee out, I’ll be moving Imogen right in.

  I sit in my truck with my hand in Rylee’s as I drive us back to my place. “You sure about the whole landlord thing?” I ask her as I run my thumb over her knuckles. “I can help her find another place. Don’t feel compelled to give her your apartment just because she’s my sister.”

  “I’m sure,” she smiles. “I apparently don’t need it now and it’s a great apartment. I’d be thrilled for her to move into it. Besides, she’s obviously dating someone serious and doesn’t want to take him back to her parent’s home.”

  “What?” I ask with wide eyes.

  “Why else would she suddenly be wanting to move out? She definitely seeing someone.”

  Oh fuck.

  I guess I’ll be getting that spare key after all.

  Chapter 23


  I stand in my empty apartment, well empty of all my things. I’ve left all the furniture for Imogen so she doesn’t have to go and spend a crap load of money furnishing the place, and I have to admit, it makes the whole moving thing so much easier.

  I look around the apartment and it’s a strange bittersweet feeling. Moving out of the home I’ve loved over the past few years is heartbreaking, but moving in with the man I’m madly in love with, well… there are no words for that.

  I zip up my last suitcase before wheeling it into the living room and dumping it with the rest of the boxes. The boys will be here soon and then my life will be changed forever. Actually, who am I kidding? My life was changed the second Cole slammed into me in my supply closet and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I hear them before I see them. The noise coming up the hallway that leads to my apartment is just ridiculous. I swear, they sound like a herd of fucking elephants. The door is thrown open and a grinning Cole practically lunges through the door.

  “Babe,” he says before catching me around the waist and spinning me around. “I’m so fucking excited.”

  “I see that,” I laugh as his lips come down on mine
. He kisses me with an absolute need that has me clenching my thighs together. Though, I know I won’t have to wait for long. The second we get back to his place… or our place and we’re alone, he’ll have me anywhere and everywhere he pleases, and what’s more, I’ll let him. Over and over and over again.

  I can’t fucking wait.

  The rest of the boys pile in through the door and give their own versions of ‘get a room’ before Cami and Imogen come in behind with Charli and Xander.

  “Hey,” Imogen says as she squeezes in between me and Cole, breaking us apart. She pushes Cole away and gives me a quick hug. “Thank you so much for this,” she murmurs into my ear.

  “It’s my pleasure,” I tell her. “You’re going to make so many amazing memories here.”

  “I hope so,” she tells me.

  With that, I put the boys right to work. They take all the boxes out to their trucks and load them up while Cami and Jace get into an argument about the best way to do it.

  Once the trucks are loaded, I do one last walk around my apartment, making sure I’ve got everything I need, though with Imogen moving in, I know I can always come back for anything I’ve missed.

  I’ve spent the last few days cleaning the apartment like a mad woman. I want Imogen to be able to move in with this place looking pristine, the same way I had. I want this experience to be perfect for her.

  Cole comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “Are you good?” he questions. “We’re going to start bringing in all of Imogen’s things.”

  I turn in his arms and smile up at him. As usual, my hands come to a rest on his wide chest and the need to feel his skin on mine intensifies. “Yeah, I’m good,” I tell him. “I’m ready to start my life with you.”

  His smile is almost blinding. “Alright,” he murmurs before pressing a soft kiss to my lips. He turns around and looks to Imogen who’s walking back in through the door. “You’re up, kid. You can start moving in.”

  Her face resembles a child’s at Disneyland. I swear, I didn’t realize it was possible for a human being to be that excited. “Are you serious?” she questions before frantically looking around the apartment. “Shit, I don’t even know where to start.”

  Caden laughs from across the room and walks towards her. “Come on,” he says. “I’ll help you with your boxes.”

  She beams up at him before he leads her back out the door and down the hallway. “We better give her a hand,” I tell Cole.

  “Really?” he groans. “Caden has it handled. I want to take you home.”

  “No,” I laugh. “She helped me, now we have to help her, and besides, she’s your little sister moving out for the first time. She’s excited to have you here.”

  “Fine,” he mumbles as he walks out the door.

  I look over at Jace who’s leaning up against the kitchen counter with a smug as fuck look on his face, telling me he’s pleased he just got out of helping. “What are you smiling about?” I grunt. “Get your ass out there and give Imogen a hand.”

  I swear the fucker sulks. “Do I have to?” he questions likes a child being told to do his chores.

  “Yes,” Cami demands from across the room. “besides, it’s not like you have anything better to be doing.”

  His eyes become hooded as he watches my best friend. “Trust me, I can think of plenty of things I’d rather be doing and they all involve you.”

  Cami presses her lips together in a straight line and gives him an unimpressed look. I’m pretty sure she even juts her hip out to get her point across. “How many times do I need to tell you? I’m not one of those whores you can screw whenever the time suits. It’s never going to happen, Jace.”

  “It’ll happen,” he promises.

  I see the game in Cami’s eyes and I lean back against the refrigerator, watching the game play out before me. She walks right up to him and hooks her arms around his neck. His arms twines around her waist and he pulls her in tight. Need is written all over them and all they would have to do is close the distance, but it’s never that easy for these two.

  Cami tilts her chin up to Jace and runs her nails through the hair at the back of his head. “If you want it,” she murmurs in a whisper, “then all you have to do is take it.”

  It’s almost comical watching the wall slam down behind Jace’s eyes and I remember the conversation I’d had with Cami where she’d told me that the second things get serious, he backs away which is exactly what’s happening here.

  I know that when she says all he would have to do is take it, she’s being serious. Jace is all for joking about it, but when it comes down to it, something is holding him back. I have a feeling he’s scared of the commitment, the same way I had been, but something seems even deeper here. Maybe he’s scared of hurting her or maybe he just likes to play with her. I don’t know, but whatever it is, they need to sort it out.

  Jace leans in and kisses Cami on the cheek before reaching up and removing her hands from around his neck. He holds them for a moment too long as they hold each other’s eyes captive.

  Without warning, he looks away and stalks out of the room.

  Cami lets out a heavy breath before taking a seat at the counter. She looks to me with a heavy heart. “I just wish he would stop playing with me like that, you know? Either man up and do something about it, or stop joking that you want me.”

  “I know,” I sigh. “It’s clear he has some sort of feelings for you.”

  “Mmm,” she agrees. “You saw it, the second something gets serious, he disappears.”

  “He’ll come around eventually,” I tell her.

  “I don’t think he ever will.”

  “What do you want?” I ask. “Do you want to be with him?”

  “Yeah,” she sighs. “I just don’t know if that’s what he actually wants.”

  I think it over for a moment, in fact, I’ve been thinking about it for the last few days. “You’re not going to like this,” I tell her.

  “Like what?” she questions.

  “You have two options,” I start. “You can either confront him and give him an ultimatum, which of course, has a strong possibility of backfiring and I have a feeling you’ll chicken out, or you can date someone else.”

  “What?” she demands.

  “If you date someone, and he truly does want you, it will drive him insane. If he knows you’re not going to wait around for him, it might give him the push to finally make a move.”

  “You sure?” she asks.

  “No,” I tell her as Imogen and Caden come back in with her boxes. “But it’s better to give it a try, rather than do nothing at all.”

  “What’s going on?” Imogen asks as she dumps the box on the floor.

  “We’re scheming,” I admit.

  “About what?” she grins.

  “About getting Jace and Cami together.”

  Caden smirks but shakes his head. He drops the box and turns back to the door. “I don’t want to know,” he says before disappearing.

  With that, we all break into laughter and head out to give the guys a hand as the sooner we finish up here, the sooner I’ll be in my new home with my man between my legs.

  Three hours later, the last of my things are sitting on the floor of Cole’s living room. We sit among them with Chinese takeout containers scattered around us. I want nothing more than to collapse in a heap on the floor. My body is exhausted from the massive day and I’ve never been happier with my decision to cancel work for the night. Well, you don’t really need to cancel when you’re the boss, but I still called just to let them know I won’t be there.

  I push my container of rice aside and look over at Cole who already has his eyes trained on me. “Welcome home, babe,” he says with absolute love.

  I can’t wait any longer as I get onto my hands and knees and crawl across to him. He puts his drink down on the floor and reaches out for me before hauling me the rest of the way onto his lap.

  I straddle him as my lips find his. Cole’s
hands reach for my tank and instantly raises it above my head, but even that’s not fast enough. I need him now. “Cole,” I moan as my hands dive down between us and get to work on his belt.

  He slides my jeans down my legs before literally tearing my underwear from my body. I gasp as his hands finally come back to my skin. I get his jeans down just enough and pull him free from his underwear. He shuffles his jeans down while I work on raising myself up and lining him up with my lady bits. I lower myself down on his erection and groan as he completely fills me.

  I start moving, desperate to find that release. Cole’s hands tighten on my waist, wanting to slow me down and let the moment last, but I’m too desperate and the thought of going any slower drives me to the point of insanity. “I need it,” I tell him with a pant.

  His eyes search mine and it’s like without saying another word, he senses the same animalistic desperation that lays with himself. He wraps an arm around my waist, lays me to the ground and gets to work, pounding into me.

  “Fuck, Cole,” I pant as he slams into me, giving me exactly what I’ve been needing as he hits the spot over and over again.

  He grunts as he gets close, but I know he’ll wait for me. He brings his hand down between us and presses his thumb to my clit before rubbing little circles. “Holy shit,” I whimper. “I’m going to come,” I tell him as my orgasm sneaks up on me and slams through my body.

  I detonate and squeeze my eyes as the force of my orgasm rocks through my body. I see fireworks beneath my eyes and I scream out as he continues to pound into me. My nails dig into the hard muscles of his arms and with two more pumps, he’s right there with me.

  He collapses down on top of me while being careful not to crush me. “Fuck, babe. Where did that come from?” he says as he tries to catch his breath.

  “I’ve been waiting for it all day,” I tell him.

  “Why didn’t you say something?” he asks. “I would have taken care of it long before now.”

  I smile up at him as I wrap my arms around him tighter. “I wanted it to be here after I officially had moved in,” I tell him. “I just didn’t realize how desperate it was going to be.”


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