Double Delight: The Complete Series - Sold, Share, Submit (MFM & MMF)
Page 20
“Yes, all right. I won’t anyway in case I gave him another reason to tell me I was hopeless in bed.”
“Go on your date, lady. Sorry, on your dinner. We are not even calling this a date, and then straight home. We’ll be having a chat tomorrow about this whole,” he flamboyantly wafted his hand all the way down the front of me, but did an extra couple of circles near my pussy, “situation.”
I sighed. “Fine, but right now I am going to get ready for my dinner.” I left them in the corridor and returned to my room. They were more trouble and more dramatic than the girls.
Chapter 3
Malcolm had chosen a steakhouse on 84th Street. When he was due to come pick me up I had waited outside, rather than let Chase be in shouting distance of him. Malcolm’s eyes had trailed down my body and I was about to call him on it when he informed me I was probably overdressed for where we were going.
When he had said he was taking me for an apology dinner to a nice restaurant I had wrongly anticipated a nice little Italian like we had gone to on our first date, so the steakhouse had taken me by surprise. Don’t get me wrong I loved eating in any place but I wished he would have given me a heads up on the location of dinner. I had on a little black dress and heels and wished I could tap my shoes Dorothy style and be in a pair of jeans and a checked button down, with sneakers on my feet.
We ordered two porter house on the green and Malcolm ordered a beer while I asked for water. I wanted to keep a clear head and make sure I didn’t fall for any of his sales bullshit. He was a good Realtor and that sales charm extended outside of work.
Within five minutes of being there, I once again wished for sneakers so I could run the hell home. We had shared about three sentences of conversation and the subject of the weather was completely exhausted.
I took a sip of my water and looked around the restaurant. There were couples and families, all engaged in conversation. They wore happy smiles on their faces while they tucked into their food. I wanted that. I wanted to be in a restaurant with my significant others, having a great time. Not stuck here with Malcolm. God, please let my steak get here soon, so I could make my excuses and leave.
“So, about the last time, we got together-”
“It’s okay, really.”
“No, look. I wanted to say. It had been a while for me.”
“Oh, okay.”
“So, that is probably part of why we had trouble that night, as well as, you know.”
I felt my neck tense up. “As well as what?”
“Never mind.”
At that point, the waitress delivered our steaks and mine looked so mouth-wateringly delicious that I didn’t question Malcolm any further because I didn’t want to stab him to death with my steak knife and be prevented from eating it.
“What do you think about the development of King Park on the Upper East Side?” Malcolm asked. That was the new development I had been trying to get for my portfolio and no doubt a hungry salesman like Malcolm wanted it too.
“It looks great. I’m sure we will sell most of the apartments off plan, given the location.”
Malcolm rambled on about how amazing for families it would be. Personally, I didn’t agree. I thought it would make a great place for wealthy businessmen to install their mistresses in a home from home when they were in New York on business, but I wasn’t going to share my views. I finished my steak, wiped my mouth with a napkin and sat back.
“Would you like a dessert?” He asked.
“No, thank you, Malcom. I am feeling a little tired. If it’s okay with you, I would like to go home now.”
“Before you go...”
“Yeah?” I sighed.
“I have a proposition for you.”
I started to get up from the table before he tried to get in my pants again.
“It’s about Greens.”
When I realized it was about business, I relaxed and turned to him.
“What’s that?”
“I thought we could partner up on King Park. We could be a killer team, Haley. We’re both great at sales and we are both hot. You can flirt with the husbands, and me the wives, right?”
I was simply speechless. Was this man for real?
“Then I thought we could extend our partnership back home.” He winked. He actually fucking winked at me. “I figure I will have no problems from here on out and I don’t mind giving you a few pointers on technique.”
Thank goodness I had not finished my carafe of water because it was in easy reach and gave me much more satisfaction dripping down Malcolm’s face than it had my throat. I most definitely preferred red wine.
“You arrogant ass,” I screamed.
Malcolm’s eyes swept around the restaurant, noting the faces of the people who had stopped eating and were now our captive audience.
“I will land King Park by myself and as for your limp hot-dog, (I was mindful there were children listening), find another roll for it because it is certainly not getting eaten by me.” I threw some dollars on the table to cover my portion of the bill because there was no way I was owing the guy anything, then I turned on my heel and stomped out, waving down a cab and heading back to my own apartment far earlier than I had envisioned. I had really wanted a sundae too.
It wasn’t even ten pm and yet the lights were out at the front of the apartment. Looked like Chase and Todd might have gone out too. I was glad. It meant I could sulk on the couch for a couple hours and watch a movie, preferably something where a godawful guy got beaten to death. I opened the door of the apartment and saw a light was on in Chase’s room. Did he ever turn them off and think about the environment? I hung my coat, dropped my purse in the hallway and walked down to his room to turn it off. Then I heard moaning. I stopped in my tracks. Shit. Did Chase have a woman in his room?
Then I heard Chase’s voice as clear as day yell out.
“Fuck, Todd, I’m coming.”
What the hell?
I tiptoed down the corridor. My mind yelled at me to go back to my room but my body propelled me forwards. I stared through the crack between the door and the door jamb and my heart thudded at the scene in front of me. Todd was laid across Chase’s chest, his cock in his hand. His dick was huge, with thick veins and was an angry purple as if it was desperate to explode. Chase’s dick laid at the side of his leg, cum smeared on it after he had clearly just shot his load. I knew I should back away, this was private, but I was in shock. How had I not realized they were a couple? Had they deliberately tried to conceal it from me or was I just that goddamn naive and stupid I hadn’t noticed what was in front of my face? I was certainly noticing what was in front of my face now. Two cocks. I examined Chase’s. Though it was currently not erect, it appeared a decent size and was quite wide. Two huge dicks. They were lucky guys. I stayed by the doorway as Todd reached over to grab a bottle of lube. He tipped some out into his hand and then coated his dick. Then he lowered himself further down and lining his cock with Chase’s ass, he thrust forward into Chase’s puckered hole. Chase gasped, his face contorting in ecstasy as he placed his hand back on his own cock, which stirred into life. I watched the men in front of me fuck. Todd thrusting away until sweat beaded his forehead, Chase’s head hitting the headboard with each thrust. They were caught in a frenzied fuck until with a shout Todd reached his release, filling Chase’s ass with his cum. Then he shuffled right off the end of the bed and took Chase’s cock in his mouth where he sucked it until Chase came again, swallowing his load and licking his lips. I quietly backed away, not wanting to intrude on any intimacy. What I had done, spying on them like that was bad enough. I tiptoed back to my own room, where I stripped off my clothes, wiped the make up from my face and hit the shower. In the privacy of my own bathroom, away from the other bedrooms and with the shower masking any sounds, I let the tears fall, while I reached some kind of hysteria. Not only was I so bad in bed people felt they had to offer me lessons, but I was the only woman in the world who could get herse
lf two hot roommates and discover they were gay. I sat on the floor of the shower while water cascaded down me and sobbed until I had nothing left to give.
When I eventually left the shower and toweled myself off, I put on my sleep shorts and cami, climbed under my comforter and came to an agreement with myself. I would definitely see Tiffany tomorrow and contact Henry Carter. I was going to become the best fucking fuck there was. A blow job queen and nothing was going to stop me. Haley Martin was not going to take this lying down I thought, then I realized that yes, I probably was. That thought made me smile and with that, I fell asleep.
Usually, on a Saturday I still got up early so I could make the most of the day but on this morning I stayed in bed and waited until I heard Chase and Todd leave. They had started going to Brandon’s gym as he had promised to help them develop a fitness regime and Saturday mornings were a day they could stick to. It also meant I knew that Tiffany was probably at home. She may have become a gym bunny with a fitness instructor husband but I knew she was a lazy bones and was no doubt currently making the most of being able to starfish in bed.
I got out of bed, wrapped myself in my robe, added bed socks to my ensemble because my feet were really cold and then I padded down the hall and into our living space where I headed for the kitchen and set up the coffee machine for some fresh heaven in a mug. I grabbed my phone from the side and saw I had a message.
Malcolm: You embarrassed yourself last night. You owe me an apology.
Was he serious? I felt my temper build again. I hit Tiff’s number and listened to it ring.
“Tiff. Code red.”
There was a muffled response which sounded akin to hold on and then I heard bedlinen rustle.
“What is it, girl. Who do I need to kill?”
“Can I come around? I’m still in my sleep shorts. I will bring coffee.”
“I will leave the door unlocked. Lock it behind you. You will find me under the comforter.”
I made two coffees and put them in reusable cups from a local coffee shop chain and went around next door. Pushing open the door I was always surprised at how similar their apartment was to ours. The only difference being theirs was a two bedroomed apartment.
I pushed open Tiff’s bedroom door. I could just see a birds nest of blonde hair poking out of the top of the comforter.
I put her coffee on her bedside table and got on the top of the covers and huddled next to her.
Tiff emerged slowly, an inch at a time until her head was visible. Then she sat up and grabbed her coffee from the side.
“So, code red, huh?”
“Yes. Like the quote I saw on Pinterest last week, it would appear rock bottom has a basement.”
She places an arm around me. “What’s happened, honey?”
“I went on another date with Malcolm.”
“You did what?” She screeched.
“I know, I know. He said he wanted to take me to dinner to apologize for his behavior last time. Really, he just wanted to feel me out for my secrets on King Park. He wants to muscle in on the development he knows I will get. I have worked my ass off, there’s no way he is getting his hands on it. Especially not now, the limp-dick.”
“Oh dear. So another unsuccessful date.”
“Well, one of us ended up wet, but it wasn’t me and it was courtesy of a carafe of water.”
Tiff burst out laughing.
“Good for you. I’m not seeing why this is a Code Red though. You already knew the guy was a dick.”
“I came home and discovered Chase and Todd fucking.”
“Yes, indeed, oh.”
“So, that must have been embarrassing for you all?”
“They don’t know I saw. I spied on them through the crack in the door, like a voyeur. Seriously I could not avert my gaze.”
“So is it hot seeing two guys together?”
“Tiff! Are you not listening to me? My roomies are gay. Gay! The roommates I chose with a potential apartment orgy in mind are gay. Not only do I get no sexy times but I have to see them at it!”
“It’s not that bad.”
“Not that bad? Sure, perhaps they could move Malcolm in and then all three could go at it while he tells me their cocks get him hard.”
Another round of laughter burst from Tiff.
“God, you are not taking this seriously. I’m hurting Tiff. I came by for sympathy. You don’t even sound surprised. Was it obvious to you they were together? Is it just me with no gaydar? Anyway, I need you to get in touch with H for me.”
Tiff sat up straight in bed and holding a hand up at me to get me to be quiet, she took a large gulp of her coffee before placing it back on the bedside table. “H? Henry? Why do you want me to contact him?”
“I want a membership to Club S. Do they have nights where they wear masks? I need to go in without anyone knowing who I am so I can practice sex and sucking cock.”
“Seriously, there is no need, Hales.”
“No need! You are hearing about my sad, desperate love life aren’t you?”
“Yes and that is why I gave your apartment details to Chase and Todd.”
My hand flew to my chest and I gasped.
“What? You gave them my details? You knew I wanted hot guys and stuck me with two gay men?”
“They are not gay, they are bisexual. They like pussy too.”
“Fuck this coffee’s strong. I swear you just said you set me up with bisexual roommates.” I yelled.
“Calm down. Yes, I did. I knew you wanted some hot roommates and I’d seen your applicants. There weren’t any. So I called Henry and asked him if he knew anyone who was looking for a place. He put out feelers and came back with Chase and Todd. They are looking for a permanent partner. A female. They are together, have been for a while, but as I said, they like pussy too and they are thinking of the future and potentially having a family.
My mouth did its usual jaw drop. Seriously, I was going to need plastic surgery for saggy skin around my jaw if this kept up.
“What the, erm,”
“I’m sorry, Hales. I know this must be a shock but I was thinking of what you said. There is no pressure. Chase and Todd were looking for an apartment but they didn’t move in expecting you to be part of the arrangement. They planned on looking around and then moving when they found someone. I was just wanting for you to have the option. That is if maybe you liked them and they you…well, it could work out. Or at least give you some practice.”
“I seriously, like don’t know what to think. I forgot I’d been asking advice from Mrs. Tiff Threeway-I-went-out-on-stage-and-had-sex-with-an-audience-watching Bailey. So, get a hot roomie Haley. Why stop there? Get two roomies, hell, make them bisexual and wanting a female as a trio. Is there some three-way club you and Kayla joined and now you’re co-opting me or something.”
Tiff smiled. The girl could have been offended but she was so happy she didn’t give a crap about my outburst.
“Hey, I know how much fun it can be. I got it out of my system, but look at Kayla. She’s in it for life. Normal dating isn’t working out so well for you, so why not try this?”
“So, what do I do? Just go home and say, ‘hey guys, I saw you fucking and well I would like to join in, can I have a sample. Is there an audition?’.”
“Well, not quite like that, but I would tell them you saw them and just open a dialogue. Ask them about themselves. They are really open according to Henry. I figured they would have told you soon about themselves anyway once you were all settled.”
I sat back and thought about what I had just learned. Tiff yawned so wide she nearly broke her jaw. I crawled under the comforter. “Okay, I’m staying for a nap. My mind has exploded. Put the alarm on for in a couple hours.”
“Oh, thank Christ, I’m beat,” Tiff said and with that, we both fell asleep.
“Oh, Tiffany, all my dreams have come true. Are we having a threesome with Haley?”
Tiff had failed to set an alarm and it was now early afternoon and Brandon had returned from his classes. He stood in the doorway and took his tee off revealing a muscled torso and corded arms. She was a lucky girl, but even if he had been serious, there was no way I was doing anything with a) my friend's husband and b) girls. No thank you.
Tiffany leapt out of bed and threw her arms around her husband. “Missed you, baby.”
“Missed you too. I’m just going to hit the shower.”
I took one look at my friend’s face and launched myself out of bed. “I am off back to mine. Thanks for the chat, Tiff. Good to see you, Brandon. Now it looks like your wife wants to join you in the shower so I am leaving before you guys do something in front of me that makes me want to vomit.”
“And there I was thinking you liked to watch after last night,” Tiff quipped.
“What about last night?” Brandon asked.
“Shut it, Tiff, and Brandon, never you mind, although Tiff’s mouth is so big, no doubt you’ll know before I’ve even left.”
“Hey, I have no complaints about her big mouth, she needs it for my big—”
I placed my hands over my ears, “Lalalalala.” I reversed out of the room and left. I’d get my coffee cups back later. For now, I made my escape.
Chapter 4
My mind was reeling.
Bisexual roommates.
Hot roommates.
The fact Tiff had engineered this on purpose.
Would Chase and Todd see me as a potential lover? I would seriously doubt it given I had told them how hopeless in bed I was. It was like winning the booby prize on a chat show and even then I only had a small handful - what should have gone to my breasts had wandered off and accidentally added to my ass.
I hated my inexperience. At twenty-four I should know what I was doing.
I crawled back into my own bed. There was no sign of the guys and stuck for anything else to do that wasn’t a chore, I powered up my laptop, positioned it on its laptop cushion and went to a porn site that Kayla never stopped raving about. I typed in two men and one woman and a host of videos displayed. I kept seeing the words MMF and MFM so I went onto Google to find out what the definitions stood for. I quickly discovered that MFM was like Kayla and Tiffany had experienced, a threesome where the guys didn’t get involved with each other; but MMF was everyone involved with each other so as well as fucking the female they’d have sex with each other too, do blow jobs, etc. The videos were rated and so I chose one with a high percentage which hopefully meant it was good and sat back and watched.