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Butterfly Style: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ A Cobra Short

Page 3

by Bianca Sommerland

  “Thirteen.” Laura rolled her eyes, a tight smile on her lips. “I haven’t seen my birth mother since that day.”

  “So you have another family now? One who accepts you?” Chicklet braced her hand above Laura’s head, looking into her eyes as she nodded. “Good. I’m happy you aren’t alone, that you found someone to help you through the worst of it. But you were left with scars that haven’t quite healed. Do you prefer men now because it’s simple, or because they can give you what you need?”

  A tear trailed down Laura’s cheek and she swallowed hard. Letting men touch her was hard. She had to shut down emotionally, hoping they could reach her physically, but even then her body wouldn’t take what little they could give. Mills had the advantage because he’d connected with her through pure dominance. She’d hoped another man could do the same.

  No such luck.

  “It’s simpler, but…aside from my Master, I haven’t found anyone who can shut down what feels natural. And I hate it.” She ground her teeth as her voice rose with anger. Tamping down her emotions, she continued with forced calm. “I need to submit. It satisfies me in a way nothing else does. I thought that would be enough.”

  “It might have been, for a while, but a good Dom would keep challenging you. Wouldn’t let you hide.” Chicklet ran her tongue over her bottom lip. “I’m not in any position to push you past all this in one scene. But if you want I can give you some release. Take you out of your head for a bit.”

  That was all Laura was looking for. That escape that would take her away, and bring her back feeling whole again. Some days she felt like she was living underwater, completely numb. Mills had given her a chance to feel again. A chance to breathe.

  She’d traveled all this way to find that again. Did it really matter if it was a woman who gave it to her? Even though she didn’t know her, she didn’t doubt that Chicklet had that unique quality possessed by few dominants. That ability to take complete control from any willing to surrender it to them.

  And if nothing else, Laura was more than willing.

  “I want that, Mistress.” Laura relaxed her hands, no longer fighting her restraints. She was grateful Chicklet hadn’t released her. Hadn’t given up. She lowered her gaze. “I need it.”

  “All right, then let’s set a few ground rules.” Chicklet’s lips quirked when Laura glanced up at her. “I am a woman. A woman you’re attracted to. And there’s nothing wrong with that. You don’t have to take on all the intolerance out there, or confess your ‘sins’ to the world, but you do have to accept that it is a woman touching you.” Chicklet brushed her knuckles along the side of Laura’s bare breast. “Kissing you.” Leaning forward, Chicklet kissed her long and hard, leaving her aching for more. “And giving you everything you need.”

  Laura took a deep breath and pressed her eyes shut. No more tears spilled, but her lashes were wet. Chicklet’s offer made sense, but scared her. Accepting meant opening a door she’d shut tight long ago. She’d given up on finding anyone she could call her own because she knew no man could ever be what she needed. A woman could, but she’d refused to even explore that option. Which left her cutting herself off from a real relationship. One that would fulfill her in every way.

  Tonight, if she gave in, she couldn’t turn back. She’d have to admit she wanted more. That she wanted to share her life with someone. Not someone far away who could never demand more, who’d never want to. She wasn’t sure why, but she couldn’t ignore that facing the wall she’d built around herself, that rising up to look past it, would make her desire all that lay beyond.

  Desire was only a small step, though. Chicklet wasn’t asking for anything long term. She was asking for tonight. And that wasn’t so hard. Tonight, Laura could take that step and explore what could be without turning her whole world upside-down.

  Tomorrow…well, if Mills had come, if he’d given her that release she needed, nothing would have really changed.

  She would go home, a little more relaxed, and do what she always did.

  Maybe with a new hope for something real. But that was a choice she could make later.

  “I see you, Mistress.” Laura smiled, releasing all the tension within. “And I’m willing to take whatever you give me.”

  “That’s all I needed to hear.” Chicklet leaned in for another kiss, laughing softly against her lips. “We’ll go with the club safeword. Time to fly, little dove.”

  Someone must have brought Chicklet’s toy bag while Laura was lost in her thoughts, because Chicklet stepped back to kneel beside it. The large leather bag was pretty full, gaping open when Chicklet unzipped it. She withdrew something wrapped in a cloth. A flogger, with slender, black leather falls and a sturdy black and gold handle.

  Laura already knew exactly how that kind of flogger would feel on her ass, but her position confused her, because she was facing forward. Mills had only ever restrained her like this for nipple clamps and using a vibrator on her pussy. Where the hell did Chicklet plan to hit her?

  As though reading her thoughts, Chicklet smirked and rose to her feet. She pulled something out of the snug pocket of her leather pants. A package of gum. She popped a white piece into her mouth. “Oh, you’re going to be fun to play with. These beautiful breasts have been neglected, haven’t they?”

  Frowning, Laura shook her head. “I’ve done scenes with nipple clamps.”

  “And?” Chicklet sighed, releasing the cool scent of mint. “Pet, I won’t accuse all Doms of not giving breasts the attention they deserve, but many stick with the same routine. Clamp, suck, and fondle. You present your ass for flogging as if that’s all you know. Let’s change that up a bit, shall we?”

  Without waiting for a response, Chicklet began twirling the flogger, letting the falls brush over Laura’s breasts lightly. Laura tensed with the first lick of leather, relaxing when she realized Chicklet was only warming up. Many Doms started off too fast, leaving her scrambling to brace for the pain. She preferred a buildup, a little time to ease into the scene. She loved the power exchange, loved knowing that her every response brought the Dom pleasure.

  Many scenes were set up in a way that she couldn’t tell if she was giving anything at all. She had to hope accepting whatever came at her was enough, but Chicklet left no doubt as to what she was getting out of this. She smiled as the pressure increased and Laura’s lips parted.

  The warm shifted to a stinging burn, rising in an unpredictable rhythm that made it hard to brace for the next set. A swift brush of air, then the snap of leather, raining over her breasts.

  Whoosh, THWAP, thwap, thwap, thwap, THWAP.

  “So pretty.” Chicklet made a low sound of satisfaction, resting the flogger on Laura’s shoulder with the falls curved around the back of her neck. Her soft hands covered Laura’s breasts, soothing the sting. “Shall we continue?”

  Licking her lips, Laura nodded. Her cheeks grew almost as hot as her breasts when she caught a few eyes on them from random people walking by. She didn’t usually mind being watched, but being completely comfortable with a woman’s attention would take some time. Which she didn’t have while bound on display.

  “Use your words, Laura.” Chicklet studied her face for a moment, then glanced over her shoulder, chuckling as she caught the gaze of her friend from the bar standing next to another man off to the side. “Does being watched bother you?”

  “No, Mistress.”

  Chicklet faced her and frowned. “Try again. The truth this time.”

  Looking down, Laura sighed. “I’m not sure how I feel about people seeing me with a woman.”

  “That’s easy enough to fix.” Chicklet reached down into her back, swiftly pulling out a length of black silk. “Let’s make them easier to ignore.”

  A blindfold would definitely help, but Laura was torn. She still wanted to see Chicklet. “Thank you, Mistress, but… I would rather shut them out than not see you.”

  A brilliant smile spread across Chicklet’s lips and her eyes shone with pleasure.
She leaned forward, kissing Laura in a way that felt like the sweetest reward. Such a little thing, but her approval was a prize Laura wanted to keep winning.

  “You’re precious, pet. I haven’t enjoyed anyone like this in a long time.” Still, Chicklet held up the silk, which was actually a fine quality chiffon. “Folded, this completely cuts off all sight, but I will cover your face, giving you a veil that will let you see me, but fade out everything else.”

  “That would be perfect.” Laura smiled shyly, holding still as Chicklet covered her face with the soft material and tied it behind her head. “I appreciate this, Mistress.”

  “Mmm, we’ll see about that.” Chicklet let out a light laugh that Laura knew too well. One that said a Dom planned to push her to the limit. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  This time, there was no warm up. Through the black veil, Chicklet’s eyes took on an intense focus as she swung the flogger. Laura’s sharp breath had her lips curving slightly. She wet her lips with her tongue as Laura’s breasts bounced with each rough inhale.

  The lick of the falls came faster, not slicing at her like this speed had done in the past, but landing in a way that spread the slap of heat over one side of each breast, then the other, until both were tender and heavy. Her nipples were spared, but the sensations had them erect and aching.

  A fiery pulse throbbed in her breasts and she clenched her thighs as the pulse traveled downward. Her clit tightened, and her pussy grew so hot and wet she couldn’t hold back a whimper as she felt herself edging close to release.

  She moaned as Chicklet rested the flogger on her shoulder again. Fought not to tug against her restraints as soft fingers skimmed a lazy figure eight on one breast, then the other.

  “Please…” She panted, not even sure what she was asking for. She wanted Chicklet to touch her. She needed her to continue. That beautiful haze was blanketing her mind, offering an escape, but she couldn’t take it. Not yet.

  Circling closer and closer to her nipples with her fingers, Chicklet gave her a hooded look. “Please?”

  “I can’t… Oh God, please don’t stop. Please, Mistress.” Her words sounded slurred to her own ears. Her eyes fluttered closed behind the veil. “I shouldn’t—”

  “None of that.” Chicklet’s fingers brushed over the sensitive nubs. Closed around both nipples. And squeezed.

  Gasping, Laura tipped her head back, her hips jerking forward as a sharp jolt of pleasure lanced through her breasts.

  She didn’t even realize Chicklet had stepped away again, but she could hear the flogger cutting lightly through the air. The sound of it hitting her flesh. But the strikes were no longer separate. They came together, scalding heat, exquisite burning, stealing over every inch of her.

  The blazing pressure moved to her stomach. To her outer thighs. She trembled as her legs were gently pulled apart.

  Flames licked her pussy and she cried out. It came again and again. Returned to her breasts. The next strike on her pussy contained the heat of a branding iron, merciless and direct, lacking the slice of pain. Her clit swelled, absorbing the liquid fire until it consumed her.

  Pressure built up within, bursting out. Her nerves lit like a thousand tiny sparks of pure light. Everything within clenched down, undulating over and over as the climax shook her whole body. Her eyes teared as another powerful wave lashed through her, never-ending ecstasy, holding her under, mercilessly giving her everything she craved.

  Her legs wouldn’t hold her anymore. The waves receded and the dull throb of music returned. Cold air brushed over her sweat slicked skin. She tried to open her eyes. Realized they were open, but her vision was blurry. She felt as though she was falling.

  Strong arms wrapped around her. Lifted her. “Shh. I’m here, little dove.”

  Mint. When had mint become her favorite scent? She giggled, resting her head on Chicklet’s shoulder. The veil fell away, but she still couldn’t see. The room was moving too fast around her.

  “My sweet girl. You needed that, didn’t you?” Chicklet seemed to lower suddenly, bring Laura with her. Warmth surrounded her. Chicklet pressed her lips to Laura’s forehead. Then looked up. “Thank you, Sloan.”

  No reply, but Laura heard steady footsteps moving away. Her mind was beginning to clear. She was curled up in Chicklet’s lap, a soft blanket wrapped around her.

  She tensed, not sure if she should move. Part of her wanted to. Wanted to end this scene the way she would any other. With a “Thank you, Sir.” And a “Yes, I’m fine.”

  But Chicklet wasn’t ‘Sir’ and being held by her was like nothing Laura had ever experienced. Her grip tightened slightly when Laura shifted. She made a low warning sound.

  Laura was exactly where Chicklet wanted her. She would not be pleased if Laura tried to go anywhere before they were both ready.

  Which was nice. Laura relaxed into Chicklet’s embrace and let out a soft sigh of pleasure.

  “Good girl.” Chicklet tipped Laura’s chin up with a finger. “Take a few sips, pet.”

  A bottle of water touched Laura’s lips and the cool liquid filled her mouth. Some spilled over her chin, but Chicklet didn’t seem to mind. She smiled as Laura swallowed, then capped the bottle and set it aside.

  “How are you feeling? Are you ready to talk?”

  Talk? Laura reached for the water again, not sure she could form words yet. She took a small sip to wet her tongue and cleared her throat. “I’m not sure what to say except thank you, Mistress. You’re right. I really needed that.”

  Chicklet inclined her head. “I know, but there’s more. You denied part of yourself in only sceneing with men. Will that change now?”

  Throat tightening, Laura stared down at the bottle in her hands. If she could, she would scene with Chicklet again. She didn’t even have to think about it. The woman had taken charge completely. Had read her like no one else could. She’d asked enough questions to make Laura feel secure without ruining their dynamic.

  Could another woman do that? Maybe. But Laura couldn’t even wrap her brain around that now.

  She hid her face against Chicklet’s shoulder. “I don’t know. I’m not sure even a man will live up to what you just did.”

  A low, pleased laugh shook Chicklet’s breast against her cheek. “I appreciate your honesty. And I will reward it with some of my own. If you and I both lived here, I would ask for another scene. I haven’t enjoyed anyone this much in a long time.”

  “I could…” No, that was silly. She’d known the woman only what, a few hours at most? She considered what both Chicklet’s friend, Sloan, and Chicklet herself had said earlier. She wasn’t new to the scene. It didn’t have to take days to figure out if she was compatible with someone.

  But traveling to have this kind of experience…she’d been through that and knew how much it hurt to be discarded once your purpose had been served.

  “Unfortunately, I can’t read your mind, little dove.” Chicklet tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Finish what you were saying. I’m leaving tomorrow night after the game. I have a workshop at C.A.K.E in the morning, but I won’t be attending the banquet. I’d love to make time for another scene, but you’ll be quite sore in the morning.”

  That much Laura had expected. But she couldn’t help reaching for a little more. For this not to be the end. “What game?”

  “The Dartmouth Cobras are playing the Blackhawks. One of the perks that convinced me to make the trip.” Chicklet grinned and nodded at the two men, who still hadn’t taken part in a scene, but were watching an erotic suspension scene taking place in a cleared out area in the corner of the room. “They’re both part of the team. I get to beat one of them if they lose.”

  Laura’s eyes widened. She couldn’t picture the black haired man kneeling to Chicklet. The blond, maybe, but the way Sloan teased him, and watched his every reaction, she’d assumed some kind of relationship between them.

  But focusing on that was a mental deflection. Chicklet had c
ome to see a team from Nova Scotia play. She knew the players. She wasn’t from Chicago.

  How far had she come to be here?

  “The look on your face.” Chicklet chuckled and gave her a little hug. “I’m teasing.”

  “No, it’s not that. Well, yes, I can’t imagine either of them letting you beat them.” Her brow furrowed. Maybe she should just ask. “Where are you from?”

  “Digby, Nova Scotia. A small town with just over two thousand people, but it’s awesome. I spend a lot of time in Dartmouth though.” Chicklet cocked her head. “And you?”


  “No shit?” Chicklet’s lips parted in a brilliant smile. “Let me guess. You saw C.A.K.E on FetLife? Either that or at Blades and Ice. I’ve been pimping it like crazy.”

  “FetLife.” Laura relaxed in Chicklet’s arms, not sure why she wasn’t freaking out about this new bit of information. She should be. She’d worked so hard, for so long, to keep just her kinky side private.

  Even admitting to herself that she was a lesbian was hard.

  Though maybe she couldn’t claim that label at all. She’d been with men. Enjoyed sex with them.



  “Laura, I need you to listen to me very carefully.” Chicklet stroked her cheek with her knuckles. “Whatever you’d like to do from this point on is up to you. I’d like to see you again. For a scene, for a movie…hell, if you want I can probably get you a ticket to the game tomorrow.”

  “I’d like to see you too.” Laura bit her inner cheek and groaned. “But I’m…I’m not sure it would work. I found a Dom far away from me for a reason.”

  Nodding slowly, Chicklet moved her hand to Laura’s hair, petting her idly, her eyes on the dark club which was slowly clearing out. “I know you did.”

  The atmosphere around them seemed to shift. Maybe it was just everyone saying goodbye and heading home. They could do the same. Laura wasn’t hazy anymore. She’d be sore tomorrow, but she knew how to handle that. Had done it many times and been perfectly fine.

  Halifax was far enough from Digby that running into one another by chance was unlikely. They could part ways now and Laura could move on with her life. She’d gotten everything she’d came for.


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