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Kyle's Reveal

Page 13

by Royal Blue

  “Must be,” Chris adds. “You look good, happy.”

  “I am.”

  “Good. Does Mas like him?” Jordan asks.

  “Yeah, he was his kindergarten teacher,” I reply.

  “Wait, I thought you said he met him at your barbecue,” Chris directs at Javier.

  I should have known this was a topic behind my back. My smile broadens. I’m not hurt. They are always looking out for me. Andy and Beau already get along great. Andy knows Javier and Ray from the barbecue. However, there’s still Jordan, Daniel, and Chris. They were all out of town when Andy and I ran into each other at Javier’s. The seven of us are like brothers. Just like the Connors gave me their stamp of approval, I want my family to have a chance to meet Andy and do the same.

  “We already knew each other. We just got to know each other better after,” I answer.

  “How’s Michael taking all of this? Smug-ass prick. I never liked his ass,” Jordan says.

  A series of agreeing grumbles fills the room. I’m more than aware that a lot of my friends didn’t like Michael. It’s not like this is the first time I’m hearing Jordan say it.

  “Honestly, I don’t give a fuck. I’m happy. I haven’t spoken to Michael in months,” I say.

  “Wait, you do know he’s here tonight?” Ray says, his brows drawn.


  “How?” Javier snarls at the same time.

  “You’re asking me,” Ray scoffs.

  “Is he in white or black?” Javier snaps.

  “White,” Ray replies.

  “Son of a bitch. Whoever brought him loses their membership tonight!” Javier says angrily.

  I’m already heading for the door. I don’t trust Michael, and to use someone to get an invite says he’s up to no good. I’m surprised his entitled ass didn’t show up in black and claim his invitation must have gotten lost in the mail.

  I step out of Javier’s office and can feel my brothers at my back. I’m sure we make quite the sight, storming up the hallway dressed in tuxes and frowns. Rage is boiling inside of me.

  When we make it to the main room where the party is happening, I scan the room for Andy. With everyone in either a white or black tux, I don’t find him right away.

  Andy and I are sporting matching navy-blue silk ties. I gave him a pair of diamond cufflinks that match mine as a gift before we left the house. The look on his face was worth it. I almost changed my mind about coming out, but he looked so excited to meet my friends.

  “Over there.” Beau points.

  I’m ready to lose my shit when I see Andy standing next to Michael. Andy has an innocent smile on his face, while Michael looks like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Michael’s eyes lock on mine, and that smug grin turns into a megawatt smile.

  I cut the room in half with my long strides. I don’t know what Michael is up to, but I don’t like it. The one time I dated someone during one of our breaks Michael cost the guy his job. He still claims to have had nothing to do with it, but I know that’s bullshit.

  I’m not having it this time. I go to war for those I love. Something Michael is about to be reminded of.


  I’M HAVING such a great time. Tonight has been amazing. First, Kyle’s gift. I mean, I was so surprised when he gave me the cufflinks. They’re covered in diamonds and make out his initials. He’s wearing a matching pair, with my initials. So thoughtful and sweet.

  The next highlight of the night so far was walking in on Kyle’s arm. He looks amazing in his black tux and navy-blue tie. I love a man in a suit, and Kyle is wearing the hell out of his tailored tux. I felt so proud when we entered the party and all heads began to turn in our direction. I know I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off him.

  Everyone has been so welcoming, and Kyle was more than affectionate before he disappeared. Having so much of his attention in public almost caused me to revert to my shy shell, although after a few glasses of champagne I relaxed.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve been to one of the games,” Simon, the friendly artist, says.

  He came over to introduce himself as Javier’s date for the evening. We’ve been talking for the past fifteen minutes, while I wait for Kyle. According to Kyle, he and his friends have a ritual of having a drink together and catching up quickly at these events.

  “I’m excited for the playoffs,” I reply.

  “You and Kyle look pretty cozy. You two make a stunning couple,” a newcomer says, interrupting our conversation.

  My cheeks heat, but I give a warm smile. This guy is older and distinguished-looking. He’s quite handsome with his dark eyes and blond hair. He’s graying at the left temple, but it’s attractive on him. He seems friendly, although his smile suggests he has a secret.

  “Thank you,” I reply.

  “You’re welcome. It’s nice to see him smiling. I know he went through a hard time last year,” he says smoothly.

  “Yes.” I nod, but say no more.

  I’m not sure who this man is. I know Kyle said his friends that would be here are like brothers to him. However, Kyle went to drink with those brothers.

  “Do you know—”

  “How is his nephew?” Simon’s words are cut off. “He’s such an adorable little boy. Savanna was a lovely young woman. I was so sad that Kyle and Mason lost her.”

  I watch Simon shift, his face looking uncomfortable. I’m unsure of what has him so unsettled. Although, being cut off is kind of rude.

  I hesitate for a moment before giving an answer about Mas. However, this guy has to know Kyle if he’s asking after Mas and knew Kyle’s sister. His interest seems genuine.

  “He’s doing great, actually. Thrilled about graduating kindergarten and excited for his coming birthday,” I say.

  Something crosses this guy’s face, causing me to pause. I realize I still don’t know his name. I’m starting to feel a little uneasy, but I don’t let it show.

  “I’m sorry. I’m Andy.”

  “Nice to meet you, Andy,” he says with a wolfish grin, but I can see his attention has been drawn across the room.

  I turn slightly to see what has his focus. My breath nearly catches in my throat. The sight of Kyle and six other drop-dead-gorgeous men storming toward us is a sight I will never forget. I note they are all in black tuxedos. As I look closer, I realize I know a few of them.

  Beau and Javier are right on Kyle’s heels. Followed by a tall light brown guy with a full beard and broad shoulders. It clicks in my head. He’s Daniel Hunt, the NFL player. I note the tall blond with piercing blue eyes next, Jordan Sokolov. I’d know that face anywhere; he’s a hockey player and known as a playboy. I’ve met Ray Vincent before, but that’s Chris Lionel beside him. They’re both players in the NBA like Kyle.

  They are moving across the room quickly, each one of them wearing pissed expressions on their gorgeous faces. My face scrunches in confusion. My hairs begin to rise in alarm. Kyle looks to be the most upset. I step into his side as soon as he reaches me. When I take in that his concentration is trained on the newcomer that never gave his name, my brows draw in. I turn back to what seems to be the source of all the tension.

  “I’m Michael. Michael Fairchild,” the newcomer says, while staring directly at Kyle.

  I stiffen. I’ve never seen pictures of the man, but I know the name. I try not to curl into myself. I knew he had to be handsome to hold his own next to someone as sexy as Kyle. However, this is beyond what I imagined.

  “You’re playing with fire,” Kyle says in a warning tone.

  “Is that anyway to greet your former lover?” Michael says slyly.

  “Best word in that sentence was former,” Beau drawls.

  “What are you up to, Michael?” Kyle says with a deadly calm.

  “No, no.” Javier waves his hand. “This is not the question I want to know. How are you here? Who invited you?”

  “I have friends everywhere,” Michael replies, looking at me this time.

  He places his ha
nds into his pockets and rocks back on his heels. The look on his face begins to reveal him for the snake he is. At any moment, he’s about to strike.

  “Let me be clear. Stay away from me and mine. Whatever game you’re thinking about playing… dead it. Don’t come for me, ’cause I haven’t sent for you,” Kyle seethes.

  “Where’s all the hostility coming from?” Michael asks, showing those perfect white teeth.

  Kyle steps forward, getting into his face. I can feel the anger coming off him. It’s so palpable I can taste it. Michael just continues to smile as if he’s unbothered.

  “You come to my club uninvited. Knowing I’ve revoked your membership. A membership I revoked after you threatened me and my friend and you want to know why I’m hostile,” Javier hisses.

  Kyle’s head whips in Javier’s direction, shock painted across his face. Javier’s features are so tight with anger I think he’s going to explode. Javier is such a laid-back, mild-mannered guy. I never thought I’d see him like this.

  “Wait… he threatened you?” Kyle asks.

  “I didn’t want to involve you. Our friend here has overstepped his reach. Walk away, Fairchild. This will not end well for you. These are my brothers,” Javier says, gesturing in a circle with his finger to encompass the men around him. “I am their keeper, as they are mine. You don’t run a place like this with clean hands and a shallow reach. You still want to tango with me?”

  “I think you’ve done outstayed your welcome,” Beau drawls.

  Michael throws his hands in the air. That smug smile still in place. I want to punch it right off. Kyle has told me a few stories that make me wonder why he ever bothered with him.

  “No worries, fellas. I thought we were all friends. I see that has changed. Besides, I only came to scope out the competition.” He pauses, allowing his eyes to turn to me. “I see you’ve done well finding a placeholder, Kyle. Gorgeous, very gorgeous. Maybe we’ll keep him around when you’re done having fun.”

  Kyle lunges for Michael, but Beau and Javier restrain him. Beau leans in to his ear to whisper something to calm him. I move to Kyle’s side, placing a hand on his chest. It seems to soothe his anger. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

  I can feel the eyes boring into the back of my head. I turn to look over my shoulder, and sure enough, Michael has a death glare aimed in my direction. He looks as if he might spit fire. It’s the first time that stupid smile of his has completely fallen from his face. When Kyle’s lips brush my temple, I see the flames of rage that blaze in Michael’s eyes.

  “We’re done. Stop the phone calls, stop showing up unannounced, don’t come to another one of my games,” Kyle growls.

  Michael moves to get in Kyle’s face, but Chris and Ray block his stride. Michael tries to glare past them as if he’s going to keep coming. Ray steps up in his face.

  “You don’t want this smoke,” Ray says. “You just turn that ass around and walk away. You have no business here.”

  “I made you what you are, Kyle. You were a scared little boy before me. Don’t ever forget that,” Michael snarls.

  “What?” Kyle scoffs. “Yeah, you’re tripping. Do yourself a favor and stop with the recreational snorting. That coke is frying your brain.”

  Michael’s face turns red. His jaw works as his glare moves around our small group. You can hear a pin drop in the rest of the room. I turn to see we have the attention of everyone, guests, staff. Heck, it feels like the decorations and lighting are leaning in and focusing on us.

  “Your petty threats are like shit on the bottom of my shoe. I’ll pay to have it washed away. I don’t think any of you know who you’re dealing with. We’re not done,” Michael bites out one last time before he turns and storms out.

  He’s words send a shiver through me. Like last words spoken before a wrath is unleashed. I don’t think they should be taken lightly at all.

  “Piece of trash,” Javier mutters.

  “You are going to tell me everything,” Kyle says, pointing a finger at Javier.

  “Sí, I already know this,” Javier says on a frustrated breath.



  I’LL ADMIT. I’ve been in my feelings since meeting Michael in person. He left me unsettled for a number of reasons. When someone like that feels they own you, they never want to let go. I could see the possessiveness in his eyes, which has led me here to Mitch’s security office.

  I’m standing before a stony-faced Mitch. My brother isn’t happy. As I flip through the pages in the file he’s handed me, I can see why. I feel like someone has poured salt down my throat. I roll my tongue around in my mouth, trying to get rid of the nasty taste that’s there.

  “How do you know this guy, Andy?” Mitch says.

  “He knows a friend of mine,” I murmur, not looking up from the pages.

  “This bastard is bad news,” he says tightly.

  “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “Do ya? I mean, he’s an entitled prick, a real ratten chancer. The Fairchild’s have done a lot of good for a lot of people in their past, but I think that family did a disservice to everyone adopting that fucker. He has a chip on his shoulder and feels the world owes him something.

  “That file is jammers with shit that’s way fucked-up. I don’t like him, and I don’t like the type of power he has. People like that never use it for any good. He’s a chancer, he is. Dodgy as can be. I want ya to stay far away from him,” Mitch warns.

  “I’m not the one pursuing him. I think I may have caught his attention, though,” I say, tossing the file back on Mitch’s desk. “Thanks for doing this for me.”

  “Ya ask me to look into someone, I’m going to do it. I just don’t like the drobes yer feeding me,” he replies and shrugs.

  You can take the detective off the force but never the detective out of the man. Mitch was all over digging into Michael Fairchild when I asked him to. I’m not so sure I should have now.

  “I know it’s killing you,” I tease. “Thanks anyway.”

  “Ya take the piss out of me now, but I want to see ya laughing when this muppet shows his ass. Ya do know I’ll feed a body to the wolves for ya?” he says, lifting a brow at me.

  I grin at my big brother. I know he would. I’m just not asking him to. I wanted to know what I’m dealing with. I didn’t come to Mitch to take care of my bullies for me.

  “Aye, I know.”

  “Listen. This guy has a history of destroying careers for something as simple as disagreeing with him in a courtroom. The list of ex-boyfriends that have been blackballed and/or ruined after breaking up with him is insane. I’m still looking into a few things that don’t look right. His ass should be disbarred for some of the shit in that file. If yer in some shit with him, ya tell me now. I’ll run interference. Ya know it’s what I do,” Mitch offers.

  “I won’t be needing your expertise at the moment. I’ll let you and the boys know if it comes to that,” I reply.

  “No, this one ya keep close. That motherfucker.” He points to the file. “I’m serious about making him disappear. That’s the only way to handle his kind.”

  “Aye, I hear ya,” I mutter and frown, my own accent surfacing stronger. I ponder my brother’s words and how on-target they are. I feel my own frustration rising. I start to think aloud. “But he’s had a hard life. I think I just need to handle this right.”

  “What is this all about, And? Talk to me,” Mitch says with concern lacing his voice.

  “It’s fine, Mitch. I just wanted to know a little more about him,” I try to reassure him.

  He shakes his head.

  “No. You take that with ya and read it closely. Ya don’t handle a guy like that. He handles you. Ya watch ya back. Deep pockets and a family that spoils just because they can makes a man like that dangerous. Dodgy as fuck he is. He was in the clink twice before he was eighteen, Andy. They sealed that shit away like it never happened.”

  “I’m not e
ven going to ask how you got your hands on those sealed records, but yeah. I hear you,” I say, pushing a hand through the front of my hair.

  “I sure as fuck hope ya do. I don’t want ya doin’ a number on Ma. Ya make sure this isn’t a problem,” Mitch warns.

  “Yeah, thanks,” I reply, snatching the file and making my way out of his office.



  IT’S BEEN a few weeks since the incident at Club Refuge. I’d been ignoring Michael’s calls and his showing up to random games. For the most part he has been keeping his distance. Seeing him standing next to Andy was just a tipping point for me. If I would have known he was tripping and threatening my friends, I would have approached him sooner.

  I refuse to let him and his bullshit come between me and Andy. Even though it seems like it has. There’s been a little tension between us since the party. I haven’t had the time to see where Andy’s head is at. It’s the playoffs. I hardly have a moment to myself.

  We may have gotten ourselves together during the season, but tensions always run high during the playoffs. This is when all hell breaks loose and the team starts to fall to pieces. The outside world will blame me, not knowing all the inner workings of a team and a locker room. Some games, I’m exhausted just from snapping at my team to get over their shit for the forty-eight minutes we have to lay it all on the line.

  It’s like all of the bad shit that’s been building up comes to a head right during the time we’ve worked so hard to get to all year. I’ve wanted to punch a teammate or two in the face for making dumb-ass choices that affect our team—not just their personal lives. It’s one of the reasons I like to keep my personal life separate. We have enough weight on us, our bodies, and our team.

  Although, what I don’t want is to have conflict in my relationship on my mind. I plan to deal with that here and now while we have a short break in the series. Our next opponent hasn’t been decided yet. We nearly swept our last one, which afforded us a small breather.


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