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Kyle's Reveal

Page 16

by Royal Blue

  Beau, Emma, and Tara came out to celebrate with us since Mas wanted to spend the weekend with Daphne. I think she bribed him with cookies and her famous chili. He had his things packed and set by the door this morning, ready to go.

  “Man, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.” Beau laughs as we make our way out of the bar and grill we just dined at.

  “I know. Andy and Tara are always good for a laugh,” Emma tries to say innocently.

  “Us? You were the one causing all of the trouble this time,” Tara tosses back.

  “Me,” Emma mock gasps, placing a hand to her chest.

  “Always the troublemaker.” I pull Emma into a headlock, causing her to laugh.

  “I don’t know—”

  Emma stops midsentence as flashing lights bombard us. There are cameras flashing all around us. I’m confused at first. They’re all calling out questions at the same time.

  “Kyle, Kyle, over here. Is it true? Are you dating Andy Connor?” I hear shouted over everyone else.

  I freeze. What do I say to that? Who even asked the question? I don’t know what would prompt them to ask it in the first place.

  “We have pictures of you two on what looks like a date. Would you like to confirm?” someone else shouts.

  “Bullshit, prove it,” I say without thinking.

  I know there aren’t any pictures because we never go anywhere in public as a couple. We go out with groups of friends, we take Mason places together occasionally, but Emma is always with us and we never act like a couple. Fury rises from this invasion of my privacy.

  “Here, I have the photos,” one guys responds.

  I go to look, but Emma places a hand on my arm, stepping forward instead to take the device from his hand. I watch her face as she takes in the image. The guy is so helpful, he swipes right for her to see more. Emma purses her lips and nearly tosses the device back at him.

  “I have to agree with Kyle. These are bullshit,” Emma scoffs.

  Andy is off to the left staring down at his phone with a confused look on his face. I move to hold my hand out for the device, wanting to see for myself. Emma goes to Andy’s side, huddling over his phone, while she starts to murmur something to him. Tara and Beau crowd my sides.

  “You guys need to do better research. You’ll find the originals to those were posted almost two years ago. When I first started dating Emma.” Andy’s voice booms firmly over the crowd.

  I try not to look stunned as the words leave his mouth. Looking out of the corner of my eye, I see Emma standing beside him with her hand on his chest and a smile on her lips. The cameras are still all in my face, causing me not to lift my head. I turn my eyes back to the device in my hands.


  I groan internally. She shouldn’t be dragging herself into this. She’s known me long enough to know better. I can’t believe Andy is going along with this.

  The pictures are from my first meeting with Tara. The lunch when we met to talk about getting Mason a puppy. These are the same pictures that painted Tara and I as a couple, but they seem to be altered or taken from a different angle or something.

  “Oh my God,” Tara giggles. “Babe, these are the pictures from our first date.”

  She looks up at me lovingly, throwing me for a loop just like her brother. Tara pulls out her phone and holds it up. I start to laugh inside. It’s a running joke in the Connor home that Tara is out to steal me from Andy. She keeps that photo as her screensaver. At the moment, it’s about to be a prop in what these three have decided to pull.

  “I have the real photo here.” She lights the screen up and holds it up. “I mean, it’s from so long ago. You can still find the originals online. This is just someone sending you all on a wild goose chase.”

  “Emma, we thought you and Kyle were together. How did you end up with Andy?” someone calls out.

  “You also thought Kyle was with Andy just a few seconds ago. I mean, y’all are never very well-informed. I’ve told you a million times Kyle is like a brother to me, literally. We’ve never been romantically involved. Could my family and I enjoy the rest of our night?” Emma turns up that Southern charm, her words sounding sugary sweet.

  “The rumor has it that you guys live together,” someone else pushes. “Kyle, are you sure this isn’t true?”

  I flip the bird and start pushing my way through. I’m not explaining a single fucking thing to these people. I appreciate what these three just did, but it was too much of a response to something that doesn’t deserve life. Emma should know better. I never answer those types of questions. We shouldn’t have started now.


  KYLE HAS been in a funky mood since we arrived at his place. With Mason staying the night at Daphne’s, we had planned for me to stay over. This isn’t the kind of night I had in mind.

  When Kyle isn’t pacing and grumbling to himself, he’s slamming or throwing something at the wall. I’ve never seen him this pissed off. I’ve just been waiting for him to cool down.

  “It’s Michael. I know it is.” His words shoot ice through my veins.

  I thought the same thing. That snake has been way too quiet. I never expected him to just run away with his tail tucked between his legs. This totally reeks of the foul types of shit that man would do.

  I’ve never had such a feeling of loathing for anyone in my life. I can just see my fingers clutching his neck as I squeeze the life out of those cold eyes. I shake that thought off. I’m not the monster he is.

  “Why now?” I ask.

  “Because his ass has been sitting and watching. Mas mentioned you in that live interview. I’ve been playing well in the playoffs. He’s been looking for the right time to disrupt our lives. I’m sure hearing Mason say your name sent him into boiling bunnies land,” Kyle says.

  “How can you be so sure he heard that?”

  “Because his bitch ass sent me a text from a number I didn’t have blocked,” he grumbles.


  “The next day,” Kyle grunts, flopping down on the couch beside me.

  I let his words sink in. We’ve been going strong for almost two years. I’m not going to stand by and watch this monster come and destroy our relationship.

  I never told Kyle about all the things I found out about Michael. Given how angry he is now, I don’t think it’s the best time to. He leans his head back against the couch, and I reach to brush a hand over his hair.

  His hand shoots out to catch mine, bring it to his lips. With a gentle tug he pulls me toward him. I go willingly. His hand grasps my thigh, pulling me to straddle his hips.

  Kyle cups the back of my neck, drawing me in. I meet his lips, and he captures mine. I go to deepen the kiss, but he pulls away.

  “Are we good?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t we be?” I reply.

  “I reacted earlier. I wasn’t thinking about my words or your feelings,” he says cautiously.

  “You and I both know I’m not that sensitive about stuff like that anymore. I understand.”

  “You and Emma really didn’t have to do what you guys did, Tara either. I would have preferred if you didn’t. It’s better not to give them anything at all,” he says, pulling a face.

  “Sorry, I think we were trying to defuse the situation. When Emma whispered to me what to do, I sort of just reacted like you did.

  “I totally understand what you mean, though. I was just shocked. The pictures weren’t doctored. They were taken from a different angle. Someone else took them. It’s the exact same moments.” I reveal what I’ve been thinking all night.

  “Yeah, I noticed that too. They look more professional than the originals as well,” he points out.

  “You caught that too?”

  “Yup,” he says, popping the p at the end of his word. “He’s been planning for a while.”

  I cup his face, placing my forehead to his.

  “Let him,” I breathe. “He can plan whatever he wants. We’re not going to let that ruin any
more of our night.”

  I lean in and nip his lower lip. He groans, catching my lip with his teeth and pulling. I let my hands glide to his silky waves.

  “You sure you want to start this?” he breathes against my chin. “You’re asking for trouble.”

  “I know what I want,” I purr back, reaching for the hem of my shirt and tugging it over my head.

  His eyes devour me, making me feel like the most desirable man in the world. Knowing Kyle, he’s only deciding where he wants to start. He lifts a finger under my jaw and drags it down my neck, to my collarbone, down to my belly button where he pauses, tilting his head.

  “Are you feeling adventurous tonight?” he says.

  I bite my lip and nod.

  “Get up,” he commands.

  It’s such a sharp order, I move before I process the words. I’m standing before him as he lifts to his feet, looming over me. His brown eyes glow with something I’ve never seen before. My heart rate picks up. I’m turned on by the dark look.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” I answer without question.

  Kyle leads me to his bedroom by the hand. I’ve come to anticipate these moments each and every time. He has a way of making me insane with want. Maybe it’s the time we spend apart, or it could just be the fact that he oozes sex appeal. It’s in his every move. Even now, his back muscles move so fluidly beneath his shirt. He owns each step he takes.

  His body would be the perfect sonata if his motions had their own music. It would be a composition I would want to hear on repeat. My belly tightens with expectations of the music we’ll make together tonight.

  When we enter the bedroom, he stops at the foot of the bed, turning to me. He releases my belt, completing the task of underdressing me. I’m so hard I spring free as soon as he peels my jeans down my hips.

  He steps back, and his gaze swipe over me. I fight not to cross my arms over my chest. I’m still working on that reaction. It doesn’t hurt that Kyle makes me feel as if I’m in the perfect body. He loves the skin I’m in, flaws and all.

  He tilts his head toward the bed, prompting me to get onto it. I follow his unspoken directions, climbing to the center. I sit and watch as he peels his clothes from that flawless body. His skin is so smooth and unblemished, as if he were airbrushed. Only markings are a few skillfully done tats on his arms. He’s painfully gorgeous.

  When he’s completely nude, he turns to me in a stance that demands attention. His thick cock is pointing straight at me. I can’t help staring down at it. He doesn’t make a move. I look up into those eyes, and I start to shake.

  Silently, he climbs onto the bed, moving like a panther about to pounce on its prey. His intense gaze on me, his fluid and graceful movements—it’s all enough to knock the wind from my lungs. I marvel at his overwhelming presence.

  This man is all mine.

  I move back on the bed as he makes the slow crawl up my body. Just when I think he’s going to move to kiss me, he detours. He reaches for the drawer of one of the bedside tables. He pulls something out and turns back to face me.

  The sly smile that takes over his lips proves very telling. I bite my own lip ready and willing. He hasn’t taken me to a single wrong place yet.

  Although, my brows do knit when he shifts, lifting his hands. A black silk tie comes into my view just before he deftly ties it around my eyes, cutting off my vision. Everything changes instantly. I become hyperaware of his cologne as he looms over me. I can almost taste the lush flavor of the brandy he downed earlier when we first arrived home.

  “Relax. Just feel me,” he coaxes.

  His warm breath fans my ear as his voice vibrates through me. I hadn’t noticed that I was tense. I allow myself to loosen up, settling back on the bed. I can feel him shift back away from me.

  His hand is at my ankle, lifting my leg. A few seconds later I feel his tongue at the heel of my foot. He drags it to the center of the pad of my foot, where he starts a slow circling pattern. A breath escapes my lips, when the sensation shoots to my groin.

  He chuckles darkly, continuing his trail until he sucks my big toe into his mouth. I squirm on the bed beneath him. When he pops the digit from his mouth, I hear the sound over my own panting breaths.

  “You taste so good, baby. Do you know that?” His voice fills the room heavy with lust.

  “No,” I reply breathlessly.

  He places a few featherlight kisses against my ankle. The feeling zings through me, humming through every cell. I lift a hand to my hair, tugging at the front.

  “You like that?” he croons at me, pleasure forming in his words.


  His tongue taking over is his response. I feel the wet path he makes from my ankle to my inner thigh. His own groans of gratification caress my ears. I swallow hard, tangling my fingers in the sheets beneath me, arching my back off the bed. When his warm lips kiss at my balls, I widen my legs only to have him slide beneath my thighs, tossing both of my legs over his shoulders.

  I feel it in the bottom of my stomach when he licks his way up the center of my sack. He continues up the underside of my cock, until he reaches the tip. My nostrils flare. I throw my head back into the pillow. He teases the crown, swirling his tongue around it.

  I wait with bated breath for him to take it all in. Yet he doesn’t. I feel the bed shift beneath his weight once again. I turn my head in the direction I feel him move in. I want to call out to him, but I opt to be patient. After all, he asked if I trust him. This is deeper for him. He needs this reassurance.

  I sense him moving back toward me on the bed. He shifts around a bit before something cool begins to drip down onto the skin of my torso. My stomach caves in retreat. Seconds after the dripping stops, his warm hands are on me.

  His palms glide over my stomach, warming and smoothing the moistness into my skin. The scent of coconut wafts up to my nose. One hand slides up to my right nipple, pinching it with just the right amount of pressure. Not too soft, but just rough enough to bring a bite to it.

  I squirm, wanting and needing more. I feel his lips and tongue join the party. He’s taking a trip across my scar. It’s his way of reassuring me that it doesn’t bother him; he takes me for who I am.

  I’m on sensory overload, even without my sight. Or it could be because I’m not able to see a thing. His hands continue to massage and roam my midsection. I feel when his long fingers claw their way to my sides. I lift up from the bed as he drags his fingers up and over my rib cage.

  His teeth move over the skin on my chin, catching the light stubble. When his lips cover mine, I breathe him in. The taste of coconut fills my mouth. His cologne and the coconut make a heady mix that consumes me.

  He sips from my lips as I try to give as good as I’m getting. I lift my head, flicking my tongue out, searching for his face to taste more of the coconut flavor. He allows me to try to clean his face, before backing away once again. My tongue tingles from scraping his five-o’clock shadow. I note the swollen feel of my thoroughly kissed lips.

  My eyes roll behind my lids and the fabric of the blindfold. His slow torturous kisses moving down my body are driving me insane. I’ve been gripping the bedspread so tightly my fingers ache. His big body moves fluidly to settle between my legs again, one of my limbs resting back over his shoulder.

  This time when the cool dripping greets my cock, I groan so loud it echoes throughout the room. It’s such an erotic sound, even to my own ears. What I hear next is Kyle’s firm hand wrapping around my length and pumping over the slick oil, followed by a tortured sound from my own lips.

  “Fuck,” I hiss.

  The slick, wet sucking sound of his hand caressing me from slow to quick, then back to slow motion again, is enough to drive me straight to the edge.

  “Kyle,” I pant out.

  Just as I do, he lifts my other leg over his other shoulder and takes me into his mouth. I bite my lip and nearly come all the way off the bed. I fall back, but my hips have a mind of thei
r own as they start to pump into his mouth.

  “Mmm,” he hums around me.

  His head is bobbing and rolling as he throws himself into my pleasure. Releasing the covers, I reach to grasp the back of his head. My fingers lock into place. I love the feel of his waves beneath my palms. One more layer of sensation in the midst of so many others that have contributed to my pleasure.

  “I’m not going to last,” I rasp out. “I’m so fucking close.”

  He grunts around my length. His saliva drips down over my balls into my crack. It sounds as sloppy as it feels. The slurping and sucking sends me over. He takes me to the back of his throat just as I start to squirt my hot seed.

  “Fuck!” I roar into the room.

  I’m limp against the bed as he sucks at me until I’m dry. When I do pop free from his mouth, I feel him shift, moving to the left again. I then sense him crawling up my body. I think he’s going to release the blindfold, but he doesn’t. Instead, I hear the same sound from when he pumped my cock with the oil. Only, a new scent is tickling my senses. I don’t place it right away, too spent to think.

  It’s when I feel his tip on my lips and I flick out my tongue that the smell registers with my brain. The taste of strawberry and coconut bursts against my taste buds. My lips curl into a smile. I love strawberries, one more way Kyle proves he knows me so well.

  I open wide to take him in. Kyle slips past my lips slowly, teasingly, before he backs away. I lift on my elbows, trying to follow. The bite of his fingers in my hair becomes a guide as he thrusts into my waiting mouth on this pass. I hum, totally turned on by his natural scent and taste that are now mixed with the fruity flavors.

  I relax my throat to take more of him. Kyle rides my face like only he can. I hear him grunting and hissing above me. I can just imagine the sight of him. His head thrown back, his lips parted, I bet he looks glorious hovering above me with an iron lock on my hair. The thought just turns me on more.

  I grasp on to his ass to really get into it, allowing him to be my support. I bob and suck, moving my head from side to side as best I can while savoring his flavor.


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