Kyle's Reveal

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Kyle's Reveal Page 25

by Royal Blue

  “Man, what you talking about? Your team made the conference finals. We didn’t get out of the first round,” Ray huffs.

  “Yeah, we made the conference finals, but it wasn’t because that team is any good. I’m just saying. The team we have now will never be a finisher. We get by on dumb luck,” Chris says and sucks his teeth.

  Everyone falls silent for a moment. We could sit here and debate what sucks about our teams, but it’s not why we’re here. If we go down that road, we could go on forever.

  “What’s the plan?” Beau asks, breaking the silence.

  “Find a new place for us to live, plan a wedding, and open a safe place for orphaned kids,” I reply.

  All of my friends sit forward in their seats. I know I have their full attention. We all have been through rough childhoods.

  “You’ve thought this out, I see,” Jordan says.

  “Yeah, I was going to talk to Beau. We still have one lot we haven’t broken ground on yet. Permits have been screwed up, and the crew had some issues—maybe with good reason. It’s big enough for what I have in mind,” I say.

  “Sounds like a plan. We tripled our targeted projections for the other lots. I say we go for it. We can get some plans drawn up and get started on the logistic of running something like that,” Beau replies. He already has his phone out. I’m sure he’s making notes or sending texts out to get the ball rolling. I appreciate that.

  “I was thinking… if you guys are interested in raising the money like we talked about, we should move forward with opening the school. Give the kids a home and safe place to learn.”

  Silence falls again. I can see the distant looks that cover a few faces. Safe homes and places to learn weren’t a given when we were coming up. We could all tell stories.

  “I like that,” Chris says into his glass. “I like that a lot.”

  “You think Andy would want to take on the school? You know, become the principal there?” Beau asks.

  “I don’t know. Maybe,” I muse.

  I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about that. I make a mental note to make the offer. He loves his school, but you never know.

  “Whatever you need, I’m in.” Javier lifts his tumbler.

  I smile. Javier’s connections will prove invaluable. Beau’s fingers fly over his phone some more. I can already see this coming together. It feels right. Everything is falling into place. This is exactly what I need to do.

  “Man, life sure can throw you a curveball. I never thought one of us would be getting married.” Jordan smiles.

  “You’re telling me.” I laugh.

  “Dude, I mean, don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t mind finding someone to just kick back and chill with,” Jordan adds. “I’m getting tired.”

  “I know what you mean,” Javier says glumly. “I’ll be retiring soon. It feels like I should be retiring my antics at the club as well.”

  “Seriously,” I interject, tilting my head to look at my friend more closely.

  That usual spark is missing from his eyes. He does look more taxed than usual. I start to look at all of my other friends. They all seem to be in deep thought.

  “How’s Joey?” I ask Chris.

  That question brings a smile to his face. There was a time that I thought those two would be married by now. Joey and Chris have known each other since they were little. They’re like night and day, but they’re perfect for each other.

  “He’s good. Real good. Don’t tell him I forgot to tell you he said hello.” Chris grins.

  “I’m so telling,” I tease.

  Mason’s laughter pulls my attention. I turn to see him sitting next to Andy, leaning against him with his head thrown back. From this angle, I can see the joy on his face.

  “You did good,” Daniel speaks up. “He loves Mas as much as you do. That kid truly believes you two could hang the moon for him if he asked.”

  “For him, I’d find a way,” I say.

  “We know,” Beau replies, slapping a hand to my back. “Trust me, we know.”



  I STAND beside Andy, with a sleeping Mas in my arms. He wore himself out with all the excitement. We’re seeing the last of our guests off for the night. We’ve done breakfast, lunch, and dinner together in celebration of the engagement.

  I think everyone’s a bit worn out and ready to call it a night. The guys are gone expect for Beau, who’s sticking around to help Emma clean up in the backyard. They’ll probably be crashing here for the night.

  “That was such a lovely proposal,” Andy’s mom sings. “Ya out did yerself, Kyle.”

  “I’m so jealous,” Tara sighs out, with a dreamy look in her eyes. “I guess I’ll finally have to change my screensaver. It feels so dirty to have my brother’s husband on my phone.”

  “Don’t move so fast. You never know when we might need a beard,” Andy jokes.

  “Nah, that’s not going to be necessary,” I say, staring Andy in the eyes.

  His brows dip. I can see the questions dancing across his face. I give him a lopsided grin and wink. We have a lot to talk about. I wrap my free arm around his waist, pulling him into my side.

  “Youse guys have a lot of planning to do,” Andy’s dad says. “I’ll be waiting with my checkbook open.”

  Andy’s head spins toward his dad. His face is more stunned now than it had been a moment ago. I feel his body stiffen at my side, he’s holding his breath. I start to rub his ribs to soothe him.

  “You don’t have to do that,” he pushes out.

  “Aye, of course I do. I figured it’s my job since Kyle was the one to propose. You boys let me know what youse need. I’m taking care of it,” Oscar replies.

  “Seriously?” Andy utters.

  “Aye, I still ache that you didn’t feel ya could come to me for ya surgery. I would have paid for the best for ya. I’d sell my arm to give ya the world if ya asked.

  “I’ve worked hard to give youse all anything ya need. Even knowing what the grands left the lot of youse. Yer never a burden, And. It’s just money. Knowing yer happy is priceless. Ya wouldn’t have to ask me twice, ya wouldn’t,” Oscar says, his eyes beginning to mist and his voice clearly getting emotional.

  He places a hand on Andy’s shoulder, bringing him in for a hug. They stand in a tight embrace for a long moment as the rest of us look on. Honoria moves in to wrap her arms around them when both of their shoulders begin to shake. Mitch, John, and Tara all join in on the family hug.

  Not for the first time I admire the connection and love the Connor family shares. I’ve longed for that all my life. As if I’d said the words out loud, Mitch and John open up the circle, holding their arms out for me and Mas to be brought in.

  With both arms around my nephew, I step into the group, accepting our place in this family. Mas stirs a little, but he doesn’t wake. My heart is overwhelmed as I think of all the love my nephew has gained. This isn’t just my new family—it’s his. He’ll always be loved.

  Everyone starts to break out of the hug one by one. We all stand around with smiles on our faces, a few cheeks moist from tears. I’m happy that they’re tears of joy.

  “We’ll be getting out of ya way for the night,” Honoria says. “Oscar, let’s go. They need to get the wee lad to bed, and I’m sure they want to celebrate.”

  Mitch and John groan, while Tara and I laugh at Honoria’s mischievous smile and the wiggle of her brows. Oscar gives a crooked grin as he shakes his head at his wife and wraps an arm around her shoulders.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. Promised my nephew I’d take him to a game,” Mitch says with his chest poked out. “I really have a nephew. Yer showing me up, And. Not sure I like it, I’m not.”

  “Get over it,” Andy tosses back.

  “Congratulations.” Mitch pats his cheek. He then takes two fingers, gesturing between his eyes and mine a couple of times. “Remember, I’m still watching ya. If ya break my brother’s heart, I’ll
batter ya.”

  “Ya have nothing to worry about,” Andy huffs. “Ya should be more concerned with the one yer stringing along.”

  “Good night, good people,” Mitch says and rushes for the door.

  We all burst into laughter. He’s out of the house like someone set fire to his ass. I heard about Mitch and his antics. I’m sure there’s an interesting story there.

  “I’ll give you two a few days before I show up to help plan the wedding,” Tara says with stars in her eyes. “This has to be epic.”

  “No,” Andy groans.

  “Oh yes,” she sings. “I’ve been waiting for this day.”

  “Get out,” Andy teases, pushing her toward the door.

  “Love ya.” She turns her head to kiss his cheek, then follows her parents out the door.

  “Proud of ya, And,” John says, pulling his brother into a hug. He turns to me. “Thanks. Yer exactly what I always wanted for him.”

  With that John turns and leaves. Andy and I move to stand at the door to watch everyone get in their cars and drive off. The reality of the day sets in. We’re engaged. There’s a wedding to plan.

  “You’re not having second thoughts, are you?”

  I look down at Andy to see him watching me closely. I brush a hand across his cheek and shake my head. I nod for him to follow me as I turn for Mason’s room.

  We work together to get Mas into his pajamas and tucked into his bed. When he’s all snuggled in, we stand watching him for a few minutes. He looks so peaceful without a care in the world. Just as he should be.

  “Come on,” I say to Andy, lacing my fingers with his and leading him out of the room.

  I know Beau and Emma will either let themselves out or make themselves at home. I’m not worried about either of them. What I do want is to finally have some alone time with my fiancé.

  Once in our room, I seal the door behind us, shutting out the rest of the world for a few hours. I’ve grown accustomed to having Andy living here. It feels like it’s where he was always supposed to be.

  “Are you happy?” I ask, pulling his back to my front as I walk him to the center of the bedroom.

  He snuggles back into my warmth. I try to ignore his ass brushing against me. Dipping my head, I nip his neck gently.

  “Very. That was amazing. I wasn’t expecting any of it,” he replies.

  “I had planned to do it sooner, but… you know,” I murmur into his neck.

  “You threw her a beautiful service. Again showing how big your heart is. I know that wasn’t easy for you,” he says.

  “It is what it is. I did what I thought my mother would have wanted. She was her little sister. We all lose our way sometimes,” I say with a shrug, flicking my tongue against his neck.

  He runs his palm up my arm, my eyes close, and I inhale him. I’m content with the silence that falls over us as we stand there. My mind plays over the day. A smile takes over my lips when I remember Andy’s face as I proposed.

  It couldn’t have been a better reaction. I start to hum a song that pops in my head. It was playing this morning as I waited for everyone to arrive: “Good Man,” by Ne-Yo.

  I lick the back of Andy’s neck in between crooning the words in his ear. He reaches up, holding me to him. My eyes open, and I grin at the goose bumps I see rise on his skin. With the song in my head I start to dance against him. I move his body with mine.

  We lace our fingers as we rock together. I chuckle when he shivers against me. I decide to stop teasing him. I kiss the top of his head, resting my chin there. I hum as we continue to slow rock. It’s a much-needed moment for us. To just be.

  I close my eyes again, relishing life itself. Andy’s words from earlier play in my head. I stop humming to reply to his earlier question.

  “I wasn’t having second thoughts. I was wondering what kind of wedding you were thinking about. What do you want?” I say, kissing his neck.

  “I was thinking about something on a private beach. Nothing too big. Just our family,” he says thoughtfully.

  “Are you sure? If you want something else. Something more open—”

  “Nope. I appreciate your willingness to do that for me, but it’s not necessary. It’s not what I want at all. Remember, before you, I wasn’t completely out there in the open. I’m not going to jump out there now. I like where we are. My job hasn’t changed. I don’t think some of that school board is ready for this,” he says.

  “Okay, as long as you know we can do whatever you want,” I offer.

  He turns to me. His blue-gray eyes filled with the kind of mischief I love. His lids hood as his eyes roam over me.

  “I have something I want,” he says in a low sexy voice.

  My mouth kicks up into a smile, my teeth sinking into my lip. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about putting the perfect end cap on this night. Andy’s hair has grown longer than usual. His locks have been falling in his eyes all day. It’s sexy as fuck on him. I’ve been wanting to get my hands in it for hours.

  I start at the buttons of my shirt, releasing them slowly. Andy steps out of his shoes, not taking his eyes from me. I shrug off my shirt, coming out of my shoes as well.

  As he reaches up to push his hair back from his face, the ring I placed on his finger winks back at me. I halt, my brows drawing. This is my life. This man before me is mine. Andy’s eyes start to look concerned. I step toward him.

  “You’re mine,” I murmur, allowing my hand to take a pass through the front of his hair.

  “Yeah, I am,” he replies, gaze softening, his hands going to my stomach and slowly moving up.

  As I look into his eyes I realize how clear my mind is. I’m not stressed about a team, a championship, people seeing me, my nephew’s safety. I know Mas is safely tucked away in his bed, and the rest of that shit doesn’t matter.

  In this moment, all that matters is the man standing before me. I reach for the hem of his shirt and slowly drag it from his body. I watch closely and grunt in satisfaction when Andy doesn’t subconsciously start to hide.

  He stands before me knowing he’s mine, knowing that I cherish him for who he is. I wrap my fingers around his throat, tipping his head back. I bite his chin, licking away the sting I know I’ve left. I take his lips and make slow love to his mouth, my fingers flexing around his throat.

  Andy’s fingers move to claw down my back. I hiss into his mouth. I release his neck to reach for his thighs, pulling him onto my waist. He wraps his arms around my neck, cradling my head in his arms.

  We lock eyes and stare at each other. The heat in the stare is enough to make me combust. We let our eyes do the talking and lovemaking. We both divulge all of our feelings for each other. Words would be a hindrance to the chemistry we have.

  I glide my hands up his back beneath his shirt. His eyes slide closed, and his head falls back slowly. I move across the room to the closest flat surface. His head lifts back up, and his eyes open just before his back meets the wall.

  We both grunt with the connection. I keep my eyes on his as I lower my head to nip his shoulder. I kiss a trail to his left nipple. When I get to it, I give it a bite. His back bucks off the wall. I smile against his skin, flattening my tongue again the flesh to soothe it.

  I kiss my way over to the other side. Again, I bite and soothe. His fingers are locked around my neck. I tease his side with the fingers of one hand. The other hand, I plant beside his head. He turns his face and licks my wrist.

  I lift my head to look at him. My features tighten with lust. I move in to kiss him again. Reaching between us, I pop his jeans open. Instead of sticking my hand inside them, I drag my hand up his chest. Placing two fingers beneath his chin, I tip his head back to attack his neck again.

  My shorts fall from my hips. I pull away to see Andy smiling back at me. I step out of the fabric he just released from my body and kick it aside. I tell him to hold on with my eyes. It’s a silent command that he understands right away.

  I hook my fingers in his jean
s and drag them down his hips. He releases his legs from around me. I keep him pinned to the wall while we work together to get the pants off. I toss them aside and bring his sexy limbs back around my waist. He starts to grind against my erection.

  I place both hands on the side of his head and start to slow grind into him through my boxer briefs. His bare arousal presses up to my covered one. We’re in that intense stare again. Andy’s tongue peeks out his mouth to lick across his lips in slow motion. It’s so sexy I harden more.

  I grab a hold of that hair that’s been begging for my attention. Tilting his head to the side, I lick the side of his face. He groans, rocking against me harder. I lick his lips, suck the lower one into my mouth.

  We’re in no rush. I know I’m not. I want to devour him slowly. I’m pacing myself, for the best is yet to come.

  We continue to grind against each other. I feel that familiar tightening in the pit of my stomach. I’m near ready to blow, but I don’t increase the pressure or my movements. Instead, I start to travel down his body with kisses once again.

  His legs unwrap from around my waist, placing him on shaky limbs. I continue my path until I’m on my knees before him. I grasp his waist, pinning him in place as I make circles on his left hip bone with my tongue.

  My lips caress his skin, moving slowly across to his right side. I ignore his arousal that’s bobbing for my attention. I’ll get there soon enough. I look up at Andy as my lips and tongue tease and taste his hips and torso. I go everywhere expect for where he wants me most.

  My hands slide around to cup his ass. His cheeks flex in my palms. I give a good squeeze, still watching him. I note the shift in his breathing. I’m enjoying the look of desire mixed with frustration.

  Burying my face in the silky strands around his arousal, I inhale. He smells like my body wash and cologne. I remember chasing him out of the bathroom this morning when I found him in my shit. I groan. I like it. He smells of me and notes of what makes him, him.


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