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Darren's Downfall

Page 3

by Arizona Tape

  “What was his name?” I asked, staring at his boyish face. He reminded me of my younger brother. “Does anyone know?”

  The silence put a bitter taste in my mouth and my stomach sank. Overcome with guilt, I crouched down next to him. Nobody even knew his name. What was I supposed to do know? Who would be telling his family that he didn’t return from his journey? That he never would? Was there even a right way to tell a mother that she lost her child?

  “It’s not your fault.” Danny bent down next to me and soothingly rubbed my back. “Chesca is evil and this is on her.”

  I nodded, but I didn’t really believe her. Even if she killed him, I sent him to his doom and that was on me. With shaking hands, I pressed the eyelids of the man down to keep the demons from entering his soul. “May the Spirit be with you.”

  “We have to keep moving, Darren. We can’t stay here, it’s getting dark.”

  With dread swirling in my stomach, I clenched my jaw and got back up. “Kuz, make sure we take his body back home.”

  The commander gave me another dumb look as he polished his breastplate. “Can’t we just leave him here?”

  I balled my fists and bit the anger back. “He was one of us. We’re not leaving him behind.”

  The wind brushed through the leaves and danced around my flexed arms. My wolf inside me was growling, but I held it back. I couldn’t afford to get into a spat, not right now. Danny was right. If we didn’t move quickly, we’d be overrun by the night.

  Kuz shrugged in reply. “Whatever you say, my prince… But I don’t see why, he’s just dead meat.”

  Enraged, I snapped my head back and wished I could spit fire with my eyes. “We are bringing his body back and that is an order. Do you understand me, soldier?” I hissed, the blood raging through my veins. One more word from him and I would make sure he regretted ever joining the Riders.

  “Yes, sire. Immediately, sire.” With a bow deeper than I’d ever seen, he shuffled away and barked at the other knights in the garrison. Hurriedly, they scrambled into gear and left us to it.

  Exhausted, I glanced at Danny. A glimmer danced in her eyes and she smiled a smile only she could. Tenderly, she brushed a strand of hair from my forehead and briefly cupped my face.

  “You’re so sweet sometimes.”

  “Yeah, that’s just what a guy likes to hear,” I muttered, shaking the dirt from my shoe.

  “It was also very sexy. Is that better?” she teased, gently pressing herself into me. Automatically, I wrapped my arm around her and shivered at the warm feel of her body. She fit me so perfectly, and yet…

  I glanced over my shoulder, wondering if Regan or JP could see us. Even if they hadn’t expressed any issue with Danny and me, I still felt a little uncomfortable displaying affection right in front of them. I really needed to talk to them sometime about what was going on. But we hadn’t exactly had a lot of down time to just relax and chit-chat. Murderous mothers and crazy friends were just a little more pressing than my place in the relationship. If Meredith made a re-appearance, would there still be a relationship to fit in?

  Worried about her, I shrugged Danny off. She already had enough on her plate, she shouldn’t have to deal with the disasters of my past.


  I turned my back at her and pretended to be interested in a random rock on the ground. If Chesca managed to figure out I was involved with Danny, surely Meredith would too. And I couldn’t risk her finding out. Not now. Not ever. “We have a long journey ahead, we should keep moving.”

  Chapter 3. The Keep

  The bigger the Keep became, the bigger the rock in my stomach grew. With every step, the dread and panic intensified. Memories and images of a past I was trying to forget, kept flashing through my mind.

  The harsh laugh that could draw goosebumps from my corpse, the sound of nails scraping on chalk, and grey eyes that haunted my sleep.

  “Woah, I’ve never seen the King’s Keep before. Is this where you lived, man?” Aspen exclaimed.

  “It’s massive,” Ashleigh agreed, not untrue. The stone castle was far bigger than need be. The halls too wide, the corridors too long, and the cellars too dark. Especially when…

  No, I wasn’t allowed to think back to those times. I got out, I escaped her claws. I was a different person now, I was no longer a boy. I was a man. I glanced at Danny and held the flutters dancing through my heart back. I was a man with a woman to protect.

  The citizens glared as the Riders marched straight through their stalls with no pardon or apology. Just like I remembered it. The sound of metal armour echoed through the market as we entered the city I left so many years ago. The dry scent of toasted spices and the heat of the charcoal ovens wafted against me and for a moment, I felt like a kid again.

  Memories of my childhood passed through my mind. Images of a young boy, running through the stalls and vendor’s backs, chased by the meanest knights and guards from the Keep. Screaming in joy and wreaking havoc everywhere he went. Good times. Simpler times. Until she showed up. Meredith.

  “My prince, we’re here.”

  I shook the thoughts out of my head and turned to Lance. His young face glistened with some sort of joy and he happily waved at a taller man selling some sort of hard-shelled fruit. His father, I assumed. How nice it must be to be welcomed home with open arms. With a scoff, I looked at the palace. I had no doubt my welcome would be much less enthusiastic.

  Couldn’t I just stay in the market? Maybe I could show Danny to the greatest little bakery in this place. She would love the sweet rolls and dried raisins. The little weaponry stand next to it would delight Aspen and JP would love the library on the other side of the square. I wasn’t sure what Ashleigh or Regan would adore, but we had everything down here. It was one of the best places on earth and it was ruined by the Keep. But I wouldn’t let my father or Mer stop me from enjoying the agora.

  I caught my redhead from the corner of my eyes and smiled. “Danny, after we deal with this war, I’m taking you to for the most delicious raisin rolls.” The moment the words left my mouth, I felt stupid. Who knew when the war would end? Or if we’d still be together by that point? Why was I making plans so far ahead into the future? Why couldn’t I just keep my traphole shut?

  Her smile awoke a flutter in my stomach and she pressed a soft kiss on my cheek. “I would love that.”


  “If you like,” she laughed, her eyes glimmering as a passing vendor winked and handed her a flower. She turned to me and smelled the beautiful rose. “Look, he just handed me a flower! What do I do with this?”

  “You keep it and make it pale in comparison.”

  Danny blushed and batted her eyelashes down. “Oh shush.”

  A bittersweet sensation washed over me as I admired my woman and maybe one of the last warm moments I had with her. When Mer showed up, she couldn’t ever find out I was head over heels with Danny. All hell would break loose if she found out and I was sure she’d have some interesting things to say.

  “You’re beautiful, utterly beautiful,” I smiled, swallowing the lump in my throat away.

  “What’s gotten into you?” Danny chuckled, tilting her head. For a moment, the laughter and chatter of the whole agora disappeared as she stared at me intently. There was just Danny. Danny and her red hair. How I would miss her and her company, because after she met Mer, she wouldn’t want me anymore. No chance. Yes, this beautiful little tale was about to come to an end. Maybe it was time.

  I let out a deep breath and put on a smile, hoping to erase any worry from Danny’s mind. I couldn’t drag her down with me. Not when it came to Mer. Yes, it was time.

  “Let’s not keep my father waiting.” I snapped my fingers at Kuz and pointed at the Keep. There was no use in prolonging the inevitable.

  Being back in the Keep was awful, just as I expected it to be. At least Father granted me access to the east wing and my old chambers. He hadn’t come to meet us personally, of course he hadn’t, h
e was ‘busy’ like always. But I didn’t care, I was glad I didn’t have to see my old man. And even better that Danny didn’t need to meet him.

  But I knew this was only a temporary delay. Soon, he’d summon me and I wouldn’t have any choice but to appear before him. At least this was a good place for Danny to rest. It was protected inside out by the finest guards this kingdom had to offer. If Chesca managed to get in here, I’d be very surprised. And Mer wasn’t allowed in this wing, I made sure of that years back.

  Huh, a lot of crazy women in my life.

  At least it was nice and quiet down here. It’d been a while since I was on my own. With Danny and the crazy gang, I hadn’t really had a moment alone. It was weirdly quiet without the endless chatter between Aspen and Ashleigh, or Danny’s warm laugh. But it was sort of nice.

  Shame this palace was so ugly. The hall Ma was resting in was one of the worst ones in here. When she passed, I begged Father not to bury her inside. She loved nature, I got my admiration from her. She wouldn’t have wanted to make this palace her eternal resting place. But he didn’t listen and now she rested under this marble tomb.

  I placed a kiss on my fingers and pressed it on the headstone. Being able to greet Ma and dust off her tomb were the only good things about the Keep, but I could’ve done without them. If I hadn’t met Danny, I’d never have returned. Never.

  What I didn’t do for love…

  I sighed and softly banged my head against one of the pillars. Why did I have to be the son of some stupid king? Why did Danny have to be chased by her friend? Why did —

  “Darius, you’ve finally returned.”

  The goosebumps jumped up on my skin before I could even see who it was coming from. But I didn’t need to see her, her face was engraved in my mind. Meredith.

  Panic crashed against my chest, but I couldn’t show it. I wasn’t allowed to show it. A slender shape emerged from the shadows and grey eyes pierced into me. She leant against the wall and smiled the same charming smile she always did. “Where have you been?”

  Why did she always want to know where I was? I told her so many times that I didn’t like justifying my every move. Not that she ever listened to me. She never did.

  “Darius, I asked you a question. You just disappeared on me all of a sudden. I was worried about you, sweetheart.”

  For a moment, her concern melted the walls I built around my heart. There was a soft side to her that made me fall for her in the first place. Maybe she changed? Maybe the years apart from her gave her some perspective?

  “I… I was… Travelling.”

  “Travelling? Did you see nice things?”

  I clenched my jaw and reminded myself that Mer was evil, that she didn’t really care about me. That she never did.

  But it was hard to remember that, especially when she was looking at me like that. There was something beautiful about her grey eyes when she smiled. A vulnerability and tenderness she never showed anymore. But that was my fault, I was a bad listener. I’d always been. I made it impossible for her to open up to me.

  No, that wasn’t true, I wasn’t a shitty listener. This wasn’t my fault. Stop it, Darren. Don’t let her get into your head.

  “What are you doing here, Mer?” I asked, controlling the anger bubbling up in my stomach. Why did she always do this? Why did she make me feel like this, even after all these years?

  “I heard you were coming back home, I wanted to see you,” she pouted, batting her eyelashes at me. “I missed you, Dar Dar.”

  The defenses I spent years building, crippled and my wolf whined as I felt hers tug. There was this familiarity about her that I couldn’t shake. She had a pull on me that nobody else had. Not even—

  No. It wasn’t fair to compare the two. They were nothing alike.

  “I don’t want to see you, Mer. And don’t call me that.”

  Slowly, she walked towards me. Her fingers walked over my arm as she curled herself around my shoulder. “You used to love it, Dar Dar.”

  Her breath fanned across my ear as she pressed herself into me. There was something familiar about the way she smelled and it brought back memories. Memories of a better time. When Mer still gave me flutters and her words still meant something.

  Angrily, I shrugged her off of me. I didn’t come here to be roped back in. I balled my hands in my pockets and made sure to stand up straight. I couldn’t let her dominate me like she always did. “There are a lot of things I used to love. I have stuff to do, Mer.”

  The smile fell from her face and she clawed her nails into my skin. “Where have you been, Darius?” she hissed, the usual glare reappearing on her porcelain face. The same restricted feeling I always felt around her wrapped itself around my chest and I felt like crying. No, I couldn’t. I couldn’t show weakness, not now.

  “It’s none of your business where I’ve been.”

  “Darius, you know I don’t like it when you use that tone on me,” Mer hissed, her wolf growling at mine.

  “Sorry.” The words fell from my mouth before I could even stop myself. Damn it, I shouldn’t be apologising to her, I didn’t do anything wrong.

  “Get away from my brother, Meredith.”

  Like a breath of fresh air, my head cleared and shrugged Mer away. The first genuine smile stretched across my face and I ran towards the figure entering the hall.

  “Leander!” Happily, I tapped my brother’s fist and bumped his shoulder. “How are you, little brother!”

  “Better now that you’re back.” Leander plucked at my shirt and grinned. “What kind of rags are you wearing, man?”

  I laughed and shoved him away. “When did you become such a snob?”

  “Hey, I have no choice. Dad is grooming me.”

  “Is he now?”

  “Yup, he had to. His heir ran off.”

  I shrugged and tapped his chest. “The world was calling, man.”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining. Gave me a shot of stepping up.”

  Leander smiled and I couldn’t but smile with him. I always looked like Father, but my little brother inherited Ma’s features. And even if she was gone, a little part of her would always shine in his smile. Yes, apart from Ma, he was the only good thing in this rotten palace.

  “It’s good to see you,” I grinned, shaking my brother’s hand. He nodded and slapped my arm.

  “Glad to have you back.”

  “I’m not staying long, Leander.”

  He chuckled and rolled his eyes. “I figured you wouldn’t.”

  “I just have to take care of some business.” I glanced at Mer hanging in the back and clenched my jaw. I knew the cogs in her head were turning with her manipulative plans on how to reel me back in, but I managed to escape her grip before. I would do it again.

  “Let’s get out of here. And away from her,” Leander muttered, nudging me to follow him.

  “Father is finally asking for me?”

  My brother nodded and grimaced. “He isn’t too happy with you.”

  I looked around for Mer, but she had vanished back into the shadows. Not surprising. I already dreaded where she’d appear from. I pushed Leander to the exit and patted his back. “No kidding, he must hate my guts.”

  “He does. At least he has one son who is willing to sit on the throne.” My little brother puffed up his chest, a proud grin stretching across his face. I smiled and ruffled his hair. He was a good kid, he’d always been that way. And Father’s approval had always been much more important to him than to me. Maybe because I always had it. Although running away from my conoration might’ve ruined some of that.

  Leander patted my arms and brushed off my shoulders. “You could’ve at least put on a fresh shirt.”

  “Ehh, I’m sure Father will appreciate the stench of poverty.”

  My brother shook his head and clacked his tongue. “Alright, but it’s your funeral.”

  I pointed at Father’s chambers. “You not coming in?”

  “Nah, he only wants to see his favourite

  I groaned and softly banged my head against the reinforced door. Now I knew how Regan felt when we were at his parents. He hadn’t said much about it, but then again, he never said a lot. He didn’t need to. Regan was one of the clearest people I’d met in my life. He didn’t waste words or time, or engaged in meaningless arguments. I liked that about him. He was a good man and he cared for Danny, just like JP. She was okay without me, she’d be okay after I was gone.

  “Wish me luck,” I smiled, tapping my brother’s fist. Even as kids, we always got along. It was nice to know that even after disappearing for years, he still had my back. My little brother.

  Leander smirked and bowed slightly. “Good luck, prince Darius.”

  “Get the hell out of here,” I laughed, shoving him to the exit. He stuck out his tongue and left me with my thoughts.

  I cleared my throat and straightened out my shirt. In hindsight, I wished I was wearing something better than a torn rag and old pants. But too late for that now. Father was expecting me and nobody kept him waiting, not even me.

  With a clenched jaw, I knocked on the decorated doors and prepared for the talking to I was sure I was going to get. At the sound of his command, I swung the doors open and entered his chambers. The glint of gold temporarily blinded me, but it didn’t took long for me to focus on what was happening.

  A chill ran down my spine and my heart sped up. “Meredith?”

  Chapter 4. Meredith

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, my mouth falling open as I found my ex standing next to Father.

  “Darius, is that how you greet your father?” he reprimanded, glaring at me in the same way like he used to talk to Ma.

  “Father, it’s a pleasure to be in your presence,” I lied, bowing ever so slightly with my greeting. I shifted my attention and stared at the beautiful woman next to him. “Meredith.”

  “Hello, my love.”

  I held back a gag and ignored the whimpers of my wolf. I refrained from correcting her and decided to focus on the man I came to see. “What is she doing here, Father?”


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