The Collection (Volume 3): Another 5 Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

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The Collection (Volume 3): Another 5 Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections) Page 1

by Caitlyn Norrel


  Corporate Bitch

  Sexual Attrition


  In the Master’s Bedroom

  A Chilling Encounter

  Corporate Bitch

  Celina moaned quietly into Sarah’s ear as she felt another climax beginning to build inside her body. She could feel the other woman’s long, stiff nipples digging into her own flesh, and thrust her chest upward in a small act of defiance. Sarah’s breath came in a short gasp at Celina’s maneuver, signaling that her own orgasm was growing closer.

  Their sighs became more and more frequent as they continued. Their lithe, young bodies moved as one, each woman bringing the other closer and closer to the ultimate prize. Their combined flesh, dripping with sweat, had been wrapped together tightly for over an hour; Celina admired the other woman’s stamina.

  Sarah took a tight hold of Celina’s long, dark brown hair. Immediately Celina returned the favor, running her fingers through Sarah’s thick blonde tresses. She gave Sarah’s hair a quick tug, pulling the other woman’s face away so she could stare into the blonde woman’s eyes.

  Without warning the two girls crushed their mouths together, sealing their cries between two pairs of tightly interwoven lips. Their tongues wrestled viciously, coiling together in tight, defiant circles.

  Celina had to force herself under control. Her body screamed to overcome this other woman, to wage all-out war until Sarah surrendered; but her contract forbade it.

  “Make it interesting.” Her boss always told her. “If they want naughty, give them naughty. If they want rough, give them rough. But under no circumstances are you allowed to actually harm the client. Remember, you’re getting paid to please them, not make them feel worse.”

  Their combined bodies shook as the final seconds elapsed. Sarah and Celina constricted their legs tightly around each other, locking together at the hip. They grinded their pussies viciously against each other’s thigh, neither able to control her desires any longer.

  Sarah and Celina screamed as one, tearing their lips away from each other as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over them. They bucked against one another’s flesh with violent passion, coating each other’s already sticky thighs with their orgasmic juices. As the final seconds of their climax elapsed the two women sealed their lips together again, kissing one another gently.

  Celina waited for Sarah to restart the process. This was their third combined orgasm, but with the power she felt behind every single one of them she wouldn’t have been surprised if Sarah wanted to continue all night long. However, the familiar grinding never came. For the next several minutes the two women simply lay together, feeling the comfort of one another’s embrace.

  At last Sarah gave a long, contented sigh, rolling off the brunette’s warm, firm body. She glanced over Celina’s form slowly, as if debating on whether to have another go; but eventually she turned away.

  “How much do I owe you?” Sarah asked, moving towards her purse. Celina propped herself up onto her elbows, glancing at the clock above the bedroom door. It had been nearly an hour and a half.

  “Just for the hour.” Celina replied. Sarah was a beautiful woman; and to be quite honest she was a fantastic fuck. Besides, the main goal was to turn every client into a repeat customer, and a small discount always seemed to help.

  Celina stood, pulling a long, black coat tightly around her naked body. Sarah handed her a small wad of cash, which Celina pocketed without counting. Sarah didn’t seem the type to try and con her. Besides, any money made from sex work was good money.

  “Thank you.” Sarah said, leading Celina to the door. “You’re so much better than that damn, cheating ex-boyfriend of mine.”

  “You’re fantastic.” Celina replied with a coy smile. She walked out into the night towards the black Camaro parked in the driveway. “If you ever need our services again, you know how to reach us!” the brunette called over her shoulder before climbing in the driver’s seat.

  Celina was part of a behind the scenes escort service that catered to much of Afina, a midsized city in southern Colorado. The service was craftily hidden behind a business firm called Fiona’s Finances, a legitimate financial company run by Fiona Waltz. The corporation itself was Fiona’s main priority, but she would often call promising, new employees to her office to see if they seemed interested in her side business.

  The entire setup was actually quite safe, despite the controversies still surrounding willing prostitution. Both the clients and the escorts were tested for disease prior to the service to ensure the safety of both parties. Repeat customers could request women they felt more comfortable with, and the girls were never forced into participating in acts they didn’t feel safe with.

  The company even looked into the background of the clients and their area of residence. If a customer was deemed dangerous, they were denied service. If the neighborhood being serviced showed signs of being unsafe, a hotel room or other accommodation was made to protect the safety of the women.

  Celina had been an employee of Fiona’s Finances for over two years, but her career as a call girl had started just a few months ago. It was daunting at first, but after the first few jobs she came to enjoy it.

  The service caters to women as well as men, which makes some of the newcomers a bit uncomfortable. Celina’s first client in fact was a young woman, and she had been nervous. After the first few minutes of awkwardness passed, however, the job went well; Celina even came to realize she enjoyed the women more than the men.

  When Celina came back to her apartment she hurried to the bathroom. She turned the water on in the shower to let it warm, then checked her phone. She was supposed to meet another client in an hour, a redhead by the name of Stacy. Stacy was a customer new to the service, and Celina wanted to look her best.

  She was just about to step under the spray when she heard her phone go off. It was a text message from Fiona about the upcoming job. “We have a new member of the group!” it read. “I’d like to use Stacy as her initiation. Is that alright with you?”

  Celina felt a small flash of contempt, but she pushed it aside. In truth the question was really just a formality. Whatever the boss wanted, she got; despite whether Celina was alright with it or not.

  Celina composed a quick reply before stepping into the shower. As the warm water ran across her body she wondered who the new girl was. As per the company’s policy, Celina had no knowledge of who the other escorts were; but she couldn’t help but wonder why this new woman was taking over one of her jobs instead of someone else’s.

  Celina shook her head, realizing she herself had probably taken over another woman’s job on her first day as well. She didn’t even know if the other women had any other jobs tonight, and laughed at her own paranoia. She finished her shower, counted the money she earned from Sarah to make sure it was all there, and collapsed upon her bed. With Stacy taken care of she had no more jobs; and as soon as her head hit the pillow she was asleep.

  When Celina got to work the next day she headed directly to Fiona’s office. She entered the elevator and hit the button for the seventh floor, the highest floor of the company besides the roof. As the elevator rose, she tried to shake the doubts of last night from her mind. She knew she was just being paranoid; but something didn’t feel right.

  Celina stepped onto the landing and took a deep breath. It was the beginning of the month, and time for Fiona and her background staff to get their share in profits for finding her jobs. She let the brea
th out slowly, trying to calm her nerves; if Fiona didn’t feel her employees were prepared to continue working as escorts, she would temporarily remove them from the team. Celina didn’t want that.

  A young woman with long, light brown hair rushed past Celina into the elevator just before the doors closed behind her. Celina had seen the other woman several times around the office, but had never spoken more than a few words to her. She was fairly new to the company, probably still learning the ropes. Celina shook her head; Fiona had probably scolded the poor girl for something minor.

  Celina walked towards the door at the end of the hall. Fiona Waltz was traced in bronze lettering on a plaque to the right of the door, emitting an aura of superiority and importance. Celina knocked lightly on the door, and waited for Fiona’s reply before entering.

  Fiona stood from her desk when Celina entered, fumbling to redo the top button of her blouse. It wasn’t uncommon for Fiona to work a little more ‘loosely’ than the rest of the company was allowed; but Fiona was still young (barely in her thirties), and uncommonly beautiful. She had to control her appearance, especially around her male subordinates.

  “Oh, it’s you Celina.” Fiona breathed. “What can I help you with?”

  Celina looked over her boss before replying. Fiona’s shoulder length, auburn hair seemed more disheveled than normal, and the pink lipstick she always wore was smeared slightly around her lips. Celina took a quick look around the room, but she saw no one. She shook off her suspicions and handed Fiona an envelope.

  “Here are the company proceeds from last month.” Celina stated. She watched Fiona take the money out of the envelope, moving her lips slightly as she counted the bills.

  “All there!” Fiona said to herself, then glanced up with a smile. “Thank you Celina.”

  Celina waited expectantly for a further reply, but Fiona looked back to the papers on her desk silently. “Do I have any jobs this week?” she pried.

  “Nope!” Fiona said without glancing up. “You’re free this week.”

  “Oh…” Celina muttered. She was about to ask about the new escort but stopped herself; she knew it was against company policy. Celina turned to leave, unable to lock away the doubt passing through her mind.

  Celina took the elevator back down to the third floor, trying to shake away her thoughts. “We’ve had slow weeks before.” She muttered to herself. “It’s an underground business. You can’t always expect to have an inflow of clients.” Her own words made sense, but still…

  When Celina reached her place at the office, she could hear excited whispering coming from the cubicle next to hers. She recognized Jenny’s voice, but couldn’t place the voice of the woman she spoke with. Jenny was the center for office gossip, and when she didn’t have any stories to tell she often made them up on her own. Celina rarely paid attention to what she said, but something about the tone of her voice interested her.

  “So how did you like your first job?” she heard Jenny ask.

  “Oh, I loved it!” the other woman exclaimed. “I had no idea other women could be so much fun!”

  Their words grew lower and difficult to hear, but Celina could make out phrases like “Stacy’s clit against mine” and “best she’s ever had.”

  A flash of anger shot through Celina’s body at Stacy’s name. So this was the bitch that took last night’s job. She realized. After a few more hissed words she heard Jenny say “Can I have a test drive?”

  A few seconds of tense silence passed by, but then Celina heard a slow shuffling of feet. Jenny uttered a low moan, and she could hear the quiet ruffling of fabric coming from the other side of the wall. Celina almost moaned too as she imagined two young, beautiful women standing against each other, hands buried deep inside one another’s panties.

  She heard Jenny moan a second time, but her voice sounded muffled. She imagined another woman filling Jenny’s greedy mouth with her tongue, and Celina had to stop herself from pressing a hand to her own crotch as she listened to the two woman move together in the cubicle.

  “Wow, you are good.” She heard Jenny whimper.

  “Fiona thought so too.” The other woman replied.

  The surprise at the other woman’s words hit Celina like a hammer, and she heard Jenny gasp. “You had sex with the boss?” she heard Jenny hiss.

  “Not yet.” The other woman whispered. “Not full on sex anyway. I think her invitation will come soon though; she liked the taste I gave her this morning.”

  Celina let the words sink in. This morning? She pondered. It all made sense now. Her boss’s disheveled looks, the distraction in her voice; it was all because of this woman. Then her mind shot to the woman at the elevator. Could it—?

  Celina wanted to rush over to the other woman’s cubicle to see if it was, but it wouldn’t have done her any good. This floor had recently received security upgrades; all the cubicles on this floor could only be opened from the outside by either the employee’s identification keycard or Fiona’s all-access pass.

  “When is your next job?” she heard Jenny whisper.

  “Tonight.” The other woman replied. A brilliant flash of anger coursed through Celina’s veins. “In fact, I’ve got a job almost every night this week! Apparently one of the other women hasn’t been performing well.”

  Celina nearly shot from her chair. ‘She’s talking about me!’ she thought. ‘That stupid bitch is talking about me!’ An anger she had never felt before boiled through her veins, and she had to stop herself from shouting through the wall.

  The blood was pumping so loudly in Celina’s ears that she barely heard Fiona call time for work. She heard Jenny squeal in panic, rushing to the door. Celina threw the door open on her own cubicle, hoping to catch a glimpse of the cunt stealing her business. Jenny hurried out of the adjacent cubicle without a backwards glance, twin ponytails bouncing in time with her stride.

  A second woman with long, light brown hair stuck her head out of the same cubicle, following Jenny with her eyes. She then turned to face Celina, and a small, confident smile played about her plush lips. The two women locked eyes, and Celina realized with a start that it was the woman she had seen this morning.

  Celina held the other woman’s gaze for what seemed like hours. With every second that passed her scorn grew; and the more sure she was that this whore knew exactly who she had been insulting. Celina felt the word “bitch” form silently on her lips before she could stop herself, and the other woman’s grin grew wider.

  “Slut.” The other woman mouthed, then ducked back into her cubicle. Celina was about to follow her in, but the sound of Fiona’s footsteps forced her to reconsider. With a growl Celina returned to her seat.

  Celina sat at her desk, but she couldn’t concentrate. Her mind was racing, trying to come up with ways to show this other bitch who the top woman was while trying to figure out what she had done wrong. “That bitch must have ass kissed the boss.” She muttered. Her mind flashed back to earlier, to how quickly the other woman had made Jenny moan, and wondered how good this other girl really was.

  Just as Celina was about to explore the dirty corners of her imagination, she heard a beep from her computer. She opened up her messenger, and as she read the note from an address she didn’t recognize, her heartbeat began to quicken.

  SexyBitch1: Restroom. Wait 30 seconds, then follow.

  “You’re brave, slut.” Celina muttered as she listened to the door on the connecting cubicle open and close. She counted down the time with bated breath, then left the cubicle and entered the woman’s washroom down the hall.

  As soon as she opened the door she spied the other woman; and despite her own pride she had to admit she was beautiful. Silky, light brown hair flowed down the other woman’s back, almost the same length as Celina’s. Large, round breasts were held firmly underneath her stark white blouse, and her black miniskirt showed off a pair of beautiful, porcelain thighs. Celina could see right away that this girl was every bit the woman she made herself out to be; but Celin
a was equally gorgeous, and she wasn’t about to consider this woman her sexual equal. Beauty can only take a woman so far.

  Immediately after the door closed the two brunettes locked eyes. They regarded one another hotly, each woman sizing the other up, determining whether or not she was going to be a threat. They approached one another cautiously, stopping their advance once their bodies got within an arm’s length of each other.

  “You must be the whore I’m stealing jobs from.” The other woman scoffed. “I’m Ailem.” Her introduction oozed with mock formality, but instead of offering her hand the other woman puffed out her chest. The challenge was clear.

  “Celina.” Celina replied, extending her own massive rack. “I can’t believe Fiona would let a little slut like you twist her around like that.”

  The two women came together in the center of the room, tits compressing against tits. The two women glared into one another’s eyes, feeling the strength behind each other’s body. The two girls tried desperately to find a weakness behind one another’s confidence, but found none; and as the two beauties battled, they could feel the excitement inside them beginning to grow.

  With almost agonizing slowness the two women pressed tighter and tighter, massive breasts threatening to burst forth from their matching uniforms. Their faces grew closer and closer together, and each girl could feel the other’s sweet breath upon her lips. The two brunettes shoved their right leg forcefully between one another’s thighs, pushing their muscular flesh together challengingly.

  Ailem and Celina rocked back and forth slightly as their evenly matched bodies struggled for dominance. As the seconds drew on however, their movements slowed, settling into a quivering stalemate.

  “What did you promise Fiona to get her to give you my work?” Celina hissed. Her lips brushed up against Ailem’s as she spoke. “Money? Sex? Promises to fuck on cue?”

  “It’s nothing I promised, slut.” Ailem retorted. The two women were so close to kissing that it was almost impossible not to lash out their tongues. “Your little whore body is losing its edge. According to Fiona, you couldn’t please a tramp off the streets!”


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