The Collection (Volume 3): Another 5 Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections)

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The Collection (Volume 3): Another 5 Tales of Erotic, Girl on Girl Lust (The Collections) Page 2

by Caitlyn Norrel

  “You stupid cunt!” Celina shot back.

  The two girls were about to tear into each other then and there, but the sound of the restroom door opening broke them apart. As a young redheaded woman came around the corner, Ailem and Celina looked away as if nothing had happened.

  The redhead went into one of the stalls and shut the door behind her. As soon as the stall closed, the two brunettes gave one another a second, scornful look, then Ailem turned on her heels and walked toward the exit without a backwards glance.

  Celina couldn’t concentrate on work the rest of the day. She couldn’t stop thinking about her little confrontation with Ailem; about how firmly Ailem’s tits had stood against her own, and how confident she had seemed when the two of them were pressed together. Celina decided that it was time to knock that confidence down a notch.

  Celina waited until 5:00, when the company closed down for the day. She wanted to see how Ailem would act when someone else was initiating the challenge. When she heard Fiona’s voice over the speaker calling Ailem to her office, she knew she would get her chance.

  Celina hurried to the elevator, pushing through the small crowd to get to Ailem. She glanced around to make sure no one was watching, the cupped her enemy’s ass cheek in her hand and gave a firm squeeze.

  Ailem whirled around, and once again the two women were face to face. Celina smiled sweetly, but her eyes were glaring hate into Ailem’s hazel orbs. The two women were so close that Celina could see her own amber eyes reflecting inside Ailem’s gaze.

  No one but these two gorgeous girls noticed the intimacy flowing between them. As the rest of the office filed into the elevator, the two women remained; and at long last the doors closed, leaving the two of them alone.

  Immediately Celina crushed her pelvis against Ailem’s, unwilling to let her rival make the first move again. Ailem responded without hesitation, matching Celina’s pressure. Before long the two women were crushed pelvic bone to pelvic bone, crotches dueling in a vicious stalemate. Hazel eyes met with amber, and both women knew the fight was on.

  Celina latched onto her enemy’s ass, cupping both cheeks with her hands. Even through the fabric of her panties she could feel how taut other woman’s flesh was. She explored this new terrain softly and found no imperfections; then in a flash of anger she squeezed hard.

  Ailem followed suit immediately, digging her nails through the lace into Celina’s tight flesh. The two women crushed their lower bodies together viciously, slowly grinding against one another’s crotch through their skirts.

  Ailem and Celina kept their eyes locked as they dueled, searching for any signs of weakness or doubt. Slowly their upper bodies came together, their massive tits compressing against one another roughly as their faces inched closer and closer together. Plush girl lips pressed tightly against plush girl lips as each woman dared the other to make the first move.

  Fiona’s voice echoed again over the loudspeaker. “Ailem, I need to see you in my office immediately.” She sounded forceful.

  “Go on whore…” Celina hissed. “Your master’s calling for you.” Her lips brushed against Ailem’s as she spoke, and she couldn’t help but admire how soft and tender they felt. The desire to plunge her tongue inside this other woman’s mouth was maddening; she imagined Ailem’s spit tasted like liquid sugar.

  “Walk me to the elevator?” Ailem whispered back. Her voice overflowed with false sweetness, like a schoolgirl on her first date.

  The two brunettes stumbled clumsily to the elevator, hands never surrendering their merciless grip on each other’s ass. As the two ladies waited for the elevator to respond, they struggled harder.

  Celina’s lips were pressed so tightly against Ailem’s that the desire was almost unbearable. All Celina had to do was open her mouth, and a new battle could begin. She glared into the other woman’s eyes, and could tell Ailem desired it just as badly.

  Celina wanted to. Nearly every fiber in her being screamed for her to take this war to the next level; but she couldn’t.

  It wasn’t fear that held her back. Celina felt she could match this other bitch with every twist and turn. It was an uncomfortable sensation she couldn’t quite pinpoint. It was as if matching spit to spit with the other brunette would violate some unspoken code; as if instigating a tongue war would distract their actions from a struggle for power. She needed to prove to herself, at least for the moment, that it was hatred and not lust that drove her to overcome Ailem.

  Celina and Ailem crushed together harder, grinding their hips against each other faster. Their nails dug even deeper into one another’s taut skin, furiously battling for better handholds. When the elevator opened, empty now that everyone had left the building, the two warriors half stumbled, half fell into the elevator, and Ailem jabbed the button for the top floor.

  Their muscles began to ache as still they fought. The two girls were crushed so tightly together that their sweet breath came in short gasps against one another’s face. They hissed vicious obscenities, lips brushing together roughly as they volleyed insults; but they never kissed. Their tongues never touched. And as the elevator opened on the seventh floor the two brunettes broke apart, glaring at one another with a new level of hatred and respect.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, bitch!” Ailem panted, leaving the elevator without losing eye contact with Celina.

  “I’ll be waiting, whore!” Celina retorted, realizing the weight behind her words. It was the acceptance of a challenge, to continue this rivalry for as long as it would go, until one of them was willing to back down. Their eyes remained locked in scorn, until the elevator doors closed and broke their gaze.

  That night, Celina retraced every step she and Ailem had made against each other that day. Even now, completely alone in her apartment, she could feel the other brunette’s breasts pressing into her own. She relived the sensation of Ailem’s crotch battling against hers, pressing so tightly together that their skirts had been the only thing that kept her enemy from noticing the wetness that had invaded her panties.

  Despite her hatred, the competition had turned her on. Never before has she felt the body of someone so equally matched against her own flesh; and the fact that Ailem mirrored Celina’s hatred excited her even more. She wondered whether Ailem had felt the same arousal.

  Immediately Celina had an idea. She opened her laptop and created a new messenger account so her conversation couldn’t be tied to work. Her heartbeat began to quicken when she saw Ailem was online. She hesitated just for a second, then began a verbal battle she knew would last will into the night.

  SexyBitch2: So what did Fiona want? Not as impressed with your performance as she thought she’d be?

  SexyBitch1: Exactly the opposite, honey. She asked me to fuck, and I had her moaning like a cheap whore within minutes.

  SexyBitch2: I knew you were only good for being the boss’s lapdog.

  SexyBitch1: She knows quality when she sees it. What about you? You seemed pretty impressed today.

  SexyBitch2: Not even, whore.

  SexyBitch1: Could’ve fooled me, slut. The way you were panting in my face, the way your body quivered against mine; I could tell you wanted it.

  SexyBitch2: You wanted it too, cunt. The way you were crushing your lips against mine, trying to get me to kiss you… As if I’d kiss a little tramp like you!

  SexyBitch1: Why not? Afraid you won’t be able to handle it? Scared that your tongue would be no match for mine? You’re right.

  SexyBitch2: Twat, I can handle anything you’ve got. I could out kiss you any day.

  Celina hit the Enter key before she could stop herself. A shiver of anticipation coursed through her body when she saw Ailem’s rely, but she had come too far to turn back now.

  SexyBitch1: Then prove it. Meet me tomorrow at the office, early. I’ll show you how a woman should really use her tongue!

  SexyBitch2: This isn’t amateur hour honey. I’m going to swallow you whole.

  The two women continued their
banter long into the night, contesting far beyond their tongues. They talked about what their breasts could do to each other, what their asses could do to each other, even what their pussies could do to each other. Their descriptions became so dirty and vivid that Celina could almost feel Ailem’s clit grinding against her own.

  Slowly Celina removed any clothes she had on, placing her left hand firmly between her thighs. She began massaging her own cunt seductively and deliberately, mentally preparing herself for the war she knew lay ahead. She imagined it was Ailem’s hand against her mound, envisioning the other brunette’s face glaring into her eyes.

  Celina continued to type with her free hand, but her insults came more slowly. With a start she realized it was taking Ailem longer to respond as well, and wondered if her enemy was preparing herself in the same way.

  When at last their virtual sexfight ceased and the two women parted ways, Celina felt a small smile playing about her lips. Finally she had found a woman she could compete with, and allow herself to truly go all out. She knew that only one of them would walk away victorious.

  The next day, Celina pulled into the parking lot nearly an hour before the firm officially opened. A sleek, silver mustang was entering from the opposite end, and Celina knew who it was immediately.

  Celina and Ailem pulled alongside each other, parking their cars into an imitation sixty-nine position. Slowly they climbed out, driver’s side doors missing one another by fractions of an inch.

  Celina hadn’t bothered with buttoning up her blouse, letting her naked tits breathe. She wanted Ailem to know exactly what she was dealing with; but as Celina glared at Ailem’s form her eyes were drawn to an equally voluptuous pair of nude breasts, staring back at her through Ailem’s unbuttoned uniform. Neither woman had worn a bra.

  The sunlight was just beginning to peek over the horizon, as if the dawn wanted to observe these two beautiful warriors without being seen. The cool morning air sent a shiver running down Celina’s spine; but as she met her enemy’s gaze, she knew it wouldn’t be long before her body was burning hot.

  The two women pressed in close, glaring into one another’s eyes with obvious lust. Celina’s naked tits met Ailem’s for the first time, and the two brunettes gasped slightly as their cold, stiff nipples made contact. Celina could feel Ailem’s desires emanating from her body, and she let her own desires flow freely. Each woman knew the other woman wanted it; the only question was who would come out on top.

  Ailem and Celina pushed their faces together roughly, letting the full power of their lips rest together. They grabbed ahold of one another’s tight ass with their left hand, coiling their right through one another’s long tresses.

  “Last chance to back out, slut!” Ailem whispered, glaring into the eyes of her rival. She pressed her lips into Celina’s venomously, ready to strike with her tongue.

  “Bring it on, whore!” Celina hissed, returning the pressure viciously. She glared at her enemy’s beautiful silhouette, and slowly began to part her lips.

  Ailem followed suit, keeping her lips pressed tightly against Celina’s. For several seconds the two women stayed their attack, simply opening their mouths wide against one another. Gently their tongues began to extend, meeting tip to tip. Gradually they began to twist and coil, and as the battle began to grow in ferocity the two brunette’s strengthened their hold, digging their nails tightly into one another’s ass.

  The two brunettes glared into one another’s eyes as they fought. The feeling of Ailem’s tongue against her own felt so seductive that it was difficult for Celina to keep her eyes open. She focused herself by going in deeper, then nearly moaned with Ailem did as well.

  Thick saliva began to fill the two brunette’s mouths as harder and harder they fought. Their bodies began to stumble around in the small space between their cars, each fighting to overcome the other.

  The two rivals struggled this way for nearly fifteen minutes, tongues viciously raping one another’s mouths. Their eyes remained locked in vicious scorn, but their faces parted slightly as they struggled to catch their breath.

  “Stupid bitch!” Ailem panted, ramming her tits into Celina’s roughly.

  “Fucking whore!” Celina huffed back, returning the jab with equal force. She lapped up the thick saliva that lay around her lips, glaring into the other woman’s face scornfully. Ailem’s tongue had met hers at every twist and turn; but any doubt she had was gone. She was prepared to take this fight to whatever length she needed to win. Celina could already feel a dampness soaking through her panties, and wondered whether Ailem felt the same arousal.

  The two women were about to crush their faces together once again, but a truck speeding past the parking lot nearly broke them apart. By now the sun had begun its ascent into the sky, and the world was now light enough that anyone paying close attention would see these two women at war. Celina glared into Ailem’s eyes, and the look she received was all she needed to know Ailem’s thoughts. This competition was private.

  “Let’s go inside.” Ailem hissed. “That way when you lose, I’ll be the only one that knows.”

  “Don’t get so full of yourself slut.” Celina shot back. “By the time this little fuckwar is over, I’m going to have you begging for mercy!.”

  Both women rushed forward again, jamming their tongue as far into each other’s mouth as they could. The two brunettes began stumbling awkwardly towards the building, only stopping their onslaught for a second to unlock the door.

  Celina and Ailem staggered as one through the darkened lobby, leading one another roughly towards the elevator. As soon as the button for their floor was pressed, the two women took their fight to the next level.

  Celina gasped loudly when she felt Ailem’s slender hand against her pussy. Ailem looked into Celina’s eyes with a malicious gleam, but the glint darkened as soon as Celina responded, plunging her hand deep into Ailem’s thong.

  With a start, Celina realized Ailem’s cunt was just as damp as her own. The two brunettes leaned into each other heavily, fingers gently massaging one another’s twat. Their eyes remained locked, each woman trying to find a weakness in the other’s defenses.

  “You’re getting wet, slut!” Ailem hissed vehemently.

  “So are you, whore!” Celina retorted. “I’m going to make you come loud!”

  Ailem and Celina opened their mouths wide, swiping their tongues wetly across one another’s face before burying themselves in each other’s cheek. Harder and faster the two brunettes rubbed, each trying to bring the other to orgasm before the workday began.

  The sound was nearly drowned out by their combined breathing, but the crunch of gravel as another vehicle pulled into the lot nearly forced the two girls apart. But the two horny brunettes continued to grind their hand rhythmically against one another’s cunt, unwilling to part from each other’s beautiful body.

  “Bathroom!” Ailem choked out before plunging her tongue even deeper into Celina’s mouth. The two women staggered into the ladies restroom, moaning into each other’s mouths as they locked themselves into one of the cramped stalls.

  Celina and Ailem were practically ravenous now. Their bodies screamed for release as they felt one another’s fingers violating their pussies. Celina plunged three fingers as deeply into Ailem’s vagina as she could, then cried out in ecstasy when she felt her own vagina being invaded.

  The two brunettes leaned into each other even more heavily, virtually crushing their oversexed bodies together. Their mouths finally parted, letting the two women center their focus on their penetrating assault. They rested their chins gently upon each other’s shoulder, giving their attack even more maneuverability. They pumped their fingers in and out of one another’s hole furiously, and with each stroke the two women could hear her enemy moaning in her ear.

  Each woman continued to excite the other even more, and the two women quickened their attack with every second. A quiet rustling could be heard from outside the restroom as employees began to file into the offi
ce. Celina and Ailem fought harder and faster; time was beginning to run out.

  “It’s almost time for work slut!” Ailem hissed. “Don’t you think it’s time to give up?”

  “Whore!” Celina panted. “I’m the better woman and you know it. You give up!”

  Despite their words, both brunettes knew they wouldn’t be able to continue much longer. Their bodies screamed for orgasm, but neither was willing to stop. Their heavy breathing turned into whimpers, then escalated into feverish moans as the final seconds elapsed.

  With a violent spasm Ailem and Celina threw their heads back, crying out loudly as the two rivals came as one. Panic overtook their bodies as they heard the restroom door open, and the two brunettes filled one another’s mouth with their tongue in order to stifle their vicious cries.

  Ailem and Celina glared into one another’s glistening eyes hatefully as they remained plastered together. Their tongues continued to twist and coil around each other viciously, conveying the spiteful words that couldn’t be said. They remained locked in silent rage until the other woman left, then broke apart.

  Celina brought her right hand up to her mouth, slowly licking her rival’s cum off her fingers. She spat into Ailem’s tits, never breaking off her hateful stare. “Tastes like shit.” She muttered.

  Ailem followed suit, spitting wetly into Celina’s deep cleavage. “Shit.” She agreed, then grabbed her enemy by the ass with both hands, crushing her pussy against the other brunette’s twat. “This isn’t over, cunt.”

  “I hope not, slut!” Celina hissed, cupping Ailem’s cheeks with both hands, equalizing the pressure. Soon the two brunettes were crushing pelvic bone to pelvic bone, neither woman giving an inch. “I haven’t even shown you how a true woman should really fuck!”

  The two girls held each other in place for several seconds, and as the pressure continued to increase, so did their desires. Ailem and Celina began flicking their tongues against one another’s lips, and with every passing moment the urge to continue their fuckwar grew; But Fiona’s voice echoing through the office forced them to part.


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