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In a Heartbeat

Page 10

by Rita Herron

  She splashed water on her face, then glanced in the mirror, shocked to see her cheeks flushed from hunger and her nipples visible beneath the gown. In the early morning light, Brad had to have noticed.

  What had he thought?

  Did he still see her as a victim or could he possibly see her as a desirable woman?

  Inhaling to calm herself, she stripped off her gown and stared at herself in the mirror. For the past four years, she hadn’t been able to do this, because she had seen herself as that victim. In the photos from the attack, every inch of her body had been black-and-blue, bloody, bruised. Brad had found her that way. Had sat in the court and viewed the pictures again with the jury.

  Now, on the surface those bruises had faded. Her skin had always been naturally pale, but the long walks in the apple orchards in the summer sun had given her a slight tan, a healthy glow. Her breasts weren’t large, but they were firm, round, her stomach concave, her body lean and muscled.

  The image of the photos flashed for a brief second again, and she blinked, then forced herself to really see the woman who stood before her now. She was stronger. Tougher for the ordeal she’d endured.

  But was she completely healed through and through, or did those bruises still underlie her every action? Would they keep her from giving herself to a man if the occasion arose?

  If Brad ever expressed interest…

  * * *

  BRAD’S BODY WAS STRUNG tight as he threw together breakfast. He should have waited on Lisa, but after touching her, feeling her so close to him, seeing her naked body silhouetted in that gown in the early morning sunlight, he had to do something to keep occupied.

  Did she have any idea how beautiful she was? How much she aroused him?

  He scraped the scrambled eggs onto two plates, grabbed the bread from the toaster and spread apple jelly on it—homemade, no doubt—reminding himself that this domestic, cozy morning scene was not a part of his life.

  And it never would be.

  Playing bodyguard was not like playing house. Or having a real live-in lover.

  Neither of which he would be any good at.

  “You’re a bad boy,” his mother had said. “We don’t want you anymore.”

  “I wish we could place you,” the social worker had said. “But you just don’t fit in any of these families. They want nice boys.”

  His phone jangled, at the same time a knock sounded at the door. He tossed on a shirt although he didn’t have time to button it, and went to answer both.

  “Yeah, Booker.”


  “Did you find anything on White’s brother?”

  “No, no one in town has seen or heard from him in years.” Ethan paused and the knock at the door sounded again. Brad checked out the window, wondering who in the hell came to Lisa’s at this time of day. A short round woman he’d seen at the day care stood on the doorstep with something in her hand that looked suspiciously like homemade bread. He felt as if he’d been dropped onto the set of an Ed rerun.

  “Hang on, Ethan,” he said. “There’s someone here, let me get Lisa.”

  Ethan mumbled okay, and Brad kept the phone to his ear as he crossed the room, then rapped his knuckles on the bathroom door. “Lisa, you’ve got company.”

  The door flew open, and she emerged in a terry-cloth robe that covered her from neck to toe. Thank God. He didn’t need any more distractions.

  “Who is it?” she whispered.

  He shrugged. “A friend of yours from the day care.”

  She flattened her hands against her cheeks, which were still rosy from the steamy shower. “Ruby. I’ll get rid of her.”

  He nodded, then turned back to Ethan. “Did you find out anything? Some place White’s brother might have gone? Did he keep in touch with anyone in town?”

  “No. Not much of a trail there, but get this—I checked with the warden at the prison, and six months ago, White had a visitor.”

  Brad’s adrenaline pumped up a notch. “His brother again?”

  “That’s the way the man signed in.” Ethan sighed, his voice rising with excitement. “And he visited White a couple of other times, too. Booker, you’re not going to believe it, but his last visit was the day White died.”

  * * *

  “OH, MY GOODNESS.” Ruby gave Brad the once-over, then smiled at Lisa and fanned her face. Thankfully, Brad had his back to her and was deep in concentration. “I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Ruby tittered. “I had no idea you had company, dear.”

  Lisa flushed. Ruby had to have noticed the strange car in the driveway, but her inquisitive nature had gotten the best of her. “It’s fine, I was just getting dressed for work. I’m sure Brad will be leaving soon, too.”

  Too late she realized she should have said that he’d just stopped by, although Ruby would hardly believe that at 7:00 a.m.

  Brad clicked his cell phone closed and turned to face them, clearly uncomfortable. But his expression softened slightly at the sight of the older woman.

  Lisa had no idea how to explain his presence. “Um, Ruby, this Brad Booker—”

  “I’m an old friend of Lisa’s from Atlanta.” He extended his hand and shook Ruby’s. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

  Ruby patted her neatly coiffed curls and grinned. “Well, Mr. Booker, I hope you’ll enjoy your visit in Ellijay.”

  “He’s not staying,” Lisa said.

  “Actually, Lisa’s accompanying me back to Atlanta,” Brad announced at the same time.

  Ruby’s gaze drifted between them. “Goodness. How long will you be gone, Lisa?”

  Lisa gave Brad a warning look. “I…I haven’t exactly agreed to go to Atlanta.”

  Ruby glanced back at Brad, but his expression remained stoic. Sensing the tension, Ruby babbled on. “Well, I just wanted to drop off this banana bread. But I see you’ve eaten, so I’ll leave it for later and let you two hash this out.” She paused, then tottered to the door. “You want me to see if Mary can cover for you today?”

  “No.” Lisa gave Brad a warning glare. “I’ll be there.” She followed her assistant to the exit, ignoring Ruby’s whisper of encouragement to take some time off and pursue the man—Ruby was a relentless flirt herself—then closed the door and turned to Brad, hands on her hips. “I can’t believe you told her that.”

  “I have to go back to work on the case, and I’m not leaving you here alone.”

  “But, Brad…” A panicky feeling tightened her chest. “I’m perfectly safe. No one knows I’m here.”

  “You’re not safe until this copycat killer is caught, Lisa. Now, if you don’t trust me as your bodyguard, I’ll assign another agent to take the job, or you can call your father and let him hire a private service.” He moved nearer, so close she could see the flare of temper in his eyes. “What is it going to be?”

  Lisa stared at him, determined not to let him railroad her. She liked her independence, had lost too much of herself four years ago. But the dark fervor in Brad’s eyes shook her to the core. He’d already made up his mind. There would be no arguing.

  And she’d sensed the underlying hesitation in his question. If she didn’t trust him…? Good Lord, she trusted him with her life.

  It was her heart she was worried about losing this time.

  The phone jangled, cutting into the silence stretching between them, and Lisa startled, then gaped at the handset as if it was a foreign object. Needing a reprieve from Brad’s unsettling gaze, she picked up the phone.

  Heavy breathing filled the line, then a low murmur. “Hello, Lisa.”

  She tensed at the man’s voice. “Who is this?”

  “You stole my heart four years ago, Lisa,” he said in an almost singsongy voice. “And I’m coming back for it.”

  Then the phone clicked into silence.

  * * *

  BRAD WAS STILL WAITING on Lisa to answer him, his heart thumping more rapidly the longer she hesitated. Did she trust him? Did she want another agent assigned to her

  Then she paled and leaned against the chair, her face crumpling as she held the phone midair. Something was wrong.

  “What is it, Lisa? Who was that?”

  “I don’t know.” Her gaze swung toward him, the fear in her eyes sending a sharp jolt through his system.

  He jerked the phone to his ear but heard the dial tone blaring, then punched star sixty-nine for the call back number. The result showed out of area. Meanwhile, Lisa slumped onto the sofa, hugging her arms around her and rocking back and forth, a dazed look in her eyes.

  “Lisa?” His instincts roaring to life, he slid down beside her and gently placed a hand on her back, stroking, massaging. “What’s wrong?”

  She slowly angled her head toward him. “It was a man. He…said I stole his heart four years ago, and that he’s coming back for it.”

  “Damn it.” Brad ground his teeth, biting back the litany of profanity on the tip of his tongue. “What else?”

  She shook her head, looking confused. “That’s it.” A frown creased her brow. “I don’t understand…what did he mean? And who would call me and say something like that?”

  Brad had a terrible feeling that he did know, but he hated to panic her. “Is your phone number listed?”

  “No. You know it isn’t.”

  “Right.” He’d help set her up here. “Who in town has your number?”

  “Just Ruby and the people I work with.”

  “None of the parents you teach?”

  “No. We don’t give out our home numbers.”

  Another possibility struck him. “Have you dated anyone since you moved here?”

  He braced himself in case she answered yes. After all, he wanted her to be happy, to move on.

  She dropped her gaze to her hands, her voice a low, thready whisper. “No. There’s never been anyone.”

  “How about someone who might have asked? Anybody you turned down?”

  She took a moment longer answering, then looked into his eyes. “No.” Another frown drew her brows together. “What’s going on, Brad?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m damn sure going to find out.”

  * * *

  VERNON COULDN’T STEADY his breathing as he dropped the phone in its cradle. Simply hearing the sound of Lisa’s voice had made him hard, caused a burning ache to roll through him that he hadn’t felt in years.

  Not since his surgery.

  But he was back again. Alive. Ready to confront the world and be the man who captured Lisa’s heart, just as she had captured his so long ago.

  Granted, William White had torn them apart. He’d caused Lisa to be wary of men; Vernon could see that in her eyes now. And he hated it. He’d also heard it in her voice when he’d knocked on her door, and it had about near killed him.

  He rubbed a hand over his groin, then his sex, feeling the heat rising and churning, about to explode. But he wouldn’t relieve himself.

  No. Only bad boys did that. And he wasn’t a bad boy. Not like the men his mama had entertained. He had talked to the Lord. Turned himself around.

  He would wait. Hold back for Lisa. And when he held her in his arms, he’d show her how gentle a real man could be. How he could make her tingle and light up with fire by running his hands all over her body.

  He knew how to please a woman. Not like William White, who’d pretended to be a great lover but who couldn’t keep it up long enough to satisfy a woman. William was a selfish man. He never thought about the lady’s pleasure, only his own.

  Sick, sadistic animal.

  Vernon’s chest puffed up with pride. He wasn’t like White. He was smart, cunning. And now with the surgery, he was even halfway attractive. More importantly, he cared about Lisa’s needs. Enough to be patient.

  Enough to love her the way God intended.

  He had learned so much about White over the past four years, too. White had gotten what he deserved for hurting Lisa.

  Vernon adjusted himself inside his pants, lifted the weights he used to strengthen and build his muscles, then struggled to work through the routine his physical therapist had suggested. Biceps curls. Overhead lifts. Squats and thrusts.

  When Lisa had known him, he had been weak. Just a scrawny boy.

  Now he was well developed and muscled. A man.

  The very reason she hadn’t recognized him when she’d looked through her peephole.

  He dropped the weight to the mat, heaving in disgust. Lord, he hated to think of Lisa hiding out there, alone, frightened.

  Deciding he should slow things down after making that phone call, but unable to stop his obsession, he dragged on a T-shirt, then stepped onto the porch of the little clapboard house he’d rented. Dry, dead leaves crunched below his feet, the brittle pieces fluttering off into the dirt. Seconds later, he stalked through the woods that separated their properties, his breath erupting in hot puffs as he climbed the incline for a view of her cabin. The tall oaks and pines shivered in the breeze around him, the shadows of the leaves and needles dancing on the ground, catching his eye. For a second, he was lost in their patterns, seeing animal shapes and faces and even parts of bodies in the designs. A hand. A finger. A leg. All mutilated.

  No, he had to banish the dark thoughts.

  The sound of a door opening slapped him back to attention, and he pushed through the bushes, staying well hidden but watching for a glimpse of his beloved. He wouldn’t approach her now. Wouldn’t spook her. Especially when he hadn’t bothered to clean himself up. He wanted to smell good and look his best when he met her face-to-face.

  But he had to sneak a peak at her now, see her face when the sunlight hit that golden hair. Watch as she tried to figure out who her admirer might be. Was she smiling now? Dreaming of who her secret caller was? Thinking about how she could finagle a meeting?

  His heart suddenly clenched, dropping into a painful rhythm as she stepped onto the wooden porch. Lisa wasn’t alone.

  A tall, big-shouldered man with dark hair and expensive sunglasses exited the cabin with her. He wore a fancy pin-striped dark suit and one of those red power ties, and his shoes looked as if they’d been spit polished.

  Fury raged inside Vernon as he zeroed in on the man’s face. That son of a bitch Special Agent Brad Booker. Vernon had seen photos of him with Lisa after her attack. Had read the articles. Booker had saved Lisa from death, then coaxed her to testify.

  Vernon should thank him for that. And actually, Booker had led him to Lisa. Unknowingly, of course.

  But he wouldn’t thank him for anything. Because in those photos, just like now, he recognized that primal instinct of man that only another male could understand.

  Booker wanted Lisa for himself.

  Was that the reason he was here now?

  No! A scream built in Vernon’s throat, nearly sending him to his knees. It was his turn to be with Lisa. She couldn’t be interested in that agent. Vernon had gone through so much to make himself presentable to her, to be the man she wanted.

  And sweet Jesus, it had taken him three and a half years to track her down.

  Booker slid a hand to the back of Lisa’s waist, then leaned close to say something to her, and the rage inside Vernon erupted into hot lava floating through his veins. Booker was not going to take Lisa away from him like White had.

  No. Vernon had been a weakling back then, a boy without enough balls to stand up for himself. But not this time.

  He picked up a tiny branch, crunched it in his hands. Bark cut into his skin and blood dripped to the ground.

  Booker would go down if he had to. Because Lisa belonged to him.

  Vernon pressed a bloody hand to his heart, the thud, thud, thud accelerating as he imagined her naked beneath him. Him thrusting inside her tight sheath. Over and over.

  Yes. The pinwheels of a plan began spinning into place in his mind, and he felt comforted. Calmer. More assured. He’d looked for Lisa forever.

  Now she was only a heartbeat away. And soon she would be his.


  “CALL RUBY.” Brad reached for the phone. “You’re not going to work. You’re staying with me.”

  “But Brad—”

  He pushed the handset toward her, but she resisted. “I don’t like it any more than you do, Lisa, but we have to treat that phone call as a threat.”

  Lisa’s bottom lip quivered. “Maybe it was just a prank.”

  Brad jammed the phone into her hand. He hated like hell to scare her, but if it was the only way to keep her safe, then he’d damn well do it. “Lisa, you remember what it was like when White kidnapped you, when he put you in that grave—”

  “I can’t believe you would ask me that. How could I ever forget?” Lisa’s voice cracked with emotions. “I think about it every day. Every night when I close my eyes…I remember him touching me. The stench of his body odor. The box closing around me.”

  God, her voice sounded anguished. Hollow.

  Brad felt like the lowest. But he couldn’t retract his comment—if Lisa had to be scared into accepting his protection, then so be it. “That’s the very reason we aren’t going to take a chance on this second guy coming after you and succeeding this time.”

  She shook her head, the pain in her eyes tearing at him. “But I’m tired of running,” she admitted, her voice small. “I thought I was healing, Brad, recovering from the kidnapping, but…” She hesitated, gestured around her. “I’ve been hiding out instead.”

  “No, you’ve been building a life.” Brad’s heart clenched, but he spoke with conviction. “You have a beautiful place here in the mountains. Pictures of the children on the refrigerator.” He gentled his tone. “And I saw you at the day care. The kids adore you, and so does the staff. You look stronger now, happy. At least you did until I arrived.” He reached out, stroked her arms. “I want you to have all that, to live your life without ever being afraid again.” Even if that means I’m not in your life.

  Lisa nodded slowly. “But maybe this copycat isn’t after me at all.”

  He couldn’t dismiss the man’s choice of words: You’ve stolen my heart. I’m coming back for it. It had been a warning. “We can’t ignore that phone call, Lisa. It’s too much of a coincidence.”


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