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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Page 33

by Alice A Bailey

  It might here be stated in connection with the planetary Logos of our scheme that:

  a. He is in physical incarnation.

  b. He is midway through His career upon the cosmic Path of Initiation, and consequently is to take the fourth Initiation in this chain. Well may this globe, therefore, be considered the globe of sorrow and of pain, for through it our planetary Logos is undergoing that which the mystic calls “the Crucifixion.”

  c. The cells in His body—those cells through which He feels, and senses, and experiences,—are, in this world period, rent by pain and suffering, for His is the consciousness at the centre of the Body, and theirs is the capacity to suffer, so that by means of them He may learn the meaning of systemic dispassion, be dissociated from all forms and material substance, and upon the cross of matter eventually find liberation and the freedom of the Spirit.

  The same equally can be predicated of a solar Logos with the following interesting sequence carefully borne in mind:

  The solar Logos has for objective nine initiations, the third cosmic Initiation being His goal.

  Our planetary Logos has for objective seven initiations, the second cosmic Initiation being His goal.

  Man has for objective five initiations, the first cosmic Initiation being his goal.


  [386] If we link this up with that earlier imparted concerning initiation and the sun Sirius, we will have a clue to the triple cosmic Path.

  b. The Fourth Kingdom and the Hierarchy of the Planet. Certain facts have already been grasped and realised by the average occult student who has been pondering this teaching with care. He is aware that the juncture of Spirit-matter and mind, or manas, was effected during the third root-race, and that the definitely human family became present upon earth from that date. He knows that this was brought about by the coming, in bodily Presence, of certain great Entities, and he has learned that these Entities came from the Venusian chain, that They achieved the necessary juncture, undertook the government of the planet, founded the occult Hierarchy, and that—though some remain with the chain—the remainder have returned to Their originating source. This in many ways sums up the totality of the present knowledge. Let us briefly enlarge upon it, correct certain erroneous interpretations, and ascertain one or two new facts. We might tabulate these as follows:

  First, it should be borne in mind by the occult student that:

  a. This advent signalised the taking of a physical vehicle by the planetary Logos, and was literally the coming of the Avatar.

  b. That this advent was brought about by a definite systemic alignment which involved:

  The Venus scheme of the system.

  The Venus chain of the Earth scheme.

  The Venus globe of the Earth chain.

  c. That the planetary Logos did not come from the Venus scheme but from the Venus chain of His own scheme, the Earth scheme. Owing to systemic [387] alignment logoic kundalini could flow through a certain triangle of which two points were Venus and the Earth. This caused an acceleration of vibration, and enabled the Heavenly Man of our scheme to take a minor initiation, and to set about His preparations for a major initiation.

  Next, it should also be remembered that in considering this matter we must be careful to view it not only as it affects our own globe and its present humanity, but from the systemic and cosmic point of view, or from the angle of its importance to a planetary Logos and a solar Logos. Hence it is a fact that this event was not only the result of the taking of a minor initiation by our Earth Logos, but in the Venus scheme it was signalised by the taking of a major initiation by the Venusian planetary Logos on His fifth chain. In connection with a solar Logos it followed upon the stimulation of one of His centres and from the geometrical progression of the fire through the earlier mentioned Triangle.

  It has been stated that one hundred and four Kumaras came from Venus to the Earth; literally the figure is one hundred and five, when the synthesising Unit, the Lord of the World Himself, is counted as one. There remain still with Him the three Buddhas of Activity. I would call attention to the dual significance of that name, “Buddha of Activity,” bearing out, as it does, the reality of the fact that Entities at Their stage of evolution are active love-wisdom and embody in Themselves the two aspects. The three Buddhas of activity have a correspondence to the three persons of the Trinity.

  These Entities are divided into three groups of thirty-five each, and in Themselves embody the three major centres of the planetary Logos, those three groups which we know as the “three departments,” for it should be emphasised that each department forms a centre: [388]

  a. The Head centre The Ruling Department

  b. The Heart centre The Teaching Department

  c. The Throat centre The Mahachohan’s Department. This centre synthesises the lesser four, just as the third Ray synthesises the minor four.

  These Kumaras (or Their present substitutes) can also be divided into the seven groups which correspond to the seven Rays, and are in Themselves the life of the centre for which They stand. Fifteen, therefore, of these Entities (again the ten and the five) form a centre in the body of the planetary Logos, and the three Kumaras about Whom we are told (Who in Themselves are fivefold, making the fifteen) are the entifying Lives of the particular centre which is involved in the coming Initiation of the Heavenly Man, and to which the human units at this time, and during this greater cycle, belong.

  Another fact that should be noted about these great Beings is, that when viewed in Their seven groups, They form:

  a. Focal points for the force or influence emanating from the other solar centres or schemes.

  b. The seven divisions of the occult Hierarchy.

  They exist, as does the Heavenly Man Himself, in etheric matter, and are literally great Wheels, or centres of living Fire, manasic and electric fire; They vitalise the body of the Heavenly Man and hold all together as an objective whole. They make a planetary triangle within the chain, and each of Them vitalises one globe.

  It is not permitted at this stage to state, for exoteric publication:

  Which Ray, or logoic emanation is embodied by our planetary Logos. [389]

  Which centre in the solar system is called the Earth scheme.

  Which scheme is our polar opposite, or which Heavenly Man is most closely allied to ours.

  Which particular centre in the body of the planetary Logos He is at present endeavouring to vitalise.

  These points are, as may be inferred, too dangerous to impart, and those students whose intuition suffices to attain the information will see for themselves the necessity for silence.

  c. A Prophecy. We might now, prior to continuing with our subject, name the different chains of the Earth scheme. We must bear carefully in mind the fact that these are simply names, affixed to the chains and globes for the sake of clarity. As this subject is more widely studied it will inevitably be found advisable to call the chains by their numbers, and to drop the names as at present used:

  1. Neptune.

  2. Venus.

  3. Saturn.

  4. Earth.

  5. Mercury.

  6. Mars.

  7. Jupiter.

  It is necessary here to take the opportunity to sound a note of warning to students in connection with the charts which have been inserted in the Treatise.

  They depict only one cycle in logoic evolution, and cover only the present greater period in the working out of which we are engaged. They might be roughly described as embracing that period in the system which began for us in the middle of the third root-race of this round and continues until the period called “the Judgment” [390] in the coming fifth round. When that time comes our planetary Logos will have attained the initiation which is His present goal; the fifth round of the Venusian scheme will be closing, and the Venus scheme will begin to pass into obscuration, preparatory to transferring her life to the synthesising planet with which she is connected; Mercury will be reaching the apotheosis of achievemen
t, and with Mars and the Earth, will form a systemic triangle. We are speaking here of schemes and not of chains.

  We must recognise another triangle within the Earth scheme, of the chains called “the Earth chain,” the Venus chain, and the Mercurian chain, but this triangle entirely concerns the centres of the planetary Logos of our scheme. A systemic formation of great importance in the next round should be pointed out which will bring three schemes:

  The Earth scheme,



  into such a position in relation to each other that the following results will eventuate:

  1. A systemic triangle will be formed.

  2. Logoic kundalini will circulate freely between these three points.

  3. A certain great logoic centre will be vitalised and the attention of logoic kundalini will pass from the present triangle in process of forming (the Earth, Venus, and a scheme whose name it is advisable to withhold) to the other.

  4. An entirely new group of human beings will sweep into incarnation in our Earth scheme. Three fifths of the present humanity, being on the Probationary Path, or the Path of Initiation, at that time, will have their centre of consciousness definitely on the mental plane [391] whilst two fifths will remain focussed on the astral. These two fifths will pass into temporary pralaya, preparatory to their transference to another scheme, as the Earth scheme will no longer provide for them an adequate place of nurture.

  5. Entities will come in from Mars to the Earth scheme, and will there find their necessary field of endeavour.

  6. Mercurian life will begin to synthesise, and to be transferred to its synthesising planet. In the case of Mercury this synthesising planet is not Saturn, but one of the other two higher major centres.

  7. The “Judgment Day” in the fifth round, or the point of attainment of our Heavenly Man, will see a period of planetary strife on mental Ievels which will cause the present world unrest to seem as nothing. As pointed out earlier, this present struggle has been to test the ability of the entities within the present human forms to appreciate their mental forces, and through the power of MIND to transcend feeling, or pain. The struggle in the fifth round will be between higher and lower mind, and the battle ground will be the causal body. (138) The [392] struggle now being waged on the planet is between a few Egos (or the leaders of the many races who are necessarily in place and position owing to their egoic polarisation) and many personalities, who are swept into the vortex through group association; it is necessarily terrific, and forces the destruction of the form. The struggle in the fifth round, being on mental levels, will be between Egos and egoic groups, each working consciously, and with intellectual application, to bring about certain group results. It will result in the triumph (the ultimate triumph) of Spirit over matter, in the driving out of certain groups as yet unable to shake themselves free from the trammels of matter, and who prefer captivity to the life of the Spirit; it will mark the beginning of the obscuration of our scheme, and the gradual passing into pralaya, during the remaining two and a half rounds of our entire seven chains. It is an interesting occult fact that our Earth should now be in her fifth round, and paralleling the Venusian scheme, but the moon chain of our scheme saw a period of temporary retardation of the evolutionary process of our Heavenly Man; it resulted in a temporary slowing down of His activities, and caused “lost time,” if such an expression might reverently be permitted. The Lords of the Dark Face, or the inherent forces of matter for a time achieved success, and only the fifth round of our chain will see their ultimate defeat. The Venusian scheme also had its battleground, but the planetary Logos of that scheme overcame the antagonistic forces, triumphed over material forms, and was consequently in a position—when the right time came—to apply the needed stimulation or an [393] increased fiery vibration to our Earth scheme. The fact that outside aid was called in during the third root-race of this chain, and that the evolution of manas brought about the individualisation, in physical form, of the Avatar, needs to be pondered on. The Divine Manasaputra, the Lord of the World, took form Himself through the driving impulse of manas, inherent in His nature, and in some mysterious way this was aided by another Heavenly Man of another scheme. His co-operation was required.

  d. Summation. We have been studying the origin of manas, and we saw first, that it is the active will, intelligently applied, of an Entity, and then that this active intelligent will affects all lesser lives in cyclic evolution within the Body of that particular actively willing Existence. This is true of all Beings from the Logos downwards. Perhaps in summing up it might be expressed thus:

  The originating source of manasic activity in a solar system is that great cosmic Entity Who embodies our solar Logos as a centre in His Body along with six other solar Logoi Who are, in Their totality, His seven centres.

  The originating source of manasic activity in the planetary schemes is that cosmic Entity we call the solar Logos. He is the active, directing Intelligence Who is working with definite purpose through His seven centres.

  The originating source of the manasic principle in a planetary scheme is that lesser cosmic Entity Whom we call a planetary Logos. He works through His seven chains as does the Logos through His seven planetary centres. It is interesting here to note that when the solar Logos is being manasically impelled to work out some purpose of His greater Source (THE ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID) He may cause a vivification in one or other of His centres according to the purpose in view. This occurred in the forming of the triangle of which Earth and Venus are two points, and (affecting [394] the Heavenly Men of these two schemes) stimulated Them to take initiation, and led the planetary Logos of our scheme to form a lesser triangle within His sphere of activity, which triangle eventuated in His taking a lesser initiation, and in the manasic impregnation of animal man. Thus were swept into objective activity that group of monads who go to the composition of a particular centre.

  Similarly, and microcosmically, a human being is the manasic incentive and the origin of active, intelligent will to all the cells within his threefold body,—astral, mental and physical. His is the directing intelligence, and his the source of all action and endeavour within his periphery, and, like his greater corresponding spheres, a solar Logos and a planetary Logos, he works through seven centres.

  Thus we have traced the origin of manas as far as it is possible to do at this time. The mystery of manas is hidden in existence itself, and holds the secret of life and conceals and veils those Entities Whose outstanding quality and characteristic it is. To the life of that little entity we call an atom in the physical body of a man, the Thinker in the causal body, his greater directing intelligence, is as obscure and unknown as the Logos is to the Thinker, Man, himself. The analogy is nevertheless accurate. (139) Man’s physical body, for instance, considering it [395] as a corporate whole composed of many lesser lives, suffers or prospers as its directing Intelligence acts with wisdom-love or otherwise. The manasic principle actuates all that occurs within the man’s aura, and he suffers, or he makes progress, according to the application of that principle.

  So, reverently may the same be said of the body of the solar Logos, a system, and so may it be said of the planetary Logos and His scheme.


  Manas and Karma.

  Manas and Karmic purpose

  1. Manas and Karma.

  Having seen that manas is the intelligent purpose of some Being, working out in active objectivity, and having touched upon the inter-relation existing between certain of these Entities, it may now be possible to vision—even if somewhat cursorily and dimly—the true position of the manasic principle in all three cases. The whole mystery of this principle is hidden in two fundamentals:

  The mystery of the resolution of the six-pointed star, into the five-pointed star. (140) (141)

  The mystery of the Lords of Karma, Who are, in themselves, the sole recipients of the Mind purposes [396] of that cosmic ENTITY Who enfolds our solar L
ogos within His consciousness.

  When, therefore, the esoteric side of astrology, and of mystical geometry, has been studied, and alliance has been made between these two sciences, a flood of light will be thrown upon this matter of the intelligent principle; when the inner workings of the Law of Cause and Effect (the law whereby the Lipika Lords govern all Their action) is better comprehended, then—and then only—will the sons of men be able to study with profit the place of manas in the evolutionary scheme. At the present time it is not possible to do more than point out the direction of the path which must be trodden before this [397] abstruse matter can be made clear, and to indicate certain lines of investigation which might (if strenuously and scientifically followed) yield to the student a rich reward of knowledge. Until the intuition is better developed in the average man, the very principle of manas itself forms a barrier to its due understanding.

  2. Manas and karmic purpose.

  If it is realised by the student that manas and intelligent purpose are practically synonymous terms, it will be immediately apparent that karma, and the activities of the Lipika Lords, will be involved in the matter. It will also be apparent that only as the lower mind is transmuted into the abstract or higher mind and from thence into the intuition, will man be able to understand the significance of manas. We may perhaps ask why this must be so. Surely it is because the abstract mind is the agent on cosmic levels whereby the Entity concerned formulates His plans and purposes. These plans and purposes (conceived of in the abstract mind) in due course of evolution crystallise into concrete form by means of the concrete mind. What we call the archetypal plane in connection with the Logos (the plane whereon He forms His ideals, His aspirations and His abstract conceptions) is the logoic correspondence to the atomic abstract levels of the mental plane, from whence are initiated the impulses and purposes of the Spirit in man,—those purposes which eventually force him into an objective form, thus paralleling logoic manifestation. First the abstract concept, then the medium provided for manifestation in form, and, finally, that form itself. Such is the process for Gods and for men, and in it is hidden the mystery of mind and of its place in evolution.


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