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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Page 110

by Alice A Bailey

a. Forces emanating from the mental plane in its two divisions.

  b. Forces of a kamic nature.

  c. Forces of a purely physical description.

  These the occult student studies, experiments with, manipulates and correlates; through the knowledge thus gained there comes an understanding of all that can be known in the three worlds, and likewise an understanding of his own nature.

  The spiritual man is he who having been both a man of the world and an occult student has reached the conclusion that behind all those causes with which he has been hitherto engaged is a CAUSE; this causal unity then becomes the goal of his search. This is the mystery lying behind all mysteries; this is the secret of which all that has hitherto been known and conceived is but the veil; this is the heart of the Unknown which holds hid the purpose and the key to all that IS, and which is only put into the hands of those exalted Beings Who—having worked their way through the manifold web of life—know Themselves indeed and in truth to be Atma, or Spirit itself, and veritable sparks in the one great Flame.

  Three times the cry goes out to all the Pilgrims upon the Path of Life: “Know thyself” is the first great injunction and long is the process of attaining that knowledge. “Know the Self” comes next and when that is achieved, man knows not only himself but all selves; the soul of the universe is to him no longer the sealed book of life but one with the seven seals broken. Then when the man stands adept, the cry goes forth “Know the One” and the words ring in the adepts’ ears: “Search for that which is the responsible Cause, and having known the [1238]


  “This diagram is an outline of a portion of the Hierarchy at the present moment, and gives only the outstanding Figures, in connection with human evolution. A similar daigram from the standpoint of the deva evolution would be differently arranged”

  (The connecting lines indicate force currents)


  [1240] soul, and its expression, form, search for THAT which the soul reveals.”

  Here is to be found the clue to the search which the adept or perfected man undertakes when He puts His foot upon one of the seven possible paths. The only way in which any light can be thrown upon the mystery lies in the consideration of those seven cosmic Paths, of their names, and symbols. Very little can be said for the secrets of the higher initiations may not be revealed, nor the information given in a book for exoteric publication. All that can be done is to make certain suggestions, caution against certain conclusions, and indicate certain symbols which, if pondered upon, may bring a certain amount of illumination. [1241]


  It should be carefully borne in mind that when the term PATH is used, it is simply an energy term, and streams of energy are indicated,—seven streams which blend and merge to form one Path. It should also be noted that the Adept Who undergoes the discipline and who passes through initiatory rites which will enable him to tread those seven Paths, has transcended colour, has passed beyond the veil and has expanded His consciousness so that he is at-one with the conscious life of His planetary Logos. He has therefore arrived at a stage incomprehensible to man now; He is passing out of the realm of substantial forms altogether into the realm of energy. He knows the life of the two aspects, the soul and the body, and is passing away from the realm of awareness altogether. This will sound to the average reader as a foolish jingling of words and a splitting of hairs but he who reasons by the Law of Correspondences and who has grasped the basic essential relativity of the three aspects to each other has arrived at the knowledge that back of all form is a subjective Life which is known by its quality, its colour, and its attributes; he has expanded his consciousness until gradually he has ascertained and made a part of his own conscious ensemble those attributes and qualities. But the pulsating dynamic vibration which is the producing cause of both the subjective life and its qualitative form is as yet—to him—the mystery of mysteries and the ineffable secret. It becomes the goal of his endeavour as he sets foot upon one of the seven Paths which face him after the fifth Initiation. If a Master of the Wisdom and the one who has unified both the manas (intellect) and wisdom (buddhi) knows not what shall be revealed to him as he treads the cosmic Path which is his choice, surely it is needless for us to try and comprehend (at our relatively low stage of evolution) what is the true [1242] connotation of the word “Spirit.” Pondering upon these matters is (for the average man) not only useless but also dangerous. He has not yet the apparatus of thought necessary for its safe undertaking. It is as if one tried to force a child in the first grade in school to comprehend the differential calculus and the laws of trigonometry.

  These seven Paths, when trodden, prepare a man to pass certain cosmic initiations, including those upon the Sun Sirius. One hint may here be given. Each of these Paths eventually leads to one or other of the six constellations which (with ours) form the seven centres in the body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID. Those adepts therefore who stay for a prescribed length of time upon our planet are a correspondence to those greater initiates who remain for many kalpas within the solar system, taking certain mysterious initiations concerned entirely with solar evolution. Their work is concerned with the system as a centre in the body of that Existence Who vitalises the Logos of our own system.

  It might be of value here to list the seven cosmic Paths as follows: (335)

  Path I The Path of Earth Service.

  Path II The Path of Magnetic Work.

  Path III The Path of the Planetary Logos.

  Path IV The Path to Sirius.

  Path V The Ray Path.

  Path VI The Path of the Solar Logos.

  Path VII The Path of Absolute Sonship

  [1243] It must be borne in mind and no confusion of thought must be permitted that these terms are the generic names given in the mystic parlance of the Lodge of Masters to the seven methods of work, of endeavour and of aspiration whereby the perfected sons of Earth’s humanity pass on to specific cosmic Paths or streams of energy, making in their totality one great cosmic WAY.

  The seven paths at a certain stage which may not be defined become the four paths, owing to the fact that our solar system is one of the fourth order. This merging is effected in the following way:

  The initiates upon Path I “fight their way” on to path VI.

  The initiates upon Path II “alchemise themselves” on to Path VII.

  The initiates upon Path III through “piercing the veil” find themselves upon Path V.

  This leaves Path IV to be accounted for. Upon this Path pass all those who, through devotion and activity combined, achieve the goal but who lack as yet the full development of the manasic principle. This being the solar system of love-wisdom, or of astral buddhic development, the fourth Path includes the larger number of the sons of men. In the hierarchy of our planet the “Lords of Compassion” are numerically greater than the “Masters of the Wisdom.” The former must therefore all pass to the sun Sirius there to undergo a tremendous manasic stimulation, for Sirius is the emanating source of manas. There the mystic must go and become what is called “a spark of mahatic electricity.”

  These seven Paths are not concerned with nature or the balancing of the pairs of opposites. They are concerned only with unity, with that which utilises the pairs of opposites as factors in the production of LIGHT. They deal [1244] with that unknown quantity which is responsible for the pairs of opposites; therefore they are primarily concerned with that which lies outside the manifested forms, with the true abstraction or the Absolute. Spirit and matter are never dissociated during manifestation; they are the duality lying back of all that is objective. Yet some factor is responsible for them—that which is neither Spirit nor matter, that which will be regarded as nonexistent by anyone except the initiate. At the third Initiation some glimmering light upon this Abstraction is sensed by the initiate, and by the time the fifth Initiation is reached enough is apprehended by him to enable him to set forth with a
rdour on the search for its secret.

  Path I. The Path of Earth Service.

  The nature of the spiritual force which animates the group of our peculiar planetary initiates will become apparent perhaps if the methods and purposes of their work are studied from the standpoint of subjective energy, and not so specifically of the material form. This point of view can be gleaned most easily from a consideration of the animating impulse lying behind all world groups which are particularly consecrated to the uplift of the race. This will necessarily include all political, religious, scientific and metaphysical organisations. It will be found that each and all are definitely related and have a point of at-one-ment with certain of the numerous occult bodies which are (usually unknown to the affiliated group) responsible for the vitalisation of the principal units in any of these organisations doing this pioneer work.

  This first path is the one that keeps a man linked to the Hierarchy which is pledged to the service of our planetary scheme. It comprises those who work under the Lord [1245] of the World in the seven groups into which our Masters of the Wisdom are divided. Not so many Masters follow this Path as some of the others, and only enough are permitted to do so to carry on planetary evolution satisfactorily. More is known about this Path than about any of the others, and more will continuously be found out as members of our humanity fit themselves to contact the Brothers of the Hierarchy. Their field of employ, Their methods of work will eventually become exoteric, and as the seven groups are recognised and known, schools of development for the filling of posts in these groups will be the logical sequence.

  The adepts who stay upon this Path are distinguished by a dual attribute, which is their guarantee of attainment along this line of spiritual endeavour. They are animated by wise-compassion. These words should be carefully studied for they hold the clue to the nature of this first Path. The adepts who choose this Path are called esoterically the “beneficent dragons,” and the energy with which they work and the stream of living force upon which they are found emanates from the constellation of the Dragon, working through the zodiacal sign Libra. This special spiritual energy produces in all those groups which come under its direct influence a profound faculty for identification. This identification does not concern the form nor the soul but only the spiritual point of positive life which in the human unit we call the “Jewel in the Lotus.” It should be remembered in this connection that there is a jewel at the heart of every atom. Every jewel has seven facets which are the seven doorways to the seven Paths.

  The “beneficent dragons” are distinguished by their “luminosity,” and it is this basic quality which lies behind the injunction given by all spiritual teachers to their pupils in the words “let your light shine forth.”

  [1246] When the adept enters through the “luminous door” he has before him four very peculiar and esoteric IDENTIFICATIONS. This entrance takes place after he has passed the fifth Initiation and has demonstrated his fitness so to do through a long period of service in connection with our planetary evolution. These identifications eventually bring about within the jewel, which is essentially the true spiritual unit, a momentous happening, and are undergone within the monadic consciousness after the transcendence of the atmic sheath. These four identifications are connected with the fourfold lotus of the solar Logos, or with His twelve-petalled heart centre. This lotus is sometimes called the “heart of the Sun,” and concerns the subjective sun. It is not, however, possible to say more along this line.

  These four Identifications are only undergone upon this particular Path and are each preceded by three lesser identifications which make a totality of twelve Identifications, corresponding to the twelve-petalled lotus. It will be noted by the accurate student that we are now discontinuing the use of the word “initiation” which has to do specifically with consciousness and therefore with duality and are utilising a word which connotes synthesis, though very inadequately.

  The energy which is manipulated in the process of these identifications is largely that pouring through the sixth Hierarchy, which has an esoteric relation to the sixth Path on to which the initiates of Path I have eventually to fight their way. The form through which the adept must work in order to demonstrate his control of the energy concerned may not here be given. It may only be stated that luminosity is gained upon the battle ground through a fight with a dragon. The following summation may be found suggestive: [1247]


  Attributes Wise-compassion.

  Source Constellation of the Dragon, via Libra.

  Method Twelve cosmic Identifications.

  Hierarchy The sixth.

  Symbol A green dragon issuing from the centre of a blazing sun. Behind the sun and over-topping it can be seen two pillars on either side of a closed door.

  Quality gained Luminosity.

  Path II. The Path of Magnetic Work.

  In considering this Path students must bear in mind that they are dealing with that Path which of all the seven expresses most fully the effects of the Law of Attraction. It will be remembered by those who have carefully read this Treatise that this law is the expression of the spiritual will which produces the manifestation of the Son (Sun). Magnetism—physical, attractive and dynamic—is the expression of the law in the three worlds as far as the human unit is concerned. It will be apparent, therefore, that the adept who passes upon this Path is dealing with that reality which is the basis of all coherency in nature, and with that essence which through the force of its own innate quality produces the attractive energy which brings together the pairs of opposites; it is the force which is responsible for the interplay of electrical phenomena of every kind. The adept who chooses this cosmic stream of energy upon which to make certain cosmic approaches and upon which to make a series of cosmic unfoldments is one who has worked primarily upon the second ray path prior to the fifth Initiation, and who frequently has also been upon the fourth ray path. Adepts who have been upon the fourth ray path and who pass from thence upon the second ray do not as a rule choose this cosmic line of endeavour.

  [1248] Those who do the work of wielding forces or electrical magnetism for the use of the Great Ones on all planes pass to this Path. They wield the elemental formative energy, manipulating matter of every density and vibration. Great waves of ideas and surging currents of public opinion on astral levels as well as on the higher levels where work the Great Ones, are manipulated by them. A large number of fifth Ray people, those who have the Ray of Concrete Knowledge for their monadic ray, pass to this line of endeavour. The inherent quality in the type of the Monad settles the line of activity. The karma of the fifth ray is one of the factors which produces this. These Monads work with fohat, and must, to the end of the greater manvantara. They have their eventual position on the cosmic mental plane, but as yet the capacity for abstract thought is so little developed that it is impossible for us to comprehend the significance of this expression.

  Three types of magnetic work have been mastered by the adept who treads this second Path. He has mastered (in the three worlds) the magical work of form construction through the manipulation of magnetic energy and the utilisation of fohatic attractive energy in order to “bind the builders.” This he does through the medium of a purified lower nature which can act as a perfect transmitter.

  He has learnt also the secret of group coherence on the higher levels of the mental plane in connection with his own planetary Logos, and with those two other Logoi Who form with his own Logos a systemic triangle within the solar system. He has passed on also to a comprehension of the forces which unite the various streams of living energy emanating from Them in the furthering of the plans of solar evolution. This becomes possible to him when he can function in the monadic vehicle and is conscious in that unit of force.

  [1249] This has been expressed in the old Commentary in the following words:

  “The seven Brothers love each other, yet each seeketh for many aeons the path of hatred. They hate and kill each oth
er until they find that which dieth not and is not hurt. Together then they stand and serve and through their service the seven suns burn up.”

  The seven suns are destroyed because when synthesis and unity are reached and when the differentiated forces become one homogeneous force, the attractive or magnetic effect of this coherence is a manifested unit on the physical plane as well as on the subjective side of nature. This produces necessarily the destruction of all limiting forms, the merging of the fires, and the blazing forth into objectivity of the vital body of the Logos prior to the final abstraction and the subsequent dying out or obscuration of the solar system.

  The will or purpose aspect which is the spiritual life behind all subjective and objective phenomena suddenly makes itself felt and also seen. It is the production of this which is the main work of the adept who passes on to Path II from off his particular ray path.

  Those who tread this second Path work with magnetic or attractive energy because they have identified themselves with it. Eventually they will all pass on to Path VII, which is the Path of Absolute Sonship. All that can be said here in regard to their efforts is the statement that this Path carries them (through the medium of the logoic head centre) into the Heart of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID. They are swept out of systemic evolution altogether upon a great tide of attractive energy which emanates from one of the major centres of that great Existence Who is the source of the life of the solar Logos. This centre is of course one of [1250] the seven constellations. As it is the most potent constellation as far as our system is concerned owing to the fact that this system predominantly expresses love or attractive energy and our Logos is as yet polarised in His cosmic astral body, it is not permitted to hint at the name of the constellation. The reason is that if the name were known and if enough people could do the work of occult meditation and visualisation, accompanying the work with a vivid imagination, it might be possible to attract into our system such a downpour of attractive energy from the constellation involved as to unduly speed up the processes of evolution upon our planet, and thus upset the systemic economy most dangerously. People do not yet realise the potency of meditation and especially of group meditation.


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