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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Page 115

by Alice A Bailey

  secret, 704

  sixth subplane and principle, 828

  solar fire, 333

  source, 919

  use of manas, 684

  vehicle or recipient, 704

  wisdom, developing, 333, 334


  and astral planes, bridge, devas, 678-679

  consciousness, attainment, means, 679

  electrical force, uses, 320-321

  energy, interplay with astral energy, 901

  level, contact with, 588

  levels, effect on three lower, 584

  levels, factor of manas, 502

  life, living in fifth Round, 706

  matter, vehicles of, 328, 336

  permanent atom. See Atom, permanent, buddhic.


  approach between two lines of evolution, 473

  colour, 328, 354

  contact with, 905

  correspondence, 588

  cosmic, fourth ether, 903-904

  cosmic, goal for gaseous devas, 903-906

  deva forces, 668

  etheric centres of Heavenly man, 634

  etheric centres of Logos on, 520

  fiery energy, air, 519

  focal points of force of Heavenly Man on, 634

  fourth cosmic ether, centres of Logos, 520

  functioning on consciously, 340,603-604

  group unity on, 328

  karmic correspondence, 400

  law of, 576, 583

  life pouring from, 429-430

  logoic etheric centres demonstrating, 518, 520

  manipulating devas of, direction, 901

  matter of, contact with, 197

  matter of, etheric centre of planetary Logos, 649

  means of energising astral plane, 659

  nature of, 82, 113, 114, 119, 120, 272, 327, 400, 660

  occult link with centre, 165

  occult happenings, occurrence on, 626,627

  place of triumph, battleground, 521

  power on, 451

  relation to Heavenly Man, 683

  senses, 188, 189

  seven Heavenly Men, functioning on, 120-121

  systemic, centres of planetary Logos on, 861

  transmission from, by astral to physical plane, 660

  transmitters of Word on, 920, 922

  vehicle of seventh Ray force, 473

  vehicle of solar Logos, 272 vitality and impulse, effect on dense body, 683

  See also Ether, fourth cosmic principle, 143, 339, 407, 583, 584, 684


  coordination, results, 113

  development in next round, 649

  functioning in, 114, 173

  link with astral body and Monads of Love, 591

  love in Triad, 591

  magnetism felt, 54


  automatic subconscious, 621

  elemental groups of dense plane activated by, 944-945

  evolutionary, 612

  fire spirits and man, 963-1026

  great, work, 563-564, 920


  achievement at close of Mahamanvantara 618-619

  active manifesting agents, withdrawal of interest, 132¬133

  aid to solar Logos, 563-564

  directing lesser builders, 930

  fire devas, 612-679

  in groups, transmitters of will of God, 890

  will, 845

  work, unconscious means, 472

  involutionary, 612


  action, 613-614

  agents of solar and lunar force, 627

  Army of the Voice. See Army of the Voice.

  attention, attraction, 1001

  connection with mystery of threefold electricity, 873

  control, 589

  factor in building of thought forms, 563-566

  fire, elementals, 887-947

  forming etheric double of everything, 930

  formulas controlling, 485

  listening. See Devas, listening.

  nature of, 782-783

  or forces swept into activity, means, 1008

  seven who form central fire, 631

  work, unconscious, means, 472


  animal etheric forms, 932

  etheric body of planetary Entity, 933

  etheric doubles of man’s crea¬tions, 934-936

  forms in three kingdoms, 931¬932

  four aspects of personality, 942

  human being on three planes, Superintendent, 942

  human body, factors affecting activity, 944-947

  human body, work under direction of Lord of Karma, 942

  human vehicle, 931

  mineral kingdom, 931

  planetary body, 934

  planetary etheric web, 932¬933

  vegetable kingdom, 931-932

  physical-plane activity, 564

  power over, formulae and phrases giving, 981

  seeing, 931

  Universal Mind, 615

  vehicle for divine purpose, 447

  who can respond, sweep into activity, 999

  who Transmit Word, 919


  agents on mental plane, impressing with rhythm and vibration, 983


  and man, 936-947

  fabrication of forms, 489

  great, 633, 733

  greater, 146, 441, 901

  on path of involution, 593

  work in creating man’s vehicles, 937-942

  work on three planes, 937-947

  entities, 566

  forces of nature, cooperation with, 642

  Burning of bodily or brain tissue, warning, 162

  Burning-ground, crossing, 509


  California, disturbance, physical, serious, 907


  constellation, effect on our system, 795-796

  mystery, 706


  great world, working of law through, 581

  of nature, production, 467, 495, 583

  two great, results, 524



  aggregations, force animating, 622-623

  human, appearance on fifth systemic plane, 692

  of all Egos, group of devas connected, 699


  absorption of all faculty, 314

  acted upon by centres, 178¬, 179

  building, 179, 261, 305, 501, 591, 807-886

  burns up by combined heat, 514

  burnt up, escape, 514

  centre of consciousness, 283

  condensatíon on mental level, period, 769

  contact with, 197

  content, increase, 304

  control, 120

  definitions, 506-507, 806

  description, 513-514, 538

  destruction as limitation, 305

  destruction by fire devas, Agnisuryans, 67-68

  destruction in blaze of electric fire, 315, 470, 490, 878

  destruction of periphery by burning, 75

  effect of third and fourth initiations, 830-831

  energy downflow into three wor1ds of human endeavour, 711

  equipping, 501

  first perception of and re¬sponse to, 431

  importance, 432

  informing entity, 638

  initiations in, 198, 432

  irradiating by light, 315

  logoic, 311, 347

  man functioning as unit in, 317

  manasadevas forming, 776

  matter, spirit, consciousness, aspects, 710

  monadic heart centre, 538

  motion in, 1109-1128

  nature of, 391, 504, 505-507

  new, transparent, 708

  of average man, location, 582

  of entire race, disintegration, 592

  of Heavenly Man, 499

  of man, impulses, 1033

  on cosmic levels, conscious¬ness, achievement, 499

ermanent atoms, 317, 432, 762-764

  place, 435, 707

  result of transmutation, 501

  production, means, 506, 664

  radioactive, 543

  requirement for completion, building into, 776-777

  response to Will aspect of Heavenly Man at initiation, 544

  seat of Thinker, 317, 487, 800

  shattering, 591-592, 883

  sheath, formation, 507

  solar logoic, 536

  source o£ flame, 125

  synthesiser of energy, 292

  three fires, 506, 762

  vehicle, possession of by de¬scending Spirit, 709

  See also Egoic body; Egoic lotus.

  consciousness, achievement, 499, 849

  consciousness, all retums within, 85

  cycles, 303-304

  functioning, definition, 113

  levels, force centres of Logos, 616

  plane, fifth, emanation of logoic force or energy, 691

  sheath, purposes, 507

  vehicle, situation, 137

  vehicles of egoic groups, 523

  Cause, relation to duality, 798-799


  human body, life, positive, factor, 702

  human body, life, stimulation, 702

  term relating to form of vehicle, 295

  Cells, latent heat, 45


  base of spine. See Base of spine centre.

  each, under influence of one planet, 646

  embodied by our planetary Logos, 368-369

  etheric, subjective life expres¬sion, 294

  See also under names of specific centres.


  action, changes, 124


  initiation, 207-213

  kundalini, 183-185

  motion, 161-213

  senses, normal and supernormal, 185-207

  astral. See Astral centres.

  atmic, 204

  buddhic, 204

  connected with force, 165

  connected with Monad and im¬mortality, 165

  connection with Rays, 173-183

  description, 166-168, 170, 207, 212-213

  embodiment by planetary chains, 206

  etheric. See Etheric centres.

  forty-nine in bodies, 166

  head. See Head centres.

  in body of solar or planetary Logos, 636-637

  in human being, reflections, 179

  inter-relationships, 964-965

  lower six, 865

  mental, 58, 204

  mystery, key, 625

  nature of, 163-173

  notes and harmony, 625


  force of threefold spiritual man, 537-538

  Heavenly Men on three solar planes, 166

  man, constituent substance, 646

  solar system with 49

  major petals, 927

  purpose, 921

  seven, appearance on etheric levels, 516

  stimulation at initiation, results, 208-209


  four- and five-dimensional, 184

  higher physical, affected by force streams, results, 886

  of physical nature, within cranium, 944

  types under vitalising power o£ Logos, 537

  throat, alta major, and mental, relation between, 1155-1161

  triangles and kundalini, 135-138

  triangles of man, 135, 169-170

  use by white and black magician, 986-987

  vivification, 658

  wheels of energy, 537-538

  See also Base of spine; Etheric; Head; Heart; Solar plexus; Throat.


  definition, 382-383 fourth, 101, 363

  globe in, informing Lives, work, 1043

  in scheme, subjective life expres¬sion, 294


  Lords of, work, 1043

  planetary, embodiment of cen¬tres, 706

  seven, of scheme, 206

  Channel for light of Ego, 863

  Channels, three, for fire, 55-64


  birth, immediate physical, 750¬751

  usefulness, 749

  Chemical transmutation, effects, 486


  advances, 476, 486

  on Atlantis, 494

  Child, seventh year, 944


  control on five planes, 1054

  definitions, 66

  work, 485

  Concretion, non-existence, 528-529

  Chord of human hierarchy as a whole, 781


  cosmic incarnation, 242

  nature, fact in nature itself, demonstration, 815

  occupation of body of Jesus, 1193

  principle, 583, 704, 706, 815, 901


  Science, work of Master, 759

  teaching, worlds made by Word of God, 980

  Church, new, 454

  Circulatory systems, human, 901¬902

  Citizenship, true esoteric meaning taught, 813

  Clairaudience, planes, 188, 189, 191


  developed, 452 mental, 905

  of Aryan root race, 904-905

  Cohesion, production, 332-334


  application, use by man, 463, 496

  effect on body building, 945

  factor demonstrated with sound and vibration, 941

  heard, 666

  manifestation, 319, 320, 321, 329

  related to fourth ether, 320

  scientific utilisation, 454

  significance, knowledge of by scientists, 932

  transcending, 1241

  use by devas, 489

  use on Atlantis, 494


  and sounds, spiritual numerals, 448

  groups, 849, 855

  Combustion, inner, 51

  Concentration, 814, 956, 960, 1012

  Conception, occurrence on physi¬cal plane, 938


  greatest, producers, 633

  of dense physical body, production, 626

  of substance of body of Logos, 616

  Condensation of water devas, occult significance, 902


  all, storage, 693

  and existence, 350-355

  attainment, 289-295

  causal. See Causal consciousness.


  achievement, 120, 121, 125, 185

  object of evolution, 810

  relation to astral vehicle, 582, 790, 912

  relation to kundalini, 209

  relation to permanent atoms, 508

  requirement for immediate in¬carnation, 759

  definitions and development, 243-245

  devas animating, 655

  development, 245, 276, 294, 295

  expansion, attainment, means, 290

  expansions and intiations, 1042

  group. See group consciousness.

  hierarchy of devas, 642

  human, sources, 780-781

  in kingdoms, 564

  individual, development, 294

  intelligent sumtotal, 317

  memory, all faculty stored, 693

  of man, builders, 635

  place in scheme of things, 242¬245

  racial, transference from physi¬cal to mental plane, 810

  stages between, period of link¬ing, 643-644

  transfer into higher vehicles, 815

  types, 7, 48-49, 51, 63, 87, 114, 128, 243, 278-279

  units manifesting evolution, 233-¬237

  units objective in evolution, 232-¬233

  varying attributes, possession, cause, 780-781

  vibrations, 523


  antagonistic to solar system, effect upon it, 1041-1042

  disintegrating, nature of, 837¬-838

  three major, emanations, 920

  Contemplation—r />
  definition, 1006-1007

  use of third eye, 1007

  Coordination of work of solar and lunar Pitris, 768

  Correspondences, scheme, chain, and globe, 382-383


  and Solar Lords formulate thoughts, 562

  and systemic ethers, 116-121

  astral plane—

  consciousness of, 290-291

  cosmic Entity ensouling, reflection of, 676

  force, 623-624

  functioning on by four plane¬tary Logoi, 115

  groups connected with, 903-¬904

  liquid, regarded as non-exist¬ing, 121

  polarisation on, 687

  vibration traveling via fourth cosmic ether, 687

  avatars, 722-724

  centres, force from, 723, 767

  correspondences, 182, 299

  Entities, action, result, 76, 216

  Entities, incarnation, 176

  Entity, seven centres; 393

  ether, fourth. See buddhic plane;

  Ether, fourth cosmic.


  body of planetary and solar Logoi, quickening, 647

  centres, 312

  plane, centres of Manasapu¬tras vitalised, 690

  planes, 82, 116-118, 120

  substance, 314

  ethers, flrst three, embodiment, 313

  Existences, appearance among men to work, methods, 748¬-749, 751-752

  fire, basic, formation, 920

  Fire, Treatise on, concern, xii¬-xiii, 50

  Fire, Treatise on, study, xiv, xv

  force, agents, 627

  forces, influence on subplanes of cosmic physical, 622

  friction and cosmic wheel, 50

  Heavenly Man, energy and sub¬stance, 732

  incarnation of exalted Beings, 685-686

  interplay, threefold, effects, 657-¬658

  laws of thought, three, 567-569

  Man, evolutionary objective, 232-233

  mental matter, manipulation on concrete levels, 573

  mental plane—

  devas connected with constellation Sirius, 903-904

  electrification, all, from, 317

  emanations, 317, 604, 682, 693, 712, 718

  force in operation since in¬dividualisation of solar Logos, 712

  logoic goal of attainment, 592

  source of all manifestation, 317

  three types of force, 622-623

  paths, seven, nature of, 1241-1266

  paths, three, 778


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