physical plane—
and systemic physical place, correspondence, 296
astral, and mental planes, vibrations, 552-553
diagram, 117
electricity, 312-313
force, 624-626
gaseous subplane, 684
importance, 313
study, 666
subplanes under influence of cosmic forces, 622
physical planes and solar physical planes, analogy, 295-296
plan, place of man in, 952
planes, form production on, 926
planes, groups of devas con¬nected with, 903-904
processes, all, 583
Rays, Lords, enumeration and classification, 704
scheme, our place in, 922
triangle of three systems, 375
and will aspect, 963-982
in mental matter, man’s ability and process, 962
of that desired on higher levels, 952
on physical plane, process, key, discovery, 917
result of thought impulses, 559
Creations of man, etheric doubles of, 934-936
energy, 924
force of subplanes, devas, 655
Hierarchy, fourth. See Fourth Creative Hierarchy.
impulse or will in each scheme, 655
ineffectiveness, causes, 975-976
power, solar Angels, 680
processes on lowest physical sub¬planes, instigators, 924-925
conscious, becoming, process, 999
Preserver, Destroyer, Agni, 602 true man, 876
Creators, conscious, destiny of man, 952
Crime, reduction, 297-298
Cruelty to animals, abolition, 475
Crystallisation of forms, 591-592
Cycle, greater, aim, 102
apprehension, 792
commencement and termination, 86
egoic, period between, 738
in evolutionary process, 300-307
knowledge of, 7
life, 6-7, 231
origin and effects, 102
types, 277, 284, 300-304
world synchronisation, importance, 275
Cyclic calculations, basis, 606
D.K., Master, work, 759
Danger from—
arousing centres, 162
contact with devas, 450, 455, 472, 473, 480-482, 489, 621-622, 656
growth of psychic powers, 455
loss of egoic principle, 622
manipulative forces of nature, 615
premature knowledge, 656
and etheric body, 85, 86, 98, 128-133, 429, 944
causes, 129-133, 670, 1016-1017
Dense objective manifestation not a principle, 121, 253, 588, 1061, 1125
karma, 805
mind cannot be attracted to left-hand path, 1017
pull of sensation productive of rebirth, 766
bodies of all human beings, composition, 658
cessation, cause of death, 129, 670
cessation, significance underlying, 899-900
distinction from will, 316-317
emanation, 692
fire elemental, 67
forte withdrawal, result, 670
forms, devas of all degrees and vibratory capacity, 679
powerful, based on physical attraction, results, 951-953
productive of physical manifestation, 760
products, 81
transmutation, 670, 903
transmuted, product, 179
Desires, lower, purification for clear sight, 955
aspect, 734, 741
work, 79
Destroying Angels, fohatic lives, 882-883
Destruction caused by aspirant, results, 866-867
activities in relation to Self-consciousness, 612-613
and human kingdoms, opportunity for contact, 911, 912
atoms, group, sacrifice, 902-903
Builders. See Builders.
entities in groups, 627, 632-679
essence, source of dense physical body, 516
essence, use by alchemist, 487, 489
essences, cosmic, action, result, 76
essences, medium of construction of thought forms, 632
evolution. See Evolution, deva.
Force, substance, 621-627
Forces, cooperation with and obedience to, 930
Forces, effect on sex stímulation, 649
Groups, See Groups. hierarchies, two, 605
kingdom, perfecting by aid of humanity, 914
lives, fiery, cause of transmis¬sion of sound, 905
Agni, Varuna, Kshiti, 626, 633
of a plane, manifestation, 631
Shiva, Surya, Brahma, mean¬ing, 626
Monad, evolving, 589
orders, three lower, 670, 672¬673
substance. See Substance, Deva.
definitions, 736-737
nature of, 1108-1109
energy. See Energy and devas.
manas, 403-405
planes, 627-679
arupa, description, 615, 616
atomic matter of physical plane, sumtotal, 636
attractive forte of all subhuman forms, 925.
automatic subconscious builders, 621
building. See Builders; Building devas.
call to work by mantrams and formulae, 981
classes, 615-616, 645-649
comparison with man, 667
connection, close, with moon, 670
consideration from three standpoints, 671
contact with, results, 473
contacting, method, 668
cooperation, 454
danger to man. See Danger.
defending spaces from molestation, 912, 913
definitions, 302, 468, 620, 621, 671
destroying to liberate Spirit from forms, 907
dual force-substance of lowest cosmic plane, 621
earth, of densest matter, evolu¬tion, 903
effect of first World War, 651-652
effects of seventh Ray, 446-451, 453-455, 466-469
egoic lotus petals, 679
emanating from Sirius, 624
embodying thought, 621
energising myriads of lives building all bodies, 924-925
energy embodied, 833
essences of all tangible, visible, and objective, 636
bodies built, nature of, 473-¬474
constituent substance of means centres, 646
doubles of all that is, 925
transmitting energy on physi¬cal plane, 925
work in life of man, stages, 938-939
evolution. See Evolution, devas.
evolutionary animation of involutionary matter, 672
evolutionary, positive energy of cell, or subhuman form, 704
and elementals; 491-492, 493
ensouling light Rays, 67
fohat, seven centres, 65-66
greater Builders, evolutionary
and involutionary, 6,12-679
internal, types, 52
means of liberation of water devas, 902
nature, 493
of mental plane, 679-886
on path of aspiration, 67-68
rule of Agni, 65
attractive force of all subhuman forms, 925
etheric bodies of every form in manifestation, 915
etheric doubles of all objects out of their own substance, 935
from logoic throat centre, 929
functions, 620-627
evolutionary way onto buddhic plane, 903
, 906
serious condition due to sound, offsetting, 909-910
goals, 836, 903
building. See Building devas.
cooperating intelligently in plan of evolution, 666
of highest three planes, 626
achievement at close of mahamanvantara, 618-619
active manifesting agents, withdrawal of interest, 132-133
Builders, definition, 613, 617
rank in system, 468
solar Lords of Light, 469
transmutative process, 484, 487
green, 912-914
group from another planetary scheme, 914-915
group from Sirius, 924
group working with reptile evo¬lution, 894
astral plane, 67-68
coming under influence of Ego, 936-947
connected with cosmic planes, 903-904
evolving and goal attainment, means, 913
myriad, tabulation impossible, 650
on all planes, 653-656
physical-plane, 66-67, 890, 912-913
producing constructive results, 676-679
working in connection with man, 92
guarding human beings, 913, 914
having passed through human stage in earlier kalpas, 920
hierarchy, 468-469, 642-643
identity with essence they manipulate, 448
knowledge of, aid in finding secret, 496
lesser builders, definition, 613¬617
lesson, 575
listening, 930, 931, 937
love fulfilling of the law, 903
energies, direction, 901
of fourth cosmic ether, future work, results, 901
subterranean, 891
manipulatory, energising, 907
of lower generative organs, inclination, 908
mother aspect. See Mother aspect.
nature of, 911, 952
nearing individualisation, 836
nourishment of all life, means, 902
activity, 590
astral plane. See Astral plane, devas of.
atomic levels of all planes in scheme, work, 656-657
earlier manvantara, conjunction with others, 695
egoic petals, effects of destruction of causal body, 831
etheric double, 925-936
ethers, groups, 915
ethers, symbol on foreheads, 915
fire, water, and earth, rela¬tionship, 902
gaseous plane of cosmic physi¬cal, 620
gaseous subplane, 904-910
human kingdom, note, 498
kundalini fire, effect on man, 908
lower four, feel force when eye opens, 1008
lower planes, groups indicat¬ing consciousness, 665
mental plane, 903
mind, 689
mineral kingdom. See Mineral kingdom.
permanent atoms. See Atoms, permanent.
seventh order, 667-668, 677
shadows, 329, 643-649, 651, 658, 911
sixth order, 668-670
sixth physical subplane, groups, 902
vegetable kingdom, 496-497
waters, love nature, 902-903
on atomic subplanes, work, cooperative, 656-658
on evolutionary arc, classes, 645-¬650
passive, effort to become ma¬nipulating lives, 895
physical-plane, life of -matter, 654
Raja Lords, seven of seven planes, 629
recipients of force, 889
reincarnation method, 910
relations with by magicians, 930
rupa, description, 615, 616
second order, plane and centre used, 668
“seeing”, 930, 931
seven great, positive force of subplanes, 676
prana transmitted to man, means, 90-93
production of solar Logos, 617
relation to man, 617
See also Pitris, solar; Solar Angels.
study and recognition in future, 474, 475
sumtotal of—
astral light, 624
energy of substance, irresponsibility, 951-952
substance, consideration, 671
third order, 677
transmitters of prana, 473, 915, 924
transmitting agencies on every planet, 93
transmitting, dynamic will, 907
under influence of Ego, four main groups, 936-937
utility in future, 431 violet, 911-914
vitalising all forms of sentient life, 924
water, and elementals, 896-910
water, path of service and goal, 902
white, path of service, 913-914
work, 398, 489-490, 656-658
Development of latent powers, 814
Dhyan Chohan¬
definition of term, 632
informing entity in microcosm, 638
manifestatíon, 84
perfected, ignorance of secrets, 609-610
Dhyan Chohans—
formless or subjective, 615
highest, thinking, 1231
work, 632, 1043
Dhyan-Chohanic forces, origin, 686-687
Dhyani Buddhas, body, 689
Dhyanis, fivefold, in conjunction with Entities, 816
Diamond, deva, 892
Differentiation first seen, 312
Disability, physical, causes, revela¬tion, 911
appearance in incarnation, factors, 1149-1151
probationary, conscious act, 828
Disciples, training to meditate and work in mental matter, 950
Discipline in white magic, 1015
Discovery, future, of science, faculty of eye, 1008
definition, 201
importance, 418-421
manifestation, 418-419
mental, 173
cause, 975
in physical body, incidental, 811
lessened, 463
Diseases of—
etheric body, three classes, 104
man, causes, 108, 126
Dispassion, occult, result in system, 721
Disruption, dangers, 103
Distress in animal kingdom, cause, 795
Flame, manifestation, 53-54
form, revelation, 893
Hermaphrodite, 328, 663, 672
Dogmas, pre-conceived, pre-war, breaking loose from, 651
Doors opened, 588, 599
Draco, effect upon our system, 795-796
Dragon, buddhic force, 1162
Dragons of Wisdom, rule in middle fifth round, 705
mineral, use, results, 645
use, superseding in future, 474
and its interplay, results, 242¬-243
essential, 672
extent, 478-479, 704
of all manifestation, 887
of all things acted upon by Fohat, 85
of solar system, 237-240, 478-479
producing triplicity in all manifestation, 505
products, 242-243
Dweller on the Threshold—
activity, results, 953
an impossibility, conditions causing, 952-953
construction, 953
death, 951, 952-953
destruction, methods, 953, 1040
disintegration, causation, 953
feeding, 951
seeing clearly by men, need for, 948
Dzyan, Stanzas, 9-33
Ear, inner spiritual, use, 495
battle-ground between spirit and matter, 242
and incarnating Monads, 379-386
and manas, 378-395 fourth, importance, 114
units from earlier one, ahead of
earth’s humanity, 774
within Earth scheme, 379
crust, subterranean spots, elementals inhabiting, 915
development of manas, 403, 412-417
distress, present, end, 297
fourth globe of fourth chain of earth scheme, 432
Hierarchy of planet, 386-389
inner fires functioning, 60-61
interior, constitution, problem, 847
Mercury, and Mars, triangle, 181
not sacred planet, meaning, 298-299
organism within greater, 177
prana reception, 83-84, 101-102, 105-106
attention from Logos, results, 357-358
chains, 385, 389-393
demonstration through by Heavenly Man, 297
individualisation, 687
Logos, planetary, incarnations, 384
Logos, planetary, work, 360-367
Manasadevas, 742-743
positive polarity of Heavenly Man, result, 378
Earthquakes and all volcanic action, 873
Edison, Thomas A., 456
Education of youth, 548-549
Educational world, reforms, 814
activities, direction, 774-775
advanced, effect on group members, 854
alignment with, 957, 958, 959-960, 1014
and receptive brain, interplay, results, 970-971
appearance on mental plane, 712
approach to other sheaths, 789
appropriation of dense sheath, karma, 788-789
aspects, 609
at-onement with, 136
aware of his karma and what must be done, 943
body, nine petals or spokes or types of energy, 818
body of manifestation, 689, 707-714, 807-886
born of union of Spirit and matter, 702
bridging work, 137-138
building of thought form, process, 968-977
calling in of his forces from personality, 939
consciousness aspect, son, 505
consciousness, development, 271
contacts with, means, 864
contemplation of his lunar bodies, 1007
cycle of incarnation, foundation, 774
definition, 131, 684
descent in incarnation, 787
description, 779
desire for physical experience makes initial move, 773
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