energy, progress from abstract levels to permanent atoms, 781-783
energy transmitted from one sheath to a lower, 787
essence of all experience, 576
evolution, explanation, true, value, 815
functioning in causal body, development, 818
functions, 830
imposition of new rhythm on lower man, results, 951
in causal body, control by law, 583, 603
influence on building devas, 936-947
initiatory sound, 1016
interchange of energy with Monad, 765
life, mainspring, 584
life, transference into Triad, 501
light, channel for, 863
manifestation, 611, 684
means of successful rapport with objective world, 545
nature, 684
ninefold choice of Rays, 177
note, sounding and effects, 937-938, 940, 941, 943, 1000, 1001
on its own plane and its instrument, work, 998
plan, materialisation, 967 power to sea, hear, and speak, sumtotal, 699
powers, release premature, disaster, 549
production of vehicles, process, 937-942
purpose, ability to bring through via mental body, 983
Ray. See Ray, egoic.
reflection in lower man, 937
reincarnation, 772, 791
seeking manifestation in three worlds, process, 765-773
sheath, causal body, 179
sounds his note, 937, 941, 943
subordination of lower man to, 957
threefold, correspondence, 1033
transmission of forte form Monad, 166
triple activity, 1033-1034
use of lower Quaternary as medium of expression, 819
vehicle of, causal functioning, 113
voice and note, effects, 937-938
capable off transmission to brain, requirements, 963
dynamic, imposition on physical brain, 957
or purpose realised on physical plane, 807
work, 149, 936-944, 951, 976
See also Solar Angel; Soul.
activity on physical plane, 983
auric egg, 819
bodies of men, stimulation by Hierarchy, 950-951
agency in control of personality by Monad, 569
appearance after individualisation, 763
appearance at third and fourth initiations, 763
Builders on higher mental levels, 681
destruction, 764
sun of lower system, 765
See also Causal body; Egoic lotus; Petals.
contact, response to stimulation, 867
cycles, 303-304
development, period, 610
energy. See Energy, egoic.
group, aggregate of lives forming, origin, 803
appearance, 685-686, 690
interlocking whole, unfoldment, 769
shining upon mental plane, 685
work of solar Anges, 712
impress in sleep, waking consciousness, 970
impulse in group or group unit, manifestation, 770-771
influence, lowest aspect, 964
life, effect upon sheaths and their control, 808
activity finding energising centres in permanent atoms, 820
and solar fire, 504-505, 536
base, appearance of permanent atoms, 768
bud, 763, 768
central life within, activation, 808
chart, 823
circulation of force, 999
constitution, 820
description, 536-549, 709-712, 761-773
development and unfoldment, 808
flower, dissolution, 883
forte, positive and negative, 833
forming, process, 768 petals, five, significance, 704
petals, nine, tightly closed, 708
petals. See also Petals:
production and description, 708
three points of light forming triangle, 709-710
triads, colours, 822-824
will aspect and desire or love aspect, 1017-1018
See also Causal body.
aggregates, 769
groups, 769, 855
names, 841-857
manifestation produced at individualisation, 506-507
manifestation upon lower planes, substance, 941
mantram, influence on pitris, 783
principle, loss, 622
sound, 1001
unit, self-awakening on own plane, 808
will. See Will, egoic.
advanced, “coming in”, 851-854
development, importante of fifth Ray, 585
groups, relationship, 849
reincarnating, 593
transference from one sphere of activity to another, 852
working on mental and astral levels not in incarnation, 854
Eight points involved in symbol, significance, 705
Eighteen, significance, 574
Eighth sphere—
home of lost souls, 642
in connection with dense substance, true meaning, 794
sphere of activity for first Solar System, 588
Electric fire—
at centre of atom, liberation and search for new form, 494
definition, 316, 802-803
logoic Flame Divine, characteristics, 38, 42
manifestation, 316, 628
of Spirit, 241, 818, 819, 1227-1283
of will, 333
passage from atom to atom, 492
result in sounding of Word, 771
sevenfold, 628-629
currents, 156
energy in universe, result, 283
energy, work of Masters, 482-483
fluid, 60
buddhic, uses, 320-321
manifestation, 316
of solar system, 296
type, 698
forces of physical plane, control, 873
law, power, building through, 595
life, positive, work with, 641
manifestations, 313, 436, 452
matter and cosmic etheric substance, 314
aspects, work of devas, 913
balancing, 314
equilibrium, 667
negative aspect, 612
positive and negative, embodiment, 654
positive aspect, 612
three aspects of One Fire, 608
truths concerning, revelation, 456, 524
See also Fire of Spirit, electrical.
demonstrated as Will-to-be, 311
effect of Ray, 44
fire of mind, 310-332
harnessed and utilised as unity, 524
in solar system, seven forms, 311-332
manifestations, 312, 318-320, 331, 456
mystery, 259-260, 511, 521, 608, 612-613, 872-874
on monadic plane, 311-316
physical-plane, 51, 52, 312, 645, 904
pure, discovery, 611
science of, development, 808-809
seven manifestations, 629
seven streams meeting, result, 321
substance, 59
types, three, blend, 690
Electrons, nature of, 477-478, 704
Element, definition of term, 1062
alchemists, 931
Essence, definitions, 75, 144, 845
life, informing. entity, 638
lives, construction, 892
and microcosm, 936-963
construction of fabric of human physical body, 943
desire, vitality energising, 658
and thought elementals, 550-1026
al plane, 67-68
control, inability of alchemists, 494
definition, 44
groups, two, 52
lesser builders, 887-947
physical-plane, 66-67
Ruler, 65
study, results, 493
vibration, effects, 493
air, dangers menacing physical body of man, 1006
air, subsidiary group, 915
ethers, 910-936
sea, 915
three types of matter, 890-936
physical-plane, groups, 890, 944945
physical-plane, recipients of force, 889-910
pranic, occurrence, 67
“seeing”, 931
thought and fire, 550-10.26
working wíth etheric bodies, 914
working with fruits and vegetables, 914
Elements, disintegration and recombination, processes, 917
bodies, use of glamour, 892
building and painting flowers, 914
habitats, 892
in bird realm, 895
Emanative forces, origin of all visible and objective, 920
Emancipation effected through faculty of discrimination, 418-421
body affecting nervous system, ascertainment, 811
nature, 812-813, 945
and emotional currents, effects, comprehension, 812
plane of, logoic liquid body, 944
Energising life, informing entity of solar system, 845-847
and devas, 833, 916-924
and force, terms, need for in interpretation, 763
application to petals in initiation, 884
aspect of Brahma, lowest, 921
concern of all knowledge, 869
creative, 924
currents, 863, 952
dual in building of causal body, 816
flow through centres, 858-859
passed to sutratma to brain and retransmitted back, 962
progress from abstract levels to permanent atoms, 781-783
secret, 766
sending thought form to clothe itself in astral matter, 1008
transmission to physical centre in head, 960-963
transmitted by brain, sends forth form, 1008
utilisation, initial, 958, 960-962
electrical, positive, relation to negative lower, 917
employed in thought-form building, 960
entrance into system, lines, 659
etheric, 52
evolutionary, basis, 893
fiery, basic conception, 946
first great aspect, knowledge of, 872
flowing through centre, type, knowledge of, 923
fohatic, 443
from second planetary scheme via second globe in second chain, 894
generation and transmittal, 921
higher psychic, recipiencte, 865
impressing, from solar pitri, nature, 998
initiated, manipulators, 890
interchange between Monad and Ego, 765
laws, 879, 956
manipulators and recipients, 890
mental, in mental body, 47
monadic, work upon Ego, 832
mystery, threefold, key committed to initiate, 872
nature, comprehension with ability to direct or withdraw energy, 952
negative, 887, 888
adept, 962
all forms of sentient life, vitalisation, 924
buddhi from mental, 703
deva substance, sumtotal, irresponsibility, 951-952
groups, passage through physical sun, 921
human being seeking incarnation passes down, 702
Inner God, demonstration through personality, 863 anifestation, types, recognition, future, 917-918
solar and lunar pitris, interaction, effects, 791
splenic centre, 859
substance in system, scheme, and human cycle, 779-780
thought direction to channel of service, 967, 970
waters becomes paramount and desire increases, 1020
will, desire, or love, aspect, thoughtform, 1019
positive, building human body on three planes, 780
positive, equilibrised, negative, 4
pranic, effects, 857
providers, deva, 915
psychic, source, 858
radiant, 836
response to by kingdoms in nature, 1071-1073
Saturnian, influence, 905
solar, different types contacted, 1022
solar, interaction, study, 794
source, 862
spiral-cyclic, seven types, 1036
streams during evolutionary cycles, divisions, 923-924
thought, use, training in, 868-869
transference from lower centres into higher, 859
transmitters, 921, 922
triple, circúlation, 785
type, seventh, work of Mahachohan, 906-907
type, sixth, manipulation, 899
correspondence to systemic plane, 946-947
five, focal point, 871
seven, in connection with polarity, 712
three, correspondence, 918 twelve, 845
wheels, 537-538
work with, 952
Entities highly evolved, appearance, method, 748-749
animating life of cell, 295
synthesising groups, related to Spirit, 295
Who holds groups in synthetic correlation, 294
Environments, new, for new seventh-Ray types, 447
emotional, production, 863
of matter and Spirit, 1029
contacts of man having learned silence and times to speak, 981
transmission, study, true, 797
Essences, cosmic, action, result, 76
Eternal Now, 63, 175, 193
Ether, fourth—
characteristics, 326-327
comprehension, value, 496
control, 496
buddhic plane, 328, 1099-1100
vibration, means of traveling, results, 687
See also Buddhic plane.
physical, characteristics, 326-327
relation to colour, 320
study, 101, 115 use, 485
builders, 643
more adequate in future, 463
of all seen and tangible, builders, energising, 924-925
of every form in manifestation, 915
and death. See Death. and prana, 77-133
atoms, scattering into primordial condition, 131
description, 79-80
dicta, 81-82
disorders, 104-111
escape from head centre in death, 133, 944
function, 97-111, 785
functioning, object, 91
human, construction, 943-944
importance, 918
moment most vital in work of reincarnating Ego, 788
nature of, 77-87
protective purpose, 122-127
purification, 124-125
study in future, 474
basic, kundalini fires within, 647-648
definition and. function, 857-858
description, 99-100
five, effect on shape of body, 790-791
focal points of active force, 537-538
fourth dimensional condition, requirements, 862-867
means of reception of pranic fluids, 105-106
of all humanity, sumtotal, composition, 919
of group, formation of group centres in petals, 861
of man, location, 617
of man, vitalisation, 634-635
petals, 647, 857-886
tion to egoic contact, 867
channel, 135
congestion, results, 108-109
devas. See Devas, etheric.
devas of, 925-936
double of all in manifestation, 794
See also Etheric body.
doubles, devas of, groups, 930-931
appearance of seven centres, 516
cosmic, importante, 116
definition and synonyms, 910
See also Etheric plane.
matter, buming, akasha, 311
matter, destruction in man, results, 108
plane, ills, functional and organic, 109
planetary body, disorders, 104105
planets, study of, 794
radiation from, 53
sheath, functions, 100
sheath, purposes, 788
stage of form building, importance, 785-786
system, solar, 99
tissue, planetary, destruction, 109
triangle of centres, 98-100, 101, 106-107, 123, 124
burning and ruin, 126
escape from, achievement, 115
ills, microcosmic and macrocosmic, 104
separator of fires, 126
withdrawal of life from, 128-133
vehicles, raging fire, constitution, 924
vision. See Vision, etheric.
vitality, 651, 683-684
web. See Web, etheric.
elementals of, 910-936
fourth cosmic and fourth physical, 320-321
study, 326-328
types, 79, 111-133, 326
Evaporation, occult significance, 902
cause, 838, 948, 949
conquest by Masters, 948-951
cosmic, clue, 1127
cosmic, Sons of, 28
definition, 618 effects of moon, 795
mystery, 649, 721, 835, 990
of identification with past, 622
entity, proportions, swelling, means, 949
origin, 953, 990-991, 993
planetary and cosmic, 989-993
problem, present, clue, 949
production by humanity, 973
purpose, and place of evil forces in general scheme, 949
unlimited, cycle of existence, 992
Evils, world, source, 104
accomplishment, becoming one with solar Angels, 946
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