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Gifted with Hydrangea

Page 4

by Tigertalez

  Mental breakdown. That’s it. I’ve had a mental breakdown.

  A very muscular, naked man walked around and stood beside the horse. Ignoring the full body of naked perfection standing before him, and not feeling any arousal for him—weird—Heath looked at the man’s face, and recognized him as one of the men he’d seen with Enzo. He inhaled sharply. “You!”

  The man shifted to one leg and placed his hands on his hip. “You know me?”

  Heath was reluctant to admit any more than he just did. He could blame it later on trauma, or shock, or something, for giving away so much already. He curled his lips in, and darted his eyes around.

  The man looked at the horse. “Looks like you get to be ridden, Marley. Too bad it isn’t the good kind.”

  The man grabbed his arm, pulling him forward. Heath yanked his arm back, but the man was fast and had a hold on him again, with both hands.

  Heath felt hot breath puff against the side of his face as the man leaned close and spoke quietly in his ear. “I’m going to put you on Marley’s back. If you try to run, it would make your day a whole lot worse. We both can easily chase you down. Do you understand?”

  Heath whimpered and jerked his head in a rough nod. After he was placed on the back of the horse, he watched as the naked man shifted into the large wolf he’d seen earlier. Heath’s eyes grew big, and he held on tight to the back of the horse, fighting the desire to faint. What have I gotten into?

  Chapter Five

  Ryker sat at a desk in Alphy’s office and focused on the information he had uncovered. He had already found everything he needed on Grey’s sister and her mate, Craig, to get their approval for pack membership. Now he was trying to look into her missing best friend, Lizzy. However, it was proving difficult.

  “How’s it comin’?”

  Ryker looked up and saw his mate looking as sexy as ever, leaning against the doorjamb. He let his eyes rake down the toned body and sighed. Even though Rudo was dressed, he was still sexy. Ryker’s dick began to swell.

  Ryker tried to clear his voice from the low octave it wanted to drop to. “Mostly done, but I’m having difficulties with Lizzy’s information. You finished packing?”

  “Yes, I didn’t have much, only a few pairs of sweats and shirts, so I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty to pack for you.”

  Ryker couldn’t keep his voice from lowering this time. “No, I don’t mind at all.”

  “What the hell!” Alphy’s raised voice came from behind Rudo. He didn’t sound seriously angry, but there was an edge of annoyance to his tone.

  Rudo straightened up from the doorjamb and backed away into the hall. Alphy walked through and went directly to a window, opening it. He turned and leaned against the window, and crossed his arms.

  “Sorry, boss,” Ryker said, and looked down.

  Alphy laughed. “You two are fine. Just remember this is my workplace, so no office sex in it.”

  Ryker snickered. “Right, only you and your honey-bear are allowed to have sex in here.”

  “Damn right.” Alphy tipped his head in a terse nod, then looked toward the empty doorway. “Rudo, you can come in, if you’d like.” As Rudo made his way in, Alphy turned his sights on Ryker. “So, did you find anything yet?”

  “No, it’s weird. It’s like someone has been starting to erase her identity. I thought you were done for the day. Did you need your office for something?”

  “The two twin wolf shifters we rescued, Lira and Lita, were out playing in the woods and unwittingly shifted in front of a human who was trespassing. They’re bringing him in right now. I’ll need a background check on him, but it will have to wait until you come back, and after you find everything you can on Lizzy.”

  “Sure. So does that mean you’re keeping him here until all of that?” Ryker stood up and moved over to a chair as he asked.

  “Yeah. He’ll have to stay in the barn. Good thing Kace was able to turn at least one stall into a jail cell.”

  Alphy looked out the window. “There’s Kace and Marley with the trespasser.”

  Ryker was curious, so he followed Alphy out into the main room. He felt Rudo following close behind.

  They were both in the main office area when a naked Kace and Marley escorted in a man about Ryker’s height. The little man was pale, and Ryker could hear his heart beating at a dangerously fast rate. He had some minor cuts and bruises, and his fear was so palpable that Ryker could taste it on his tongue. Yuck.

  Ryker smiled at him, careful to hide his fangs. “Hi, I’m Ryker. My brother’s a doctor, and you look like you can use one. How about I call him over?”

  The young man didn’t say anything, so Ryker just took out his cell and dialed his brother. As he was waiting for Seamus to pick up, he saw Alphy give Kace and Marley stern looks.

  “What the hell happened to him?”

  “Sorry, Alphy,” Kace answered guiltily. “I guess he didn’t know how to ride a horse. He fell off.”

  Seamus’s voice came over the line. “Hey, Rye, what’s going on?”

  “Hi, Sea-salts. Hey, I’m up here in the office. Kace and Marley just brought in a human. He’s not doing so good. His heart-rate is nearly through the roof, and he apparently fell off a horse. He’s got some cuts and bruises.”

  “On my way.” And the line went dead.

  Ryker placed his cell in his pocket and motioned for the young man to take a seat, all the while offering him a kind smile. “Take a load off, uh—what’s your name?”

  The man looked at the seat that he had offered and took a moment to contemplate, as if he wasn’t sure it was a good idea. But he soon made his decision and sat down. He was shaking pretty badly, and only whimpered in response.

  “Hey, calm down, buddy. No one’s gonna hurt you.” Ryker tried to calm him down, but the young man shied away when Ryker tried to pat his arm. The man looked up fearfully at Kace, who was dressed now. There were always extra clothes strategically placed everywhere.

  Alphy glared at Kace. “Kace, wanna tell me why he thinks you’re going to hurt him?”

  Kace tilted his head slightly, submitting to the alpha, and winced. “I may have threatened him a little bit, before I put him up on Marley’s back.”

  Marley added, “Don’t forget how vicious the two girls were. You would have almost thought them rabid, and with how skinny they were, I bet he thought they were going to eat him.”

  Alphy rubbed his forehead and sighed heavily. The sound of a quad rumbled down below, and shut off.

  Ryker perked up. “That would be my brother, Seamus. You remember, he’s the doctor.”

  The man didn’t respond. A moment later, both Seamus and his beloved, Maysa, walked through the door. He went directly to the man and knelt down in front of him.

  “Hi. My name is Doctor Seamus Rossi, but you can call me Seamus. I can tell you’re very upset. Your heart-rate is at a dangerous level. If you’d like, I can give you a mild sedative to calm you just a bit. It wouldn’t knock you out. It would just calm you.”

  The man was shaking his head, furiously, and he backed away from Seamus. Seamus put his hands up and spoke calmly.

  “It’s all right. I won’t give you anything you don’t want. Do you have any allergies?”

  Everyone gave them more room as Seamus continued to question and examine the man. Kace and Marley took up guarding positions by the door, and Alphy backed up a bit, pulling Ryker and Rudo with him. Things felt like they were starting to calm down until Enzo walked in the door. That was when all hell broke loose.


  Rudo saw Enzo sniff both Kace and Marley. He was concerned something bad was going to happen when he saw the murderous look Enzo had in his eyes, which were clearly lupine, a sure sign he close to shifting. Rudo put himself protectively in front of Ryker just as Enzo swung his arm around, punching Kace so hard that he fell back. He continued around and brought his fist up, burying his fist in Marley’s lower gut, pushing a loud grunt from him and dropping him to
the floor on his knees. Alphy leapt across the room and wrapped his arms up under Enzo’s and pulled him back.

  “Enzo, stand down!”

  Seamus had placed himself between Enzo and Maysa, who was crouched over the human. Rudo felt Ryker peek around him to watch what was going on.

  Enzo calmed enough that Alphy finally released his paralyzing hold. Kace and Marley stayed on the ground with their eyes focused on the floor, and showing their necks in submission.

  Alphy slowly stepped back. “What the hell, Enzo?”

  Enzo looked over at the human. Fury burned in his eyes, and he turned around and lunged for the two downed shifters, but Alphy grabbed him and placed him in the same hold again, immobilizing him.

  Enzo howled with ferocity. “What did you two do to my mate?”

  Kace swore and looked almost ready to bolt, as did Marley.

  Alphy didn’t release his hold. “Back down, Enzo. It was an accident. You can sense that he’s already afraid enough. Don’t scare him further. As you see, he’s being taken care of, but if he becomes any more afraid … just listen to his heart-rate.”

  The room went absolutely silent as Enzo stopped struggling and tilted his head to do as he was told. Rudo saw the frightened man had tears running down his cheeks, and he was shaking so bad that it almost looked like he was having a seizure.

  Enzo closed his eyes, and his body slumped against Alphy. Alphy released him but didn’t step away. Kace and Marley both visibly relaxed and began rubbing their injured parts.

  Enzo slowly stepped closer to the smaller man. Seamus pulled Maysa away and behind him, and they both stepped back a little bit.

  Enzo squatted down in front of the human and tried to place his hands on the man’s knees, but the man jerked away, nearly falling out of the chair. Enzo froze for just a second, then pulled slightly away.

  In a low, gentle voice, Enzo greeted him. “Hi, Heath. I’m truly happy to finally get to meet you. I’m sorry it isn’t under better circumstances, but I promise you, as long as there’s breath in me, no one will hurt you.”

  Heath didn’t respond verbally, but everyone in the room, who was listening, could hear the man’s heart-rate lower just a bit.

  The man briefly looked up at Enzo before lowering his eyes again. “H-how d-did you know m-my n-name?”

  Rudo felt sorry for Heath. He was still shaking so bad, it was affecting his speech.

  Enzo smiled warmly. “Havana told me. You met her and her mate this morning when she went to pick up the car. She said you were really sweet.”

  Heath’s heart-rate continued to lower, and Rudo could see his muscles were beginning to relax just a tiny bit.

  “S-she t-told m-me…” Heath stopped and looked like he was trying to calm himself down.

  “What did she tell you, sweetheart?” Enzo asked.

  Heath wiped the tears from his face and sniffed. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “She told me I could pick the flowers.”

  Rudo could see fresh tears start to well up in the man’s eyes. Enzo looked around for something. Ryker seemed to know what he was looking for because he had dashed back behind, into Alphy’s office, and came out with a box of tissues and handed it to him.

  “Thanks, Rye,” Enzo said, and handed the box to Heath.

  Rudo wrapped Ryker securely in his arms as they continued to watch and listen.

  Heath took out several tissues to wipe his eyes and blew his nose. Enzo waited patiently until he was done before asking him anything.

  “Can you tell me what happened?”

  “Havana told me I could go pick the flowers, so I followed the directions she gave me, and I was picking the flowers when…”

  Rudo could hear the man’s heart-rate start to speed up and his agitation began to grow.

  “Shh.” Enzo tried soothing him. “Calm down, sweetheart. Look at me.” He waited until Heath looked up at him before continuing. “I’m right here. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. What happened when you were picking the flowers?”

  Heath looked back down. “I saw a woman. She was, uh,” his eyes quickly darted up at Enzo, then down, “she was naked. I saw her and a wolf running and playing in the forest. I thought it was odd, but I was going to ignore it, but then she … she turned into a wolf.”

  Heath looked up at Enzo, as if he was challenging him to deny it. Rudo thought he probably believed everyone would call him crazy.

  Enzo didn’t dwell on it. He encouraged Heath to continue. “What happened next?”

  “They came after me, the wolves did, and I tried to get to my car, but they cornered me.”

  Rage started to seep into Enzo’s voice. “Did they hurt you?”

  Heath’s eyes grew really big as he looked up at Enzo. “No!” He shook his head and looked back down at his hands. “No, but I thought they were going to. They were growling and snarling at me. I got so scared … uh, anyway, another wolf showed up, and a horse.”

  Enzo waited for a second until he realized Heath was done talking. “Sweetheart, tell me how you got hurt. I need to know everything that happened.” Enzo tried placing a hand on one of Heath’s. Heath jerked his hand back. Enzo didn’t move. He kept his hand frozen where it was, and after a minute, Heath relaxed a little bit. He replaced his hand and allowed Enzo’s hand to rest on top of it.

  Heath continued. “The wolf guy put me on the horse, but I never rode a horse before. I didn’t know it would be so hard, and I was shaking so bad to begin with, that I fell off.” Heath paused, as if thinking back at what happened next. “The horse guy went really slow after that, and I still fell off again, but this time the wolf guy broke my fall.”

  Enzo chuckled and looked up at Kace as he spoke to Heath. “Good, I hope you got a good jab or two in. I’m sure he deserved it.”

  Heath looked earnestly up at Enzo. “What’s going to happen to me?”

  Enzo sighed and looked back at Alphy, who approached them.

  “Heath, I’m Ralph Kaska, but everyone calls me Alphy. I’m the one in charge here. What you saw was a secret we passionately guard. We aren’t going to hurt you, but we are going to have to keep you here until we can get two things from you.”

  Heath’s brows crunched together. “What two things?”

  “We would first need your absolute promise that you’ll never reveal our secret to anyone. And second, you would need to clear a background check. The first thing is simple enough, but the second thing would take a little bit more time.” Alphy pointed back at Ryker. “Ryker is the one who is supposed to do the background checks, but right now he’s got two other things he has to do that are urgent, so they are just a little bit higher priority. It may take a few days before he can do to it.”

  “But my work, I can’t lose it. I have bills I need to pay. And I have a pet at home that needs to be cared for.”

  Rudo watched Enzo squeeze Heath’s hands. “Hey, calm down. I promise we’ll figure out a solution to any problem that arises. I’ll help you out any way you need it. I have enough money so I can pay your bills. Consider it compensation for being forced to stay here. And I’m sure we can talk to your boss and get him to give you a few days off. If not, I’m sure we can find you something better for you. And if you’d like, we can bring your pet here. Does that work for you?”

  Heath thought for a while. Enzo visibly relaxed when Heath nodded solemnly. “Ok. I guess I really don’t have a choice.”

  Enzo rubbed Heath’s hands. “Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry about this. This is not how I wanted to share our secret with you, but I promise I’ll make this up to you. Now, tell me what kind of pet do you have?”

  “A cat. Her name is Tinkerbell.”

  Rudo bit back his snicker. He knew Enzo was a wolf, and wolves didn’t like owning pet cats. But everyone turned to look at Kace, who didn’t hold back his snicker.

  Rudo felt the tension in the room build as Enzo glared at Kace. “Shut it, mutt, or I’ll have you cleaning toilet bowls without a brush.

  Kace cleared his throat. “Yes, sir.”

  Heath gasped, and his eyes got big. “Oh! N-no, we don’t need to bring her here. I’m sure we can … do something. Maybe take her to my mom’s, or something.”

  Enzo gave Heath a curious look. “What do you mean? We can bring Tinkerbell here. It will be fine.”

  “But you’re werewolves, well, except for that horse guy. I didn’t know there was more than one kind of were-creature—I didn’t know there were any.” Heath mumbled the last part. Rudo didn’t think he would have heard it if it weren’t for his shifter hearing.

  “Sweetheart, there are lots of different kinds of shifters. Yes, I’m a wolf, but Alphy’s a big ol’ grizzly bear.”

  Alphy gave an annoyed look and corrected him. “Kodiak.”

  Enzo chuckled. “See?”

  Rudo thought he saw a ghost of a smile play on Heath’s lips.

  Enzo continued. “We are a mixed pack. We have many different kinds of shifters, and other paranormals, and we even have some humans. They are mates to some of the pack members. Your cat will be safe, I promise.”

  Ryker laughed. “Almost. Watch out for the tot twins. They just might steal your cat, especially when Abby learns her name.”

  Alphy grunted in amusement and rubbed his chin. “Possibly. That only leaves the question of where to put you during your stay. The only place we have is the barn.”

  “No, he—” Enzo began to argue. Rudo heard the touch of anger in his voice.

  Alphy held up his hand to stop Enzo from finishing what he was going to say. “I know what he means to you, but he’s been through enough as it is. Think about what you’re forcing on him. You can’t expect him to sleep with you.”

  Enzo growled. “He sleeps in my room. I’ll sleep on the floor outside his door, if I have to, but you’re not putting him anywhere else.”

  Alphy stood up, and a deep rumble echoed through his chest. Recognizing the look an alpha gets when he is challenged, Rudo placed Ryker behind him.

  “Are you challenging my authority?” Alphy growled out.


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