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Gifted with Hydrangea

Page 15

by Tigertalez

  Alphy still paced, but it was more a stroll. He watched Seamus stare at the ground, and he knew the vamp was mulling this information over seriously. He kept silent for a good amount of time. He knew Seamus could also speak to Maysa through their link. That is such a helpful ability. He felt a little bit jealous of his friend’s connection with his mate. Hopefully they can come up with something before I go feral.

  His bear continued to push for him to shift, and Alphy was too tired to argue with it, so he stripped and let his bear take over.


  Seamus nearly jumped when he saw Alphy shift, afraid for a moment that he was going feral. But Alphy let out a big sigh and dropped down onto the floor, as if it was a great relief. He was even more surprised when he realized Alphy was now asleep.

  “Seamus? What’s going on?” He heard Maysa’s voice inside his head.

  “Nothing, my beloved. Alphy just shifted and is now asleep in the middle of the floor. Everything is fine.”

  “Oh, well, ok then. How are you feeling? I know you. You will try to hide your symptoms from me.”

  Seamus quietly chuckled. “You are right, but it’s only because I do not want you to suffer.”

  “I already suffer.”

  Seamus felt Maysa’s grief and worry for both him and her brother, Quinn. Quinn’s illness was further along than the others.

  “I feel weak and a little cold, but otherwise I am fine.” He looked up as one of the council’s HazMat doctors entered the tent, fully geared in his bio-suit. “Hold on, sweetheart.”

  “Doctor Rossi, I came in to check on the sedated shifters, and thought you would appreciate this information.” He handed him a clipboard, which he accepted.

  “Thank you, Doctor Collins.” It was the chart on the human scientist he had infected. He noted, in red ink, was written his time of death. After a quick glance at his watch, he saw it was just five minutes ago.

  He kept his eyes on the information in his hands, but directed his comment at Doctor Collins. “I have to admit that I find this very unsettling that the virus killed him so quickly.”

  “Yes, extremely. I am hoping they haven’t yet sold any of the virus to anyone. Can you imagine it accidentally getting out into the public? It would spread faster than anyone could contain.”

  Seamus nodded in agreement. He was still looking over the information when his body started shivering.

  “You don’t look so good, Doctor Rossi,” Doctor Collins said, sounding concerned. “I think you should lie down and let me take some blood samples.” He pointed to the bed he was sitting on.

  Seamus would have argued, but getting under the blankets sounded too good to resist. After his blood was drawn, Doctor Collins set the vial aside, and began taking his vitals.

  “Your breathing is a bit elevated, and your blood pressure is as well. I’m going to go take a look at your blood, but I think you are possibly showing symptoms, which is odd since no symptoms should be seen until activation.”

  Seamus thought it was odd, too, but he kept quiet as he watched the other doctor’s retreating form. He suddenly felt tired, and after closing his eyes, faded off to sleep.


  Alphy yawned and stretched. He expected to see Seamus when he opened his eyes, but instead he saw the room filled with doctors and technicians in HazMat suits. One of them approached him. He recognized him as Doctor Collins.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  Alphy shifted. He noticed his shift was slower and more labored than normal, but he was soon standing, naked, in front of the doctor.

  “Not bad,” he said and looked around. “I take it everyone has the virus?” Then Alphy spotted Maysa in a HazMat suit sitting by Seamus, who was lying in a bed surrounded by several techs in suits. Just by looking at him, it was apparent Seamus wasn’t well.

  “Sea?” he said as he hurried over to his friend’s side. Someone handed him some sweats, which he put on in a rush, all the while taking in Seamus’s appearance. He heard Doctor Collins talking to him.

  “As you know, he was infected. It appears vampires are not immune to the virus, but it is acting quite a bit different in his body. It is acting more like the flu does in a human body. As for the other shifters in the room, yes, they all have it, as I am sure you do, too. I would like to discuss if you wish to be restrained, or sedated.”

  Alphy shot him an angry glare. “Hold up, go back a bit. So Sea will be all right?”

  “We are hesitant to say,” Doctor Collins replied.

  Alphy glanced over at Maysa, who appeared worried.

  “We have hope,” she said. “They think that his body is creating antibodies to fight it, and if he is, then they may be able to use them to make a cure for both shifters and humans.”

  Alphy gave Doctor Collins a confused look.

  “Because the scientists were only working with the knowledge of human and shifter immunities, they were able to make the virus nearly incurable, but they did not know about vampires. A vampire’s immune system is far superior to a human’s, as is a shifter’s, but it also works differently than a shifter’s,” the doctor explained.

  Maysa spoke up. “Think of them as solar power and wind turbines. They each create electricity, but in different ways.”

  “So same results, just different methods?” he asked them.

  “Yes,” Maysa continued. “Now, imagine one without the sun, but it is still windy.”

  “Okay, so it’s like his immune system works where ours fails?”

  “Possibly,” Doctor Collins said cautiously. “His body is defending itself, but whether or not it will be successful is still unknown. It is too early to tell. Now, please, I am worried about you going feral. You are far stronger than any of the others, and I do not believe we can contain you if you go feral because of the virus.”

  “Wait, now I understand your concern but go back just a little bit. I thought you were able to at least slow it down. How come Sea is so sick already?”

  “The virus was more directly administered into Sea’s bloodstream,” Maysa told him. “It sped up the process. And when I came in here to be with him, he woke up long enough to talk to us for a little bit. He wanted to be taken off the meds that slow it down hoping that it will speed up the process, and get quicker results. He’s worried for my brother and the other shifters who are further along. And before you ask, yes, he was thinking of me. I did think about me, and it was because of me he wasn’t going to do it, but I told him I agreed that it was the right thing to do and that if he didn’t, then I would remove my HazMat suit and expose myself to the virus to remind him that just because I don’t have the virus, doesn’t mean it won’t kill me. Sea has it, and if it takes him, I …”

  Alphy sighed heavily. He understood what Maysa was saying. It sickened him to know that even though Gale wasn’t infected, that because he was, if he died, she would still die, too.

  “All right,” he said, giving Maysa an understanding look before turning to Doctor Collins. “I think it would be best to sedate me.”

  Doctor Collins led Alphy over to one of the empty beds, and as Alphy lay down on it, the doctor gathered the things he would need. Alphy turned over to look at the adjacent tent still housing Rye and the others. He saw Rye’s distressed look.

  “Rye, call Gale for me? Will you tell her what’s going on?” When Ryker nodded, Alphy added, “And call Enzo. Tell him he’s got to lead the pack.”

  Tears streamed down Ryker’s face, but he nodded his head and pulled out his phone. Alphy saw Rye’s mate standing next to him, comforting his mate as Rye spoke into the phone. Alphy closed his eyes and looked away. He hated not being with his mate; he hated the ones responsible for all of this; he hated what was done to the others before him; he hated not being able to fight this; he hated having to be sedated—he hated all of it. He felt the prick of the needle in his arm, and it wasn’t too long after that that he felt darkness blanket him. His final thoughts were of hope that the cure woul
d be found for all of their sakes.


  Enzo plunked his elbows down on his desk, resting his face in his hands, and growled. He felt so brain-numbingly tired. With Alphy gone, he was in charge, and he had far more problems to solve than he had answers. It had been four days since the raids in Philly and Oregon. Many from both raids had chosen to join them. They had been trickling in since then, along with many others who had petitioned and been approved before the raids.

  He heard and scented his mate before he entered his office. Enzo sat back in his comfortable office chair, and held out his arms to his mate as soon as he appeared. He didn’t stop the smile that spread across his face when his mate didn’t even slow down as he entered, and confidently sat down in his lap as if they’d been doing it for years. It made his wolf happily give a whimper-groan sound of satisfaction. Enzo quickly wrapped his arms around Heath and buried his nose in the crook of his neck, breathing his scent in deeply.

  Heath giggled, and wiggled. Enzo groaned as his mate’s ass rubbed against his cock through his pants.

  “Hi, baby, how’d your morning go?” Enzo asked.

  “Great. It felt so good to get back under the hood of a vehicle. Thank you for giving me a job, and the space to work.”

  “Will that be enough room in the shop for you?”

  “It’s plenty of space. Since Rudo returned once they were cleared, he has been out there working, and he and I get along great. We don’t get in each other’s way at all. I actually like that there’s someone else out there with me. It makes it less lonely. I even get help from Paul, and good thing, too. After I serviced Alphy’s truck, like you asked, I had several other pack members asking me if I could look at their vehicles, too.”

  Heath suddenly had a look of unease. Enzo frowned. “What’s wrong? You don’t have to help them if you don’t want to.”

  “It’s not that. I was just wondering, well, I was wondering what my options were.”

  “How do you mean?” Enzo asked, as he rubbed his hands up and down one of Heath’s arms.

  “Well, since I was fired from my job, I don’t have an income to contribute to this relationship. The pack members had offered to pay, but I don’t know how that would work. You said pack helps pack, so do I refuse the money?”

  Enzo placed a kiss on his head before he answered. “You are putting in work for them, so you have the right to ask for compensation. You are also going to need to buy more tools and equipment, and it sounds like paying for employees, and the cost of the parts that you’ll need to get. If you want to help them, you can offer them a discount, or payment plan, or something, or anything you like. It’s your choice. ‘Pack helps pack’ can be many different things. It could be like supporting a pack-member’s business, instead of going to their rival, or helping them move, or taking them something to eat if they’re sick, or unable to go to the store.”

  Enzo hooked his finger under Heath’s chin and pulled his face around to look at him. “And I already told you that I have enough money for the both of us. I do get paid for being beta of the pack. We get free room and board. Hell, the only bills we will incur are credit cards and the like. So don’t feel like you have to earn money. You contribute enough to this relationship by walking funny.”

  “Oh!” Heath shouted and swatted Enzo’s shoulder as he laughed.

  Enzo laughed with Heath. He reached up and pulled Heath’s head closer, connecting their lips in a deep passionate kiss.

  They were interrupted by Gale’s ringtone. Enzo sighed. He really wanted to bend his mate over his desk and fuck him silly. Now I know what Alphy has to deal with when he’s with Gale.

  “Sorry, love, I have to take this,” Enzo said as he reached over, and grabbed his cell of his desk.

  “No prob,” Heath said as he hopped up off his lap. “I’ll go get us some food, and bring it back here so we can have lunch together.”

  Enzo watched his mate’s ass move as he lifted the phone to his ear. “I hope you’re calling with good news. And I will add, seriously how Alphy handles not killing Kace.”

  Gale’s sweet laugh sounded over the connection. “He has his ways,” she answered. “I called to give you the best news! The antivirus from Sea, and the other vamps who were infected, is working.”

  “Thank the moon, stars, and heavenly hosts.” Enzo breathed out in relief. How’re Alphy and Sea doing?”

  Gale’s tone turned serious. “I talked to the lead doctor for the HazMat team, Doctor Collins. He told me that because of how strong Alphy is, and because of the meds they gave him to slow down the virus, it prevented him from getting sicker than some of the others, and he’s already almost fully recovered. The doc says we can probably go home in a few days. They want to make sure there is no possible way that they can spread the virus. Oh, and he said because of the antibodies, all of them are now immune in case they are ever exposed again. As for Sea, even though he is getting better, it’s a slow recovery for him and all of the other vamps and for a few of the shifters, like Maysa’s brother, who were really sick, like near the final stages. Doctor Collins guesses it might be another week, at the very least, before they can leave medical care.”

  Enzo frowned. “It’s a freaking miracle none of you where the triage was, got sick.”

  “That’s what Alphy says, and he says that from now on, things are going to have to be run a little bit differently should we go on any more raids. I don’t blame him. The part that was the worst was being kept apart.”

  Enzo smiled as he thought of Heath. “Yeah, I hear you there. I’m glad he’s going to be okay, as well as Sea. They’re both a big part of our family,” Enzo said seriously. Needing to lighten things up, he added, “Give Alphy a big ol’ smooch for me and tell him I can’t wait for him to take back his throne. It’s okay for a few days, but if I ever get the idea of running my own pack, you have my permission to shoot me.” He laughed along with Gale. It was good to hear her laugh, and it felt good to know his friends were going to be okay. “Thanks, Gale. I’ll let the rest of the pack know, especially Rye. More than anything he hated leaving his brother there to come home, but what he does here is important. Luckily his mate has been keeping him strong and upbeat.”

  “Yeah, a mate will do that to you. I couldn’t handle life without Alphy, but I think I can handle anything with him by my side.”

  As soon as Enzo disconnected, he was surprised when Havana, followed by her over-protective mate, Dultyn, entered his office.

  “Hey, Enzo, we got news we think you’ll want to hear,” Havana said as she flopped down in one of the office chairs without asking. Dultyn nodded his agreement, but stood behind her.

  “All right, what is it?” Enzo asked.

  “You know we were in town this morning, shopping.” Enzo nodded, and she continued. “Well, that reporter chick is on to us, I think. Not our paranormal ways, but that we had a part in the planes going down. She still doesn’t have any proof, but she definitely suspects. But that’s not the worst part.”

  Havana looked up at Dultyn, cueing him to take over, which he did. “News in town is there was a body that turned up completely drained of blood.”

  “Fuck. Just what we need with a nosy reporter already snooping closer to our ass then I’d like. Do you think it’s a rogue? Or just a crazy human?”

  “We didn’t get much information, so I can’t tell for now, but with the sudden surge in population, and the reporter sniffing around, it could bring us too much unwanted interest.”

  Enzo leaned forward and rested his elbows on his desk. He folded his fingers and rested his chin on his thumbs. He stared blankly down at his desk as he thought about what they had told him.

  “I hate to change this cheery subject,” Havana said, “but I couldn’t help but overhear you on the phone with Gale. How’s Alphy?”

  Enzo smiled at her as he leaned back and brought one arm up to scratch an itch on his shoulder. “He’s doing great and should be back later this week.” Enzo r
elaxingly crossed his arms over his chest. “I hate to be handing him this mess when he first comes home. I’ll need to decide if I should put this on Alphy’s shoulders now, or wait as soon as he arrives, after such a long trip, and in spite of all they’ve been.”

  “My vote, you should wait.” Havana said. “They’ve been through so much. He needs to focus on recovery.”

  “I think it would be a mistake if you wait,” Dultyn said.

  “How so?” Enzo asked.

  “To wait, even if it would be appreciated, it would come across to Alphy that you don’t think it is a big enough deal, and I think it is a big deal. I’ve lived with vampires for decades, and I have learned that you should always err on the side of caution with the possibility of a rogue vampire. You might want to call Raymond about it. He can tell you just how serious it is. Also, with as strong of an alpha Alphy is, you don’t want him to think that you held back because you thought he couldn’t handle the news. That might be misconstrued as thinking him weak.”

  Havana chuckled. “Yeah, my mate’s right. Besides, you’ve seen how Alphy can’t sit still even when he’s injured. He’s probably going nuts with boredom and needs something to keep his mind busy.”

  “He’s probably being kept busy with Gale,” Enzo said.

  “Not in a room filled with other people who are either other patients just as bored as him, or doctors and technicians who are watching everything with the perception of one under a microscope.”

  Enzo breathed out heavily. He couldn’t argue with that. “All right. Head back into the house. Thank you for telling me.”

  The couple left as Heath walked in, carrying two trays. Enzo would have gotten up to help him, but Dultyn stopped and helped out, placing a tray on one side of Enzo’s desk.

  After he left to catch up with Havana, Enzo picked up his cell.

  “Who are you calling?” Heath asked.

  “Heath. Come here, baby, I want to hold you. I have two calls I need to make. One’s to Rye, and the other is to Alphy.”


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