The Normal Kind of Crazy (Crazy #1)
Page 5
I put my hand on his arm, “I’m sorry for your loss, Calder. I’ve never had a grandfather but I know I would be a wreck if June passed away. And don’t apologize, as long as there isn’t anyone trying to kill me, I’d be fine with a tent in the woods.”
He nods his head. I can tell he doesn’t want to talk anymore so I lay my head back down and turn it towards the window. Mr. Darcy is still asleep on my lap. I run his ear through my hand as I replay the events of the last twenty four hours. How can this actually be happening to me? I went from a girl who lost her mother when she was young and was then raised by a surrogate grandmother to the daughter of a mob boss?
It seems as though we’ve been driving forever but a glance at the clock shows it’s only been twenty minutes. I’m about to ask how close we are when he pulls off the main road and onto a dirt path, that can definitely not be called a road, and into the woods. It’s bouncy and narrow and I’m starting to second guess my decision to trust Calder when things open up and there is a little clearing up ahead.
I can see the dark outline of a house that looks to be about one story tall and quaint. But out here past the city with no lights I can barely make out much past the front of the car. He puts the car in park and turns it off. Turning to me he says, “I’m going in to turn on the power. I’ll feel safer if you wait here rather than try to fumble your way through a cabin you haven’t been to in the dark. Do you want me to lock the doors?”
“Do you really think you need to lock the doors? If anyone who is after me followed us I doubt they are going to come up and try to open the door, do you?”
He gives me the cutest smile that shows off dimples on the sides of his mouth I hadn’t noticed before. Of course I hadn’t noticed them before, the man hardly ever smiles. He closes the door and heads up to the cabin. I look around and try to make out the area surrounding the cabin but it’s so dark it all just looks like one dark blur. Leaning my head against the window I can see the sky and the millions of bright stars. It’s amazing how many stars there are and how bright they shine when you get out of the city. I’m not sure why my past has been on my mind a lot but seeing the beautiful stars reminds me how dull and lifeless I had become when I was with Sean. I lost myself, well the little bit that I had known about myself. When he broke up with me I thought I wasn’t good enough and that I would never be good enough to be loved. But I’ve discovered since then that we are all stronger than we realize. When we let go of the distractions and limitations put on us, we can all shine bright and be beautiful stars.
The cabin lights turn on and then Calder is making his way back to the car. I unbuckle my seatbelt and gather Mr. Darcy into my arms. Calder comes and opens my door and reaches out and takes my elbow to help me out. I raise an eyebrow questioningly at him. Does he honestly think I can’t get out of a car by myself? He must be able to see it in the brightness from the interior car light because he responds, “First, you look like you might fall asleep any second, and secondly, the ground is uneven and hard to see. I don’t think you want to face plant.”
“Oh. Well, no. Thank you,” I let him take my elbow and help me up. He lets my elbow go to grab the bags from the back seat.
“Just follow me and try to step where I step.” He makes his way around the front of the car and over the lawn. With the lights on I can see more details about the cabin. It’s a one story wood cabin the front porch goes the whole length of the house. There are two wooden rocking chairs on the porch that I can just picture an elderly man and woman sitting in while watching their grandchildren playing on the lawn. It makes my heart break for Calder all over again. I’m reminded of his comment about not having been here since his grandfather passed and I’m moved that he would offer to come here just to keep me safe. Maybe there’s more to him than just his perfect good looks.
My eyes dart left and right trying to take it all in. We walk into the main area and it’s basically one big room with a little alcove for the kitchen. There are couches on the right and the left of the doorway that look like they’ve been here a few years but they go with the cabin. It makes me wish I had had the opportunity to go fishing and camping when I was younger. My mom had never done those things so she couldn’t take me and after she died June was past her camping and fishing years. Moving further in to the cabin I notice there is an old box TV set in front of the couch on the left that looks like it belongs in a museum. Behind the couch on the left is a dining table with four chairs and just past that there is a small kitchen. The kitchen is dated but has a fridge, oven, stove, microwave, and dishwasher. There are open shelves up above and the bottom cabinets are painted green. The kitchen is L-shaped and there is a door to the outside along the outer wall. A fireplace is off to the right and along the outer wall on the right is a bookshelf full of movies, books, and games. Off the kitchen is a hallway that Calder is heading down. I follow him down and to the first door to the right.
“You’ll sleep here. That’s a bathroom. I have one in my room so you’ll get that one to yourself,” he points to the open door just across that hall and down a little bit. “I’ll be there,” he motions to the door just past the bathroom. Pointing to the door next to mine he continues, “Closet with towels. The next door over goes down to the basement. Nothing’s down there except the washer and dryer. Make yourself at home. Shout if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Calder. For everything. For saving me, for trying to keep me safe, for bringing me here even when it’s hard for you.” He looks at me for a few seconds and I get the feeling he wants to say something but he just nods and shuts the door.
Turning around I see that I have a dresser, a closet, and a queen size bed. The bed is a brass frame and is topped with an old homemade star quilt. The floor is wood and there is wood paneling on the walls. I’ll unpack my stuff tomorrow and I crawl into bed. I pull the covers up and to my neck and pull Mr. Darcy close into me. He snuggles into my side and I try to make myself fall asleep.
It’s pointless. Minutes ago I was dead on my feet but now I can’t seem to get my mind to shut off. I think about June and how worried she will be when I don’t check in. I hope she’ll buy my excuse like Kelly did. Everyone is so desperate for me to find someone I think they’ll choose to believe it even if they don’t actually buy it. Kelly knows how to run the store so I’m not worried about that but I still hate making her do it. It’s my business and I hate forcing other people to do the work that I should be doing. Then there is the fact that I’m the daughter of a mob boss. How is that even possible outside of a movie? Things like this don’t happen in real life. Is he going to want a relationship with me? What if he doesn’t? What if he does? Do I want one? Do I have any half siblings? It’s all so complicated.
Then there are people trying to kill me or kidnap me or all of the above. What I don’t get is why they think doing something to me would affect my father. He didn’t even know I exist so why use me as blackmail? Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy he doesn’t want me dead but it just doesn’t seem like I would be the best leverage to get him to do what they want. I still have so many questions and I hope I can get answers tomorrow.
I roll over to my other side and Rice pops into my mind. It seems like forever ago we were kissing in my kitchen. What am I going to say the next time I see him? Where do we go from a kiss like that and then his rejection? I can’t not order from him. People come to my shop specifically for the Mezzanote Coffee Co coffee. In light of recent events his rejection shouldn’t rate high on my list of things to worry about but I can’t seem to get him off my mind. I’ll just have to try to find a way to be professional. I’ll just stick to ordering coffee. There have to be other people who do repairs and maintenance on espresso machines. I finally start to doze off and another face comes to mind and this one has mesmerizing hazel eyes. I think I might not have such bad dreams after all.
- Imogen -
There’s a
cold wet nose pressed against my cheek and snorting in my ear. Stretching my arms up over my head I roll over and stretch out my legs. I look around the room and let out a breath. So it wasn’t all a dream. “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Mr. Darcy.” I swing my legs over the bed and take him in my arms. I take a courage building breath before I slowly open the door and peek my head out. It sounds like Calder is in the kitchen, so I tiptoe across the hall to the bathroom.
As I make it across I softly shut the door and set Mr. Darcy down on the floor. I turn the light on and brave looking in the mirror. Uh, I look exactly how you would expect someone who went through what I went through last night to look. This is not attractive. My hair is coming out of the messy bun I threw it up into last night. It is somehow greasy, frizzy, and ratted all at once. I have mascara smudged under my eyes. My only saving grace is that I managed to lock myself in here before Calder saw me. Except, I’m now realizing that in my stealth rush to get in here before Calder could see me, I forgot my bag. “You stay here,” I whisper to Mr. Darcy as I unlock the door and slowly turn the handle. I open the door and walk right into a very firm very warm chest.
“Oh, sorry,” Calder rushes, “I was coming to tell you there’s coffee in the kitchen. And some eggs in the fridge. There’s also some milk and Cheerios if you are more of a cereal person.”
I finally muster up the courage to raise my chin and my eyes lock with his. “Thank you, that sounds good. I’m good with anything, I’m easy.” My eyes widen at my choice of words. Michael’s right, hot guys muddle our brains. That has to be why I turn into a bumbling idiot whenever I talk to Calder. Ignoring my unintended double entendre I continue, “I was just going to take a shower but…I forgot my bag in my room….”
He practically jumps out of the way, “Oh, I’ll just be in the living room. I have some work to do so,” he trails off as he turns and heads for the front of the cabin. I quickly grab my bag from my room and rush back to the bathroom. My shower might have broken speed records. I’m anxious to do some more scoping and get to know the place I’ll be staying for the next couple of days. I throw my hair up in another messy bun, rub on some moisturizer, and put on old overall shorts and a loose white t-shirt and head out to the kitchen.
Calder is on his laptop at the table. He looks up and I’m rewarded with a little half smile that showcases one of his adorable dimples. I don’t miss the sweep his eyes make down my body and I smile back and head into the kitchen. Grabbing the milk and eggs from the fridge I set them on the counter and step back trying to think where a frying pan might be.
“The cabinet on the bottom left of the stove.”
I turn towards him and give him another smile, “Thanks. Did you already eat? Did you want some eggs?”
“I ate earlier.”
I give him a small nod and reach for the cabinet he indicated housed the frying pan. I start to heat the eggs and milk, mixed together for scrambled eggs, in the frying pan. I grab a mug and poor some coffee. Normally I’m not much of a coffee drinker. I know, who owns a coffee shop but doesn’t drink coffee? Chai tea lattes are more my speed. But with the day I had yesterday and the fact it doesn’t look like things are going to go back to normal any time soon I figure I could use the caffeine any way I can take it. The coffee makes me think of Rice again. It’s a delivery day and that means I would have had to face him. I’m slightly relieved and glad that someone is trying to kill me so I have more time to try to compose myself before I have to deal with my feelings. I guess you can always find a silver lining to any situation.
Once my eggs are done, I go through a couple of cabinets before I find the one with the plates. I pick one and dump my eggs onto it. Heading to the table with my plate of eggs and coffee, I remember that I haven’t fed or given Mr. Darcy any water. I set my plate and coffee down on the table and then head to my room to grab his dishes and food. He’s already nudging me out of the way to get to his food while I set his water down.
Sitting at the table I dig into my eggs and chance a couple of glances at Calder out of the side of my eye. There’s a little bit of scruff along his jaw from not shaving for a day. I have to stop myself from taking my hand and rubbing it along his cheek. The roughness would create an intense pleasure pain sensation during a kiss. What am I doing? I shouldn’t be thinking about kissing him! He is only here with me because it’s his job. Literally, he is being paid to be with me. That brings to mind prostitutes and I giggle at the thought of Calder working the streets. Someone may be paying him to keep me safe and babysit me but it doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the scenery. I just have to remind myself that there is a strict no touching policy.
“So, what’s the plan? I know you said we would stay here for a couple days until another safe house is ready but how long will I have to stay with you guys? I have a business I have to run and want to get back to.”
“We’ll stay here as planned. Then go to the next safe house until the trial is over. It shouldn’t be more than a few more days. So if everything goes according to plan, maybe a week. While we’re here, make yourself at home. There’re books, movies, and games in the living room. You can go outside but I’d prefer if you stay by the house. We’re pretty secluded up here but I would rather be on the safe side. I have some work I need to get done and some phone calls to make. I’ll be in my room if you need anything.” He folds his laptop and stands up.
I’m feeling a little abandoned as he heads back to his room. I wasn’t expecting him to entertain me the entire time but I also didn’t plan on him locking himself away in a separate room. Every time I think I start to get a handle on him he does something that throws me off. I wash my dishes and set them on the drying rack then turn around to decide what to explore first. My eyes catch the books and I decide to start there. I’m a sucker for a good book.
Looking through the titles, there a little bit of everything. John Grisham is right next to the Hardy Boys, then it’s Jane Eyre and snuck in the middle is Diana Gabaldon and Susan Elizabeth Phillips. So, someone liked to read and that reading included romance novels. I smile assuming it was his grandma and I think of what a fun person she must have been. You can’t love to read and discover new worlds through books and be boring. Each book you read leaves little bit of itself in your soul. And judging by the variety, she must have been very interesting. I grab Jane Eyre and make my way over to look at the games. They’ve got quite the selection, some I haven’t seen or played in years. June is a board game fiend, so we always played them growing up. They have Scattegories, which is my favorite. Taboo is another one of my favorites but you need more than two players. Not that it matters since Calder has locked himself away in his room. He doesn’t really come across as the board game playing type either.
I look through the movies and it is like I’m thrown back in time. All of my childhood favorites are here not to mention I don’t think I’ve seen a VHS in who knows how long. I spot Short Circuit and I’m sold. It’s been years since I’ve seen that one. It was my favorite and I would watch it with my mom at least once a week when I was little. I set it on the TV for later.
Jane Eyre is calling my name, so I plop on the couch and Mr. Darcy curls up in my lap and I dive in. I’ve always loved this book. There have been numerous movies made based on the book and while they’ve all been good and I probably couldn’t pick a favorite if I had to. None of them come close to the book, although that’s usually always the case with movies based on books.
My stomach rumbles when the gipsy woman wants to tell all the young single women their fortunes. The clock on the VCR reads one o’clock, not that I know if it’s right or not. I mark my spot in the book and set it down. Darcy darts into my room to go to the bathroom as I make my way to Calder’s door. I knock and wait for him to answer.
He pulls the door open and looks at me, “Yeah?”
“I was just going to fix something for lunch and I realized you probably hadn’t eaten so I tho
ught I would see if you wanted something.”
“What time is it?” He glances at his watch, “One o’clock already? Um, sure. That would be great. Thanks. There’s stuff for sandwiches. Your file didn’t mention any food allergies. So I figured PB&J would be fine.”
My file? I’m once again reminded of who he is and why he’s here with me. “No, no food allergies. Peanut butter and jelly is great. I’ll just go make us some. Did you want me to bring it to you here?”
After a second of deliberating he answers, “No. I’m almost done. And I could use a break. I’ll be out in a minute.”
The door closes as I make my way back to the kitchen. Mr. Darcy follows me and I’m just getting done with the sandwiches when Calder comes in. “Here, this is yours. I wasn’t sure if you would want one or two so I just made one. But I can make you another one if you want. I was thinking about eating mine out front on the deck if you want to join me.”
“One’s fine.”
Not sure if he intends to follow me I grab the book and head out front and sit in a rocking chair. I hear him behind me followed closely by Darcy. The property the cabin is on is beautiful. It’s secluded and quiet. You can really appreciate the beauty of nature while out here. We eat in silence broken only by the creak of the rocking chairs.
“I remember loving it here when I was little. Some of my best memories are at this cabin,” Calder says, breaking the silence.
Trying to hide my shock at his initiation of a conversation, I respond, “It’s beautiful. You’re lucky you had somewhere like this to come to and people who wanted to take you. I can just imagine all the fun memories you must have made.”
He looks over at me with a look that is close to sympathy, “It must have been hard growing up without a family and losing your mom so young.”
“It was hard losing her; it still is. But I like hearing other people’s stories about growing up. And I do have a family. I have plenty of family. My family just includes a lot of people who choose to be included in that term rather than just born into it. I guess my family just grew too. It’s crazy finally knowing who my dad is. I thought it would be a bigger revelation.” He laughs and I smile at him, “I know you think I’m crazy. Having someone try to kill me twice in one day does seem pretty big but I thought it would mean more, emotionally. Maybe it has to do with not having met him and how this all still seems so surreal. He’s always been this huge question mark in my life and in a lot of ways, even though I know his name, he still is. I wonder what he and my mom were like together. I wonder what he’s like now.”