by L. J. Voss
- Calder -
I’ve been a mess ever since he took her. Thinking back to that day, I remember blacking out and waking up when the paramedics started working on me. I was pretty lucky since the shot to my side just skimmed me and the one to my shoulder was more towards the outside and hit mostly muscle. They still hurt like a bitch. I can handle that pain. The pain I can’t handle is the thought that something has happened to her, that I wasn’t able to keep her safe. They made me go to the hospital to get stitched up and checked out. The argument with my boss about how I’m not taking leave and that I’m going after her was intense and long but I eventually won. There’s something to be said for being a stubborn ass.
I went and visited Imogen’s friend Kelly, and then June and Mabel at the retirement home. Neither visit produced anything useful. I was starting to feel a little defeated until I got information yesterday that Michael had been spotted.
That leads us to right now and me following him into some industrial part of town. I’m breaking about a million rules and laws right now since I should immediately reported the information I found. But I couldn’t risk him slipping away again which is why I have been following him since last night.
He pulls into a big solitary warehouse and parks. I make a quick call asking for backup and giving them my location. After waiting a few minutes to make sure he hasn’t realized he was followed, I take out my gun and follow him in. My shoulder burns as I use the muscles that are trying to heal and my wound stretches.
Not wanting to give away my position, I go to a window on the side of the building and peek through. I see what looks to be an empty office. Trying the windows I’m relieved when one of them is open. Crawling through the window, I hear a gunshot. My instincts have me crouching and listening but my heart and gut want to rush in there to protect the woman I care about. Creeping out of the office, I see that he has her in front of him with a gun next to her head. Maurice “Rice” Fitzpatrick is standing in front of them with his arms up in surrender.
I don’t have time to feel like an idiot that I didn’t realize this was Mezzanote’s warehouse and that I didn’t know Rice was here. Just more proof that my mind hasn’t been focused since taking this assignment. My focus has been on her when it should have been on how to keep her safe. I can beat myself up later; right now I have to focus on getting Imogen out of Michael’s arms. Rice’s eyes meet mine and I see an almost unnoticeable head nod. I take that as a signal and wait for a cue.
Rice moves closer to Michael and Imogen as he begs him to let Imogen go. Michael laughs and responds, “You aren’t in a position to beg for anything. Although I do like the thought of you in a different position, begging me for something else.”
I take that as my cue and yell, “FBI, arms up!” Rice lunges for Imogen at the same time and pulls her away from Michael. Michael twists towards me and his gun goes off. I fire several shots at him and he falls.
I make my way over to him and kick his gun away. I bend down and check his vitals and confirm what I already knew. He’s dead. Looking at his body, I see I hit him right in the heart. I’m proud of my hit but also disappointed that he didn’t suffer. The little prick should have suffered hours and hours of agonizing pain for what he’s done to her.
Standing up, I look over as Rice leaves Imogen and moves to a dog that is lying on the ground. I hadn’t even noticed the dog was there. Shit, I’m off my game. My eyes shift back to Imogen and I see her sobs and run to her. My arms wrap around her and my heart lifts that she is safe and in my arms. I realize that I don’t just care for Imogen but that I’m falling in love with her. She is everything that I never knew I wanted and needed. The feeling scares the piss out of me. Luckily I’m saved from further self-evaluation. Back up arrives and the warehouse is flooded with people.
I leave her and motion to the paramedics to check her out. My boss is walking in and I know that this isn’t going to be a fun or a short conversation.
- Imogen -
I’m forced to go to the hospital for my injuries. My cuts need stitches as does the bullet wound on my butt. They are also afraid I might have a concussion from where Michael hit me with the gun and that I may be dehydrated. So I’m awarded a very uncomfortable bumpy ride to the hospital in an ambulance.
When I get to the hospital, they give me some pain medicine before they clean my wounds. Then I have to sit through the uncomfortable sensation of my numb skin being pulled and tugged. I’m definitely not a fan of stitches. It’s about two hours later when they finally wheel me up to my own room. I’m started on fluids and antibiotics to prevent infection since the cuts from Michael have opened up a few times and been left exposed.
The pain medication has kicked in and, the crash from the adrenaline rush has left me exhausted. I’m almost asleep when I hear intense arguing right outside my room. All of a sudden June comes charging through the door followed by nervous nurses and an embarrassed Mabel. She runs up to me and wraps me up in a huge comforting bear hug. Sitting next to me, and she takes my hand, in hers and jumps right into her story.
“Oh, Immy! I’ve been so worried about you. Kelly told me you went on a romantic getaway. At first I was so excited for you. Finally you were enjoying life and having some fun! But then I hadn’t heard from you and I started to get worried. Then not yesterday but the day before this very handsome young man shows up at the home waving a badge around and saying he’s FBI. It was the most exciting thing to happen since Norma got that STD. I wouldn’t be surprised if Leroy had a heart attack from all the excitement. Anyway, back to my story. So he comes in and wants to see Mabel and me. Obviously I think he’s probably a lunatic but he was very good looking so I turn to Mabel and say, ‘He’s a lot cuter in person than he is in his picture on the internet’,” she pauses for a second to laugh at the memory of her joke. Then she continues, “Oh you should have seen old Bertie when I said that! So he comes over to us and tells us this crazy story. It’s something you would see in the movies! About how your dad is a mafia boss who is being blackmailed by a drug lord and they had to take you into protective custody. Then you were kidnapped and they were trying to find you. Once we realized it wasn’t some prank we started demanding they find you. You should have seen Mabel,” at this part she motions her head towards Mabel, who is standing on the other side of the bed. “She was up in his face screaming at him. I didn’t know she had it in her. You should have seen his poor face! He told us they were doing everything that they could and that if we hear anything or think of anything that could help that we let them know. That was all we knew until about an hour ago when he called and told us where you were.”
June hugs me again and Mabel reaches down and squeezes my hand. Mabel adds, “Oh Immy, we were so worried. I’m so glad you’re alright.”
I give her a reassuring squeeze, “I’m so glad you guys are here. I’m sorry to worry you.” I try fighting my heavy eyelids. It keeps getting harder and harder to open them. I hear Mabel whisper to June.
“We should let her get some rest. We’ll go down to the cafeteria.”
They must leave because it’s quiet and then the next thing I know I’m waking up and it’s dark outside. June and Mabel are sitting in chairs watching the TV. They see me wake up and they both rush over to me. Mabel presses the nurses call button.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” June asks.
“Did you get some good sleep? Do you need anything? The nurse told us to call them when you wake up,” Mabel informs me.
“I’m good. I’m a little sore and I’m actually really thirsty. Do you think I could get some water?”
The nurse comes in then and asks how I’m doing. I repeat what I just told June and Mabel. She types some information into her screen and then asks about my pain and if I’m ready for some more pain medicine. When I give her an enthusiastic, “Yes,” she smiles. She takes my blood pressure and
temperature and enters them into her computer. A room service menu is put into my hand and she explains how to order and then she leaves. A cup of water and a little paper cup with some pills in it are in her hands when she comes back. Then she tells me to buzz her if I need anything and she leaves.
Looking at my choices, I notice that they close at 8:00 p.m. I only have ten minutes to get my order in. Hurriedly, I pick a grilled cheese sandwich with macaroni and cheese, a dinner roll, and some chilled apple crisp thing for dessert. After placing my order, I lean back in my bed and look at June and Mabel standing off to the side. I smile when I see they are arguing with each other. Straining to hear what they are saying, I can only make out a few snippets. ‘Don’t you dare ask her,’ and, ‘I want to know what happened to her,’ and, ‘Don’t make her relive it,’ followed by, ‘What if something happened with that hunky FBI agent?’ Deciding to put June out of her misery and dispel any discomfort Mabel feels I ask, “So, are you guys ready to hear what happened?’
June grabs a chair and pulls it over, eager for me to start. Mabel, still being the sensitive one, reassures me, “Oh, Immy, you don’t need to relive the horrible experience. You just get some rest. We are happy just sitting here knowing you are safe. If you want to talk about it later you can.”
“Thanks, Mabel, but it really is fine. Plus if I didn’t tell you, then you would never know what happened with the hunky FBI agent,” I tease. June’s eyes light up and I wink at her and then continue, “So it started the day of your contest,” and I gesture to June. “I came back and the lights were on in the front of the café, which isn’t too unusual when Kelly closes up since she forgets sometimes. Anyway, so I head up to the front and see she has left me a note. I read it and then turn to flip the lights off but I hear something and a man has come through the front door. Well, I think he probably thought we were open so I explain it to him and go to show him out the door and I see he has a gun and it’s pointed at me! I panic and then hear a something that sounds like a loud crack and fall backwards. At this point I think he has shot me but I can’t feel any pain. I convince myself that I don’t feel pain because my body is in shock. Which after getting this, shock my ass,” and I motion to my butt cheek, “You can definitely feel it. Anyway, back to the story. So then this face pops up in front of my face and I think it’s the man and he is going to do horrible horrible things to me so I start kicking and hitting, basically flailing all over the place. It turns out to be Calder, who is the FBI guy who actually is Wall Street. Remember me telling you about him? Anyway, the sound I heard was him killing the other guy. Then he tells me he’s taking me to a safe house.”
There is a slight knock on my door so I stop my story while they drop off my dinner. Once they leave again I continue. “I tell him I’m not going anywhere without Mr. Darcy,” I gasp as I think about him and realize he is probably still stuck at the cabin. Frantically I exclaim, “Mr. Darcy! He’s still at the cabin! I have to get out of here. I have to get him.” I try to get up and realize I am attached by a few tubes and cords. My hands fly to try to rid me of them just as June breaks in.
“Imogen! Mr. Darcy is fine. Calder, that was his name right? Calder brought him when he went to talk to Kelly. He talked to her first since he remembered you had called her. She has Mr. Darcy and he is okay. Oh and that reminds me, you are supposed to call her as soon as you wake up. But you can call her after you finish your story. I can tell you were just getting to the good part!”
Relief washes over me at the news that Mr. Darcy is okay and has been taken care of. Finding out Calder thought to take care of him and go back for him does funny things to my heart. As I let the breath out I was holding I say, “Oh. That’s good. Okay, yes I’ll call Kelly after I eat.”
Picking up my sandwich I take a bite of food and resume talking through my bite. “So where was I? Oh yeah. I told him I wouldn’t leave Mr. Darcy so we go upstairs to grab my some of my stuff and Mr. Darcy.” I narrow my eyes at Mabel, “Where Darcy just so happened to be chewing on the Christmas present you got us all last year, so thanks for that.” She blushes with embarrassment. I smile to let her know I’m joking then I continue, “There wasn’t another safe house ready so we went to Calder’s grandfather’s cabin. We were there for a couple days.” I smile and get a dreamy look on my face when I think about our time spent at the cabin. “We talked and got to know each other. He taught me how to fish. Oh, and I found an orphaned baby duck! So does Kelly have Cleo too?” I ask.
“Who is Cleo? Kelly didn’t mention a Cleo.”
That is odd. I wonder what Calder did with her. “Cleo is the baby duck. I wonder where she is. Maybe Calder kept her? He had better not just let her go or I’ll kill him.” I shake my head and continue my story, “So we found the duck and then we had to go and find food to feed her, so we went into town to find food. We stopped at the pet store and I called Kelly and left her a message telling her I was okay. Then we went to the grocery store and that is where I ran into Michael. He grabbed me and shot Calder. I was knocked out and woke up tied to a chair. He tried to get me to talk on the phone to someone to confirm I was there but I wouldn’t and then he gave me these,” and I point to my cuts. “Rice came and saved me. Rice, the coffee roaster I buy my coffee from, Rice. Who actually it turns out is someone my dad sent to keep an eye on me. So basically all the hot men that come into my life are either federal agents, hit men, or part of the mafia. No wonder I’ve been single for so long.”
I push my tray away when I’m finished with my dinner and finish my story. “So Rice rescues me and shoots Michael in the thigh as we are escaping. We have to spend the night in the woods. Then, get this, in the morning Rice goes and catches some fish for us to eat all MacGyver style with a soda can tab and some string from this thing around his wrist! After we eat the fish we have to hike out which takes forever with me limping and the cuts hurting. We stole a car. Went to his apartment, only at first I thought it was someone else’s apartment and we were going to have to whack him. You know because that is what the mafia does.” At this June is enthusiastically nodding her head. “But we don’t because it is Rice’s apartment, his name is actually Maurice. We stay there that night. We go to get Mr. Darcy the next day but we have to stop and get guns from Rice’s roasting warehouse. Then Michael shows up and then Calder shows up and kills him and then you know the rest.”
I sit back and take stock of their shocked faces. June is the first one to talk and all she wants is to ask, “So what happened during all of those nights you were alone with two very attractive, virile men?”
A blush creeps up my chest and neck and onto my cheeks. Sheepishly I answer, “Well, actually, I did kiss both of them.”
June asks incredulously, “Kiss? You only kissed them?”
Laughing, I respond, “Yes, only a kiss. But,” I pause for dramatic effect, “they were pretty incredible kisses. Not that it matters now anyway. Calder will get his big promotion he’s been waiting for and move to Washington, D.C., Rice will go back to Boston to take over for my dad. And I’ll be left here single. But such is life, c’est la vie.”
I notice it’s getting late so I tell them they need to go home and I’ll see them tomorrow. It takes some arguing and convincing but eventually they relent and leave. I’m getting tired again and decide to hurry and call Kelly before I fall asleep. She shrieks when she hears my voice and then proceeds to yell at me, “IMOGEN CORDELIA JONES, if you EVER, and I mean EVER, scare me like that again I will kill you myself!”
“I’m sorry, Kel. I couldn’t tell you the truth. But I’m okay now. Thanks for watching Mr. Darcy for me. I’m pretty exhausted so I’m going to go to bed but I wanted to call you before so you didn’t worry anymore.”
“I know you couldn’t tell me the truth and I’m only half kidding. You know I’ll watch Mr. Darcy anytime you need me to. Thanks for calling me and now get some sleep because I’m seeing you tomorrow and then you are telling me
the whole story. Love you, Imms. You’re the jelly to my peanut butter.”
“Love you too, Kel. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly,” I finish as I hang up the phone.
I’m disappointed that neither Calder nor Rice came to see me. You would think after my safety being both of their jobs for the last little while they would want to make sure I was okay. I know I’ve been telling myself to not get attached, that both of them will be leaving and to just enjoy the time we’ve had. But, like the idiot I am, I developed feelings for not only one of them, but both of them. Maybe it’s a good thing neither of them came. It probably would have made it harder when they left again. I fall asleep dreaming of both of them.
- Imogen -
I wake up slowly and a little disoriented. My eyes fall on Calder sitting in a chair opposite me.
When he sees that I’m awake he gives me a smile. “Hey.”
“Hi,” I respond a little sheepishly. There’s a small flutter in my stomach as I take him in. He’s dressed in a gray suit with a gray-blue dress shirt and a navy tie. His face is clean shaven and his hair is done. He looks like he did when he first came into The Artful Blend.
Standing up he walks over to me. “I was just coming to let you know that everything has been taken care of. Your life can go back to normal. Your dad’s testimony was enough to convict Manuel Rodriguez. There’s a minor threat of retaliation so local PD will keep an eye out for the next couple of weeks. And, off the record, your dad has some tricks up his sleeve to prevent any further retaliation against you or anyone else in his family or employ.”