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What Happens In Italy..._A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 2

by Kendra Riley

“You put a tracking device on my phone. And don’t act like you don’t know how to do that.” Surprisingly, his laugh didn’t annoy her. “I saw your interview last night.”

  “Studying your target huh?” He playfully winced at her punch. “Geez Holyfield.” He gave her right bicep a squeeze.

  “That’s right. And don’t you forget it.”

  Russell stretched his arms and back before standing. With minimal effort, he pulled his shirt over his head to reveal a toned abdomen and chest. Veins decorated his biceps and forearms, his trapezius muscles jutting from his shoulders.

  She swallowed the extra saliva in her mouth as she watched him dry off.

  “Wanna get my back for me?”

  “I’m surprised you don’t have someone to do this for you,” she teased. She felt his hard muscles through the thin shirt, determining he loved working out as much as she did. “You need some work on your hamstrings.”

  “Are you looking at my butt, Ms. Alexander?”

  “Just making an observation.”

  “Are you available to give me some pointers? You are a trainer, right?”

  “Someone’s been googling me.” She tossed his shirt in his lap and retook her seat next to him. “I can help you out, but it’ll have to be within the next six days because I have to head back to the States.”

  “Perfect. Maybe I can take you to dinner afterward.” He batted his long eyelashes, offering the most innocent smile he could muster, dimples on full display.

  “Let’s just stick to the training, Mr. Haines.” She chuckled. She turned her attention back to her loose shoelaces before checking her watch for the time. Ten minutes had passed and she needed to get back to the hotel so she could meet Olivia for brunch. “If you want to start tomorrow, meet me at my hotel. I’m staying at the Gritti Palace.”

  Russell matched her standing position, stretching his legs. “You know I never take no for an answer.”

  “I would have guessed so.”

  “Let’s make a bet. 400-meter dash. If I win, you let me take you to dinner. If you win, we’ll leave it at training.”

  The competitor in her made her accept. They both performed a few more stretches before walking to the designated starting line. “One lap around right?”

  He nodded once, his lips pulled back in the arrogant smile she hated. “Ready, set, go!”

  Tears blurred her vision as she took off, which would have been a problem if her path hadn’t been clear. She gritted her teeth and fought through the burn in her legs. Knowing looking back would slow her down, she peeked out the corner of her eye to see her handsome opponent’s progress. Confidence swelled in her abdomen as he dipped in and out of her vision. She coached herself on her breathing technique, pulling air in through her nose and releasing it through a small gap in her lips.

  200 meters to go.

  Russell’s steps grew louder as he picked up the pace. It didn’t take long for him to overcome her. With 100 meters remaining, he turned so that he was facing her, sticking his tongue out as he ran backwards. His bright smile relayed all the thoughts in his mind.

  Just as they were coming to the finish, Nariah pulled up, her sprint becoming a hobble before transitioning to a walk.

  The arrogant expression left his face as he stopped to help her. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she huffed. She shook him off, limping to the nearest bench. She plopped down and let out an exaggerated breath, kneading the ball of muscle in the back of her leg.

  “Here, let me.” He sat next to her so that their legs touched. He ignored the skepticism draping her features as he pulled her leg into his lap. He used a strong yet gentle grip to provide some relief.

  “Why are you smiling like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you know something I don’t know,” she answered.

  “It’s funny.” He chuckled to himself. His hands continued to work despite his eyes drinking in her dark chocolate golden skin.

  “I want to laugh.”

  “You didn’t want me to win so bad that you faked an injury.” He held her in place as she tried to reclaim her leg. He gave the top of her thigh a small tap, ceasing any more protest. “I didn’t take you to be a sore loser.”

  “I’m not. You feel the knot.” She placed her hand over his to show him where he needed to apply pressure. “Who fakes a cramp, anyways?”

  He looked into the distance, his dimple betraying his attempt not to grin as he pointed his thumb in her direction. He rubbed the spot she punched, adding a wince to increase the effect. “Hands to yourself, miss.”

  “So says you.”

  He followed her eyes to his hands, still maintaining a hold on her ankle. He traced various shapes on the spot as he watched her, taking in the smoothness of her skin. He couldn’t resist the urge to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear, his fingers brushing against her cheek, drawing her attention. He offered her a kind grin. “Have you ever thought about going natural?”

  Her eyebrows inched toward her hairline before drawing together. She continued to stare at him, determined to will him into explaining. Several seconds passed before she decided to speak. “What do you know about going natural?”

  He reached out to touch her dark brown tresses, receiving a hearty slap.

  “Rule number one in dealing with black women: don’t touch their hair.”

  “The others let me do it.”

  A chuckle slipped from her chest as she carefully placed her foot on the ground. She stood and stretched her arms overhead, her curves on full display. She hiked her foot on the bench and reached for her toes, accentuating the length of her long legs. She bit into her bottom lip as her hamstring released its tension, a warm sensation taking its place. “Looks like you knew what you were doing.”

  “I’ve been told I’m good with my hands.”

  “Did the others tell you that?”

  He stood and stretched his arms and back, his flexibility impressive for a man of his build. He created some distance between them to give himself enough room to perform a few yoga poses.

  “How many others have there been exactly?” she questioned.

  “Does it matter?”

  “It does. You clearly don’t have the same experience with black women as you do with the tech industry. I’ll let you in on a little secret.”

  “And what might that be Ms. Alexander?”

  “Black women are way more complicated.” She jogged in place to test the likelihood of her muscles knotting. She performed a few more stretches before feeling confident enough to make the run home.

  “If they’re all like you, I wouldn’t doubt it.” This time he dodged the punch she threw, grabbing her hand and pulling her into him. “I like complicated.”

  She rested her hand on his hard chest before stepping back. “Then you’re in the right business.” Nariah kept her eyes on her watch despite the magnetic pull of his.

  “Since you’re such an expert, why don’t you teach me?”

  “Teach you what? How to treat black women?”

  He stepped forward, their chests brushing together. He wrapped his large hand around hers then trailed it up her arm, stopping upon reaching her shoulders. “No.” He leaned down so that his breath warmed her lip. “Teach me how to treat you.” He caressed her jaw line with the back of his hand before cupping her chin. “How is your skin so perfect?”

  Once again, her hand found his chest. She resisted the urge to squeeze the tight muscle, her hand falling back to her side. After a settling breath, she stepped back, combing her fingers through her hair. She hoped her melanin hid the blood she felt collecting in her cheeks. She took another step back, further distancing herself from his heat. “Water?”


  “Water, fruit, and vegetables. And minimal animal products.” She picked a curl from his forehead. “Maybe you’ll be able to get rid of some of these wrinkles, old man.”

  “I can’t be that much ol
der than you. How old are you, anyway?”

  “Rule number two in dealing with black women: we don’t age.” She tapped his chin before turning her back to him. “I’d better get going, I have a date.”

  He grabbed her before she had a chance to run off. “Speaking of, we need to make plans for ours. You lost, remember?”

  “You can’t count that as a win,” she protested. “I caught a cramp. I couldn’t finish.”

  He hunched his shoulders, his smile taking up more than half his face. “Are you free tonight?”

  She observed him through a narrowed eye. The sun beaming behind him gave him an angelic appearance, gifting him an air of innocence that he wouldn’t have otherwise been able to conjure on his own. She shook her head at his pouted lip. If it hadn’t been for their earlier mishap, she would have been fooled into thinking he was a nice guy.

  She ignored his pleas, too focused on his strength and stature. It wasn’t just his physical appearance that intrigued her. She liked the challenge he posed. She also liked their power plays, the subtlety of their attempts to control the situation. Something about him was different; besides the color of his skin. He was fun and wasn’t afraid to play her games.


  “Call me later, Mr. Haines.” She walked into a jog, music filling her left ear.

  “But I don’t have your number.”

  “You’re a billionaire, you’ll find a way to get it.” She half expected him to chase after her, taking a glance back when she realized he wouldn’t.

  Just as he had done after his first meeting, he remained in his place until she disappeared in the golden hues on the horizon. He couldn’t help but smile to himself as he replayed their conversation in his head. He peered in the direction she ran, flexing his fingers as he remembered how soft her skin was. His buzzing phone broke him out of his thoughts. The number wasn’t saved to his contacts and the city was unfamiliar. It continued to buzz in his hand as he contemplated answering it. “Hello?”

  “Long time no talk, Russell.”

  A cold chill raised the hair on his arms. He raked his fingers through his hair, dragging his nails down his neck. “How did you get this number?”

  “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we’re talking again.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Just to catch up, make sure you haven’t forgotten about me.”

  “You know I haven’t.”

  “I couldn’t tell. All I get is a letter every month.”

  “And a check,” he hissed. “We had a legal agreement. You are to never contact me.” The line went quiet, hushed breathing flowing through the speakers. Russell looked over both his shoulders before taking a seat on the bench. He rounded his back, making himself as small as possible. He kept his eyes moving, his heart thumping in his chest. “Hello.” He stiffened as he heard a baby cry in the background.

  “Shhh, it’s okay BJ. Daddy will be home soon.”

  Pain radiated through his jaws from clenching his teeth. He forced himself to relax, calming his breath.

  “Your son misses you. Don’t you BJ.”

  His phone vibrated. He wiped his mouth and gazed toward the sky after seeing the tanned skin of a boy who shared his hazel eyes. He held his breath to keep his volume below a whisper. “I’m not even sure if he’s mine.”

  “If that were true, you wouldn’t be sending me money every month.”

  He caught her name before it had a chance to leave his chapped lips. He slowly released a breath through his nose, regaining his composure. “What do you want?”

  “Only to see you, and for you to meet him. I’m in Italy. When are you free?”

  He spotted an interracial couple jogging toward him, reminding him of the spunky woman that had just left him. The moment of joy passed as the voice on the other end of the line repeated her question. He offered them a smile as they passed, envious of their ignorance to the stares they received, the comments being made behind hands. “So stupid.”

  “I know you didn’t just call me stupid.”

  “Not you.”

  “So when does our precious son get to meet his superhero father?”

  “I’ll call you.” With that, he hung up and shoved the phone in his waistband. He made sure no one was watching him before taking off.


  Nariah turned back and forth in the mirror, while holding a black mid-thigh length cocktail dress in front of her. After an exasperated breath, she threw it to the side, throwing herself onto her bed. Her phone pinged, alerting her to a new text message.

  Are we still on?

  “You’re supposed to be here in an hour, right?” she spoke while typing.

  Just checking. You women are such fickle creatures.

  Watch it before I cancel ;)

  You wouldn’t do that

  Why not??

  Because you’re too sweet…and I know how eager you are to see me


  See you soon Ms. Alexander!

  She let the phone rest on her chest as she stared at the ceiling. She checked the time, nervousness twisting her stomach. She tussled with the sheets, shouting her apprehension into one of her pillows. She stopped kicking upon feeling another presence in the room.

  “Excited huh?” Olivia asked.

  “How can you tell?”

  “I’ve only seen you like this once.”

  She pulled herself into a seated position, holding her head in her hands, doing her best to keep the memories from entering the front of her mind. “Don’t remind me.” She decided to do her makeup to distract herself.

  Olivia changed the subject to the possible choices for the night, suggesting the black dress resting on the top of the pile.

  “I can’t wear that.” Nariah sighed.

  “Why not? Russell won’t be able to keep his hands off you.” She held the dress in front of her before checking herself out in the mirror. “If you don’t wear it, I definitely will.”

  “Be my guest. I’m thinking about canceling.” She fell back into the pillows. “I’m not sure about this.”

  “What’s there not to be sure about? A handsome billionaire wants to take you out for dinner.”

  “I don’t care about his money ‘Liv.”

  “Then tonight’s all about having fun. No expectations, no judgment.” She threw the dress in her best friend’s lap before pulling her to her feet. “Get dressed, do your makeup, and I’ll do something cute with your hair,” she instructed while leaving the room.

  After the door closed, she stood in front of the mirror, taking a long hard look at herself. She imagined his touch as she tucked a curly lock behind her ear. She stripped down to her underwear. The simple move was indicative of just how far she’d come in life. It wasn’t until recently that she felt confident enough to look at herself naked.

  She turned to the side and sucked in her already tight stomach, running her hands over the discolored stretched skin. They were battle scars from the ongoing war with her self-esteem. Though the chubby girl she was when she grew up was long gone, the image was ever present in her mind, only a few thoughts away.

  “Tonight’s about having fun,” she told herself. “Let’s have fun, Nariah. That is allowed.”

  She took a quick shower, shaving every area she could reach. She took extra time to lotion her skin, using coconut oil, which gave her a healthy glow. After putting the finishing touches on her makeup, she carefully slipped into the dress, which was shorter than she thought. The end of her lotus tattoo peeked from underneath the thin fabric. She looked herself over for the fourth and fifth time, finally convincing herself that she looked okay.

  On cue, Olivia popped her head through the door. “Ready for me?”

  “You should knock, I could’ve been naked.”

  “It’s not like I ain’t seen it before.”

  “You’ve never seen me naked.”

  “That’s what you think,” she teased with a wink.

knew you wanted me.”

  “Since the first day I saw you.” She gave Nariah’s round bottom a playful slap before ushering her into a chair. “How do you want it?”

  “Down.” All stress melted from her body as soon as Olivia’s hands touched her scalp. She watched her work in the mirror, impressed by her dexterity. “What do you think about me going natural?”

  “It’d be a good change, but you know how lazy you are when it comes to your hair. Russell’s suggestion?”


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