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What Happens In Italy..._A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 4

by Kendra Riley

  “That’s good. I’m proud of you. Now tell me what you did do.” She tipped the mug, a splattering sound echoing off the porcelain. “My hand is really slippery. I don’t know if I can hold it any longer.” Holding the handle between her finger and thumb, she dangled it a foot above the sink. “Man, my wrist is getting tired.” She pretended that it slipped, more brown liquid spilling.

  “Okay, okay, okay. I’ll tell you.” She snatched the mug and held it close to her chest, whispering to it before she took a drink. Her eyes rolled as the caffeinated potion warmed her throat on the way to her stomach. The mug remained snug against her chest as she led the way back to the living room. She stretched out on the couch, forcing Olivia to take a seat in the nearby armchair. After finishing her drink, she eyed her friend. “I didn’t know you could be so evil.”

  “Only when you keep secrets from me. Do you remember our pact?”

  “We have to tell each other everything, no matter what.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or the person withholding the information is subjected to torture until she tells.”

  “We shook on it and pinky promised, didn’t we?”

  “Yeah,” Nariah hissed under her breath.

  “Then I was in the right. Now,” she retook her spot on the couch, “talk.”

  “Can I get another latte first?” She blocked the ensuing blows rained down on her, choking on her laughter. Only after she promised to divulge the truth about the date did the attack stop. She took a few seconds to regain her composure. After crossing her legs, she turned to face her tormentor. “Don’t judge me, alright?”

  “There’s nothing to judge, you already said you didn’t sleep with him.”

  Her voice was barely above a whisper when she said, “We kissed; well, he kissed me.”

  “You didn’t kiss him back?”

  She waited too long to answer, the faint smile on her face also giving her away.

  “You did!” Olivia jumped off the couch and poked at Nariah’s sides, teasing her. “You like him. You like him. I knew it.” After her excitement had passed, she sat back down, noticing the concern on her face. “What is it?”

  “I can’t date him.”

  “Why not? We’ve already been over his resume and he’s super into you.”

  Nariah stared out the window, her face blank save for the three stress lines that traversed her forehead. She bit her nails, which she only did when she was worried. Her family was on her mind. Perhaps she was thinking too far ahead, after all she and Russell had been on one date. Olivia’s prompting made her admit that she not only enjoyed the date, but that she liked him too. She began trying to find reasons why she shouldn’t continue seeing him, her mind landing on the most obvious one; something Olivia seemed to pick up on.

  “I know, it’s not because he’s white.”

  Her silence was her answer. She scratched her scalp before massaging her neck, her go-to moves to relieve stress.

  “You can’t be serious,” Olivia declared.

  “You know my family. I can’t bring a white boy home.”

  “First, you just met the man, you’re thinking too far ahead. Second, who gives a fu—a damn about what they think.”

  She pointed to herself. “Me. I do.” She closed her eyes as she listened to the imaginary conversation in her head. As loving as her parents and siblings were, they still had an aversion to interracial relationships. They wouldn’t confront her about it, but their actions and energy would display their displeasure. The rebellious nature she showed in the world didn’t extend to her parents’ home.

  “You’re grown, sis. You shouldn’t date, or not date, someone because of what your family is gonna think.”

  “I don’t even want to deal with it.”

  “So you’re not gonna see Russell again?”

  The question shook her. She had forgotten they were in a foreign land, their stay limited to a few more days. She hadn’t considered she might never see him again after it was over. The epiphany offered her some comfort; at least she wouldn’t have to break up with him. “We’ll just have to make the most of the time we have left.”

  “That mean you’re gonna sleep with him?”

  She slapped Olivia’s leg, their laughter bouncing off the walls. “What do I look like? I’m not that easy.”

  “I know you’re not. I’m just suggesting you live in the moment is all. It’s not every day you get to sleep with a billionaire. Besides, when was the last time you got some? I think you’re overdue.” She bolted for her room as soon as the comment left her lips.

  “Don’t worry, me and karma are best friends.”

  She peeked her head out the door. “I thought I was your best friend?”

  “I’ll give you back your title if you make me another latte.”


  Nariah’s phone vibrated against her back, a new text lighting the screen.

  I miss you

  You just saw me a few hours ago lol

  That’s a long time. You don’t miss me?

  She smiled to herself as she pondered whether to be upfront or toy with his emotions. The latter would have been more fun, but the more she thought about it, she could no longer deny that she did in fact miss him. She was twirling a curl between her fingers when another text came through.

  I take that as a no

  I do

  You do what?

  You’re really gonna make me say it

  No, I’m gonna make you write it ;D

  “Such an asshole,” she whispered to herself.

  “I hope you’re not talking about me,” Olivia asked, handing her a fresh steaming mug. “Who are you texting?” She alluded to Nariah’s scrunched cheeks and eyes. “Did he ask you on the date yet?”

  “Nope, but he misses me.”

  “That kiss must have worked. Job well done, sis.”

  Are you free tonight?

  “Am I free tonight ‘Liv?”

  “I’d say so. But make him sweat a little bit. Men love to chase. Tell him you plan on seeing a male friend.”

  “This is why you’re my bestie.”

  “You hear that karma?”

  Her thumbs clacked away on the screen, the blue light giving her face a sinister glow, the deep raspy laugh flowing from her throat doing nothing to alleviate her demeanor.


  Russell repeatedly looked over his shoulder and checked the time. His constant movement suggested a nervousness Nariah wasn’t used to seeing, despite only knowing him for three days. He flashed an unconvincing smile before checking his watch once more.

  “Expecting someone?”

  “Yeah, your friend.” He didn’t try to hide the disgust in his voice as he spat the word out.

  “Are you jealous, Mr. Haines?”

  “Not if he’s not interested in you.”

  She chuckled behind her wine glass, noticing his eyes on her lips as they hugged the rim. She teased her upper lip with the tip of her tongue after swallowing. “I thought you would have liked the competition.”

  “If it were business, I would welcome it,” he responded.


  “You, this, isn’t business.”

  His candor was a welcomed surprise, leaving no doubt about his intentions. She took another sip of wine, scooting her chair closer, so she could play with his legs under the table. His response was as expected, his back straightening, his eyes widening. “Can I be honest?”

  “Gonna admit you’re madly in love with me?” He sucked air through his teeth after receiving a swift kick to the shin. “Guess not.”

  “I was going to tell you that there is no other guy.”

  The menu in front of his face hid his response, though his nonchalant humming offered a hint. He increased his grip on the paper, a chuckle slipping from underneath. He rubbed the back of her hand with a finger, copying the gesture underneath the table, rubbing his foot along the inside of her thigh.

  “Nothing to s
ay, no snarky comment.”

  “None needed.”

  Their conversation was sparse over dinner, stray thoughts infiltrating the clinking forks and pleasurable moans that accompanied each bite. Throughout the night, Nariah noticed that Russell’s perceived paranoia didn’t fade. He continued checking his phone and watch as if he was expecting bad news. Reminding herself that they weren’t an official couple, she pushed her questions in the front of her mind to the back, instead focusing on what the rest of their night would entail.

  Russell observed her as she picked at her food, only taking a bite when he wasn’t looking. He watched for a few minutes before deciding it was a habit and not something she did from shyness. “Are you not hungry?”

  She wiped her mouth, offering a small smile afterward. She set her fork on the side of her plate and rested her arms in her lap.

  “If you don’t like this place, we can leave and go somewhere else.”

  “No, it’s fine,” she protested. “The food is great, it’s just—” Her eyes fell onto her hands. She stopped him from getting up, swallowing hard as she prepared to tell the truth. “I have this thing…”

  “What kind of thing? Is it serious, are you okay?”

  His concern made her blush. “It’s nothing like that. I just have this thing about eating in front of people; I can’t, not until I’m comfortable, at least.”

  He mentioned how she seemed fine on their first date, realizing that they were alone. He offered to ask the waiter to wrap it up so they could take it to go, which she declined. “Want me to feed you?”

  “No.” She laughed. “That’ll make it worse. Just let me get used to all these people being around.”

  He moved his chair to her side of the table, grabbing her hand. He then nodded to her fork. As she picked it up, he interlocked their fingers. He watched intently as the fork ventured toward and disappeared into her mouth, her eyes closing as they had done on their previous date. A satisfied smile lit his eyes. “That’s my girl.”


  “Nothing. How do you like it?”

  “Everything in Italy is amazing.”

  They finished dinner with a piece of savory chocolate cake, much of which they took turns feeding each other. After ten minutes, a single piece rested between them.

  Russell slapped the back of her hand as she reached for the plate. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “About to eat the last piece of cake.” She reached for it again, receiving the same punishment. “Uncalled for.”

  “Why do you think you automatically get the last piece?”

  “Because I’m the woman in this scenario and the woman always gets the last piece.”

  “That’s in traditional relationships. And traditional is something you certainly are not.”

  “I don’t know whether I should be offended or not.” Nariah refrained from reaching for the plate, seeing he was at the ready to strike. “I thought you weren’t being competitive?”

  “This is business my love. This is a determining factor in our relationship. If I let you have this,” he pointed to the plate, “I’ll have to let you have the last piece of everything and the last word on every decision.” He watched her right eyebrow ascend toward her hairline. “Oh no, what did I say?”

  “You mentioned the word relationship twice.”

  “Did I?” The corners of his mouth curled. “I didn’t notice.”

  “Sure you didn’t.”

  “Simple slip of the tongue.”

  “For some reason I don’t believe you.”

  He tapped a beat on the table, his fist supporting his chin. He jumped at the sound of his phone going off, silencing it within the second ring. The droop in his features lasted only a second before his face showed a blank expression. He raised his eyes upon feeling her soft skin on his. “Let’s spin for it.” He directed her gaze to the fork he held. “Whoever it lands closer to gets it.”


  They exchanged a handshake before pushing their plates aside. Russell kept his eyes on her as he placed the fork in the center of the table.

  “Don’t cheat,” she warned.

  “No need.” With that, he gave it a decent spin. It twirled for four solid rotations before slowing, anticipation building with each pass. They both coached the utensil to stop on them, their excitement drawing the attention of the other patrons.

  Nariah thrusted her fist into the air as the tines declared her the winner.

  “I meant the handle.”

  “Nope.” She stabbed the cake and shoved it into her mouth before he had another chance to protest. She rolled her eyes and groaned, her intention to get under his skin, the attempt only inspiring a smile. Her features dropped. “You were gonna let me have it anyway, weren’t you.”

  He didn’t answer, still wearing his grin as he pushed his chair back. He placed a $100 bill on the table, weighing it down with a plate, scrawling a note on a napkin instructing the waiter to keep the rest as a tip. He held his hand out, helping her from her chair. After wrapping her coat around her shoulders, he wrapped her hand around his bicep and led the way out of the building.

  Becoming a staple in their relationship, he opened and closed her door before jogging around to his side to get in.

  “Thank you for getting a bigger car this time.”

  “Thought you might like this one better.” He plugged his phone into the radio, this time Sade’s melodic harmonies addressed them, suggesting that her love wasn’t ordinary, perhaps hinting at something building between the two. He couldn’t help but watch her as she swayed to the music, mouthing along with the words. “You can sing if you want.”

  “We don’t know each other well enough for that yet. I don’t want to scare you away.”

  He interlaced their fingers. “I’m sure I’m worse.” He turned his head to face her. “And there’s nothing you can do to scare me away.” He tapped her chin with his knuckle before cupping her face. He pulled her closer, feeling her pulse speed up beneath his thumb.

  “There’s nothing I can do?”

  “Absolutely,” he inched his face closer, licking his lips, “nothing.” He narrowed his eyes and took a small breath, his lids growing closer together as he exhaled.

  Her hand found his shoulder before sliding to his chest. She puckered her mouth and closed her eyes.

  Bzz Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

  He released his hold, fumbling to silence the vibration. “I’m, so-r-ry about that. I thought I turned it off.” He tapped on the steering wheel and stared out the window, recognizing the mood was ruined. He checked his watch and said, “It’s still early, is there anything else you wanted to do?”

  She remained quiet for several seconds. She fished her phone out from her purse, her thumb the only thing moving as she scrolled through it. “How about a night cap?” Her giggle was audible as she took in his reaction. “I have the house to myself. Might as well take advantage of it.”

  He pressed the gas, the 454 horsepower V8 engine sending tremors through the Maserati’s chassis.

  “Don’t get any ideas. I’m inviting you over for coffee and engaging conversation.”

  “Of course my love.” He rested his hand on her thigh and turned up the volume before pulling off, the screeching tires leaving a cloud of white dust behind them.


  Russell flipped through channels while waiting for Nariah to join him. He observed the hints of herself that she left around the space, not minding the fact that she left her clothes draped across various pieces of furniture. He scooted over to make room for her, grabbing the tray so she could sit.

  “Excuse the mess. I wasn’t expecting to bring you back here.”

  “It’s fine; you should see my place. Why do you think I haven’t invited you over?”

  “Because you knew I wouldn’t come.”

  He winked before sipping from his mug, groaning with pleasure as the warm liquid slipped down his throat. “That’s amazing.” />
  “Would you believe I learned how to make a freaking latte thirty minutes before our date?”

  “I would.”

  She punched him in the shoulder before taking a sip from her own mug. “Such an asshole.”

  “You must be one too to get along with me so well.”

  Unable to argue, she continued drinking. After setting her mug on the table, she rubbed her legs, a chill from the window giving her goosebumps. She didn’t resist as he pulled them into his lap and covered them with his jacket. “I have a blanket in the bedroom.”


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