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Monica's Mystery

Page 11

by Kate Cambridge

  I can’t wait to see you both someday soon.



  Through the mist of unshed tears and her veil, she saw the sun shine brightly through the once dark and cloudy sky. She felt as though God had given her a glimpse of her father and mother’s approval, and it was all she needed.

  * * *

  As they made their way to the church, Monica felt as though she were floating on air. She was getting married! She was marrying Gabriel Randall—it all seemed so surreal at times, yet she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was exactly what she wanted, and was meant to do. How she had gone from a woman who had no desire to marry, to a woman who couldn’t wait to marry the most amazing and stubborn man she had ever known in her life in such a short period of time might always be a mystery, but it would be her favorite mystery of all.

  As she walked down the aisle toward Gabriel, she was relieved to see her own love reflected in his eyes, it gave her the strength to keep going when her legs felt like they might give out.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”

  Monica felt like she barely heard the words of the service. She only had eyes for Gabriel, and felt so caught up in her emotions that Gabriel had to prompt her when it was time to say her vows, and say, “I do.” Her hands were shaking, but he held them tight, and his eyes held hers through the entire service, giving her strength, assurance, and the anticipation of what was to come.

  When the pastor pronounced them as husband and wife, she shivered as goose bumps appeared on her arms, and Gabriel lovingly lifted her veil, gently cupped her face, and slowly leaned forward for their first kiss as husband and wife. His lips were soft, then firm, then insistent, drawing a chuckle from the crowd.

  Oh yes, this. This is why I’m so glad we decided not to wait. She thought as the ever telltale red began creeping up her face. Gabriel’s eyes darkened with desire, causing her legs to weaken. The sparkle in his eyes communicating that he knew exactly the effect he was having.

  Applause brought them back, as the rangers on Gabriel’s unit weighed in with their own special brand of approval on their marriage, and Monica grasped Gabriel’s hands with both of hers as a smile reached all the way from the depths of her heart. She didn’t know it was possible to contain this much joy without bursting.

  As Gabriel led her down the aisle, she saw the crowd as though for the first time; it was a small but intimate group. She wished they were leaving immediately for their short honeymoon, but Mrs. Standish had insisted that she cook some foods for a brief reception following the wedding, and there was no way to refuse her generosity.

  Monica smiled as she greeted their wedding guests and accepted congratulations and hugs. She felt like pinching herself as she watched her husband, her husband talking with the men in his ranger unit. Her heart swelled with pride, and she blushed when his eyes caught hers and she watched them darken with desire from across the room. She wondered if etiquette dictated exactly how much time they were required to spend at the reception…

  Mrs. Standish interrupted her thoughts. “Monica, come here, I want you to meet Mrs. Margaret Allen. She’s the pianist for the church, and helps run an orphanage in Galveston. She’s heard wonderful things about your skills as a detective and wondered if you would be open to coming to the orphanage to talk with the children.”

  “Hello, Mrs. Allen, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I would be honored to come and talk with the children any time.”

  “Thank you dear, that would be lovely. I know the children would enjoy it.” Her voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. “I also want you to know that I’m so sorry about all that business with Avery Boggs. It’s such a relief to all of us to know he and his men have been caught and are behind bars. That must have been just dreadful for you. Just dreadful”

  “Um. Yes, well it was, but I’m grateful, as I’m sure we all are, that it has been resolved and he’s been put away until his trial.”

  Monica lost track of the rest of the conversation and gave a pleading look in Ellen’s direction. Laughing, Ellen covered the distance between them, greeted Mrs. Standish and Mrs. Allen and told them she needed Monica for a few moments.

  “This has been amazing, Ellen, but I have to tell you, I’m ready for it to be over.”

  “Hm. Someplace you need to be?” she asked with a sly smile. “Well, the final step is for you and Gabriel to cut the cake, and then I’ll finish cutting the pieces and hand them out to all the guests.

  “What are we waiting for?”

  While Ellen announced the cake cutting, Monica motioned for Gabriel to join her. She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he walked toward her, marveling at his broad shoulders and powerful stance that commanded the room, even with an elite group like the rangers in their midst. And he was hers, all hers. He took her breath away, and she was certain that if they didn’t leave the reception soon, she was going to end up making a fool of herself.

  “What have you guys been talking about over there? Please tell me it wasn’t about work.”

  “No, actually Jacob told the men that Elizabeth and Joseph, the couple that helped bring he and Ellen together through an agency are coming to town in a few weeks, and they want to interview any of the single rangers who are interested in a mail-order bride from the east coast.”

  “Really? Wow, how did they respond to that?”

  “You know, in light of how happy Jacob is, and after our wedding today, I think even the toughest of the men might be warming up to the idea of having a wife.”

  “Well, let’s just say I’m sure glad I got you when I did.”

  “Oh, you have nothing to worry about, Mrs. Randall, and I look forward to making sure there are no miscommunications on that front whatsoever.”

  “Mm. That sounds like a wonderful promise.”

  “Yes, and one I intend to fulfill very, very soon, and often. Speaking of, when do we get to leave?”

  “I just asked Ellen that same question, and we can leave soon after cutting the cake.”

  “What are we waiting for? Let’s cut some cake!”

  “Mm. Let’s do. But before that, I want you to see something. It’s the quilt my grandmother made for us; she had it shipped to Ellen’s house apart from my knowledge—she’s always had a sixth sense about things, and I guess she knew we would be getting married before I did.”

  “It’s beautiful, Monica. We’ll have to make sure we stop to see her when we visit with your family. After everything you’ve told me about her, I can’t wait to meet her.”

  * * *

  Gabriel insisted on carrying her over the threshold. She tried to explain that tradition only applied to their actual home, but since their first few nights were to be in a hotel in Houston, he insisted on carrying her over the threshold to their room.

  She giggled as he swept her off her feet, allowing the porter to drop their bags in their room, and quickly closed the door after him with his foot; never taking his eyes off her for a second.

  “Why do I feel like our honeymoon could never be long enough?” he breathed.

  Monica laughed, nervous yet excited, her body tingling in anticipation. “Who said it has to end—”

  Before she could finish her question, he kissed her with the most gentle, love-filled kiss. The warmth of his mouth sent a current running through her body.

  As he deepened the kiss, and wrapped his arms around her, she felt enveloped by the warmth of her grandmother's quilt. She understood in that moment how love could be passed down through generations, and that no matter the path that she took, she had finally found her place in Gabriel’s arms.

  * * *

  Thank you for reading “Monica’s Mystery”, and being part of our journey with the Grandma’s Wedding Quilts series. If you enjoyed this story, please consider leaving a review on Amazon to let other readers know what you loved best about the story.

  Please continue to the next page for a complete listing of all the wonderf
ul books in this series!

  Grandma’s Wedding Quilts Series

  Grandma’s Wedding Quilts-The Prequel #1 - Kate Cambridge

  The greatest inspiration is often born of desperation.

  One year ago Hannah Quinn scored her dream job, and now the fate of the museum she loves will rise or fall on her next exhibit. But wait... there's a problem. She doesn't have a clue what her next exhibit will be!

  When a trunk with two quilts is donated to the museum, Hannah's boss thinks she's wasting her time chasing down the history of the quilts, regardless of their beauty; but Hannah persists. She knows there's something special about these quilts, and a story that demands to be told.

  Little does Hannah know, her friend Callum, a researcher and consultant, plays an unexpected a role in her investigation that leads to questions and discoveries that threaten the foundation of all she holds most dear.

  Will her desperation to discover the story of the quilts cause her to lose the very thing she loves the most - or will the secrets she uncover lead her to more than she ever dreamed?

  Author Page:

  Purchase Link: Grandma’s Wedding Quilts - The Prequel

  * * *

  Kizzie’s Kisses #2 – Zina Abbott

  Running from hostile Indians attacking Salina, Kansas, feisty Kizzie Atwell runs into freighter Leander Jones traveling the Smoky Hill Trail. He is as interested in her as his stallion is in her mare. The two join forces to prevent the Fort Riley Army captain from requisitioning their beloved horses for the cavalry. Will the bargain they make to save their horses lead to a more romantic bargain sealed with a kiss?

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  Purchase Link: Kizzie’s Kisses

  * * *

  Jesse’s Bargain #3 – Kay P. Dawson

  Thanks to a gunfight, Cora now needs to get to Kansas, and Jesse needs a new trail cook. Left with no other choice, she joins the cattle drive headed north, with a man who isn’t happy to have her along. They have miles of trail ahead of them - and a lot that can go wrong along the way.

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  Purchase Link: Jesse’s Bargain

  * * *

  Meredith’s Mistake #4 – Amelia C. Adams

  The summer Meredith turned eighteen was filled with romance and laughter - two young men sought her hand, and she chose the one she thought would make her the happiest. He certainly was the most handsome, and the wealthiest, and could offer her the most pleasant life. But that turned out to be a mistake . . . one she would regret for a very long time.

  In a strange twist of fate, now she's being given a chance to set things right. Will she be able to live down her past, or will her foolishness keep coming back to haunt her and keep her from ever being happy with the man she loves?

  Amazon Page:

  Purchase Link: Meredith’s Mistake

  * * *

  Monica’s Mystery #5 - Kate Cambridge

  Monica has to leave home, fast. Her parents are planning to marry her off and although all her friends are marrying, that is definitely not what she wants. She’s an amateur sleuth, and sees no reason why she can’t join the ranks of the local lawman, or even become a Texas Ranger, should she choose! What will happen when she visits her best friend in Texas, only to find herself face-to-face with a handsome Texas Ranger, and knee-deep in territory she has no idea how to navigate? Will Monica solve her own mystery?

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  Purchase Link: Monica’s Mystery

  * * *

  Pleasance’s First Love #6 - Kristin Holt

  His worst mistake was letting her go.

  His second-worst mistake? Bringing her home.

  No one will ever know how badly Pleasance Benton’s abandonment threw Jacob Gideon. He landed hard, hard enough he didn’t care to find a replacement. Now that he needs a woman, he figures the safest way is to order one from a catalog.

  Pleasance is back to reclaim her rightful place at Jacob’s side. One way or another she’ll remind him theirs is a match made in heaven…once the shock wears off. The teensy-weensy problem? Jacob doesn’t know that she—his first love—is his catalog bride.

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  * * *

  Zebulon’s Bride #7 - Patricia PacJac Carroll

  He’s vowed not to marry until he reaches Montana. Then he meets her, but she has other ideas.

  Zebulon Benton dreams of going to Montana, but he’s the only son and his mother doesn’t want him to go and his father needs help with the family store. Unknown to Zeb, his mother sends off for a mail order bride. After all, if Zeb marries and settles down, he won’t want to leave.

  Enter Amy Gordon from New York. She appears to be the perfect bride for Zeb. Except she also wants to go to Montana and nothing is going to stop her especially her love for Zeb.

  Amazon Page:

  Purchase Link: Zebulon’s Bride

  * * *

  Ione’s Dilemma #8 - Linda Carroll-Bradd

  Relocating from Des Moines to the Texas frontier brings more challenges than socialite Ione has ever faced. All she wants is to avoid scandal but local carpenter Morgan is intent on courtship.

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  Purchase Link: Ione’s Dilemma

  * * *

  Josie’s Dream #9 - Angela Raines

  Could Doctor Josephine (Josie) Forrester and Lawman William Murphy get past their beliefs about life and love and find the future they were meant to have?

  Author Page:

  Purchase Link: Josie’s Dream

  * * *

  Chase’s Story #10 - P. A. Estelle

  Chase wanted no part of going to college or following in his father’s footsteps and becoming a Doctor. His dream involved cattle and horses and he follows that dream to the Arizona Territory. One cold, rainy day his life takes a turn when he finds himself looking down the muzzle of a Colt Walker barely being held up by a woman who has been badly beaten along with her three-year old son. Will she be someone Chase could let into his heart or someone who could destroy his life?

  Amazon Page:

  Purchase Link: Chase’s Story

  * * *

  Gloria’s Song - #11 - Kathryn Albright

  Gloria always does the proper thing, the expected thing as the daughter of a shipping tycoon. Having, Colin, a local tavern pianist, help her with an audition is crazy. But if music can cross class lines… can it also harmonize two hearts?

  Will Gloria agree to marry a man chosen by her parents, or will she find courage to shun tradition and grasp a future, insecure and thrilling, beside the man she loves.

  Amazon Page:

  Purchase Link: Gloria’s Song

  * * *

  Tad’s Treasure #12 – Shanna Hatfield

  Tad Palmer makes a promise to his dying friend to watch over the man’s wife and child. Will his heart withstand the vow when he falls in love with the widow and her son?

  Amazon Page:

  Purchase Link: Tad’s Treasure

  About the Author

  Kate Cambridge is a bestsell
ing Amazon author writing sweet romance books with strong women and strong men, often coming together in ways you least expect, with a thread of humor, hope, and faith throughout. A voracious reader and lifelong writer, Kate left the corporate world of training and project management to begin her own marketing agency, where the pull to do what she truly loved finally won. And now she writes!

  JOIN the CHOICE READERS list for advance notice of book releases, and special pre-launch and launch-day pricing! Be one of the FIRST to know what happens next to Elizabeth and her Suffragette friends!

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  This is Kate’s first book in with the Sweet A Book Club authors. Please also check out her Suffragette Mail-Order Brides Series.

  See all Kate Cambridge’s books at:

  Suffragette Mail-Order Brides Series Books

  (Each are written to be standalone, so you can read them in any order, although Beginnings is truly the beginning of the series and the catalyst behind Elizabeth’s choice to start the Choice Brides Agency. If you can read them in order, please do.)

  Book 1: Beginnings

  Book 2: Elizabeth

  Book 3: Margaret

  Book 4: Susan

  Book 5: Lydia

  Book 6: Lucy

  Individual Books (Part of the Sweet Clean Book Club.)

  MAE'S CHOICE: A Sweet & Clean Historical Frontier Western Romance

  MAUD’S DEVOTION: A Sweet & Clean Blessed With Babies Mail Order Bride Romance

  HELEN’S PROMISE: A Mail-Order Bride Bromance, Blessed With Twins

  Grandma’s Wedding Quilts, Book 5

  Monica’s Mystery

  Grandma’s Wedding Quilts - The Prequel

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