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Deviant Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Three)

Page 5

by Brenda Trim

  “Take it all off,” the command in his voice was undeniable and irresistible.

  She smiled and pulled her top over her head and waded into the water with her bra and panties on, swimming close to him.

  “I told you to take it all off,” he growled.

  “No one tells me what to do. I need to wash these.” She may want the vampire, but she knew better than to get naked around him. Flimsy as they were, she needed the barrier of her underwear. She looked down into the clear water, not surprised to find that he had nothing on. Not just the muscles were big on his body, she thought. His cock was long, thick and very hard.

  “You’re wrong aboot one thing, Mackendra. You will take orders from me,” he informed her as he reached around her to unclasp her bra. She was stunned by his audacity and wanted to rant and rail at him, yet the words didn’t come out of her mouth. Nor, did she give any physical resistance which allowed him to remove her bra and easily toss it to the shore. When he yanked at her underwear, she lost her footing and went under the water. The water served to shock her into reaction and she stood up, ready to light into him.

  She brushed her hair out of her face and met his hot gaze. “How dare you?” She meant for her words to scald him, but even to her ears they lacked venom. It was difficult to be indignant when his hands settled on her hips, sending little licks of arousal straight to her core. She had always easily fended off the advances of men, never falling into their seductions. There had not been a man who had been irresistible to her, even if they had been intimate. Yet, now she had no desire to stop Kyran. She hated what he was and still believed all vampires should die, but the sensations he evoked in her were too delicious to ignore. This, she wanted to experience, and the rest of it would wait.

  “I dare because you are mine, Mackendra,” he growled into her ear. His hot breath caressed her face and seeped into her bones, lowering her guard even further. She wanted to melt into him and she wasn’t a woman who melted for anything. “You canna deny that you want me,” he asserted as his gaze moved from her face to her breasts, which had her nipples pearling.

  Nervousness suddenly assailed her. She had every confidence when facing the dregs of hell, but having a man study her so closely brought up all of her insecurities. Her fiancé had rejected her because of her scars and she couldn’t help but wonder what Kyran thought about them and her body. She hated that for a split second she became a total woman and worried about being too fat or too ugly.

  She placed her hands on his chest, not sure if she was going to push him away or pull him closer. Before she could act, her wrists were manacled in one of his hands and trapped behind her back.

  “You’ve never been with a vampire.” It was a statement, not a question and her anticipation thrummed. What would he do next? Would she stop him? “I am your master, Mackendra.”

  That doused some of her desire. “No one is my master, leech,” she fumed pushing her chest against his in her struggles to free her hands. Her nipples brushed against his skin, titillating her, but it was his moan that made her still. She looked up and realized he hadn’t wanted the noise to escape and she was affecting him as much, if not more, than he was affecting her. She recalled his statement that her simple touch of his brand made him want to fuck her senseless. Maybe she could use that to get on even footing with him, because God knew she didn’t want to stop what they had started.

  Testing her theory, she stuck her tongue out and ran it over his mating brand, enjoying when he barked out a curse. “Fucking hell.” She felt his cock jerk against her, but before she could do more, he had flipped her around with her back pressed against his chest.

  “I will lose control if you doona stop with your antics,” he said against her ear, licking the shell and making her shudder.

  “That’s the point, right? I refuse to be anyone’s property, but I can’t deny this heat between us,” she admitted.

  “You will deny me nothing,” he countered as he picked her up and walked toward the waterfall.

  Her comeback was lost as he laid her across a huge boulder that was obscured by the froth. She expected to feel lumps beneath her back, but was surprised by how flat and smooth the surface was. The spray of the water hit her body, heightening her arousal. The feel of the cool liquid hitting her heated skin was sensual and she found herself arching her back off the rock.

  He stood there staring at her for so long that her ache had built to a painful level. Trying to tease him into action, she grabbed her breasts. “Place your hands above your head and doona move them.” Refusing to obey his command, she instead, tweaked her nipple. Moaning, she did it to her other breast and became lost in the feel of her own hands.

  She had begun to slide her hands down her abdomen when they were caught in an implacable grasp. He had moved so fast she hadn’t seen it and now her gaze met his. They glowed silver and promised punishment for her disobedience. Not sure what to expect given the look in his eyes, she tensed for a fight. He was strong, but surprisingly gentle as he lifted her arms above her head.

  The move pushed her breasts out, drawing his attention. He opened his mouth to draw in a breath and she caught sight of his fangs gleaming in the purple moonlight. Her breath caught at the reminder of exactly who and what she was flirting with. Her apprehension was erased when he eased his hand between her legs. One of his long fingers grazed her slick slit, making her lift her hips for more. With one touch he had her in the palm of his hand.

  “You like that, Mackendra?” He punctuated his question by slowly tracing a circle around her quivering flesh.

  “Why don’t you tell me?” She wanted harder pressure. The light teasing strokes were driving her insane with need.

  With her wrists trapped in one of his hands, he leaned over her and licked her nipple as his finger finally delved deeper. “Oh, God, yesss,” she hissed. He looked up from her breast and gave her a sexy half smile that almost had her climaxing. The smile alone was something else, but the sight of him hovering above her breast and smiling was erotic as hell.

  He kept his eyes on her and bit down on her nipple, hard. It was shocking and more painful than she would have liked. She was certain his fangs were going to sink into her flesh and tugged her hands, wanting to get away from him. He gave her a knowing look, but didn’t ease up and refused to release her hands.

  She began to buck and twist to get away. Eventually, her fight diminished despite his rough treatment as she began to enjoy the pleasure and pain his bites elicited. Each nip zinged straight from her breast to her core which he hadn’t stopped teasing. His thick arousal was hot and heavy and kicked against her thigh. She shifted her hips and spread her thighs, in invitation.

  When he made no move to enter her, she huffed in impatience, “You’re driving me crazy. I want you, Kyran.”

  He chuckled. “I know, Mackendra,” he said, pinching her clit before he ran his fingers down to her dripping core. The water continued to splash on her body, adding to the erotic moment.

  “Please don’t stop. I need more,” she begged and writhed. He remained poised over her, close to her mouth, but never kissed her. His fingers played over her flesh and he released her wrists so his other hand could join the fun as he inserted one finger into her core.

  She moved her leg and brushed his cock. His shaft leapt in silent plea for more and she obliged, moving against him as her pleasure built. His fingers became rougher over her sensitive female flesh and she knew he was just as lost to the moment as she was. She was close to climaxing and began to ride his hand, taking what she needed.

  The muscles in her abdomen tightened and her pussy squeezed his finger before she was crying out his name with her orgasm. She pressed her leg harder into him and let her body ride the wave of her pleasure. Before she knew it, she felt him tense and then grunt as his seed shot out of his cock in a hot rush.

  His eyes had gone wide with what she could only call shock as she felt his release land on her sensitive flesh and stomach. She raised
her head and looked down. His orgasm easily lasted several minutes, making her wonder if that was a vampire thing. She could sense him fighting his reaction and without warning, he jumped back. She got up and approached him, but he shoved her away.

  “What’s your problem?”

  “Leave it alone, Mackendra,” he warned.

  “Why? What are you going to do? I know you won’t hurt me.” Emboldened, she walked up to him again and laid her hand on his mark.

  “You have no idea what I am capable of.” He climbed out of the water and she followed him.

  “I’m pretty sure I do,” she countered, wondering why she was pushing him so hard.

  “Nay, you doona,” he spat as he pushed her so hard she landed on her ass on the grassy bank. “The last female I was with I tied to a cross while I forced a ball-gag into her mouth and then I beat her with a cane,” he sneered, watching her reaction. He had to have seen the disgust on her face. “And, then I bent her over a bench and beat her to death. That’s right, Mackendra. I’m a sick mother-fucker,” he spat. He turned and stalked away, but not before she caught a glimpse of regret, guilt, and self-loathing burning in his eyes.

  She stood on shaky legs as she processed what he had just said along with what he hadn’t. What the hell had she gotten herself into?


  Kyran was shaken. He had never experienced anything like that in his life and it unnerved him. His sexual experiences had never been so sensual. In fact, he had never had an erotic or sensual encounter before. He was twenty-five and on the cusp of his transformation from stripling to adulthood when he’d witnessed the brutal murder of his mother and father. He reached sexual maturity and came into his powers under the worst possible conditions and ultimately, it fucked him up.

  After the loss of his parents, Kyran spent decades building his strength and honing his sifting ability, but never indulged in a female. When he finally gave in to his body’s demands, he discovered the only way he was satisfied was if he dominated the situation, leaving all emotion aside. He always had to be in control in order to reach orgasm. For him, that typically involved restraints and gags. He hadn’t lied to Mackendra about being a sick motherfucker.

  He wasn’t sure what to make of his reaction to his mate. His attraction to her had been apparent from the second he’d met her, but that still hadn’t prepared him for the punch of arousal when he’d seen her at the water’s edge. He had never been more turned on by a female than he was when she had undressed before him. And, he nearly lost it when her tongue had slicked over his brand.

  He did all he could to regain the upper hand in their encounter, but that had been futile. He may have given her the illusion that he was the one dictating what happened, but it was her all along. Despite the fact that he had restrained her movements, he wasn’t prepared for the intensity of his body’s reaction to the feel of her flesh or the climax that had barreled through him.

  He had immediately become angry with himself at his weakness and had lashed out at her. He completely underestimated the power his mate had over him, and in hindsight, should have known better. He thought he could give her pleasure and gradually bring her into his world. He knew most females had an aversion to his sexual preferences and he planned to break down her barriers piece by piece. Instead, she had blasted through every one of his defenses and dragged him into his first experience of true intimacy.

  He glanced over his shoulder and watched her clench her hands into fists at her sides. There was a fire in her eyes that he had seen right before she stabbed him with her blade. He knew that he was wrong for lashing out like he had, but he didn’t care. He had to get ahold of himself and the only way he knew how was through aggression. Besides, his mate needed to know what he was all about.

  If he proceeded with his plan of a gradual taming at the rate they were going, he’d end up being the one tamed and that he would never allow.

  “You have two minutes to get dressed. We’re leaving,” he informed her. She stiffened and crumpled her shirt in her fist.

  “You can wait. I’m washing these clothes first,” she snapped and went to the water with her pants and shirt. Her defiance enraged and enflamed him.

  “We doona have the time for that. We have been here too long as it is. And there is no telling what could be stalking us.”

  “You weren’t too concerned about that a bit ago. I’m washing my clothes. If you need to go, then go. I can take care of myself.” Without bothering to dress herself, she bent and proceeded to wash her clothing.

  He wanted to walk down to the water and strangle his little firecracker, but sat down and put his boots on instead. “Hurry up. Och, the shirt is clean enough.” She continued, clearly not worried if he left her. Truth was, he wasn’t going anywhere without her. Goddess only knew what she’d encounter and he wasn’t taking any chances with his Fated Mate.

  “There are spider guts smashed into this. I’m getting it as clean as I can. Leave,” she said, dismissing him and going about her cleaning. She made a delectable sight crouched over the water with her bare ass in the purple light of the moon. Her skin was translucent and he wanted a taste. It was nearly impossible to stop the urge to indulge when his fangs punched down.

  “On second thought, take your time, lass. It’s a verra nice view from here,” he taunted, leaning forward with his arms resting on his knees. “In fact, I’m imagining ways I can tie you up and take your body,” he teased, knowing it would get her moving.

  “Enjoy the view while you can. Those fantasies are all you’re ever going to have,” she retorted and slid her knife closer to her feet. He hadn’t realized she’d grabbed her weapon. The thought of her having to defend herself from him bothered him more than he cared to admit.

  His mate should never fear him. He may tie her up and torture her sensually, but he would never be capable of causing her any real harm. The mating compulsion wasn’t just about sexual desire. The drive to protect her was undeniable and always would be.

  When he had lost his shit and been the cause of Charlotte’s death, he had been overcome with the memory of his mother’s rape and murder. He had been caught up in the same haze of rage that had consumed him when he had annihilated the demons responsible. He may be a sick bastard, but he wasn’t a cruel one and he knew what he’d done was beyond reprehensible. He prayed to the Goddess daily asking for forgiveness and had made every attempt at atonement even knowing that he could never truly atone for spilling Charlotte’s innocent blood. In the end, he’d done the only thing he could and ensured Charlotte had a proper burial, but he’d never forgive himself for what he did.

  He set aside his personal demon and focused on the one shining light in his life. He may not have deserved to be blessed with a Fated Mate, but he wasn’t going to shun it. No, he planned to bring her fully into his world and enjoy every inch of her. “Oh, we will have more, Mackendra. As soon as I get you back to Seattle, I plan on showing you all the different ways. We willna be able to deny this mating.”

  “In your dreams, leech. When I get back to Seattle, I plan on finding a new place to live far away from you. I lost everything in that fire and nothing else matters in my world right now. Well, that, and freeing those women.”

  That was the second time she mentioned women. “You will live at Zeum with me and doona argue aboot it. Now, tell me aboot these women. You’ve mentioned it twice now.”

  She angrily wrung her shirt out and set it next to her then proceeded to wash her dirty jeans in the lake. When those were clean she rinsed her bra and underwear then stood. She had remained quiet for so long that Kyran didn’t think she would say anything to him. He wasn’t a talker by nature, but it was difficult to remain silent waiting for her to share. She crossed to her backpack and finally broke the silence. “I’ll be the one to decide where I live, end of story. But, I do need to talk to you about the women. I discovered at least a dozen of them who were being held prisoner and they told me to find the Vampire King and Dark Warr
iors to help save them.”

  “What?” he exploded, jumping to his feet. How in the hell had this frustrating female not told them sooner? “Why didna you tell Elsie? They could have been rescued by now.”

  She quickly pulled clean clothes out of her backpack and threw them on. Apparently, it didn’t matter if she was putting clothes on or taking them off, she was the sexiest female ever born. And, it didn’t help that she had put her shirt on without a bra. Her large breasts stretched the thin pink cotton to its limits and her hard nipples were clearly visible. True to what he’d come to know about his mate, this top had another sarcastic slogan on it. He smiled when he read it. She was indeed ‘One Tough Cookie’ and this was his favorite top so far.

  She bent to put her combats on, rage oozing from her in waves. “I didn’t tell Elsie, jackass, because I’m not sure who I can trust. I had no idea she was so intimately connected to vampires and I wasn’t about to bring my friend into the kind of trouble I found. These women were being tortured by skirm and something so much worse.”

  “Skirm are mindless minions controlled by the archdemon that turned them. Did you see the demon responsible? I’d bet anything it was that ugly fucker, Kadir. Did you see what he was doing to them?” His urgency to return home renewed. He had to get back and rescue these females.

  “I never saw what was done to these women, but one of them told me they were trying to turn them into vicious killers. I hated leaving them in there, but I couldn’t stick around because the biggest, ugliest creature I’ve ever seen was coming to the room followed by a giant black dog.” Kyran was floored by what she’d said. Could she have found Kadir’s lair? His blood went cold at the thought of her entering Kadir’s lair and what could have happened to her.

  “Where did you find them? And how long ago?” This was the break they needed to make headway in this war against the archdemons.

  “It was in Underground Seattle in Pioneer Square. And, it was a few days before my house burned down. The women told me to go to the Dark Warriors, but I had no idea how to reach them.”


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